Number of found documents: 2876
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The usage of laser machining for manufacturing of the cutting insert prototype
Necpal, Martin; Martinkovič, Maroš
2015 - English
In this paper a method for creating chip breaker on cutting insert is described. For cutter inserts the powder is compressed into the molds, in a process. After pressing and sintering the cutting tools chip breaker looks like negative molds shape. For experimental cutting insert prototype is important to design and make molds with specific shape. Designing and production of new molds is time and cost consuming. Another way is to make insert with flat rake face and make chip breaker by an advanced machining method. Hard carbide material may be machined by laser ablation. This paper deals with possibility of laser ablation machine LASERTEC 80 Shape usage for creating of comprehensive chip breaker surface on the carbide insert. Keywords: laserové mikroobrábění; řezné nástroje; třísky; laser micromachining; cutting tools; chip breaker Available in digital repository of ZČU.
The usage of laser machining for manufacturing of the cutting insert prototype

In this paper a method for creating chip breaker on cutting insert is described. For cutter inserts the powder is compressed into the molds, in a process. After pressing and sintering the cutting ...

Necpal, Martin; Martinkovič, Maroš
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

Design and development of measurement JIG system
Němec, Jiří
2015 - English
Following article describe design and production of the universal clamping jig for clamping measured parts in to three axis measuring machine. This clamping jig was designed and produced under exchange program Erasmus. Department Manufacturing Engineering Group (GEF) University of Vigo (Spain) and Department of Machining Technology (KTO) University of West Bohemia (Czech Republic) cooperated at this project. The clamping jig was created for extension possibilities of fixing of the measured parts in to work space of the meas-uring machine. Current state was insufficient. The worker of the department GEF specified requirements to the new clamping jig. The finally design of the clamping jig had to be universal and had to allow measuring parts in large series. Individual concepts were designed based on the specification and consultations with the project initiator. The optimal design was chosen from these concepts. The concepts are described in this article. Machines and tools, which are used for fabricating part of the jig, are described in the article. Results of the project are summa-rized in the conclusion. Keywords: upínání; jig systém; 3D měřící stroj; výroba; clamping; jig system; 3D measuring machine; manufacturing Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Design and development of measurement JIG system

Following article describe design and production of the universal clamping jig for clamping measured parts in to three axis measuring machine. This clamping jig was designed and produced under ...

Němec, Jiří
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

Possibilities of potentiometric methods of detection of cracks in forging tools at their renovation
Pilc, Jozef; Sajgalik, Michal; Struharnansky, Jozef; Rakoci, Jozef; Varga, Daniel
2015 - English
Industrial production, which uses the forging tools constantly increases the requirements for the consumption of forging tools and the need for fast and flexible renovations of them. Forging tools made from special tool steels are highly cost-intensive. The main cost component is the price of the material, heat treatment and other chemi-cal-heat treatment surfaces. This is the main reason why it is necessary to think about renovation at the design stage, in case of the need for repairs. Main weaknesses of the renovations is the insufficient ability of identifica-tion of the cracks spreading from the surface towards the core of the basic components. An important factor in the renovation process is the optimal choice of technology to restore the mechanical and physical properties of tools at an acceptable price, of course. The main issue in the choice of the optimal technology is heat treatment to achieve a high hardness and surface of the die, which is nitrided to ensure wear resistance. This article deals with the application of non-destructive potentiometric detection technology when considering the size of die forging cracks that arise in the process of forming. Keywords: renovace nástroje na kování; potenciometrické metody; zjištění prasklin; forging tool renovation; potentiometric methods; crack detection Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Possibilities of potentiometric methods of detection of cracks in forging tools at their renovation

Industrial production, which uses the forging tools constantly increases the requirements for the consumption of forging tools and the need for fast and flexible renovations of them. Forging tools ...

Pilc, Jozef; Sajgalik, Michal; Struharnansky, Jozef; Rakoci, Jozef; Varga, Daniel
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

Labor and profesional training of people with disabilities in the city of Vladimir Through the example of association of parents of disabled children "Light"
Constantinovna, Efimtseva Natalia
2015 - English
The article addresses experience in vocational training in the city of Vladimir. The principal directions, progress and results of training are laid out. The active work in labor training of people with disabilities by Vladimir nonprofit organization Association of Parents of Disabled Children “Light” has become material for this article. V stat'ye rassmatrivayetsja opyt raboty po obučenju professujam v g. Vladimire. Opisany osnovnyye napravlenja, chod i rezul'tat obučenja. Materialom dlya stat'i poslušila aktivnaya rabota VOOO ARDI «Svet» po trudovomu obučenju ljudej s ograničennymi vozmošnostjmi šuznedejatel'nosti. Keywords: školení práce; Asociace rodičů zdravotně postižených dětí "Světlo"; odborné vzdělávání; postižený; vada komplexní struktury; labor training; Association of parents of disabled children “Light”; vocational training; disability; defect complex structure Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Labor and profesional training of people with disabilities in the city of Vladimir Through the example of association of parents of disabled children "Light"

The article addresses experience in vocational training in the city of Vladimir. The principal directions, progress and results of training are laid out. The active work in labor training of people ...

