Number of found documents: 988
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Analysis of van der Pol equation on slow time scale for combined random and harmonic excitation
Náprstek, Jiří; Fischer, Cyril
2022 - English
Vortex shedding represents one of the most important processes that constantly attract the attention of experimental and theoretical research. A number of non-linear effects arise from the fluid-structure interaction. The non-stationary response in the vicinity of the lock-in region has a quasi-periodic character, beating frequency of which varies considerably with the distance from the lock-in frequency. This property is significantly affected by the assumption of combined random and harmonic excitation. This paper describes several details that contribute to the probabilistic characteristics of the system on a time-slow scale using partial response amplitudes. Keywords: SDOF oscillator; slow-time system; Fokker-Planck equation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Analysis of van der Pol equation on slow time scale for combined random and harmonic excitation

Vortex shedding represents one of the most important processes that constantly attract the attention of experimental and theoretical research. A number of non-linear effects arise from the ...

Náprstek, Jiří; Fischer, Cyril
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2022

Construction of the Lyapunov function reflecting the physical properties of the model
Náprstek, Jiří; Fischer, Cyril
2022 - English
Practical experience shows that the random excitation component can affect the system response and its dynamic stability not only negatively but also positively. Such mechanisms are usually developed heuristically and are often not sufficiently justified theoretically. The paper presents a possibility of using the properties of first integrals for the construction of a Lyapunov function for the analysis of a dynamic system stability in the stochastic domain. In such case, the Lyapunov function itself contains information on the examined system and, consequently, it is able to provide a more detailed insight into the system stability properties. The procedure is illustrated by a nonlinear SDOF example. Keywords: Lyapunov function; stability; spherical pendulum Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Construction of the Lyapunov function reflecting the physical properties of the model

Practical experience shows that the random excitation component can affect the system response and its dynamic stability not only negatively but also positively. Such mechanisms are usually developed ...

Náprstek, Jiří; Fischer, Cyril
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2022

Zřícenina středověkého hradu a moderní technologie pro bezpečnou správu
Novotný, Jakub
2022 - Czech
Tématem příspěvku je vztah torzální architektury a moderních technologií. Nejprve je stručně představen dokument Report assessing innovative restoration techniques, technologies and materials used in conservation, který poskytuje přehled nejpoužívanějších technik, technologií a materiálů pro průzkumu a ochranu tohoto typu památek. Dále příspěvek přibližuje průběh a výsledky projektu regionální spolupráce Technologický výzkum zříceniny hradu Štamberk v širším kontextu regionu s důrazem na použití moderních technologií. The topic of the paper is the relationship between torsional architecture and modern technologies. First, the Report assessing innovative restoration techniques, technologies and materials used in conservation is briefly presented, which provides an overview of the most used techniques, technologies and materials for the exploration and protection of this type of monuments. Furthermore, the paper provides an overview of the progress and results of the regional cooperation project Technological research of the Štamberk castle ruins in the wider context of the region with an emphasis on the use of modern technologies. Keywords: ruin; modern technologies; Štamberk Castle; conservation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Zřícenina středověkého hradu a moderní technologie pro bezpečnou správu

Tématem příspěvku je vztah torzální architektury a moderních technologií. Nejprve je stručně představen dokument Report assessing innovative restoration techniques, technologies and materials used in ...

Novotný, Jakub
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2022

Analytical model of joint loaded perpendicular to wooden grain
Hataj, M.; Pošta, J.; Hasníková, Hana; Kunecký, Jiří
2022 - English
Computing models for structural behaviour and determination of traditional timber butt joints using analytical relations are presented in this paper. A component method is the base of the computing technique introduced herein. This method is usually used for steel joint design. The component method is based on dividing a joint into individual components. These are defined by partial joint component stiffness. An analytical solution includes a subsidence effect of wooden material close to compressive loading. Analytical computation results are compared with the experimental outputs. A design procedure according to Eurocode 5 for a load capacity determination of perpendicularly loaded structural elements is stated in the paper. Keywords: analytical models; load capacity; butt joint; carpentry; timber structures Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Analytical model of joint loaded perpendicular to wooden grain

Computing models for structural behaviour and determination of traditional timber butt joints using analytical relations are presented in this paper. A component method is the base of the computing ...

