Number of found documents: 286
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Enhancement of fish communities, improvement of sampling and stock assessment in lakes and reservoirs.
2024 - English
This Ph.D. thesis focuses on fish habitats, how we can improve their natural complexity, and how we can improve techniques to survey these habitats. With increasing human activities affecting freshwater ecosystems due to human population growth and industrial expansion, it is crucial to study environmental changes, their impacts, and ways to mitigate damage. As many biotic and abiotic factors can influence the health and diversity of the community, for our study, we focused on habitat definition and complexity, and the effect of fishery management. Paper (I) focuses on the transition between littoral (shallow areas) and pelagic (open water) habitats and their impact on fish communities. The littoral zone, typically the most intricate segment of a water body, serves as the primary habitat for a significant portion of the fish community and species diversity. However, its spatial extent is very limited. Littoral delimitation is important for obtaining a true picture of the fish community composition and for its sustainable management decisions. Paper (II) investigated the impact of protected areas on fish populations in the Lipno reservoir in the Czech Republic, specifically focusing on the abundance, biomass, standard length, and diversity indices. Protected areas have legislation that reduces or stops certain anthropological impacts to help recover the ecosystem. These areas are normally linked to spawning areas, feeding grounds, or rare species and are vital for the restoration and proliferation of specific environments. In our case, we revealed more and larger predatory fish in protected and low anthropological impact areas. Paper (III) tests the introduction of artificial habitats, which are man-made structures or environments created to provide additional habitats and support for various organisms. Despite efforts to restore habitats to their natural states, there are instances where complete restoration is challenging. In particular, water bodies are subjected to significant anthropogenic alterations, such as reservoirs. In such instances, the introduction of artificial habitats has emerged as a solution to rapidly enhance the complexity of these environments. In Lipno reservoir, artificial floating islands attracted young-of-the-year of common species. Keywords: Fish management; Anthropogenic impact; Spatial distribution; Habitat use; Habitat restoration; Stock enhancement; Protected areas; Artificial Habitat Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Enhancement of fish communities, improvement of sampling and stock assessment in lakes and reservoirs.

This Ph.D. thesis focuses on fish habitats, how we can improve their natural complexity, and how we can improve techniques to survey these habitats. With increasing human activities affecting ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Reverse Janzen-Connell effects in New Guinean ant-plants
ZAHRA, Shafia
2024 - English
In this thesis, I investigate the presence of reverse Janzen-Connell effects in ant-plant communities in Papua New Guinea. Janzen-Connell effects help to explain species diversity maintenance by focusing on natural enemies' role in controlling plant distributions. It is postulated that spillover of enemies near adult plants reduces seedling survival, promoting coexistence and diversity. Conversely, reverse Janzen-Connell effects occur when mutualists enhance survival near conspecific adults, potentially creating larger recruitment zones leading in the extreme to species monodominance. I use a combination of observation and ant exclusion experiments, as well as spatial analysis to explore reverse Janzen-Connell effects. Ant-plant interactions, particularly myrmecophytic ones, show moderate species specificity, a key assumption of classic Janzen-Connell effects. Mutualistic ants enhance plant viability by eliminating herbivores and pathogens, reducing damage, and optimizing photosynthesis. I also explore the specificity of myrmecophytic systems compared to other ant-plant interactions across environments using a data collation approach. I speculate that reverse Janzen-Connell effects can be observed in ant-plant mutualisms, ectomycorrhizal fungi, and plants. I also found through a global meta-analysis that myrmecophytic networks are the most specialized, with specialisation being driven by network type rather than environmental factors. Thus, myrmecophytes are a suitable system to explore the presence of reverse Janzen-Connell effects. Spatial analysis showed the presence of reverse Janzen-Connell effects in plants in seedlings of Meliaceae family and less strongly in adults. In the ant exclusion experiments, conspecific saplings exhibited higher survival and growth, but this was not related to the treatment itself meaning the plants are potentially benefiting from root fungi from adult conspecifics. Saplings with ant patrolling had better survival, although caution is needed due to small sample size. Lastly, I found that ant inhabitation positively influenced growth in older ant-plants, but this was not linked to local ant-plant density, and leaf loss from herbivory was lower when saplings were near adult conspecifics, possibly due to protective volatiles. Taken together this suggests some weak evidence for reverse JanzenConnell effects in the lowland rainforest of Papua New Guinea. Keywords: Ant-plants interaction; Papua New Guinea; Rypasora amplifolia; network specialization; Janzen-Connell effect; Reverse Janzen Connell effect; meta-analysis; Myrmecophytic. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Reverse Janzen-Connell effects in New Guinean ant-plants

