Number of found documents: 95
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Is Semiotic Also Competent for Man's Communication with Technical Artefacts
Tondl, Ladislav
2011 - English
The paper justifies the competence of semiotics for studying and explaining the communication between man and technical artefact. This includes the languages of communication forms, the ability of both participants to accept, to understand and to create adequate reactions. For all types of these communication forms, there exist requirements placed not only on the technical artefact, but also on the human partner or user including not only the sufficient ability, knowledge equipment, but also the value aspects and responsibility. Keywords: communication; language; vocabulary; rules; value aspects of communication Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Is Semiotic Also Competent for Man's Communication with Technical Artefacts

The paper justifies the competence of semiotics for studying and explaining the communication between man and technical artefact. This includes the languages of communication forms, the ability of ...

Tondl, Ladislav
Filosofický ústav, 2011

Francisco Suárez (1548-1617) and Joannes Senftleben (1648-1693) on the Possibles, Essences and Eternal Truths. The Reception of Suárez's Metaphysics in Senftlebens Philosophia Aristotelica universa'
Heider, Daniel
2010 - English
The paper presents the life and work of the Polish-Bohemian philosopher and theologian of the second half of the 17th century Joannes Senftleben. It focuses on his reception of Suárez's metaphysics, namely the reception of the issues of possibles, the nature of distinction between the essential and existential being of the finite beings and the question of eternal truths. Keywords: possibles; essences; eternal truths; logical possibility; the Divine omnipotence Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Francisco Suárez (1548-1617) and Joannes Senftleben (1648-1693) on the Possibles, Essences and Eternal Truths. The Reception of Suárez's Metaphysics in Senftlebens Philosophia Aristotelica universa'

The paper presents the life and work of the Polish-Bohemian philosopher and theologian of the second half of the 17th century Joannes Senftleben. It focuses on his reception of Suárez's metaphysics, ...

Heider, Daniel
Filosofický ústav, 2010

Maxmilian Wietrowski SJ on Future Contingents
Svoboda, David
2010 - English
The paper deals with the problem of the truth-value of the propositions about so-called future cotingents events as it was put forth by the Czech Jesuit M. Wietrowski (1660-1737). Wietrowski defens the general validity of the law of excluded middle as well as of the principle of bivalence and that is why he says that any proposition about the future kontingent event has determinate truth-value independently of the Divine decree. Keywords: M. Wietrowski; future contigents; Truth-maker Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Maxmilian Wietrowski SJ on Future Contingents

The paper deals with the problem of the truth-value of the propositions about so-called future cotingents events as it was put forth by the Czech Jesuit M. Wietrowski (1660-1737). Wietrowski defens ...

Svoboda, David
Filosofický ústav, 2010

Rethinking Knowledge and Ignorance in Plato's Theaetetus
Chvatík, Ivan
2009 - English
The paper examines what is the message of Plato's dialogue Theaitetus. It interprets the Socrates' midwifery as an allegory of Platonic dialectic; explains the hermeneutic character of the dialogue; depicts the structure of the genesis of knowledge; argues that the refutation of Protagoras' thesis "homo – mensura" turns out to be its endorsement; and shows that knowledge proper is possible only in mathematics. Autor se snaží vyzkoumat, jaké je vlastní sdělení Platónova dialogu Theaitétos. Vykládá Sókratovo babické umění jako alegorii platonské dialektiky; vysvětluje hermeneutický charakter dialogu; popisuje strukturu geneze poznatků; ukazuje, že údajné vyvrácení Protagorovy teze "homo – mensura" je vlastně jejím potvrzením; a předvádí, že vědění ve vlastním, silném smyslu je možné pouze v matematice. Keywords: knowledge; ignorance; mathematics; Protagoras; Socrates Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Rethinking Knowledge and Ignorance in Plato's Theaetetus

The paper examines what is the message of Plato's dialogue Theaitetus. It interprets the Socrates' midwifery as an allegory of Platonic dialectic; explains the hermeneutic character of the dialogue; ...

