Number of found documents: 2750
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Automatic measuring workplace
Kubátová, Dana
2015 - English
Surface integrity is gaining unprecedented importance and some areas of metrology are also very intensively de-veloping along with it. Controlling also plays a big part in conjunction with 3D measurement. This article de-scribes the possibilities of combining the requirement for 100% inspection of parts with automated measurement in the automotive industry with 3D measurement using the Equator system from Renishaw. Further, the article describes the essential characteristics of the device and its placement options in the workspace. The main theme deals with possibilities of processing the measured data gained in automatic mode. Keywords: zpracování dat; equator; měřicí přístroj; data processing; equator; measuring unit Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Automatic measuring workplace

Surface integrity is gaining unprecedented importance and some areas of metrology are also very intensively de-veloping along with it. Controlling also plays a big part in conjunction with 3D ...

Kubátová, Dana
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

Comparison of machining of poly-crystalline cubic boron nitride by rotary ultrasonic machi-ning and laser beam machining in terms of shape geometry
Kuruc, Marcel; Urminský, Ján; Necpal, Martin; Morovič, Ladislav; Peterka, Jozef
2015 - English
Poly-crystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN) is the hardest material beside diamonds. Generally, so hard materials could not be machined by conventional machining technologies. For this purpose, advanced machining methods have been designed. Rotary ultrasonic machining (RUM) and laser beam machining (LBM) are included among them. This contribution investigate and compare these advanced methods during machining of PCBN. In experi-ments, a tool for friction stir welding (FSW) was manufactured. The main evaluated attributes was shape accuracy and dimension precision. When shape accuracy is not sufficient, welding process is negatively affected (lower tool life, improper weld parameters). And when dimensions of welding tool are different, it cannot be used for demanded sheet thickness. According to the performed experiments, RUM achieved good enough shape accuracy, but inadequate dimension properties. For LBM it was vice versa. Keywords: otočné ultrazvukové obrábění; laserové paprskové obrábění; kubický nitrid boru; 3D skenování; svařování třením; rotary ultrasonic machining; laser beam machining; cubic boron nitride; 3D scanning; friction stir welding Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Comparison of machining of poly-crystalline cubic boron nitride by rotary ultrasonic machi-ning and laser beam machining in terms of shape geometry

Poly-crystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN) is the hardest material beside diamonds. Generally, so hard materials could not be machined by conventional machining technologies. For this purpose, ...

Kuruc, Marcel; Urminský, Ján; Necpal, Martin; Morovič, Ladislav; Peterka, Jozef
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

Methodology measuring geometry of the shank cutting tools
Pokorný, Peter; Zaujec, Rudolf; Buranský, Ivan
2015 - English
This paper focuses on geometry measuring of the shank cutting tools by the use of optical measuring devices. The scanning is realized in the system Atos Triplescan II and also in the system Zoller Genius 3. This paper provides a proposed methodology of shank cutting tools geometry measuring based on our scanning and measuring for the system Atos. The proposed methodology consists of the calibration, setting and tool clamping, preparation reference point and measuring in software. Part of the work also includes a comparison of measured results between the devices Atos and Zoller. This paper provides a contribution to the study of measurement geometry of the shank cutting tools. Keywords: nářadí; Atos; Zoller; měření; měření objemu; geometrie; tool; Atos; Zoller; measurement; measuring volume; geometry Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Methodology measuring geometry of the shank cutting tools

This paper focuses on geometry measuring of the shank cutting tools by the use of optical measuring devices. The scanning is realized in the system Atos Triplescan II and also in the system Zoller ...

Pokorný, Peter; Zaujec, Rudolf; Buranský, Ivan
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

Visual Analysis of Polarization Domains in Barium Titanate during Phase Transitions
Brix, Tobias; Lindemann, Florian; Praßni, Jörg-Stefan; Diepenbrock, Stefan; Hinrichs, Klaus
2014 - English
In recent years, the characteristics of ferroelectric barium titanate (BaTiO3) have been studied extensively in materials science. Barium titanate has been widely used for building transducers, capacitors and, as of late, for memory devices. In this context, a precise understanding of the formation of polarization domains during phase transitions within the material is especially important. Therefore, we propose an application that uses a combination of proven visualization techniques in order to aid physicists in the visual analysis of molecular dynamic simulations of BaTiO3. A set of linked 2D and 3D views conveys an overview of the evolution of dipole moments over time by visualizing single time steps as well as combining multiple time steps in one single static image using flow radar glyphs. In addition, our system semi-automatically detects polarization domains, whose spatial relation can be interactively analyzed at different levels of detail on commodity hardware. The evolution of selected polarization domains over their lifetime can be observed by a combination of animated spatial and quantitative views. Keywords: vizualizace; BaTiO3; materiálová věda; vizuální analýza; molekulární dynamika; počítačová simulace; visualization; BaTiO3; materials science; visual analysis; molecular dynamics; computer simulation Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Visual Analysis of Polarization Domains in Barium Titanate during Phase Transitions