In this thesis, I investigate the presence of reverse Janzen-Connell effects in ant-plant communities in Papua New Guinea. Janzen-Connell effects help to explain species diversity maintenance by ...

ZAHRA, Shafia
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Struktura a funkce rostlinné kutikuly ve vztahu k zásobení listu oxidem uhličitým
2024 - English
V této práci nebyla rostlinná kutikula považována pouze za ochrannou bariéru proti ztrátě vody, ale za dynamickou strukturu, která odráží podmínky prostředí a může nést informace o koncentraci CO2 a jejího gradientu v listu. Pomocí izotopového složení epikutikulárního vosku jsme určili koncentraci CO2 v chloroplastech a gradient CO2 napříč listem hypo- a amfistomatických rostlin, otestovali jsme tento nový model na listech s odlišnou anatomickou strukturou a popsali dynamiku obnovy epikutikulárních vosků mladých a dospělých listů. In this thesis, plant cuticle was not considered only as a protective barrier agains water loss, but as a dynamic structure that reflects environmental conditions and may carry a trace of CO2 concentration and its gradient within the leaf. We used the isotopic composition of epicuticular wax to reveal concentration of CO2 in chloroplasts and gradient of CO2 across the leaf of hypo- and amphistomatous plants, tested this new model in leaves with distinct anatomical structures and described the dynamics of epicuticular wax renewal in young and mature leaves. Keywords: izotopy uhlíku; difúze CO2; vývoj kutikuly; epikutikulární vosky; výměna plynů; anatomie listů; listová kutikula; listový mezofyl; mezofylová vodivost; regenerace vosků Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Struktura a funkce rostlinné kutikuly ve vztahu k zásobení listu oxidem uhličitým

V této práci nebyla rostlinná kutikula považována pouze za ochrannou bariéru proti ztrátě vody, ale za dynamickou strukturu, která odráží podmínky prostředí a může nést informace o koncentraci CO2 a ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

