Number of found documents: 945
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Location choice and dispersal policies: Ukrainian war immigrants in the Czech Republic
Adunts, Davit; Kurylo, Bohdana; Špeciánová, J.
2022 - English
The large influx of Ukrainian immigrant refugees to the Czech Republic fleeing from the war has attracted the attention of many policymakers due to their unequal geographical distribution. The high concentration of refugees in some districts has the potential to burden the school and healthcare systems, as well as the housing market. This project aims to provide an explanation for the unequal distribution of refugees by studying the determinants of refugee location choices in the Czech Republic, including ethnic networks and employment prospects. We provided evidence of a positive association between the number of Ukrainian refugees and (i) the stock of previous Ukrainian immigrants (our measure of ethnic networks) and (ii) the number of available job positions. In addition, we conducted a review of previous studies on the effectiveness of dispersal policies and determined that such policies exert ambiguous effects on refugee labor market integration. Hence, dispersal policies need to consider the integration of refugees and their intentions to remain in the country. Keywords: Ukrainian refugees; Czech Republic; geographical distribution Fulltext is available at external website.
Location choice and dispersal policies: Ukrainian war immigrants in the Czech Republic

The large influx of Ukrainian immigrant refugees to the Czech Republic fleeing from the war has attracted the attention of many policymakers due to their unequal geographical distribution. The high ...

Adunts, Davit; Kurylo, Bohdana; Špeciánová, J.
Národohospodářský ústav, 2022

Organization of knowledge and taxation
Kapička, Marek; Slavík, Ctirad
2021 - English
This paper studies how labor income taxation interacts with the organization of knowledge and production, and ultimately the distribution of wages in the economy. A more progressive tax system reduces the time that managers allocate to work. This makes the organization of production less efficient and reduces wages at both tails of the distribution, which increases lower tail wage inequality and decreases upper tail wage inequality. The optimal tax system is substantially less progressive than the current one in the United States. However, if wages were exogenous, the optimal tax progressivity would be much higher. Keywords: inequality; knowledge based hierarchies; income taxation Fulltext is available at external website.
Organization of knowledge and taxation

This paper studies how labor income taxation interacts with the organization of knowledge and production, and ultimately the distribution of wages in the economy. A more progressive tax system reduces ...

Kapička, Marek; Slavík, Ctirad
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Form of preference misalignment linked to state-pooling structure in Bayesian persuasion
Rehák, Rastislav; Senkov, Maxim
2021 - English
We study a Bayesian persuasion model in which the state space is finite, the sender and the receiver have state-dependent quadratic loss functions, and their disagreement regarding the preferred action is of arbitrary form. This framework enables us to focus on the understudied sender’s trade-off between the informativeness of the signal and the concealment of the state-dependent disagreement about the preferred action. In particular, we study which states are pooled together in the supports of posteriors of the optimal signal. We provide an illustrative graph procedure that takes the form of preference misalignment and outputs potential representations of the state-pooling structure. Our model provides insights into situations in which the sender and the receiver care about two different but connected issues, for example, the interaction of a political advisor who cares about the state of the economy with a politician who cares about the political situation. Keywords: Bayesian persuasion; strategic state pooling; preference misalignment Fulltext is available at external website.
Form of preference misalignment linked to state-pooling structure in Bayesian persuasion

We study a Bayesian persuasion model in which the state space is finite, the sender and the receiver have state-dependent quadratic loss functions, and their disagreement regarding the preferred ...

