Number of found documents: 259
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Hydrophilic polymer systems in capillary electrophoretic separations
Guryča, Vilém; Novotný, M. V.; Michálek, Jiří; Pacáková, V.
2005 - English
The present work deals with preparations of polymeric stationary phases/coatings for separations of biologically active compounds such as glycoproteins and glycans. Práce pojednává o přípravě polymerních stacionárních fázích/filmech, které slouží pro kapilárně elektroforetické separace biologicky aktivních sloučenin, jako např. glykoproteinů nebo glykanů. Keywords: analytical glycobiology; capillary electrochromatography; hydrophilic acrylamide monoliths Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Hydrophilic polymer systems in capillary electrophoretic separations

The present work deals with preparations of polymeric stationary phases/coatings for separations of biologically active compounds such as glycoproteins and glycans....

Guryča, Vilém; Novotný, M. V.; Michálek, Jiří; Pacáková, V.
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2005

Preparation and characterization of molecularly imprinted monolithic columns
Širc, Jakub; Bosáková, Z.; Michálek, Jiří; Guryča, Vilém
2005 - English
By in situ polymerization prepared molecularly imprinted polymer rods were characterized by porosimetry, scanning electron microscopy and by separation of standard hydrophobic solutes and enantiomer pairs. Byly připraveny monolitické kolony na principu vtištěných polymerů a charakterizovány pomocí rtuťové porozimetrie, skenovací elektronové mikroskopie. Jejich separační vlastnosti byly sledovány na dělení směsi hydrofobních standardů a optických izomerů. Keywords: molecular imprinting; in situ polymerization; chiral separation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Preparation and characterization of molecularly imprinted monolithic columns

By in situ polymerization prepared molecularly imprinted polymer rods were characterized by porosimetry, scanning electron microscopy and by separation of standard hydrophobic solutes and enantiomer ...

Širc, Jakub; Bosáková, Z.; Michálek, Jiří; Guryča, Vilém
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2005

Modification of isotactic polypropylene
Ličko, M.; Jeníková, Z.; Rybníček, J.; Horník, J.; Steidl, J.; Raab, Miroslav
2005 - English
Injection moulded samples of polypropylene were used to study the effect of trigonal .beta.-phase and ethylene propylene rubber on mechanical-physical properties in respect to microstructure. The results were compared with pure isotactic polypropylene, .beta.phase induced by 0.33 weight percent of a nucleation reagent and 20 weight percent of EPM rubber increases the toughness of iPP. A substantial increase in toughness was observed by combining both additives resulting in spherolite refinement and reduction in amorphous content. However, the improvement in toughness was at the expense of the yield strength and modulus of elasticity. Vliv trigonální .beta.-fáze izotaktického polypropylenu na mikrostrukturu a mechanicko-fyzikální vlastnosti byl sledován u zkušebních vzorků připravených technologií vstřikování. Keywords: isotactic polypropylene Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Modification of isotactic polypropylene

Injection moulded samples of polypropylene were used to study the effect of trigonal .beta.-phase and ethylene propylene rubber on mechanical-physical properties in respect to microstructure. The ...

Ličko, M.; Jeníková, Z.; Rybníček, J.; Horník, J.; Steidl, J.; Raab, Miroslav
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2005

Polypropylene/aspen/liquid polybutadienes composites: Maximization of impact strength, tensile and modulus by statistical experimental design
Kokta, B. V.; Fortelný, Ivan; Kruliš, Zdeněk; Horák, Zdeněk; Michálková, Danuše
2005 - English
A systematic study of the effect of concentration of maleated polypropylene MAPP, dicumyl peroxide DCP, polyisobutadiene isocyanate PBNCO and fiber content on the mechanical properties of ASspen-PP composite was undertaken with the objective to protect or increase the impact strength without losing tensile strength reinforcement. Using STAGRAPHIC Plus, the central composite design it was possible to determine the optimum concentration of additives and to maximiye both the impact as well as tensile properties well above that of pure polypropylene. Systematicky byl studován vliv koncentrace maleovaného polypropylenu, dikumyl peroxidu, polyisobutylen-isokyanátu a obsahu vláken na mechanické vlastnosti kompozitů osika-polypropylen s cílem udržet nebo zvýšit jejich houževnatost bez ztráty ztužení. S použitím STAGRAPHIC Plus – the central composite design bylo možné určit optimální koncentrace aditiv a maximalizovat současně houževnatost a tahové vlastnosti, oboje nad vlastnosti čistého polypropylenu. Keywords: polymer composites; polypropylene; cellulose Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Polypropylene/aspen/liquid polybutadienes composites: Maximization of impact strength, tensile and modulus by statistical experimental design

A systematic study of the effect of concentration of maleated polypropylene MAPP, dicumyl peroxide DCP, polyisobutadiene isocyanate PBNCO and fiber content on the mechanical properties of ASspen-PP ...

Kokta, B. V.; Fortelný, Ivan; Kruliš, Zdeněk; Horák, Zdeněk; Michálková, Danuše
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2005

Molecular current switch: principles and characterization of the model system
Weiter, M.; Vala, M.; Nešpůrek, Stanislav; Toman, Petr
2005 - English
The kinetics of the reversible photochromic reaction merocyanine - spiropyran, which manifested the annihilation of the dipolar species, was studied using the optical and impedance methods. Kinetika reverzibilní fotochromní reakce merocyanin - spiropyran, která vykazuje anihilaci dipolárních částic, byla studována optickými a impedančními metodami. Keywords: photoconductivity; photochromism; charge transport Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Molecular current switch: principles and characterization of the model system

The kinetics of the reversible photochromic reaction merocyanine - spiropyran, which manifested the annihilation of the dipolar species, was studied using the optical and impedance ...