In recent years, the characteristics of ferroelectric barium titanate (BaTiO3) have been studied extensively in materials science. Barium titanate has been widely used for building transducers, ...

Brix, Tobias; Lindemann, Florian; Praßni, Jörg-Stefan; Diepenbrock, Stefan; Hinrichs, Klaus
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

Locally Adaptive Products for Genuine Spherical Harmonic Lighting
Lee, Joo Ho; Kim, Min H.
2014 - English
Precomputed radiance transfer techniques have been broadly used for supporting complex illumination effects on diffuse and glossy objects. Although working with the wavelet domain is efficient in handling all-frequency illumination, the spherical harmonics domain is more convenient for interactively changing lights and views on the fly due to the rotational invariant nature of the spherical harmonic domain. For interactive lighting, however, the number of coefficients must be limited and the high orders of coefficients have to be eliminated. Therefore spherical harmonic lighting has been preferred and practiced only for interactive soft-diffuse lighting. In this paper, we propose a simple but practical filtering solution using locally adaptive products of high-order harmonic coefficients within the genuine spherical harmonic lighting framework. Our approach works out on the fly in two folds. We first conduct multi-level filtering on vertices in order to determine regions of interests, where the high orders of harmonics are necessary for high frequency lighting. The initially determined regions of interests are then refined through filling in the incomplete regions by traveling the neighboring vertices. Even not relying on graphics hardware, the proposed method allows to compute high order products of spherical harmonic lighting for both diffuse and specular lighting. Keywords: globální osvětlení; sférické harmonické osvětlení; počítačová grafika; global illumination; spherical harmonic lighting; computer graphics Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Locally Adaptive Products for Genuine Spherical Harmonic Lighting

Precomputed radiance transfer techniques have been broadly used for supporting complex illumination effects on diffuse and glossy objects. Although working with the wavelet domain is efficient in ...

Lee, Joo Ho; Kim, Min H.
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

Analytic Isosurface Rendering and Maximum Intensity Projection on the GPU
Józsa, Peter; Tóth, Márton József; Csébfalvi, Balázs
2014 - English
It is well known that isosurfaces implicitly represented by volumetric data can be analytically rendered if a trilinear interpolation is assumed to be applied for the continuous reconstruction. However, to the best of our knowledge, it has not been investigated yet how this approach can be efficiently implemented on current GPUs and how much the analytic intersection point calculations slow down the rendering process compared to the traditional discrete approximation. In this paper, we propose a GPU friendly first-hit ray-casting algorithm that (1) minimizes the number of texture fetches, (2) significantly simplifies the arithmetic operations, and (3) avoids error accumulation during the ray traversal. We show that our analytic isosurface rendering optimized for the GPU is even faster than an equidistant discrete sampling, if the sampling frequency is set such that a comparable image quality is obtained. This is true even if the empty blocks of voxels are not processed along the rays. Therefore, the analytic approach can completely replace the traditional first-hit ray-casting implementations. Additionally, we show that the core of our algorithm can also be used for analytic Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP). Keywords: sledování paprsku; projekce maximální intenzity; rekonstrukční filtrování; zrychlování GPU; vykreslování; izoplochy; ray tracing; maximum insity projection; reconstruction filtering; GPU accelerating; rendering; izosurfaces Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Analytic Isosurface Rendering and Maximum Intensity Projection on the GPU

It is well known that isosurfaces implicitly represented by volumetric data can be analytically rendered if a trilinear interpolation is assumed to be applied for the continuous reconstruction. ...

