Number of found documents: 53
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Technical manual - collimator
Kredba, Jan; Steiger, Lukáš; Tomka, David; Václavík, Jan
2018 - English
The purpose of this document is to provide basic set of rules and instructions that allows using and maintaining of the NEOSTED collimator (COL).\nBe aware that it is not purpose of this document to provide detailed description of individual parts of the COL system. If necessary all the details and proper references can be found in [AD-2]. Keywords: collimator; NEOSTED; TOPTEC; optical testing; interferometry Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Technical manual - collimator

The purpose of this document is to provide basic set of rules and instructions that allows using and maintaining of the NEOSTED collimator (COL).\nBe aware that it is not purpose of this document to ...

Kredba, Jan; Steiger, Lukáš; Tomka, David; Václavík, Jan
Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2018

Collimator - test readiness review
Budasz, Jiří; Kaván, František; Kredba, Jan; Lédl, Vít; Mach, Marek; Pleštil, Jan; Psota, Pavel; Steiger, Lukáš; Tomka, David; Václavík, Jan; Veselý, Martin
2018 - English
This document describes the test procedure applicable to the overall functional test of the NEOSTED collimator.\nThe test to be performed according to this procedure are to demonstrate the compliance of the above item to the requirements specified in the applicable document as part of the overall verification program. The test results shall be collected in a Test Report. Keywords: collimator; PLC system; telescope; interferometry Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Collimator - test readiness review

This document describes the test procedure applicable to the overall functional test of the NEOSTED collimator.\nThe test to be performed according to this procedure are to demonstrate the compliance ...

Budasz, Jiří; Kaván, František; Kredba, Jan; Lédl, Vít; Mach, Marek; Pleštil, Jan; Psota, Pavel; Steiger, Lukáš; Tomka, David; Václavík, Jan; Veselý, Martin
Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2018

Technical manual - neosted SOT test bench
Steiger, Lukáš
2018 - English
The purpose of this document is to provide basic set of rules and instructions that allows using and maintaining of the NEOSTED SOT test bench (BB).\nFurther detailed informations and proper references about individual parts of the BB system can be found in [AD-2, AD-3]. Keywords: test bench; optical testing; collimator; neosted Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Technical manual - neosted SOT test bench

The purpose of this document is to provide basic set of rules and instructions that allows using and maintaining of the NEOSTED SOT test bench (BB).\nFurther detailed informations and proper ...

Steiger, Lukáš
Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2018

Test procedure - neosted SOT test bench
Pleštil, Jan; Steiger, Lukáš; Václavík, Jan; Veselý, Martin
2018 - English
This document describes the final design of the NEOSTED SOT Test Bench, i.e. its individual components, and serves as a groundwork for the acceptance test procedure.\nThe test to be performed according to this procedure are to demonstrate the compliance of the above item to the requirements specified in the applicable document [1] as part of the overall verification program. The test results shall be collected in a Test Report. Keywords: collimator; optical tests; stage; alignment Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Test procedure - neosted SOT test bench

This document describes the final design of the NEOSTED SOT Test Bench, i.e. its individual components, and serves as a groundwork for the acceptance test procedure.\nThe test to be performed ...

Pleštil, Jan; Steiger, Lukáš; Václavík, Jan; Veselý, Martin
Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2018

Transport and package manual - collimator
Steiger, Lukáš; Václavík, Jan
2018 - English
The purpose of this document is to provide basic set of instructions and recommendations that allows careful transportation of the NEOSTED collimator (COL).\nBe aware that it is not purpose of this document to provide detailed description of individual parts of the COL system. If necessary all the details and proper references can be found in [AD-2] Keywords: collimator; handling; TOPTEC Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Transport and package manual - collimator

The purpose of this document is to provide basic set of instructions and recommendations that allows careful transportation of the NEOSTED collimator (COL).\nBe aware that it is not purpose of this ...

Steiger, Lukáš; Václavík, Jan
Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2018

Study on polishing of CaF2 plane-parallel elements
Procháska, František; Thoř, Tomáš; Šípová, Gabriela
2018 - English
Determination of technological procedure for processing of plane-parallel and plano-convex CaF2 optical elements. That includes optical polishing as well as preparation of samples for polishing, i.e. cementing and grinding. Keywords: CaF2 machining Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Study on polishing of CaF2 plane-parallel elements

Determination of technological procedure for processing of plane-parallel and plano-convex CaF2 optical elements. That includes optical polishing as well as preparation of samples for polishing, i.e. ...

Procháska, František; Thoř, Tomáš; Šípová, Gabriela
Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2018

Study on polishing of ZnSe with diamond suspension
Procháska, František; Thoř, Tomáš
2018 - English
Observe the effect of diamond slurries as polishing element on ZnSe, i.e. observe the change of surface of ZnSe as consequence to the series of polishing with the use of mentioned diamond slurries. Keywords: ZnSe polishing; Diamond polishing slurry Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Study on polishing of ZnSe with diamond suspension

Observe the effect of diamond slurries as polishing element on ZnSe, i.e. observe the change of surface of ZnSe as consequence to the series of polishing with the use of mentioned diamond slurries.

Procháska, František; Thoř, Tomáš
Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2018

Feedhorn Coating - research report
Václavík, Jan
2017 - English
The report contains a description of the developed methods for metalizing of prototype of the FEEDHORN demonstrator, which is made up of a specially shaped carbon fiber composite carrier and a CNT layer. The report contains the results and comments for future construction of similar types of devices. Keywords: cnt layer; metalization; vacuum evaporation Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Feedhorn Coating - research report

The report contains a description of the developed methods for metalizing of prototype of the FEEDHORN demonstrator, which is made up of a specially shaped carbon fiber composite carrier and a CNT ...

Václavík, Jan
Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2017

Aspheric lenses test report
Lédl, Vít; Melich, Radek; Procháska, František; Steiger, Lukáš; Chiarini, M.; Cibin, L.
2017 - English
The scope of the document is to report the results of the tests on each of the 16 Aspheric Lenses + the 4 spare Aspheric Lens. \nIn particular, the tests performed on each lens are: reflectance of the coating on both the Aspheric Lens faces, interferometric profile of the Aspherical face and of the Spherical face of the Aspherical Lens. Keywords: aspherical lens; coating; interferometry Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Aspheric lenses test report

The scope of the document is to report the results of the tests on each of the 16 Aspheric Lenses + the 4 spare Aspheric Lens. \nIn particular, the tests performed on each lens are: reflectance of the ...

Lédl, Vít; Melich, Radek; Procháska, František; Steiger, Lukáš; Chiarini, M.; Cibin, L.
Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2017

AAS - test readiness review
Budasz, Jiří; Lédl, Vít; Pleštil, Jan; Steiger, Lukáš; Václavík, Jan; Veselý, Martin
2017 - English
This document describes the test procedure applicable to the electrical and functional tests of the Alignment Aid System.\nThe test to be performed according to this procedure are to demonstrate the compliance of the above item to the requirements specified in the applicable document as part of the overall verification program. The test results shall be collected in a Test Report. Keywords: laser; mirror; reference; measurement Plné texty jsou dostupné na vyžádání prostřednictvím repozitáře Akademie věd.
AAS - test readiness review

This document describes the test procedure applicable to the electrical and functional tests of the Alignment Aid System.\nThe test to be performed according to this procedure are to demonstrate the ...

Budasz, Jiří; Lédl, Vít; Pleštil, Jan; Steiger, Lukáš; Václavík, Jan; Veselý, Martin
Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2017

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