With a little help from my friends: "understanding the roles and importance of the millipede gut microbiome"
NWEZE, Julius Eyiuche
2024 - English
This research aimed to elucidate the role and importance of the millipede gut microbiome in cellulose digestion by using inhibitors to disrupt potential host-symbiosis and assessing their effects on millipede digestion and overall health. It involved the first comprehensive profiling of microbial communities within the hindgut and faeces of two distinct millipede species: Epibolus pulchripes, a tropical species found on the East African coast, and Glomeris connexa, a temperate species native to Central Europe. Although both species share a similar detritivorous lifestyle, they differ in size and gut redox conditions, with G. connexa being smaller (10-17 mm) than E. pulchripes (130-160 mm). The study also revealed the potential of the hindgut bacterial community in breaking down complex polysaccharides and recycling nutrients. It described the active bacterial community vital for certain processes and the extent of the millipedes' dependence on them. Additionally, the research provided a comprehensive investigation of viral communities in the hindguts of the two millipedes and their role in enhancing metabolism and modulating microbial composition. Furthermore, it introduced a new perspective that millipedes primarily ingest litter to gain access to microbial biomass (primarily fungal), which they and their gut microbiota consume. This research aimed to elucidate the role and importance of the millipede gut microbiome in cellulose digestion by using inhibitors to disrupt potential host-symbiosis and assessing their effects on millipede digestion and overall health. It involved the first comprehensive profiling of microbial communities within the hindgut and faeces of two distinct millipede species: Epibolus pulchripes, a tropical species found on the East African coast, and Glomeris connexa, a temperate species native to Central Europe. Although both species share a similar detritivorous lifestyle, they differ in size and gut redox conditions, with G. connexa being smaller (10-17 mm) than E. pulchripes (130-160 mm). The study also revealed the potential of the hindgut bacterial community in breaking down complex polysaccharides and recycling nutrients. It described the active bacterial community vital for certain processes and the extent of the millipedes' dependence on them. Additionally, the research provided a comprehensive investigation of viral communities in the hindguts of the two millipedes and their role in enhancing metabolism and modulating microbial composition. Furthermore, it introduced a new perspective that millipedes primarily ingest litter to gain access to microbial biomass (primarily fungal), which they and their gut microbiota consume. Keywords: Millipedes; Epibolus pulchripes; Glomeris connexa; hindgut; microbes; virsues; plant litter; methane; metagenomics; metatranscriptomics; RNA-SIP; CARD-FISH; polysacchride degradation; nitrogen cycling; sulphur cycling; acetogenesis; urolytic bacteria; protists Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
With a little help from my friends: "understanding the roles and importance of the millipede gut microbiome"

This research aimed to elucidate the role and importance of the millipede gut microbiome in cellulose digestion by using inhibitors to disrupt potential host-symbiosis and assessing their effects on ...

