Number of found documents: 509
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Parametric Optimization and Related Topics XI
Červinka, Michal; Kratochvíl, Václav
2017 - English
Parametric Optimization and Related Topics XI was a conference dedicate to Jiří Outrata on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. The programme for 86 participants from 21 countries was composed of five invited and 77 contributed talks, held in 22 sessions. Keywords: Parametric Optimization; Optimization; Equilibrium Fulltext is available at external website.
Parametric Optimization and Related Topics XI

Parametric Optimization and Related Topics XI was a conference dedicate to Jiří Outrata on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. The programme for 86 participants from 21 countries was composed of ...

Červinka, Michal; Kratochvíl, Václav
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2017

Vodní paprsek 2017 - výzkum, vývoj, aplikace. Sborník přednášek konference o technologii vodního paprsku
Klichová, Dagmar; Sitek, Libor
2017 - Czech
Konference Vodní paprsek 2017 - výzkum, vývoj a aplikace představuje páté mezinárodní setkání výrobců, uživatelů, tvůrců a zájemců o technologii vysokorychlostního vodního paprsku. Fórum k výměně názorů, informací a zkušeností v oblastech výzkumu, vývoje a aplikací vysokorychlostních vodních paprsků (řezání, obrábění, sanace konstrukcí a staveb, čištění, odstraňování povlaků a nánosů, hydrodemolice, těžba, abrazivní materiály, speciální aplikace paprsku, vysokotlaká technika, bezpečnostní aspekty, atd.). Conference Water Jet 2017 – Research, Development, Applications coincides\nwith major changes in key technologies and economy which recently started to\nincrease pace.\nUpcoming electric mobility will strongly influence production technology in\nthe automotive industry leading probably to declining content of water jetting\nprocesses.\nThe continuing trend for automation will have an extreme impact on water jet\nbusiness. Merging robotic and data control systems with smart water jet tools will\nbe a demanding future task.\nThe need for energy saving remains unchanged and directs scientific focus on\nhigh efficient jetting, cutting and cleaning processes as well as tools. This is\nthe only way to gain substantial savings as efficiency of state of the art pump\nsystems is already on a very high level.\nTraditional technologies are moving towards marine applications. Subsea\nexploration becomes more and more important for basic raw material supply. Both\nmaintenance and decommissioning of vessels and offshore structures is already\na growing domain for special water jetting applications. Aquafarming substantially\ncontributes to supply a constantly growing human population with sea food\nwhereat water jet cleaning helps to keep high quality farming standards.\nAll these changes are linked up with associated HSE requirements. High\nefficiency, safe, ergonomic and reliable equipment as well as water treatment are\nkey factors for future developments.\nA strong scientific and engineering effort is required to meet these current and\nfollowing challenges. Water Jet 2017 Conference is organized by the Department of\nMaterial Disintegration of the Institute of Geonics. Keywords: water jet; abrasive water jet; high-pressure water jet technology Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Vodní paprsek 2017 - výzkum, vývoj, aplikace. Sborník přednášek konference o technologii vodního paprsku

Konference Vodní paprsek 2017 - výzkum, vývoj a aplikace představuje páté mezinárodní setkání výrobců, uživatelů, tvůrců a zájemců o technologii vysokorychlostního vodního paprsku. Fórum k výměně ...

Klichová, Dagmar; Sitek, Libor
Ústav geoniky, 2017

SNA´17 - Seminar on Numerical Analysis
Blaheta, Radim; Starý, Jiří; Sysalová, Dagmar
2017 - English
Seminar on Numerical Analysis 2017 (SNA'17) is a continuation in a series of SNA events held in different places in the Czech Republic and organized alternatively by Ostrava and Prague institutions. TheSNA'17isorganizedbytheInstituteofGeonicsoftheCASincollaborationwith VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava and IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre. Conference location is one of the lecture rooms in New Aula of the VŠB-TU Ostrava. Let us note that SNA 2016 was reshaped to EMS School in Applied Mathematics (ESSAM) devoted to mathematical modelling, numerical analysis and scientific computing. The SNA'17 is turning back to more traditional winter event. It provides opportunity for meeting and mutual information of the community working in computational mathematics and computer science, but an important part of SNA is devoted to the Winter School with tutorial lectures focused on selected important topics within the scope of numerical methods and modelling. Keywords: mathematics; numerical analysis; modelling Fulltext is available at external website.
SNA´17 - Seminar on Numerical Analysis

Seminar on Numerical Analysis 2017 (SNA'17) is a continuation in a series of SNA events held in different places in the Czech Republic and organized alternatively by Ostrava and Prague institutions. ...