Rehák, Rastislav; Senkov, Maxim
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Finanční podpora vysokoškolských studentů v České republice: rekonstrukce systému nutná
Münich, Daniel; Kořínek, Otakar
2021 - Czech
Problematice finanční podpory studentů vysokých škol nebyla poslední dekádu v České republice (ČR) věnována potřebná pozornost. Nejen širší veřejností, ale ani tou akademickou, a rozhodně ne tou politickou. Malému zájmu o problematiku odpovídají i kusé, či dokonce absentující informace, statistiky a analýzy o cílení a dopadech finanční podpory stávající. V zastaralém a finančně podfinancovaném systému tak docházelo jen k drobnějším úpravám. Mezinárodní srovnání ukazují, že objem veřejné finanční podpory studentů v ČR je velmi nízký. Velká část podpory je navíc poskytována plošně, takže podpora skutečně sociálněekonomicky potřebných studentů a zájemců o studium je velmi nízká. Průměrná měsíční podpora, přímá i nepřímá, se u studentů do 26 let pohybuje od zhruba 5 300 Kč pro ty z nejchudších poměrů do 2 700 Kč. Podpora u studentů ve věku 26 let a více je pouze zhruba 500 Kč měsíčně bez ohledu na jejich ekonomické zázemí. Podpora sociálně-ekonomicky slabých studentů je na velmi nízké úrovni. Na veřejně hrazená sociální stipendia má nárok velmi malý podíl studentů a samotná výše sociálních stipendií je velmi nízká. Demografická a sociální struktura příjemců těchto stipendií se nesleduje. Stejně tak se nesleduje míra, do jaké jsou mladí z chudších poměrů od studia odrazeni právě nízkou mírou podpory. Zvyšování sociálních stipendií a rozšiřování okruhu studentů s nárokem na ně není odvozováno od inflace a růstu životních nákladů studentů, ale od ad hoc zvyšování minimální mzdy a životních minim. Financial support for students in higher education in the Czech Republic has not received the attention it deserves over the past decade. Not only has the general public lost little sleep over this matter, but academics and politicians have largely ignored it, too. Information, statistics, and analysis of the targeting and impacts of current student financial support are at best piecemeal and at worst non-existent, which is symptomatic of the little public and policy interest in this matter. As a result, over the past few years there have been only a few minor tweaks made to the existing outdated and underfunded system. International comparisons show that the total amount of financial support for students in the Czech Republic is very low. A large share of that support is also provided across-the-board, meaning that support for the most socio-economically needy students and prospective students is very low. The average total monthly support provided both directly and indirectly to students under 26 years of age is between some 5,300 CZK [euro 200] for those from the poorest backgrounds and 2,700 CZK [euro 110] for others. Support for students aged 26 and above is only around 500 CZK [euro 20] per month, regardless of their economic background. In European comparison, the support for socio-economically weak students is extremely low. Only a very small proportion of students are eligible for publicly funded social scholarships, which provide only minimal financial support in any case. No data is currently collected on the demographic or social status of scholarship recipients. Similarly, there is no data measuring the extent to which children from poorer backgrounds are deterred from university study by the low level of available support. The amount of funding made available through social scholarships and the breadth of the pool of students eligible for them is not regularly increased in response to inflation or students' rising living costs, but is revised in connection with ad hoc raises made to the minimum wage and living wages. Keywords: financial support; higher education; Czech Republic Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Finanční podpora vysokoškolských studentů v České republice: rekonstrukce systému nutná

Problematice finanční podpory studentů vysokých škol nebyla poslední dekádu v České republice (ČR) věnována potřebná pozornost. Nejen širší veřejností, ale ani tou akademickou, a rozhodně ne tou ...

Münich, Daniel; Kořínek, Otakar
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Czech kurzarbeit: evidence from the first pandemic wave
Jurajda, Štěpán; Doleželová, P.
2021 - English
We describe the firm-type structure of the use of the main Czech kurzarbeit program (called Antivirus B) during the spring 2020 pandemic wave. Evidence based on the Structure of Earnings Survey shows large participation gaps in favor of large employers, and disproportionately high intensity of use of the program by manufacturing companies, in particular those exhibiting a declining wage bill already prior to the pandemic. Compared to other industries, manufacturing is thus able to ‘cover’ by kurzarbeit support the largest share of the decline in hours worked between the 2nd quarters of 2019 and 2020, with the exception of the hospitality and culture industries, which were directly affected by pandemic measures, such as restaurant closures. Keywords: kurzarbeit; COVID-19; Czech Republic Fulltext is available at external website.
Czech kurzarbeit: evidence from the first pandemic wave

We describe the firm-type structure of the use of the main Czech kurzarbeit program (called Antivirus B) during the spring 2020 pandemic wave. Evidence based on the Structure of Earnings Survey shows ...

Jurajda, Štěpán; Doleželová, P.
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

LATE estimators under costly non-compliance in student-college matching markets
Drlje, M.; Jurajda, Štěpán
2021 - English
A growing literature exploits a feature of centralized college admission systems where students with similar admission scores in a neighborhood of a school’s admission threshold are or are not offered admission based on small quasi-random differences in admission scores. Assuming that the students at the margin of admission differ only in the treatment assignment, this literature relies on admission scores to instrument for admission or graduation. We point out that non-compliance with the centralized matching assignment typically corresponds to enrolling in one’s preferred program a year after the initial assignment, introducing significant non-compliance costs. We show that with costly non-compliance, the exclusion restriction, the key assumption of the LATE theorem, is violated, leading to biased estimates when instrumenting for graduation, i.e., for a treatment taking place after non-compliance costs are incurred. We use data from a student-college matching market in Croatia to illustrate the empirical importance of this potential source of bias and propose a method inspired by Lee (2009), which recovers the treatment effect bounds under the assumption that the costs of non-compliance are not related to the treatment assignment. Keywords: LATE theorem; exclusion restriction; college admission Fulltext is available at external website.
LATE estimators under costly non-compliance in student-college matching markets

A growing literature exploits a feature of centralized college admission systems where students with similar admission scores in a neighborhood of a school’s admission threshold are or are not offered ...

