Number of found documents: 975
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Effects of Water Jets on CNTs/concrete composite
Foldyna, Vladimír; Foldyna, Josef
2017 - English
Results of the resistance of carbon nanotubes concrete composite (CNTs/concrete\ncomposite) to the action of pulsating and continuous water jets are presented in\nthis paper. This work brings advanced results of fully hydrated CNTs/concrete\ncomposite (after 28 days) and it follows up the research of this composite\nhydrated 7 days. The experiments were focused at the determination of erosion\neffects of both types of water jets impinging the surface of reference (concrete) and\nCNTs/concrete composite samples. Erosion effects of water jets were evaluated in\nterms of material removal rate. Tests were performed at various operating\nparameters of continuous and pulsating water jets. Keywords: CNTs/concrete composite; continuous and pulsating water jet; material removal Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
Effects of Water Jets on CNTs/concrete composite

Results of the resistance of carbon nanotubes concrete composite (CNTs/concrete\ncomposite) to the action of pulsating and continuous water jets are presented in\nthis paper. This work brings advanced ...

Foldyna, Vladimír; Foldyna, Josef
Ústav geoniky, 2017

Prospective of using pulsating water jet peening as a surface treatment process
Srivastava, M.; Hloch, Sergej; Tripathi, R.; Chattopadhyaya, S.; Dixit, A. R.; Foldyna, Josef; Hvizdoš, P.; Fides, M.; Adamčík, P.
2017 - English
This study focusses on exploring the effect of using Pulsating water jet technology\nas a surface treatment process. The AISI 304 plate samples were subjected to\nthe treatment process using circular nozzle at different levels of pressure and\nstand-off distance combination with variation of traverse speed. For evaluating\nthe effect of peening the surface residual stress was measured using the x-ray\ndiffraction technique. The results showed that the initial tensile residual stresses\non the surface were relieved and converted to compressive residual stress.\nThe present study shows that the new technology can be used as a potential\nsurface treatment method. Keywords: residual stress; water jet; peening Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
Prospective of using pulsating water jet peening as a surface treatment process

This study focusses on exploring the effect of using Pulsating water jet technology\nas a surface treatment process. The AISI 304 plate samples were subjected to\nthe treatment process using circular ...

Srivastava, M.; Hloch, Sergej; Tripathi, R.; Chattopadhyaya, S.; Dixit, A. R.; Foldyna, Josef; Hvizdoš, P.; Fides, M.; Adamčík, P.
Ústav geoniky, 2017

Přístupy ke studiu recyklace urbánního prostoru v České republice: Vývoj a perspektiva
Osman, Robert; Malý, Jiří; Klusáček, Petr
2017 - Czech
Předkládaný příspěvek se zabývá problematikou recyklace urbánních prostor, konkrétně opuštěných a nevyužívaných prostor (brownfields) v České republice. Regenerace těchto území je důležitá především z důvodu jejich ekonomického, sociálního, kulturního, symbolického, historického a environmentálního významu. Dosavadní výzkumy recyklace urbánních prostor však do jisté míry opomíjí studium samotného procesu revitalizace. V této souvislosti lze na recyklaci prostoru nahlížet prostřednictvím konceptu sítě, konkrétně skrze teorii akté síť (A-NT). Ta umožňuje nazírání recyklace území jako mobilizaci aktérské sítě. Recyklace takto pojatého prostoru pak nutně neznamená samotnou fyzickou přestavbu území z jedné funkce využití na jinou, ale vznik nového síťového prostoru, respektive transformaci jednoho síťového prostoru v jiný. Cílem příspěvku je vyzdvihnutí hlavních přínosů A-NT při studiu recyklace prostorů. Kromě teoretických východisek pro propojení A-NT s procesem revitalizace území příspěvek nabízí konkrétní příklad regenerace území, kde aplikace A-NT rozkrývá síťovou strukturu procesu regenerace, která by dosavadními přístupy ke studiu brownfields zůstala skryta.\n This paper deals with the issue of recycling urban spaces, specifically abandoned and unused areas (brownfields) in the Czech Republic. Regeneration of these areas is important especially because of their economic, social and environmental burden. Previous researches on recycling urban space, however, neglected the study of the revitalization process to some extent. Thus, a recycling space may be seen through the concept of a network, explicitly through the Actor-network theory (A-NT). Keywords: recycling of urban space; brownfields; Actor-network theory; post-socialism; Czech Republic Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři Akademie Věd.
Přístupy ke studiu recyklace urbánního prostoru v České republice: Vývoj a perspektiva

Předkládaný příspěvek se zabývá problematikou recyklace urbánních prostor, konkrétně opuštěných a nevyužívaných prostor (brownfields) v České republice. Regenerace těchto území je důležitá především z ...