NWEZE, Julius Eyiuche
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Regenerace smyslových orgánů u raků
KOR, Golara
2024 - English
Anteny jsou u raků důležitým smyslovým orgánem, které mají zásadní roli na jejich přežití, komunikaci a orientaci v prostředí. Jsou vybaveny smyslovými chloupky, které umožňují rakům detekovat různé podněty. Raci mají jedinečnou schopnost regenerovat své anteny. Hemocyty jsou specializované buňky raků a hrají klíčovou roli v jejich imunitním systému a podílejí se na procesu regenerace. Ke studiu morfologie a regenerace smyslových orgánů u raků jsme použili kryo-skenování a transmisní elektronové mikroskopy. V kapitole 2 byla kryo-skenovací elektronová mikroskopie použita k identifikaci potenciálních rozdílů v morfologii anten u šesti různých druhů raků, zahrnujících raka mramorovaného Procambarus virginalis, raka mexického Cambarellus patzcuarensis), raka červeného (Procambarus clarkii), raka signálního (Pacifastacus leniusculus), raka ničivého (Cherax destructor) a raka pruhovaného (Faxonius limosus). Zjistili jsme významné rozdíly mezi šesti druhy raků v poměru délky anteny, délky a šířky segmentu k délce krunýře a počtu segmentů. Zkoumání ultrastrukturálních rysů odhalilo rozdíly ve vzorcích distribuce smyslových chloupků podél anten a morfologii povrchu anten. Rozdílná morfologie anten mezi studovanými druhy pravděpodobně ukazuje na přizpůsobení se specifickým podmínkám jejich příslušných stanovišť. Výsledky dále ukázaly, že kombinace morfologických charakteristik anten nám může pomoci rozlišit různé studované druhy raků. V kapitole 3 bylo pomocí transmisní elektronové mikroskopie zkoumáno ultrastrukturální chování hemocytů během koagulace a fagocytózy v počátečních fázích poranění u raka mramorovaného. Během koagulačního procesu prodělaly hemocyty výrazné transformace v morfologii. Cytoplazmatická granula vykazovala změnu z elektronově hustých na elektronově prostupné formy s postupem koagulace. Bylo pozorováno, že transformované granule obsahují amorfní, pro eletrony prostupný materiál navzájem spojený a uvolňující svůj obsah do extracelulárního prostoru jako součást koagulačního procesu. Kromě toho bylo pozorováno, že obsah jádra také hraje roli během procesu koagulace. Navíc amputace nohy vedla k silné svalové degeneraci a fagocytující hemocyty začaly pohlcovat nekrotické tkáně. Kromě toho jsme pozorovali natrávené zbytky z fagocytovaných nekrotických tkání sloučených do granulí a dalších buněčných složek, čímž se zvýšila granularita hemocytů a změnila se jejich buněčná morfologie. Je však nutno poznamenat, že degranulace hemocytů během koagulace by mohla potenciálně snížit jejich granularitu. Vzhledem k tomu, že morfologické vlastnosti jsou pro klasifikaci hemocytů zcela zásadní, musí být tyto morfologické změny během koagulace a fagocytózy považovány za významné faktory. Degenerovaný materiál uložený uvnitř fagocytárních hemocytů může mít uplatnění v imunologických a regeneračních procesech. V kapitole 4 jsme použili transmisní elektronovou mikroskopii, abychom prozkoumali ultrastrukturální aspekty potenciálního zapojení imunitních buněk do regenerace nervů po amputaci anten raků. Zjištění ukázala, že během regenerace nervů byly přítomny všechny tři formy hemocytů. Nicméně granule v semigranulocytech a granulocytech přispěly především ke vzniku nových organel, jako jsou mitochondrie, Golgiho aparát a nervová vlákna v regenerovaných nervech račích anten. Odhalili jsme transformaci granulí hemocytů na různé organely během procesu regenerace nervů na ultrastrukturální úrovni. Závěrem lze říci, že tyto granule fungují jako kompaktní úložiště adaptabilních materiálů nesených imunitními buňkami, schopných transformace na různé organely během regenerace nervů v račích anten. The antennae are a crucial sensory organ in crayfish that plays vital roles in their survival, communication, and orientation within their environment. They are equipped with sensory hairs that enable crayfish to detect various stimuli. Crayfish possess the unique ability to regenerate their antennae. Hemocytes are specialized cells within crayfish and play a crucial role in their immune system and contribute to the process of regeneration. We applied cryo-scanning and Transmission electron microscopies to study sensory organ morphology and regeneration in crayfish. In Chapter 2, cryo-scanning electron microscopy was used to identify potential differences in antennal morphology in six different crayfish species including marbled crayfish Procambarus virginalis, Mexican dwarf crayfish Cambarellus patzcuarensis, red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii, signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus, common yabby Cherax destructor, and spiny-cheek crayfish Faxonius limosus. We observed significant differences among the six crayfish species in the ratios of antenna length, segment length and width to carapace length, and the number of segments. Examination of ultrastructural features unveiled differences in the distribution patterns of sensory hairs along the antenna and the morphology of the antennal surface. The varying morphology of antennae among studied species possibly indicates an adaptation to the specific conditions of their respective habitats. Furthermore, the outcomes demonstrated that a combination of variations in both antennal morphological characteristics and biometric measurements could effectively help us to distinguish the different studied crayfish species. In Chapter 3, the ultrastructural behaviour of hemocytes during coagulation and phagocytosis in the initial phases of injury in marbled crayfish was explored using transmission electron microscopy. During the coagulation process, hemocytes experienced marked transformations in morphology. The cytoplasmic granules exhibited a change from electron-dense to electron-lucent forms with the progress of coagulation. The transformed granules containing amorphous, electron-lucent material were observed to combine and release their contents into the extracellular space as part of the coagulation process. Additionally, it was observed that the nucleus contents also play a role in the coagulation process. Furthermore, the amputation of the leg led to substantial muscle degeneration, and phagocytic hemocytes start to take up the necrotic tissues. Besides, we observed the digested remains from phagocytized necrotic tissues merged into granules and other cellular components, thereby enhancing the granularity of the hemocytes and altering their cellular morphology. However, it is essential to note that hemocyte degranulation during coagulation could potentially reduce their granularity. Since morphological features are critical for classifying hemocytes, these morphological changes during coagulation and phagocytosis must be considered significant factors. The degenerated material that stored inside phagocytic hemocytes may have application in immunological and regeneration processes. In Chapter 4, we employed transmission electron microscopy to explore the ultrastructural aspects of potential immune cell involvement in nerve regeneration within crayfish antennae post-amputation. The findings indicated that, during nerve regeneration, all three forms of hemocytes were present. However, the granules within semi-granulocytes and granulocytes mainly contributed to the generation of new organelles such as mitochondria, the Golgi apparatus, and nerve fibers in the regenerated nerves of crayfish antennae. We revealed the transformation of granules of hemocytes into diverse organelles during the process of nerve regeneration at the ultrastructural level. In conclusion, these granules function as compact repositories of adaptable materials carried by immune cells, capable of transformatio Keywords: Anteny; Elektronová mikroskopie; Hemocyt; Imunitní systém; Regenerace Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Regenerace smyslových orgánů u raků

