Number of found documents: 2368
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Who divorces whom: unilateral divorce legislation and the educational structure of marriage
Afunts, Geghetsik; Jurajda, Štěpán
2022 - English
There is evidence that the introduction of unilateral divorce legislation (UDL) starting in the late 1960s increased US divorce rates. We ask whether making divorce easier affected the educational structure of marriage. Based on marriage and divorce certificate data covering 1970-1988, we provide new evidence on the evolution of the educational structure of marriage inflows (newlyweds) and outflows (divorces), and estimate UDL difference-in-differences effects on both flows. While UDL did not contribute to rising homogamy (the tendency towards married partners having the same level of education), it did affect the educational structure of marriage: it made generally unstable hypogamous couples (women marrying less educated partners) less likely to divorce, and it made homogamous couples more stable than hypergamous ones (women marrying more educated partners). Keywords: homogamy; unilateral divorce; marriage Fulltext is available at external website.
Who divorces whom: unilateral divorce legislation and the educational structure of marriage

There is evidence that the introduction of unilateral divorce legislation (UDL) starting in the late 1960s increased US divorce rates. We ask whether making divorce easier affected the educational ...

Afunts, Geghetsik; Jurajda, Štěpán
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

Aerodynamic Measurements on Transonic Compressor Blade Cascades KR-D-5 and KR-D-6
Šimurda, David; Hála, Jindřich; Luxa, Martin
2022 - English
This report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurements conducted on two variant transonic compressor blade cascades with MCA profile (KR-D-5) and DCA profile (KR-D-6). Keywords: compressor blade cascade; experiment; transonic flow; MCA profile; DCA profile Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Aerodynamic Measurements on Transonic Compressor Blade Cascades KR-D-5 and KR-D-6

This report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurements conducted on two variant transonic compressor blade cascades with MCA profile (KR-D-5) and DCA profile (KR-D-6).

Šimurda, David; Hála, Jindřich; Luxa, Martin
Ústav termomechaniky, 2022

Inflation inequality in the Czech Republic
Adunts, Davit; Kurylo, Bohdana; Špeciánová, J.
2022 - English
This project employs Czech Household Budget Survey and Consumer Price Index data to create consumer price indices for various population subgroups in the Czech Republic. We find that subgroup-specific inflation rates are very similar to the inflation rate for all the non-elderly population, with the exception of single-parent households, which experienced a higher inflation rate in 2022 than did the other subgroups. However, the difference was reasonably modest. Importantly, we found that inflation issuing from housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels is significantly higher for low-income and single-parent households than for high-income and two-parent households. The difference is particularly significant for single-parent households, for which inflation due to increases in housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuel costs represents 40.15 percent of their overall inflation burden compared to 28.44 percent for two-parent households. This finding suggests that the recent increases in electricity and gas prices may exert particularly harmful effects on single-parent households unless the government provides the support necessary to mitigate the adverse effects of rising prices. While all households are being affected by rising living costs, single-parent and low-income households should be prioritized in terms of support. In addition, we calculated that for low-income and single-parent households, the total loss of purchasing power due to inflation amounts to CZK 15,179 and CZK 20,445, respectively. Keywords: inflation; households; Czech Republic Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Inflation inequality in the Czech Republic

This project employs Czech Household Budget Survey and Consumer Price Index data to create consumer price indices for various population subgroups in the Czech Republic. We find that subgroup-specific ...

Adunts, Davit; Kurylo, Bohdana; Špeciánová, J.
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

Recursive mixture estimation with univariate multimodal Poisson variable
Uglickich, Evženie; Nagy, Ivan
2022 - English
Analysis of count variables described by the Poisson distribution is required in many application fields. Examples of the count variables observed per a time unit can be, e.g., number of customers, passengers, road accidents, Internet traffic packet arrivals, bankruptcies, virus attacks, etc. If the behavior of such a variable exhibits a multimodal character, the problem of clustering and classification of incoming count data arises. This issue can touch, for instance, detecting clusters of the different behavior of drivers in traffic flow analysis as well as cyclists or pedestrians. This work focuses on the model-based clustering of Poisson-distributed count data with the help of the recursive Bayesian estimation of the mixture of Poisson components. The aim of the work is to explain the methodology in details with an illustrative simple example, so that the work is limited to the univariate case and static pointer. Keywords: recursive mixture estimation; mixture of Poisson distributions; clustering and classification Fulltext is available at external website.
Recursive mixture estimation with univariate multimodal Poisson variable

Analysis of count variables described by the Poisson distribution is required in many application fields. Examples of the count variables observed per a time unit can be, e.g., number of customers, ...

Uglickich, Evženie; Nagy, Ivan
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2022

Inattentive price discovery in ETFs
Kosar, Mariia; Mikhalishchev, Sergei
2022 - English
This paper studies the information choice of exchange-traded funds (ETF) investors, and its impact on the price efficiency of underlying stocks. First, we show that the learning of stock-specific information can occur at the ETF level. Our results suggest that ETF investors respond endogenously to changes in the fundamental value of underlying stocks, in line with the rational inattention theory. Second, we provide evidence that ETFs facilitate propagation of idiosyncratic shocks across its constituents. Keywords: exchange-traded fund; ETF; price efficiency Fulltext is available at external website.
Inattentive price discovery in ETFs

This paper studies the information choice of exchange-traded funds (ETF) investors, and its impact on the price efficiency of underlying stocks. First, we show that the learning of stock-specific ...