Blaheta, Radim; Starý, Jiří; Sysalová, Dagmar
Ústav geoniky, 2017

Cosmology on Small Scales 2016: Local Hubble Expansion and Selected Controversies in Cosmology
Křížek, Michal; Dumin, Y. V.
2016 - English
The problem of cosmological expansion on small scales (e.g., inside planetary systems) has a long history, dating back to the papers (McVittie, 1932, 1933), and quite many researchers dealt with this topic in the subsequent few decades. Although most of them concluded that the Hubble expansion should be strongly suppressed at small distances, there is no commonly-established criterion for such suppression at present. Moreover, some of the widely-used theoretical arguments against the local Hubble expansion contradict each other. Keywords: cosmology Fulltext is available at external website.
Cosmology on Small Scales 2016: Local Hubble Expansion and Selected Controversies in Cosmology

The problem of cosmological expansion on small scales (e.g., inside planetary systems) has a long history, dating back to the papers (McVittie, 1932, 1933), and quite many researchers dealt with this ...

Křížek, Michal; Dumin, Y. V.
Matematický ústav, 2016

Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2016
Šimurda, David; Bodnár, T.
2016 - English
The aim of the conference is to publish and to discuss the latest results of research in fluid mechanics. Keywords: experimental fluid mechanics; mathematical modelling; atmospheric boundary layer; turbulence; multiphase flow; magnetohydrodynamics Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2016

The aim of the conference is to publish and to discuss the latest results of research in fluid mechanics.

Šimurda, David; Bodnár, T.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2016

DYMAMESI 2016 - proceedings
Zolotarev, Igor; Pešek, Luděk
2016 - English
Proceedings of the Colloquium DYNAMICS OF MACHINES AND MECHANICAL SYSTEMS WITH INTERACTIONS (DYMAMESI), that was held in the Institute of Thermomechanics in Prague, March 1 - 2, 2016 deal with problems structural and multibody dynamics, in coupled interacting systems as aero-elasticity, hydro-elasticity, biomechanics, systems with feedbacks and mechatronics. The published papers was divided into the two parts: Interactions - vibration of dynamic systems coupled with surroundings, mechanical systems with feedbacks, mechatronic active elements, measurement methods and identification in interaction problems, interactions in biomechanics, aero- and hydro-elasticity in rotational engines (bearings, blades, sealings, spaces), analytical and numerical methods in solutions of interactions and Dynamics of Machines - dynamics and vibrations of mechanical systems and solids, non-linear systems - stability, bifurcations, chaos, damping technologies - materials, active elements, methods, identification, vibrodiagnostics, fatigue, computational mechanics and experiments. Keywords: vibration; aeroelasticity; interactions; vibrodiagnostics; biomechanics Available at various institutes of the ASCR
DYMAMESI 2016 - proceedings

Proceedings of the Colloquium DYNAMICS OF MACHINES AND MECHANICAL SYSTEMS WITH INTERACTIONS (DYMAMESI), that was held in the Institute of Thermomechanics in Prague, March 1 - 2, 2016 deal with ...

Zolotarev, Igor; Pešek, Luděk
Ústav termomechaniky, 2016

30th Symposium on Anemometry: proceedings
Chára, Zdeněk; Klaboch, L.
2016 - Czech
Sborník z konference 30th symposium o anemometrii. Konference byla zaměřena na experimentální techniky používané v mechanice tekutin.\n Proceedings of 30th Symposium on Anemometry. The conference was oriented on the experimental techniques applied in fluid mechanics. Keywords: anemometry; conference; turbulence Available at various institutes of the ASCR
30th Symposium on Anemometry: proceedings

Sborník z konference 30th symposium o anemometrii. Konference byla zaměřena na experimentální techniky používané v mechanice tekutin.\n...