Hataj, M.; Pošta, J.; Hasníková, Hana; Kunecký, Jiří
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2022

Wooden construction of the movable roof of the garden pavilion in Český Krumlov castle
Bláha, Jiří; Kloiber, Michal
2022 - English
A remarkable technical monument is situated on one of the garden terraces belonging to the state castle and chateau in Český Krumlov. The umbrella-shaped roof of the lookout pavilion can be lifted about a meter above the masoned parapet allowing the visitor a beautiful view of the World Heritage town panorama when the weather is fine. In windy conditions or in case of heavy rain the roof could be lowered and the pavilion thus closed. The lifting is operated by means of a wooden lever mechanism with a counterweight box hidden in the basement level of the building. The unique construction was built in 1823 and needed to be partially altered in 1830-1835. However, since then it has been preserved in a surprisingly authentic state even allowing practical demonstrations of its original function. Prior to recent repairs in 2016, a comprehensive non-destructive survey was conducted. The extent of the damage discovered was determined by measuring the speed of elastic wave propagation using stress waves (Fakkop 2D) and measuring the mechanical resistance when drilling with a thin bit using resistance micro-drilling (Resistograph). Another method based on loading timber by means of a\nminiature loading jack inserted into a drilled hole was selected to determine the current mechanical properties. Keywords: lookout pavilion; gazebo; non-destructive testing; roof; timber; wood Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Wooden construction of the movable roof of the garden pavilion in Český Krumlov castle

A remarkable technical monument is situated on one of the garden terraces belonging to the state castle and chateau in Český Krumlov. The umbrella-shaped roof of the lookout pavilion can be lifted ...

Bláha, Jiří; Kloiber, Michal
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2022

Aerodynamic interference forces acting on two square prisms in a model atmospheric boundary layer
Macháček, Michael; Lo, Y. L.; Máca, J.
2022 - English
The presented experimental analysis focuses on the definition of interference factors for aerodynamic forces acting on two square prisms depending on their relative position. Both prisms used had the same dimensions and a height to width ratio of 6 - this ratio is relatively common in high-rise buildings. The experiment was performed in a wind tunnel with a model atmospheric boundary layer, which represented a dense urban area. The forces acting at the base of one of the buildings were measured, and by moving the other building it was possible to measure 204 mutual configurations, i.e., 204 interference positions. In all positions, the windward facades of the small-area model were placed perpendicular to the direction of the incoming flow. This created a detailed map of the interference effect on a wind-loaded pair of buildings. The results show a significant effect of the relative position of buildings on wind loads. A significant increase in\nload occurred due to the proximity of buildings. Due to the interference effect, wind load fluctuations can increase by up to 28% and average values by up to 36%. Keywords: interference effect; two square prisms; wind tunnel experiments; turbulent boundary layer Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Aerodynamic interference forces acting on two square prisms in a model atmospheric boundary layer

The presented experimental analysis focuses on the definition of interference factors for aerodynamic forces acting on two square prisms depending on their relative position. Both prisms used had the ...

Macháček, Michael; Lo, Y. L.; Máca, J.
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2022

Tomographic investigation of the sandstone fracture toughness
Vavřík, Daniel; Beneš, Pavel; Fíla, Tomáš; Koudelka_ml., Petr; Kumpová, Ivana; Vavro, Martin
2022 - English
It is well known that the measured values of the fracture toughness of quasi brittle materials are influenced by material heterogeneity, dimensions, boundary conditions, and unequal tension and compression properties. Standard testing methods supposing isotropic material, in contrary the quasi-brittle materials differ from this theoretical expectation, therefore this approach may fail. The authors present Local Fracture Toughness Testing (LFTT) method to overcome this obstacle. LFFT based on a complex methodology using a series of tomographic reconstructions recorded during specimen loading is calculated independently of the outside boundary conditions. Keywords: fracture process zone; crack path; quasi-brittle material; X-Ray computed tomography; four-point bending test Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Tomographic investigation of the sandstone fracture toughness

It is well known that the measured values of the fracture toughness of quasi brittle materials are influenced by material heterogeneity, dimensions, boundary conditions, and unequal tension and ...