Weiter, M.; Vala, M.; Nešpůrek, Stanislav; Toman, Petr
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2005

TEM imaging and SERS spectral probing of one particular single dimer and small aggregate of molecularly-bridged Ag nanoparticles
Vlčková, B.; Moskovits, M.; Pavel, I.; Šišková, K.; Sládková, M.; Šlouf, Miroslav
2005 - English
Temporally fluctuating SERS (Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering) signals originating from a single specific dimer of 4,4'-diaminoazobenzene -bridged and a single specific small aggregate of 4,4''-diaminoterphenyl bridged Ag nanoparticles are reported. Práce prezentuje časově fluktující SERS (povrchově zesílený Ramanův rozptyl) signály vznikající z jediného konkrétního dimeru spojeného 4,4'-diaminobenzenem a jednoho určitého malého agregátu spojeného 4,4''-diaminoterfenylem stříbrných nanočástic. Keywords: Ag nanoparticle dimers; small Ag nanoparticle aggregates; SERS signal blinking Available at various institutes of the ASCR
TEM imaging and SERS spectral probing of one particular single dimer and small aggregate of molecularly-bridged Ag nanoparticles

Temporally fluctuating SERS (Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering) signals originating from a single specific dimer of 4,4'-diaminoazobenzene -bridged and a single specific small aggregate of ...

Vlčková, B.; Moskovits, M.; Pavel, I.; Šišková, K.; Sládková, M.; Šlouf, Miroslav
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2005

Switching in molecular systems
Nešpůrek, Stanislav; Wang, Geng; Sworakowski, J.
2004 - English
A general approach to electrical and optical switching based on molecular materials is put forward, namely, switching based on photochromism, redox reactions, photoconductivity and charge carrier trapping. The physical and chemical background on a novel type of a switch, based on charge-dipole interactions, is discussed in details. Obecný přístup k elektrickému a optickému přepínání založeném na fotochromismu a redoxních reakcích fotovodivosti. Fyzikální a chemické základy nového vypínače založené na interakcích náboj, dipol. Keywords: poly[3,4-(ethylenedioxy)thiophene]; electrical conductivity; charge carrier transport Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Switching in molecular systems

A general approach to electrical and optical switching based on molecular materials is put forward, namely, switching based on photochromism, redox reactions, photoconductivity and charge carrier ...

Nešpůrek, Stanislav; Wang, Geng; Sworakowski, J.
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2004

Preparation and characterization of isometric gold nanoparticles with pre-calculated size
Šlouf, Miroslav; Kužel, R.; Matěj, Z.
2004 - English
We prepared and characterized Au particles with different sizes in solution by UV/vis spectroscopy and in solid state by TEM and powder diffraction. Připravili a charakterizovali jsme Au částice s rozdílnou velikostí a to v roztoku UV/VIS spektrometrií a v pevném stavu. Keywords: Au nanoparticles; powder X-ray diffraction Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Preparation and characterization of isometric gold nanoparticles with pre-calculated size

We prepared and characterized Au particles with different sizes in solution by UV/vis spectroscopy and in solid state by TEM and powder diffraction....

Šlouf, Miroslav; Kužel, R.; Matěj, Z.
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2004

Charge carrier photogeneration in polymer nanocomposites
Pfleger, Jiří; Pavlík, Martin; Vohlídal, J.
2004 - English
Polymer nanocomposites seem to be promising systems for solar cell application with polythiophene acting as photosensitizer and charge transport medium. The electrophoretic deposition proved to be suitable method for preparation nanostructured core/shell functional layers. The simplicity, fast operation rate and the possibility of covering surfaces of irregular shape, as well as a good quality of prepared films are the major advantages of the method. Polymerní nanokompozity se zdají být slibnými systémy pro aplikace v solárních článcích, v nichž polythiofen je fotosenzitizátor a nosič náboje. Elektroforetické nanášení se jeví být vhodnou metodou pro přípravu vrstev s nanostrukturou: jádro - obal. Jednoduchost, rychlost a možnost pokrývat povrchy s nepravidelným tvarem a dobrá kvalita připravených filmů představují hlavní výhody použité metody. Keywords: nanocomposites; conjugated polymers; photoconductivity Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Charge carrier photogeneration in polymer nanocomposites

Polymer nanocomposites seem to be promising systems for solar cell application with polythiophene acting as photosensitizer and charge transport medium. The electrophoretic deposition proved to be ...

Pfleger, Jiří; Pavlík, Martin; Vohlídal, J.
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2004

Phthalocyanine based field-effect transistors and light-emitting diodes
Wang, Geng; Nešpůrek, Stanislav; Rakušan, J.; Karásková, M.; Stumpe, J.
2004 - English
Organic thin-film field-effect transistors and light-emitting diodes based on phthalocyanines are fabricated using spin coating, ink-jet printing and vacuum evaporation and their properties are described. Organické tenkovrstvé tranzistory a světlo emitující diody založené na naftalocyaninech jsou vyráběny odstředivým litím, inkoustovým tiskem a vakuovým vypařováním a jejich vlastnosti jsou popsány. Keywords: Phthalocyanine; field-effect transistor; light-emitting diode Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Phthalocyanine based field-effect transistors and light-emitting diodes

Organic thin-film field-effect transistors and light-emitting diodes based on phthalocyanines are fabricated using spin coating, ink-jet printing and vacuum evaporation and their properties are ...

Wang, Geng; Nešpůrek, Stanislav; Rakušan, J.; Karásková, M.; Stumpe, J.
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2004

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