Anteny jsou u raků důležitým smyslovým orgánem, které mají zásadní roli na jejich přežití, komunikaci a orientaci v prostředí. Jsou vybaveny smyslovými chloupky, které umožňují rakům detekovat různé ...

KOR, Golara
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

The study of the phylogeny and taxonomy of selected genera of Erebidae (Lepidoptera; Noctuoidea) as a tool for understanding of origin of the Afrotropical moth fauna
IGNATEV, Nikolai
2024 - English
In this thesis, I conducted the taxonomical and phylogenetical research of selected Afrotropical moth genera, especially an Old-World moth genus Amerila, Walker 1855. All the studied genera belong to the family Erebidae (Lepidoptera; Noctuoidea) and are well-presented in the state European entomological collections. In our research, we used mitochondrial, or mitochondrial and nuclear markers and different molecular analyses to resolve relationships within the studied genera (exclude Meganaclia, Aurivillius 1892). Comparative morphological analysis was used in all the studies. We aimed to update the classification of studied Lepidoptera genera, and to highlight the gaps in taxonomical study of Afrotropical moth fauna in general. Keywords: arctiinae; ancestral state reconstruction; integrative taxonomy; morphological characters Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
The study of the phylogeny and taxonomy of selected genera of Erebidae (Lepidoptera; Noctuoidea) as a tool for understanding of origin of the Afrotropical moth fauna

In this thesis, I conducted the taxonomical and phylogenetical research of selected Afrotropical moth genera, especially an Old-World moth genus Amerila, Walker 1855. All the studied genera belong to ...

IGNATEV, Nikolai
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Microbial ecology of Alpine and High Arctic soils in changing climate
2024 - English
This study has contributed to a deeper understanding of certain aspects of initial soil development in the extreme environments of the High Arctic and the High Alpine regions. Specifically, we have examined the impact of geochemistry on the initial microbial succession following deglaciation and its subsequent transition toward the predominant influence of pioneer plants over time and the process of SOC stabilization. Our focus has been on understanding substrate-microbial and plant-microbial interactions, particularly with regards to nutrient availability and stoichiometry. In addition to investigations carried out in the High Arctic regions, we conducted an incubation experiment in the High Alps. This experiment aimed to explore nutrient availability for microorganisms in relation to their response to varying high temperatures, which are observed under ongoing climate change. This study has contributed to a deeper understanding of certain aspects of initial soil development in the extreme environments of the High Arctic and the High Alpine regions. Specifically, we have examined the impact of geochemistry on the initial microbial succession following deglaciation and its subsequent transition toward the predominant influence of pioneer plants over time and the process of SOC stabilization. Our focus has been on understanding substrate-microbial and plant-microbial interactions, particularly with regards to nutrient availability and stoichiometry. In addition to investigations carried out in the High Arctic regions, we conducted an incubation experiment in the High Alps. This experiment aimed to explore nutrient availability for microorganisms in relation to their response to varying high temperatures, which are observed under ongoing climate change. Keywords: Arctic soils; biogeochemistry; deglaciation; glacier forefield; microbial assembly; soil succession; alpine soils; SOC stabilization; plant-microbial interaction; rhizosphere soils; willow exudation Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Microbial ecology of Alpine and High Arctic soils in changing climate