Kosar, Mariia; Mikhalishchev, Sergei
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

Optimally biased expertise
Ilinov, Pavel; Matveenko, A.; Senkov, Maxim; Starkov, E.
2022 - English
This paper shows that the principal can strictly benefit from delegating a decision to an agent whose opinion differs from that of the principal. We consider a “delegated expertise” problem in which the agent has an advantage in information acquisition relative to the principal, as opposed to having preexisting private information. When the principal is ex ante predisposed towards some action, it is optimal for her to hire an agent who is predisposed towards the same action, but to a smaller extent, since such an agent would acquire more information, which outweighs the bias stemming from misalignment. We show that belief misalignment between an agent and a principal is a viable instrument in delegation, performing on par with contracting and communication in a class of problems. Keywords: delegation; rational inattention; heterogeneous beliefs Fulltext is available at external website.
Optimally biased expertise

This paper shows that the principal can strictly benefit from delegating a decision to an agent whose opinion differs from that of the principal. We consider a “delegated expertise” problem in which ...

Ilinov, Pavel; Matveenko, A.; Senkov, Maxim; Starkov, E.
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

Consequences of inconvenient information: evidence from sentencing disparities
Šoltés, Michal
2022 - English
Inconvenient information about the performance of public institutions may undermine public trust. In an experiment, I test how information about sentencing disparities among judges in the Czech Republic affects respondents’ perception of the judicial system. I find no effect on respondents’ declared institutional trust and willingness to rely on the formal judicial system. Instead, the information marginally increased respondents’ policy involvement: They became more likely to: (i) sign a petition that invites politicians to address the underlying issue, and (ii) consider fairness of the judicial system a more important policy issue. The increased interest in the petition was driven by mothers, who are arguably more sensitive to the particular treatment information in the presented case of a failure to pay alimony. Keywords: information disclosure; institutional trust; performance of public institutions Fulltext is available at external website.
Consequences of inconvenient information: evidence from sentencing disparities

Inconvenient information about the performance of public institutions may undermine public trust. In an experiment, I test how information about sentencing disparities among judges in the Czech ...

Šoltés, Michal
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

Survey of the use of propane as refrigerant R290 in cooling circuits and heat pumps
Aminian, Ali; Prokopová, Olga; Vinš, Václav
2022 - English
The technical report presents a review on the application of propane as refrigerant R290 in cooling circuits and heat pumps (HVAC). Safety risks of R290 used in HVAC are addressed according to ANSI/ASHRAE and EN standards. Comparison of thermophysical properties of propane with other refrigerants, solubility and miscibility of propane in compressor oils and heat transfer in condenser and evaporator are discussed. The main aim of the study is to provide an overview about the potential use of propane in the cooling circuit and heat pump for the hydrogen bus developed by the SOR Libchavy company. Keywords: cooling circuit; heat pump; hydrogen bus; refrigerant Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Survey of the use of propane as refrigerant R290 in cooling circuits and heat pumps

The technical report presents a review on the application of propane as refrigerant R290 in cooling circuits and heat pumps (HVAC). Safety risks of R290 used in HVAC are addressed according to ...

Aminian, Ali; Prokopová, Olga; Vinš, Václav
Ústav termomechaniky, 2022

Compliance behavior under surveillance: introduction of the video assistant referee to European football
Trestcov, Ivan
2022 - English
This paper analyzes the effect of introducing the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) to European football. First, the setting allows for decomposition of the deterrence and monitoring effects in Becker’s (1968) model of crime. Second, I estimate the deterrence effect’s spillover outside the surveillance environment. Third, I find evidence of a much under-studied learning-by-punishment effect. This paper applies the difference-in-difference strategy to show that the introduction of VAR causes a significant decrease in the number of fouls in two German football leagues. VAR had an immediate impact on severe fouls, while the effect on penalty fouls is apparent after a 12 week adjustment period. Punishment intensifies the deterrence effect as punished players commit even fewer fouls than unpunished players. Moreover, the deterrence effect persists outside of the surveillance environment, i.e., there is a spillover effect on international competitions. I show that players from countries with VAR commit fewer fouls in international competitions than other players. Keywords: Becker model; video assistant referee; deterrence Fulltext is available at external website.
Compliance behavior under surveillance: introduction of the video assistant referee to European football

This paper analyzes the effect of introducing the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) to European football. First, the setting allows for decomposition of the deterrence and monitoring effects in Becker’s ...

Trestcov, Ivan
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

A Measure of Variability WIthin Parametric Families of Continuous Distributions
Fabián, Zdeněk
2022 - English
A continuous probability measure on an open interval of the real line induces in it a unique geometry, "center of gravity" of which is the typical value of the distribution. In the paper is identified a score variance as a finite measure of variability of distributions with respect to the typical value and discussed its properties and methods of estimation. Itroducing a generalized Rao distance in the sample space one can appraise the precision of the estimate of the typical value. Keywords: scalar-valued score; score mean; score variance; distance in the sample space Available at various institutes of the ASCR
A Measure of Variability WIthin Parametric Families of Continuous Distributions

A continuous probability measure on an open interval of the real line induces in it a unique geometry, "center of gravity" of which is the typical value of the distribution. In the paper is identified ...

Fabián, Zdeněk
Ústav informatiky, 2022

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