Constantinovna, Efimtseva Natalia
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

Wear and durability milling tools depending on the CAM strategies
Pokorný, Peter; Zaujec, Rudolf
2015 - English
In this paper is presented research on the influence of CAM strategies for wear and durability shank of cutting tools. We used two machining strategies in this process, when the effective radius change and does not change. Material of tool was hard alloy and high speed steel for machining steel STN 19 520. Shape of cutting tool was Ball Nose end mill. For milling, DMU 85 monoBLOCK 5-axis CNC milling machine was used. The cutting tool wear was measured on Zoller Genius 3, universal measuring machine. The results show different cutting tool wear depending on the milling strategy and material of tool. Keywords: opotřebení nástroje; efektivní poloměr; CAM; strategie; wear of tool; effective radius; CAM; strategy Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Wear and durability milling tools depending on the CAM strategies

In this paper is presented research on the influence of CAM strategies for wear and durability shank of cutting tools. We used two machining strategies in this process, when the effective radius ...

Pokorný, Peter; Zaujec, Rudolf
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

Milling of nano-structured bio-materials for dental implants manufacturing
Stančeková, Dana; Šemcer, Ján; Martikáň, Anton; Rákoci, Jozef; Janota, Miroslav
2015 - English
Mechanical engineering is science discipline, which directly influence all industrial sectors. It is integral part of industrial evolution and is forced to constant advancing in knowledge level. Efficiency increase can be achieved by developing and applying new technologies and materials that ensure the required outputs. Side effect of efficiency increase is also production growth, that follows market needs, which are bounded up with final price of products. Such products are dental implants, which have to meet mechanical requirements and very important property - compatibility with organic materials. This group of biomaterials includes commercially pure titanium TiGr2, TiGr5, nano-structured commercially pure titanium n-Ti and coldformed titanium alloys TiNbTa. This article contains experiment results of milling these materials using different cutting parameters. Keywords: nanostukturovaný titan; obrábění; biokompatibilní materiál; nano-structured titanium; machining; biocompatible material Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Milling of nano-structured bio-materials for dental implants manufacturing

Mechanical engineering is science discipline, which directly influence all industrial sectors. It is integral part of industrial evolution and is forced to constant advancing in knowledge level. ...

Stančeková, Dana; Šemcer, Ján; Martikáň, Anton; Rákoci, Jozef; Janota, Miroslav
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

Laser beam machining of commercially pure titanium: influence of process parameters on surface roughness
Šugár, Peter; Necpal, Martin; Šugárová, Jana
2015 - English
Laser machining is one of the most widely used advanced machining processes used for creating new surfaces, structures, cavities and also complex electro-mechanical devices, usually with very small dimensions, by laser radiation. Optimal selection of process parameters is highly critical for successful material removal and high machine surface quality. In the paper the relation between process parameters and machined surface quality characteristics is experimentally studied applying the five axis highly dynamic laser precision machining centre Lasertec 80 Shape equiped with the pulsed ytterbium fibre laser (wave lenght 1064 nm, maximal average output power 100 W) and CNC system Siemens 840 D and commercionally pure titanium (Grade 2) as working material. The influence of the pulse frequency and energy, laser scanning speed and stepsize (spacing between adjacent passes) on the machined surface roughness is evaluated using Taguchi experimental design approach. The influence of process parameters on surface quality is investigated for two laser scanning strategies: hatching and crosshatching. The significant influence of the stepsize on the machined surface roughness was found. Keywords: laser; obrábění; titan; drsnost povrchu; Taguchiho přístup; laser; machining; titanium; surface roughness; Taguchi approach Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Laser beam machining of commercially pure titanium: influence of process parameters on surface roughness

Laser machining is one of the most widely used advanced machining processes used for creating new surfaces, structures, cavities and also complex electro-mechanical devices, usually with very small ...

Šugár, Peter; Necpal, Martin; Šugárová, Jana
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

Documentation of nonconforming products and its optimization
Zídková, Karolína
2015 - English
The automotive industry is a specific industrial sector where quality of products is very important. It is therefore necessary to use a unified and internationally accepted structure of documentation. This requirement is especially evident in the issue of nonconforming products. A form called an 8D Report is most often used for recording non-conforming products. The structure of this form contributes to a fast resolution and also contributes to finding the cause of the problem. Because today's business environment is focused on quality products, and also on their minimum price, it is necessary to constantly seek new ways of reducing costs. It is therefore necessary to seek not only savings in production technologies and, develop new materials, but also to find savings in documentation. Documentation offers many possibilities for optimization and for reducing dead time and thereby reducing costs. For effective optimization of documentation is is possible to use MS Excel with advanced features such as macros. Keywords: ISO 9001:2008; nevyhovující výrobky; 8D report; MS Excel; makra; ISO 9001:2008; nonconforming products; 8D report; MS Excel; macra Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Documentation of nonconforming products and its optimization

The automotive industry is a specific industrial sector where quality of products is very important. It is therefore necessary to use a unified and internationally accepted structure of documentation. ...

Zídková, Karolína
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

iGEM : input-output yeast diploids
Kasl, Hynek; Georgiev, Daniel
2015 - English
Keywords: syntetická biologie; iGEM; synthetic biology; iGEM Available in the ZČU Library.
iGEM : input-output yeast diploids

Kasl, Hynek; Georgiev, Daniel
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

Market calibration under a long memory stochastic volatility model
Sobotka, Tomáš
2015 - English
Keywords: kalibrace trhu; stochastické volatility; finanční modelování; market calibration; stochastic volatility; financial modelling Available in the ZČU Library.
Market calibration under a long memory stochastic volatility model

Sobotka, Tomáš
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

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