This study has contributed to a deeper understanding of certain aspects of initial soil development in the extreme environments of the High Arctic and the High Alpine regions. Specifically, we have ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Investigating associations of saproxylic beetles with forest structure through the analysis of species composition and feeding guilds
2024 - English
The thesis contains studies focusing on various forest biotopes of Central Europe and saproxylic beetles as a model group for forest ecology research. In the review, current knowledge about the threats for forest biota, mainly saproxylic beetles are discussed in the context of species composition and trait-based approach. Various stages of succession in the patches of disturbed forests, their connectivity, the introduction non-native tree species, and the assessment of feeding guilds using stable isotopes are studied in the relation to saproxylic beetles in separate chapters. Keywords: connectivity; forest ecology; non-native tree species; trait-based approach; saproxylic beetles; species composition; stable isotopes; succession Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Investigating associations of saproxylic beetles with forest structure through the analysis of species composition and feeding guilds

The thesis contains studies focusing on various forest biotopes of Central Europe and saproxylic beetles as a model group for forest ecology research. In the review, current knowledge about the ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Waste as a source of business opportunities for circular economy and bioeconomy
2024 - English
This dissertation thesis underlines the promising potential of biowaste processing using Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae with the subsequent production of value-added products such as feed components, fertilizers, cosmetics, etc. The concept is gaining global popularity, although legislative challenges initially hindered EU companies, resulting in delays in the placement of BSF products on the market. Nevertheless, EU enterprises, leveraging the time afforded by evolving legislation, emerged with cutting-edge technologies, positioning them to produce high-quality protein for animal feed and other value-added products. The study reveals a significant correlation between business development and scientific achievements in the field of BSF rearing in the EU and EFTA Member states. Another finding of this study was that countries with established Bioeconomy strategies at the national level show higher numbers of publications and established companies in the field of BSF rearing compared to those with Bioeconomy strategies under development or other bioeconomy-related policies. However, the biggest finding of this study is the results of the BSF meal, soybean meal and fish meal competitiveness analysis for the first time conducted in the Czech Republic. The comprehensive analysis showed that BSF meal has the potential to compete with products like soybean meal and fish meal despite its current market price is still a major drawback. The main benefits of the BSF meal are well-balanced nutritional properties and demonstrated positive ecological impact. It was also discovered that under the current conditions, the key bottlenecks are insufficient BSF products supply and the overly strict EU legislation which causes challenges in the price competitiveness. However, based on the review accompanied by the competitiveness analysis results and taking into account political trends, it can be concluded that industrial insect rearing represents a significant commercial potential. This dissertation thesis underlines the promising potential of biowaste processing using Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae with the subsequent production of value-added products such as feed components, fertilizers, cosmetics, etc. The concept is gaining global popularity, although legislative challenges initially hindered EU companies, resulting in delays in the placement of BSF products on the market. Nevertheless, EU enterprises, leveraging the time afforded by evolving legislation, emerged with cutting-edge technologies, positioning them to produce high-quality protein for animal feed and other value-added products. The study reveals a significant correlation between business development and scientific achievements in the field of BSF rearing in the EU and EFTA Member states. Another finding of this study was that countries with established Bioeconomy strategies at the national level show higher numbers of publications and established companies in the field of BSF rearing compared to those with Bioeconomy strategies under development or other bioeconomy-related policies. However, the biggest finding of this study is the results of the BSF meal, soybean meal and fish meal competitiveness analysis for the first time conducted in the Czech Republic. The comprehensive analysis showed that BSF meal has the potential to compete with products like soybean meal and fish meal despite its current market price is still a major drawback. The main benefits of the BSF meal are well-balanced nutritional properties and demonstrated positive ecological impact. It was also discovered that under the current conditions, the key bottlenecks are insufficient BSF products supply and the overly strict EU legislation which causes challenges in the price competitiveness. However, based on the review accompanied by the competitiveness analysis results and taking into account political trends, it can be concluded that industrial insect rearing represents a significant commercial potential. Keywords: bioeconomy; circular economy; competitiveness; feed; insect protein Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Waste as a source of business opportunities for circular economy and bioeconomy