Osman, Robert; Malý, Jiří; Klusáček, Petr
Ústav geoniky, 2017

Dynamization of spatial data using location-based services: Tourist potential of industrial heritage
Malý, Jiří; Krejčí, Tomáš; Trojan, Jakub; Chudáček, Stanislav; Nováková, Eva
2017 - English
The paper deals with industrial heritage and its potential in tourism. Although the post-industrial landscape is an integral part of all the countries that went through a period of de-industrialization and economic transformation, presentation and publicity of valuable industrial monuments that are linked with post-industrial landscape in many cases are not fully utilized. This paper aims to acquaint readers with a possibility of transformation of data on industrial objects into augmented reality, while using location-based services. The final result is the web-based platform allowing easy data transformation. The paper has thus largely methodological-application character. The outcomes of the testing phase indicate that information about the objects do have their limits, but respecting them brings their effective performance in augmented reality. Keywords: location-based services; augmented reality; industrial heritage; tourism; Czech Republic Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Dynamization of spatial data using location-based services: Tourist potential of industrial heritage

The paper deals with industrial heritage and its potential in tourism. Although the post-industrial landscape is an integral part of all the countries that went through a period of ...

Malý, Jiří; Krejčí, Tomáš; Trojan, Jakub; Chudáček, Stanislav; Nováková, Eva
Ústav geoniky, 2017

Local geoheritage: its importance and potential for geotourist and recreational activities (a case study from Lomnicko area)
Kirchner, Karel; Kubalíková, Lucie; Bajer, A.
2017 - English
Geodiversity, respectively its valuable part – geoheritage is considered an important resource for the geotourism and recreation purposes. In the C.R., there are a lot of examples of such use of geoheritage: sandstone rock cities, karst areas or polygenetic relief at mountain areas and others. These geoheritage features are usually significant on the national level, their existence assure the attractiveness of the given area, enables the geotourist and recreational activities and support the local and regional development. However, in the local scale, the geodiversity (respectively geoheritage, represented by particular geosites and geomorphosites) can also serve the above mentioned purposes. The paper presents the example from Lomnicko area which can be seen as an “average” area from the geodiversity/geoheritage point of view on the national level, but on the local and regional level, there is a considerable number of geosites and geomorphosites with a potential for geotourism and recreation. Keywords: geodiversity; geosite; geomorphosite; geotourism Plné texty jsou dostupné v digitálním repozitáři NUŠL
Local geoheritage: its importance and potential for geotourist and recreational activities (a case study from Lomnicko area)

Geodiversity, respectively its valuable part – geoheritage is considered an important resource for the geotourism and recreation purposes. In the C.R., there are a lot of examples of such use of ...

Kirchner, Karel; Kubalíková, Lucie; Bajer, A.
Ústav geoniky, 2017

Předindustriální a postindustriální krajina na Moravě: koncepce a realita
Kolejka, Jaromír; Batelková, Kateřina
2017 - Czech
Přípěvek pojednává odborný obsah pojmů postindustriální a předindustriální krajina a přehled datových zdrojů potřebných k jejich zjišťování na území České republiky. V přehledu je uveden současný stav poznání a výzkumu obou typů historických krajin. Ve stručnosti je uvedena metodika jejich zjišťování, mapování a klasifikace podle klíčových vlastností. Na příkladech z historického území Moravy jsou prezentovány ukázky postindustriální krajiny Rosicko-Oslavansko a předindustriální krajiny Bělečsko. Zdůrazněn je jejich význam pro poznávací, vzdělávací a ochranářskou praxi. The paper deals with the scientific concept of the terms the post-industrial and the pre-industrial landscape and presents available data sources needed for their identification in the Czech Republic. The overview shows the current state of knowledge and the research progress in the study of such historical landscapes. In brief, the methodology of their identification, mapping and classification is given. The post-industrial landscape Rosice-Oslavany and the pre-industrial landscape Bělečsko are presented as examples from the historical territory of Moravia. Their significance for cognitive, educational and conservation practices is emphasized. Keywords: survey; assessment; classification; data sources; old maps; ortophoto Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Předindustriální a postindustriální krajina na Moravě: koncepce a realita

Přípěvek pojednává odborný obsah pojmů postindustriální a předindustriální krajina a přehled datových zdrojů potřebných k jejich zjišťování na území České republiky. V přehledu je uveden současný stav ...