Józsa, Peter; Tóth, Márton József; Csébfalvi, Balázs
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

Hexagonal Image Quilting for Texture Synthesis
Kuri, David; Root, Elena; Theisel, Holger
2014 - English
The synthesis of textures of arbitrary size from smaller samples is a much-noticed problem in the field of computer graphics. While the proposed solutions deliver very good results for regular and near-regular textures, the synthesis of irregular textures is in need of improvement. In this paper, the well-known Image Quilting algorithm is analyzed and its idea is enhanced by replacing the square shape of the patches by a hexagonal shape. In addition, rotation and mirroring of patches are introduced. A penalty map is used to enforce even usage of source data and transformations to make feature repetition less noticeable and improve synthesis from multiple source images. This leads to considerably better results for complex textures like wood, smoke or water waves. Keywords: syntéza textur; sešívání obrázků; šestihranná dlažba; rotace; texture synthesis; image quilting; hexagonal tiling; rotation Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Hexagonal Image Quilting for Texture Synthesis

The synthesis of textures of arbitrary size from smaller samples is a much-noticed problem in the field of computer graphics. While the proposed solutions deliver very good results for regular and ...

Kuri, David; Root, Elena; Theisel, Holger
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

Real time vehicle detection and tracking on multiple lanes
Kovačić, Kristian; Ivanjko, Edouard; Gold, Hrvoje
2014 - English
Development of computing power and cheap video cameras enabled today’s traffic management systems to include more cameras and computer vision applications for transportation system monitoring and control. Combined with image processing algorithms cameras are used as sensors to measure road traffic parameters like flow, origindestination matrices, classify vehicles, etc. In this paper development of a system capable to measure traffic flow and estimate vehicle trajectories on multiple lanes using only one static camera is described. Vehicles are detected as moving objects using foreground and background image segmentation. Adjacent pixels in the moving objects image are grouped together and a weight factor based on cluster area, cluster overlapping area and distance between multiple clusters is computed to enable multiple moving object tracking. To ensure real time capabilities, image processing algorithm computation distribution between CPU and GPU is applied. Described system is tested using real traffic video footage obtained from Croatian highways. Keywords: detekce objektů; inteligentní dopravní systémy; detekce vozidla; trasování vozidla; paralelizace algoritmu; odhad trajektorie; object detection; intelligent transportation systems; vehicle detection; vehicle tracking; algorithm parallelization; trajectory estimation Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Real time vehicle detection and tracking on multiple lanes

Development of computing power and cheap video cameras enabled today’s traffic management systems to include more cameras and computer vision applications for transportation system monitoring and ...

Kovačić, Kristian; Ivanjko, Edouard; Gold, Hrvoje
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

Projectwork of elementary education of the model PUD-BJ- "From idea to product"
Eg, Nina; Bezjak, Jožica; Slosar, Mirko
2014 - English
Modern nine-year elementary school has to provide equal conditions for gaining different types of knowledge and optimal opportunities for a complete development of the individual for every pupil. Teachers use different teaching approaches, which contribute to lesson quality and lessons that are friendlier for pupils. One of the modern ways to gain quality education is the project-learning work. A theme-problem approach is typical for the project-learning work, because the themes are taken from the everyday life. Activities are planned in advanced in detail, the pupils themselves implement the activities and the teachers mainly guide the educational process. The pupils learn from their own experiences, which increases the quality and durability of gained and adopted knowledge. Following the model PUD-BJ, we have gathered creative ideas and carried them out by creating didactic-educational toys, which can assist teachers and pupils in learning. The creations vary in levels of difficulty and can be created in schools at technical days, at teaching technics or at technical activities clubs. They require the acquaintance of using different tools, utilities and natural materials, and moreover, they stimulate the development of various skills of pupils. Keywords: technické dny; kreativní nápady; didakticko-vzdělávací hračky; technical days; creative ideas; didactic-educational toys Available in the ZČU Library.
Projectwork of elementary education of the model PUD-BJ- "From idea to product"

Modern nine-year elementary school has to provide equal conditions for gaining different types of knowledge and optimal opportunities for a complete development of the individual for every pupil. ...

Eg, Nina; Bezjak, Jožica; Slosar, Mirko
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

Projectlearning-technological and cultural heritage at a different way - didactical model projectwork of model PUD-BJ...intergenerational learning project
Rožac, Jaka; Vadnjal, Naja; Nadoh, Ana; Bezjak, Jožica; Slosar, Mirko
2014 - English
Keywords: model; didaktická pomůcka; model; didactic tool Available in the ZČU Library.
Projectlearning-technological and cultural heritage at a different way - didactical model projectwork of model PUD-BJ...intergenerational learning project

Rožac, Jaka; Vadnjal, Naja; Nadoh, Ana; Bezjak, Jožica; Slosar, Mirko
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014

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