Number of found documents: 663
Published from to

Sparse restricted perception equilibrium
Audzei, V.; Slobodyan, Sergey
2018 - English
Keywords: bounded rationality; expectations; learning Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Sparse restricted perception equilibrium

Audzei, V.; Slobodyan, Sergey
Národohospodářský ústav, 2018

Integration of migrants in European countries: first and second generations
Sargsyan, Vahan
2018 - English
Keywords: citizenship policy; naturalization; individual integration Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Integration of migrants in European countries: first and second generations

Sargsyan, Vahan
Národohospodářský ústav, 2018

Knowledge exchange and productivity spill-overs in Bangladeshi garment factories
Menzel, Andreas
2017 - English
Productivity spill-overs within firms have commonly been used as a proxy measure for organizational learning. Using novel data from more than 200 production lines in three garment factories in Bangladesh, this paper extends the evidence on such productivity spill-over in two directions. First, I find that spatial distance within firms matters greatly for the strengths of productivity spill-overs, while product complexity matters little. This has important implications for firms in rapidly developing countries such as Bangladesh, as spill-over strength seems less affected when firms upgrade to more complex products, but seems more affected if firms grow larger. Second, I provide evidence from a randomized communication intervention in the three factories to determine the extent to which productivity spill-overs are indeed a measure of knowledge exchange within firms, and not of other types of peer effects, such as competition. In the intervention, randomly selected line supervisors were instructed by their superiors to share production knowledge when their lines were allocated the same garment for production. The intervention increased the strength of the productivity spill-overs between the targeted production lines. It thus supports the view that productivity spill-overs can be used as a measure of knowledge exchange within firms. Keywords: learning; productivity; firms Fulltext is available at external website.
Knowledge exchange and productivity spill-overs in Bangladeshi garment factories

Productivity spill-overs within firms have commonly been used as a proxy measure for organizational learning. Using novel data from more than 200 production lines in three garment factories in ...

Menzel, Andreas
Národohospodářský ústav, 2017

The effect of shame in dictator games with information asymmetry
Miklánek, Tomáš
2017 - English
This study introduces a theoretical model of inequality aversion which can also be used in an environment with information asymmetries. The model is based on the non-paternalistic approach where, the own utility function incorporates the utility of other people as perceived by a decision maker. Moreover it allows extensions for other motives which may result in pro-social behavior. I extend the model by adding shame aversion as an additional driver for apparently altruistic behavior. Threat of shame is induced by different levels of exposure of either own actions or identity to the third party observers. I also experimentally test predictions of the model using a very simple environment of a dictator’s game. The experimental design aims to remove additional\nconfounding behavioral effects present in the previous literature. The results suggest that even a very small exposure results in significantly higher amounts sent to recipients. The analysis also shows that the agents, who believe that they can conceal their own actions in front of the less informed counterpart, exploit this information asymmetry for their monetary benefit. Keywords: shame; dictator game; anonymity Fulltext is available at external website.
The effect of shame in dictator games with information asymmetry

This study introduces a theoretical model of inequality aversion which can also be used in an environment with information asymmetries. The model is based on the non-paternalistic approach where, the ...

Miklánek, Tomáš
Národohospodářský ústav, 2017

Ego-utility and endogenous information acquisition: an experimental study
Miklánek, Tomáš
2017 - English
This paper examines endogenous decisions to acquire useful information. My experimental design tries to test predictions of ego-utility theories and other relevant theories about the decision-making process of agents in the environment with costless signals. Only slightly more than half of the subjects acquired an optimal number of the signals for payoff maximization. The results suggest that for the subjects making sub-optimal decisions, aversion to cognitive dissonance is the prevalent channel. Contrary to this, I find much less support for the ego-utility theory and theory of information ignorance in my setting. The availability of information alone does not automatically lead to an improvement in decisions. Keywords: information acquisition; experiment; overconfidence Fulltext is available at external website.
Ego-utility and endogenous information acquisition: an experimental study

This paper examines endogenous decisions to acquire useful information. My experimental design tries to test predictions of ego-utility theories and other relevant theories about the decision-making ...

Miklánek, Tomáš
Národohospodářský ústav, 2017

Remittances, spending and political instability in Ukraine
Kuntsevych, Iuliia
2017 - English
This paper analyzes remittances sent by Ukrainian emigrants to their country of origin. It explores the dependence on remittances of a household’s spending on human capital, savings and donations, against the backdrop of the political situation in Ukraine in 2004. The paper also explores the effect of the political instability in Ukraine on how the households receiving remittances used them. The results of a Ukrainian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (ULMS) are used to explore households’ decision to spend on human capital development, save, or donate money, depending on their political views and future expectations. The main hypothesis tested\nis whether the individuals who supported and/or were involved with the Revolution (“pro-orange”), and who were optimistic about the future of Ukraine after the Orange Revolution, saved/donated more money than those who did not support the Revolution (“pro-blue-white”). In addition, the level of influence of remittances received from relatives or friends outside Ukraine on decisions to save and donate money is analyzed. The results show that the political views of respondents do not have a significant effect on decisions to save and/or donate money. However respondents’ political orientations do have a significant effect on the probability of receiving remittances - those who voted for “pro-orange” have a lower probability of receiving remittances from outside the household. Keywords: remittances; remittance behavior; Ukraine Fulltext is available at external website.
Remittances, spending and political instability in Ukraine

This paper analyzes remittances sent by Ukrainian emigrants to their country of origin. It explores the dependence on remittances of a household’s spending on human capital, savings and donations, ...