Chvatík, Ivan
Filosofický ústav, 2009

The Symposium as Mysterious Revelation of the Dionysiac Nature
Hobza, Pavel
2008 - English
The main theme of the Symposium is the Dionysiac nature, whose various aspects are dealt with in the seven encomiastic speeches to Eros. Seven speeches are divided into two parts containing three speeches and Aristophanes' speech is the turning point of the dialogical action. The last three speeches reveal the essence of the Dionysiac nature illustrating three different Dionysiac ambivalences. Hlavní téma dialogu Symposion je pojednání o Dionýsovské přirozenosti, jejíž různé aspekty postupně rozvíjí a variuje všech sedm chvalořečí na Eróta. Sedm chvalořečí je rozděleno na dvě části po třech, přičemž Aristofanova čtvrtá řeč představuje zásadní dialogický předěl. Vlastní podstatu Dionýsovské přirozenosti pak ukazují poslední tři chvalořeči, postupně rozvíjející tři různé Dionýsovské ambivalence. Keywords: Plato; the Symposium; Dionysus; Dialogical reading Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
The Symposium as Mysterious Revelation of the Dionysiac Nature

The main theme of the Symposium is the Dionysiac nature, whose various aspects are dealt with in the seven encomiastic speeches to Eros. Seven speeches are divided into two parts containing three ...

Hobza, Pavel
Filosofický ústav, 2008

The Logica Yearbook 2007
Peliš, Michal
2008 - English
A collection of paper from the international conference Logica 2007. Jedná se o sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní konference Logica 2007. Keywords: logic; philosophy of mathematics; philosophy of logic Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
The Logica Yearbook 2007

A collection of paper from the international conference Logica 2007.

Jedná se o sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní konference Logica 2007.

Peliš, Michal
Filosofický ústav, 2008

Unity and Plurality in Semantics: Cajetan on Analogy
Dvořák, Petr
2008 - English
The paper explains the semantic theory of analogy in Thomas Aquinas and Thomas de Vio, known as Cajetan. Článek vysvětluje sémantickou teorie analogie u Tomáše Akvinského a Tomáše de Vio zvaného Kajetán. Keywords: history of philosophy; analogy; Thomas de Vio Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Unity and Plurality in Semantics: Cajetan on Analogy

The paper explains the semantic theory of analogy in Thomas Aquinas and Thomas de Vio, known as Cajetan....

Dvořák, Petr
Filosofický ústav, 2008

Popper's Open Society and the Phenomenon of European Union
Bednář, Miloslav
2008 - English
Bednář examines critically the European Union from the point of view of Popper's concept of open society. Bednář kriticky zkoumá Evropskou unii z hlediska Popperova pojetí otevřené společnosti. Keywords: Popper; open society; European Union Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Popper's Open Society and the Phenomenon of European Union

Bednář examines critically the European Union from the point of view of Popper's concept of open society.

Bednář kriticky zkoumá Evropskou unii z hlediska Popperova pojetí otevřené společnosti.

Bednář, Miloslav
Filosofický ústav, 2008

Regional Innovation Policy in the Czech Republic – its Potential and Challenges in International Context
Loudín, Jiří
2007 - English
A paper describes the state of the art of regional innovation policy in the Czech Republic in the context of goals that have been set for this field by European Commission. Stať popisuje stav rozvoje regionální inovační politiky v České republice v kontextu cílů, jež pro tuto oblast stanovila Evropská komise. Keywords: regional innovation policy; knowledge regions Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Regional Innovation Policy in the Czech Republic – its Potential and Challenges in International Context

A paper describes the state of the art of regional innovation policy in the Czech Republic in the context of goals that have been set for this field by European Commission....

Loudín, Jiří
Filosofický ústav, 2007

Semantics of the Axiom (Schema) of Comprehension
Materna, Pavel
2007 - English
The class determined by an instance of the axiom of comprehension is given by a concept as a procedure. Třída určená instance axiómu komprehenze je dána pojmem jakožto procedurou. Keywords: axiom of comprehension; property; concept Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Semantics of the Axiom (Schema) of Comprehension

The class determined by an instance of the axiom of comprehension is given by a concept as a procedure.

Třída určená instance axiómu komprehenze je dána pojmem jakožto procedurou.

Materna, Pavel
Filosofický ústav, 2007

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