Drlje, M.; Jurajda, Štěpán
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Práce z domova: možnost, nebo nutnost?
Grossmann, Jakub; Korbel, Václav; Münich, Daniel
2021 - Czech
Studie mapuje rozsah využívání práce z domova v České republice během koronavirového roku 2020 napříč sociodemografickými skupinami. Ukazuje, jak s přechodem na práci z domova souvisí charakteristiky pracujících, jako jsou vzdělání, odvětví, pohlaví, péče o menší dítě v domácnosti. Analýza také odhaluje vnímané překážky a výhody práce z domova. The study describes the use of work from home across socio-demographic groups in the Czech Republic during the coronavirus year 2020. It shows how work-from-home arrangements relate to workers' characteristics, such as their education, industry, gender, and type of household. The analysis reveals the perceived barriers to and benefits of working from home. Keywords: working from home; Czech Republic; covid-19 Fulltext is available at external website.
Práce z domova: možnost, nebo nutnost?

Studie mapuje rozsah využívání práce z domova v České republice během koronavirového roku 2020 napříč sociodemografickými skupinami. Ukazuje, jak s přechodem na práci z domova souvisí charakteristiky ...

Grossmann, Jakub; Korbel, Václav; Münich, Daniel
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Make your own luck: the wage gains from starting college in a bad economy
Bičáková, Alena; Cortes, G. M.; Mazza, J.
2021 - English
Using data for nearly 40 cohorts of American college graduates and exploiting regional variation in economic conditions, we show robust evidence of a positive relationship between the unemployment rate at the time of college enrollment and subsequent annual earnings, particularly for women. This positive relationship cannot be explained by selection into employment or by economic conditions at the time of graduation. Changes in major field of study account for only about 10% of the observed earnings gains. The results are consistent with intensified effort exerted by students who experience bad economic times at the beginning of their studies. Keywords: business cycle; higher education; cohort effects Fulltext is available at external website.
Make your own luck: the wage gains from starting college in a bad economy

Using data for nearly 40 cohorts of American college graduates and exploiting regional variation in economic conditions, we show robust evidence of a positive relationship between the unemployment ...

Bičáková, Alena; Cortes, G. M.; Mazza, J.
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

The impact of the crisis-induced reduction in air pollution on infant mortality in India: a policy perspective
Kyrychenko, Olexiy
2021 - English
Credible estimates of the health effects associated with changes in air pollution exposure are of considerable importance for research and policy agendas, especially for developing countries. This paper estimates the impact of the sharp reduction in particulate air pollution driven by the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 on district-level infant mortality in India. Utilizing plausibly exogenous geographic variation in the crisis-induced changes in air quality and novel data from household surveys and satellite-based sources, I find that the infant mortality rate fell by 24% more in the most affected districts, implying 1338 fewer infant deaths than would have occurred in the absence of the crisis. Analysis of the mechanisms indicates that the PM2.5 reductions affected infant mortality mainly through respiratory diseases and two biological mechanisms: in utero and postbirth PM2.5 exposure. Back-of-the-envelope calculations suggest that the estimated decline in infant mortality translates into a three-year after crisis total of 312.5 million U.S. dollars. The resulting health benefits could be used as a benchmark for assessing the effectiveness of the policies designed to improve air quality in India. Keywords: air pollution; infant mortality; crisis Fulltext is available at external website.
The impact of the crisis-induced reduction in air pollution on infant mortality in India: a policy perspective

Credible estimates of the health effects associated with changes in air pollution exposure are of considerable importance for research and policy agendas, especially for developing countries. This ...

Kyrychenko, Olexiy
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

Career-breaks and maternal employment in CEE countries
Bičáková, Alena; Kalíšková, Klára
2021 - English
Post-birth career breaks and their impact on mothers’ labor market outcomes have received considerable attention in the literature. However, existing evidence comes mostly from Western Europe and the US, where career breaks tend to be short. In contrast, Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries, where post-birth career interruptions by mothers are typically much longer, have rarely been studied. In the first part of this study, we place CEE countries into the EU context by providing key empirical facts related to the labor market outcomes of mothers and the most important factors that may affect them. Besides substantial differences between CEE countries and the rest of the EU, there is also large heterogeneity within CEE itself, which we explore next. In the second part, we review the main family leave and formal childcare policies and reforms that have occurred in CEE countries since the end of Communism and provide a comprehensive survey of the existing scientific evidence of their impact on maternal employment. While research on the causal impacts of these policies is scarce, several important studies have recently been published in high-impact journals. We are the first to provide an overview of these causal studies from CEE countries, which offer an insightful extension to the existing knowledge from Western Europe and the US. Keywords: CEE countries; labor market; motherhood Fulltext is available at external website.
Career-breaks and maternal employment in CEE countries

Post-birth career breaks and their impact on mothers’ labor market outcomes have received considerable attention in the literature. However, existing evidence comes mostly from Western Europe and the ...

Bičáková, Alena; Kalíšková, Klára
Národohospodářský ústav, 2021

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