Kuntsevych, Iuliia
Národohospodářský ústav, 2017

Treatment-related naturalization premiums in two European countries: evaluation and comparison
Sargsyan, Vahan
2017 - English
We conduct an empirical study in order to estimate the impact of naturalization on labor market\nintegration of first generation immigrants in two European countries, France and Denmark. The\nstudy contributes to the existing literature by: (1) comparing the employment opportunities and\nincomes of naturalized and non-naturalized migrants in European labor markets to those of the\nnative population, and (2) attempting to estimate the impact of characteristics of a country’s\ncitizenship policy on this relationship. The results suggest the existence of high naturalization premiums and full socioeconomic integration of naturalized migrants in France, a country with relatively soft naturalization policies, but not for Denmark, which has strict naturalization policies. Keywords: citizenship policy; naturalization; naturalization premium Fulltext is available at external website.
Treatment-related naturalization premiums in two European countries: evaluation and comparison

We conduct an empirical study in order to estimate the impact of naturalization on labor market\nintegration of first generation immigrants in two European countries, France and Denmark. The\nstudy ...

Sargsyan, Vahan
Národohospodářský ústav, 2017

The demand and supply of favours in dynamic relationships
Forand, J. G.; Zápal, Jan
2017 - English
We characterise the optimal demand and supply of favours in a dynamic principal-agent model of joint production, in which heterogenous project opportunities arrive stochastically and are publicly observed upon arrival, utility from these projects is non-transferable and commitment to future production is limited. Our results characterise the optimal dynamic contract, and we establish that the principal’s supply of favours (the production of projects that benefit the agent but not the principal) is backloaded, that the principal’s demand for favours (the production of projects that benefit the principal but not the agent) is frontloaded, and that the production of projects is ordered by their comparative advantage, that is, by their associated efficiency in extracting (for demanded projects) and providing (for supplied projects) utility to the agent. Furthermore, we\nprovide an exact construction of the optimal contract when project opportunities follow a Markov process. Keywords: dynamic contracts; trading favours; team production Fulltext is available at external website.
The demand and supply of favours in dynamic relationships

We characterise the optimal demand and supply of favours in a dynamic principal-agent model of joint production, in which heterogenous project opportunities arrive stochastically and are publicly ...

Forand, J. G.; Zápal, Jan
Národohospodářský ústav, 2017

Do direct subsidies stimulate new R&D outputs in firms? A comparison of the IMPULS, TIP and ALFA programmes
Sidorkin, Oleg; Srholec, Martin
2017 - English
This study compares output additionality effects of the IMPULS, TIP and ALFA programmes, which provided direct public support of R&D to business enterprises in the Czech Republic. Using a large and rich firm-level dataset we employ a non-parametric propensity score matching estimator to find out whether these subsidy programmes stimulated additional R&D output in terms of applications for formal intellectual property (IP) protection, such as patents of invention and utility models, which would not be produced, if the subsidy was not provided. Keywords: direct subsidies; R&D outputs in firms; Czech Republic Fulltext is available at external website.
Do direct subsidies stimulate new R&D outputs in firms? A comparison of the IMPULS, TIP and ALFA programmes

This study compares output additionality effects of the IMPULS, TIP and ALFA programmes, which provided direct public support of R&D to business enterprises in the Czech Republic. Using a large and ...

Sidorkin, Oleg; Srholec, Martin
Národohospodářský ústav, 2017

Firm efficiency, foreign ownership and CEO gender in corrupt environments
Hanousek, Jan; Shamshur, Anastasiya; Trešl, Jiří
2017 - English
We study the effects of corruption on firm efficiency using a unique dataset of private firms from 14 Central and Eastern European countries from 2000 to 2013. We find that an environment characterized by a high level of corruption has an adverse effect on firm efficiency. This effect is stronger for firms with a lower propensity to behave corruptly, such as foreign-controlled firms and firms managed by female CEOs, while local firms and firms with male CEOs are not disadvantaged. We also find that an environment characterized by considerable heterogeneity in the perception of corruption is associated with an increase in firm efficiency. This effect is particularly strong for foreign-controlled firms from low corruption countries, while no effect is observed for firms managed by a female CEO. Keywords: efficiency; corruption; ownership structure Fulltext is available at external website.
Firm efficiency, foreign ownership and CEO gender in corrupt environments

We study the effects of corruption on firm efficiency using a unique dataset of private firms from 14 Central and Eastern European countries from 2000 to 2013. We find that an environment ...

Hanousek, Jan; Shamshur, Anastasiya; Trešl, Jiří
Národohospodářský ústav, 2017

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