Vavřík, Daniel; Beneš, Pavel; Fíla, Tomáš; Koudelka_ml., Petr; Kumpová, Ivana; Vavro, Martin
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2022

Stone surface topography of Prague historic monuments over the centuries
Kovářová, K.; Cihla, Michal; Malát, R.; Semerád, M.; Tryml, M.
2022 - English
Stonemasons tool traces on stone surface are undoubtably a significant part of monument historic value. As any other profession, stonemasons craft develops over time and has its own specifics in every period. Each work has its own unique pattern and bears traces of individual stonemason workshops, tradition, etc. The study of building stone cutting is based on evolving methods of mechanoscopy and analytical traceology. Stone traceology deals with traces in material and the subsequent reconstruction of tools and the processes of stoneworking. The interpretation of data in terms of determining the actual trace is called a mechanoscopy. When studying a stone surface, the latest 3D modelling technology is used with subsequent analyses by means of Global Mapper software. The use of these methods enables reconstruction of the craftsman’s tools. The presented article is an extract of a study that systematically maps the stone cutting work in the territory of Prague from the oldest buildings to the present day. For example, stonework in 9th century Prague was gradually evolving from simple stone block modelling to sophisticated cutting of blocks in the 12th century. This information can be very useful in the process of monument care. Keywords: stone topography; Prague; craftmanship; stonemason tool; tool traces Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Stone surface topography of Prague historic monuments over the centuries

Stonemasons tool traces on stone surface are undoubtably a significant part of monument historic value. As any other profession, stonemasons craft develops over time and has its own specifics in every ...

Kovářová, K.; Cihla, Michal; Malát, R.; Semerád, M.; Tryml, M.
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2022

Creep of oak dowel: various loading and environmental conditions
Hasníková, Hana; Kunecký, Jiří; Hataj, M.
2022 - English
For research of timber joints, the crucial role in force distribution inside the joint is played by distribution and variability of stiffness of the dowels. Not only the instant stiffness, but the one that we can encounter after some longer period. Also, this value and its statistical distribution is influenced by many other factors, however, humidity and temperature are in timber (oak) dowels of utmost importance. In the work results of a creep experiment made using a special testing rig is presented. It has been found, that biggest changes in creep behavior are in case if very humid conditions are present, and, also, that cycling the temperature in high humidity conditions can produce about 104% of the original instantaneous displacement. The result is not surprising, however, new insights are made thanks to relatively high number of samples and ability to produce some statistics. Another outcome is relation of dowel stiffness in time to the level of applied stress, which is quantified in the article. Keywords: oak dowel; creep; humidity Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Creep of oak dowel: various loading and environmental conditions

For research of timber joints, the crucial role in force distribution inside the joint is played by distribution and variability of stiffness of the dowels. Not only the instant stiffness, but the one ...

Hasníková, Hana; Kunecký, Jiří; Hataj, M.
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2022

Comparison of mechanical properties of wood determined by local gently destructive tests and fully destructive tests on building elements
Drdácký, Miloš; Kloiber, Michal; Valluzzi, M. R.; Casarin, F.
2022 - English
Demolition or repair of historic buildings is a valuable source of test materials for testing nondestructive and gently destructive methods for estimating the mechanical properties of built-in wood. The article uses the results of one such opportunity, when it was possible to study the mechanical properties of wood obtained by local measurements on a larger sample of historic and new wooden beams and compare them with the properties calculated from destructive tests of structural elements. Thirty-one wood elements (nineteen recovered from disassembled buildings and twelve new) were subjected to considerately destructive local tests using a loading mini-jack method. In this method, a small loading jack is inserted into a precisely drilled hole and a load test of the wood in compression along the fibers is performed on a part of the hole wall while measuring the achieved deformation under load. Red and white firs, and pine species constituted the recovered elements - red fir and larch the new ones. Destructive tests (in bending and compression) were also carried out on ten recovered and six new elements, and results were correlated with those of considerately destructive tests. Comparison of the assessed mechanical properties shows reasonably good correlation and promising conclusions for practical applications. Keywords: considerately destructive tests; mini-jack method; destructive tests; assessment of mechanical characteristics of wood; historic timber Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Comparison of mechanical properties of wood determined by local gently destructive tests and fully destructive tests on building elements

Demolition or repair of historic buildings is a valuable source of test materials for testing nondestructive and gently destructive methods for estimating the mechanical properties of built-in wood. ...

Drdácký, Miloš; Kloiber, Michal; Valluzzi, M. R.; Casarin, F.
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2022

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