This dissertation thesis underlines the promising potential of biowaste processing using Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae with the subsequent production of value-added products such as feed components, ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

Anthropogenic impact on early-life stages of rheophilic fish
BARTOŇ, Daniel
2024 - English
This study focuses on the problems faced by the early-life stages of fish living in a river influenced by reservoirs and suggests possible solutions to enhance recruitment. The model fish for the study is the asp (Leuciscus aspius), known for its significant and protected population in the Želivka Reservoir, from where it migrates for reproduction to the tributary of Želivka River. The asp migrates upstream in spring to spawn in shallow, fast-flowing waters. At a research site, the adult population of asp is monitored using passive telemetry. Fish are caught, tagged, and released back into the reservoir. The asp population faces threats due to hydropeaking and river fragmentation. Hydropeaking causes egg detachment from the pebbles and their sedimentation in the reservoir. The study suggests that water should not exceed a velocity of 0.7 m×s-1 at the spawning ground. Periodically increasing discharge also shifts spawning fish outside their preferred spawning site, causing disruption of spawning and potentially lowering recruitment. A flowdeflector was built to protect newly spawned eggs from hydropeaking. However, there are additional threats to the asp recruitment process such as egg consumption by non-indigenous fish like common bream (Abramis brama). Water flow conditions are crucial for the conservation of rheophilic fish, as these fish, aside from habitat loss and modification, also face newly interacting generalist fish species moving from lentic to lotic sections of the system. Fish communities can be affected by reservoir construction far upstream, and these anthropogenic habitat alterations have severe negative impacts on threatened rheophilic fish recruitment. This study focuses on the problems faced by the early-life stages of fish living in a river influenced by reservoirs and suggests possible solutions to enhance recruitment. The model fish for the study is the asp (Leuciscus aspius), known for its significant and protected population in the Želivka Reservoir, from where it migrates for reproduction to the tributary of Želivka River. The asp migrates upstream in spring to spawn in shallow, fast-flowing waters. At a research site, the adult population of asp is monitored using passive telemetry. Fish are caught, tagged, and released back into the reservoir. The asp population faces threats due to hydropeaking and river fragmentation. Hydropeaking causes egg detachment from the pebbles and their sedimentation in the reservoir. The study suggests that water should not exceed a velocity of 0.7 m×s-1 at the spawning ground. Periodically increasing discharge also shifts spawning fish outside their preferred spawning site, causing disruption of spawning and potentially lowering recruitment. A flowdeflector was built to protect newly spawned eggs from hydropeaking. However, there are additional threats to the asp recruitment process such as egg consumption by non-indigenous fish like common bream (Abramis brama). Water flow conditions are crucial for the conservation of rheophilic fish, as these fish, aside from habitat loss and modification, also face newly interacting generalist fish species moving from lentic to lotic sections of the system. Fish communities can be affected by reservoir construction far upstream, and these anthropogenic habitat alterations have severe negative impacts on threatened rheophilic fish recruitment. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Anthropogenic impact on early-life stages of rheophilic fish

This study focuses on the problems faced by the early-life stages of fish living in a river influenced by reservoirs and suggests possible solutions to enhance recruitment. The model fish for the ...

BARTOŇ, Daniel
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2024

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