Kolejka, Jaromír; Batelková, Kateřina
Ústav geoniky, 2017

Abrasive water jet drilling of cooling holes in aeroengines: preliminary experimental study
Hlaváček, Petr; Zlámal, T.; Sitek, Libor; Georgiovská, Lucie
2017 - English
This paper addresses an experimental investigation on the feasibility of using\nabrasive water jet (AWJ) for the drilling of small-diameter holes in aeroengines\ncomponents. These components are sprayed with ceramic thermal barrier coating\n(TBC). The required holes are typically 0.5 to 1 mm in diameter with a drilling\nangle of 30 to 90 deg. The parameters of the AWJ were varied to study their effects\non both quantitative and qualitative hole drilling parameters. Keywords: abrasive water jet; drilling; thermal barrier coating Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
Abrasive water jet drilling of cooling holes in aeroengines: preliminary experimental study

This paper addresses an experimental investigation on the feasibility of using\nabrasive water jet (AWJ) for the drilling of small-diameter holes in aeroengines\ncomponents. These components are ...

Hlaváček, Petr; Zlámal, T.; Sitek, Libor; Georgiovská, Lucie
Ústav geoniky, 2017

Evaluation of quality of cut surfaces created by abrasive water jet according to swiss standard SN 214001
Klichová, Dagmar; Gurková, Lucie
2017 - English
The article focuses on the evaluation of the quality of cut surfaces created by\nan abrasive water jet (AWJ) according to the Swiss standard SN 214001 (2010).\nThe standard presents a quantified description of the texture of the cut. It defines\nnew parameters and methods of parameter measurements used in order to\ncategorize the cut surface in various quality levels Q. They are so far the most\ncommonly applied form of the qualitative description of the quality of the cut\nsurfaces created by the AWJ technology. Keywords: surface quality; abrasive water jet; standard parameters Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
Evaluation of quality of cut surfaces created by abrasive water jet according to swiss standard SN 214001

The article focuses on the evaluation of the quality of cut surfaces created by\nan abrasive water jet (AWJ) according to the Swiss standard SN 214001 (2010).\nThe standard presents a quantified ...

Klichová, Dagmar; Gurková, Lucie
Ústav geoniky, 2017

Erosion capability of ultra-high-speed continuous waterjet and pulsating waterjet: the comparison
Sitek, Libor; Hlaváček, Petr; Klichová, Dagmar; Trieb, F.; Pude, F.
2017 - English
Advantages and possibilities of continuous ultra-high-speed waterjets (with\npressures of 600 MPa and more) when cutting metals are well known to\nthe professional public both from scientific studies and from practice. In addition\nto efficiency increased as water pressure increases and reduced water\nconsumption, abrasive consumption can also be reduced in the case of abrasive\nwaterjet. Ultra-high-speed waterjet technology allows not only to cut metal sheets\nwith pure water, but also allows cutting of harder materials such as ceramics.\nDespite the initial suspicion and technical problems associated with the reliability\nand sealing of some hyperpressure elements, high-pressure devices generating\nwater pressures around 600 MPa are now commercially available. However, no\ncomparison has been made so far concerning the efficiency of these jets with\nacoustically modulated high-speed pulsating waterjets using relatively low\npressures and higher water flow rates when eroding metallic materials.\nThe article compares cuts made by pure ultra-high-speed waterjet generated at\nhyperpressures (from 500 to 800 MPa) with erosive capabilities of pulsating\nwaterjets generated on the contrary at water pressures in the order of tens of MPa\non three metallic materials (stainless steel, mild steel and copper) using the same\njet hydraulic power. Keywords: hyperpressure; hydraulic power; ultra-high-speed waterjet; pulsating waterjet Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
Erosion capability of ultra-high-speed continuous waterjet and pulsating waterjet: the comparison

Advantages and possibilities of continuous ultra-high-speed waterjets (with\npressures of 600 MPa and more) when cutting metals are well known to\nthe professional public both from scientific studies ...

Sitek, Libor; Hlaváček, Petr; Klichová, Dagmar; Trieb, F.; Pude, F.
Ústav geoniky, 2017

Velocity measurements on continuous micro water jet using fluorescent PMMA seeding particles
Zeleňák, Michal; Ščučka, Jiří; Souček, Kamil
2017 - English
The paper deals with application of optical diagnostic techniques for velocity\nmeasurements of continuous micro water jet. The combination of Particle image\nvelocimetry, Particle tracking velocimetry, Laser induced fluorescence and\nShadowgraphy methods have been applied together with the use of fluorescent\nPMMA seeding particles. An experimental closed water circuit was designed with\na low-pressure water pump, and a series of experiments was conducted to\nmeasure the velocity of seeding particles in the water jet flow below the diamond\nmicro-nozzle outlet. The basic principles of the methods used in experiments are\nalso described. Keywords: micro water jet; fluorescent PMMA particles; velocity; LIF; PTV; PIV Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
Velocity measurements on continuous micro water jet using fluorescent PMMA seeding particles

The paper deals with application of optical diagnostic techniques for velocity\nmeasurements of continuous micro water jet. The combination of Particle image\nvelocimetry, Particle tracking ...

Zeleňák, Michal; Ščučka, Jiří; Souček, Kamil
Ústav geoniky, 2017

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