Chára, Zdeněk; Klaboch, L.
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2016

Aktuální environmentální hrozby a jejich impakt v krajině
Zapletalová, Jana; Kirchner, Karel
2016 - Czech
Workswhop Aktuální environmentální hrozby a jejich impact v krajině byl organizován v rámci Strategie Akademie Věd AV21, programu Přírodní hrozby. Tematicky byly zastoupeny jak přírodní hrozby (geologicko-geomorfologické hrozby - svahové deformace, eroze, hydrometeorologické extrémy - povodně, sucho, biologické invaze) a jejich hodnocení a predikce, tak i sociální i právní důsledky přírodních i aktivitami člověka vyvolaných hrozeb a jejich dopady v krajině (např. změny urbánního prostředí, antropogenní impakty v důlních oblastech). Významná byla témata zaměřená na hodnocení přírodních a environmentálních hrozeb a řešení vybraných mimořádných a krizových situací s využitím geoinformačních technologií. Workshop Current environmental threats and their impact on the landscape was organized in the framework of the Strategy AV21 of the Academy of Sciences, the program Natural threats.\nThe papers were oriented both on natural threats (geological and geomorphological threats - slope deformation, erosion, hydrometeorological extremes floods, droughs, biological invasions) and their evaluation and prediction, and social and legal implications of natural and human activities caused by threats and their impacts on the landscape (e. g. changes in the urban environment, anthropogenic impacts in the mining areas). Important topics were focused on the assessment of natural and environmental threats and their solving in selected emergency and crisis situations using geoinformation technologies. \n Keywords: natural hazards; man-made disasters; GIS tools application; drought; legal issues Available in a digital repository NRGL
Aktuální environmentální hrozby a jejich impakt v krajině

Workswhop Aktuální environmentální hrozby a jejich impact v krajině byl organizován v rámci Strategie Akademie Věd AV21, programu Přírodní hrozby. Tematicky byly zastoupeny jak přírodní hrozby ...

Zapletalová, Jana; Kirchner, Karel
Ústav geoniky, 2016

XIVth Youth symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics
Major, Z.; Kytýř, Daniel
2016 - English
The Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics traditionally brings together young researchers and engineers, students and PhD students, who are actively involved in the experimental solids mechanics, theoretically and practically, in order to exchange their experience, to report on the present state-of-art as well as on running research projects, to discuss due questions and problems and to promote the cooperation among individuals as well as among institutions. The XIVth symposium continues both, the long tradition of this conference series and introduces novel elements. The combination of the experimental mechanics with modern numerical methods was focused. This year, participants from 12 countries attended the symposium. Based on their presentations, 19 papers were selected for the publication in this issue of Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. Keywords: experimental solids mechanics; numerical methods Available at various institutes of the ASCR
XIVth Youth symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics

The Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics traditionally brings together young researchers and engineers, students and PhD students, who are actively involved in the experimental solids ...

Major, Z.; Kytýř, Daniel
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2016

Information Geometry and its Applications IV
Kratochvíl, Václav
2016 - English
The aim of the conference is to highlight recent developments within the field of information geometry and to identify new directions of research. We are confident that we have put together an exciting program consisting of invited talks and contributed poster presentations. All titles and abstracts are included in this book. We thank Václav Kratochvíl for his terrific work with the local organisation! Special thanks go to Antje Vandenberg who managed all the administrative work in Leipzig. We are also grateful for the support that we received from Milan Studený Keywords: Information Geometry Fulltext is available at external website.
Information Geometry and its Applications IV

The aim of the conference is to highlight recent developments within the field of information geometry and to identify new directions of research. We are confident that we have put together an ...

Kratochvíl, Václav
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2016

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