Number of found documents: 255
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Polymer nanostructures for solar cell applications: Morphology-to-performance relationship
Pfleger, Jiří; Podhájecká, Klára; Vu, Q. T.
2006 - English
Polymer nanocomposites were studied based on two systems: (i) a soluble derivative of polydiphenylvinylene with a nanocrystalline fraction of n-type low-molecular weight organic material N,N'-di(pent-yl)-perylene-3,4:9,10-bis(dicarboximide), and (ii) polythiophene with titanium dioxide nanoparticles, respectively. Byly studovány polymerní nanokompozity dvou typů: (i) rozpustný derivát polydifenylacetylenu s nanostrukturní krystalickou frakcí nízkomolekulárního organického materiálu N,N'-di(pent-yl)-perylen-3,4:9,10-bis(dikarboximid)u, a (ii) polythiofen obsahující nanočástice kysličníku titaničitého. Keywords: solar cells; TiO2; .pi.-conjugated polymers Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Polymer nanostructures for solar cell applications: Morphology-to-performance relationship

Polymer nanocomposites were studied based on two systems: (i) a soluble derivative of polydiphenylvinylene with a nanocrystalline fraction of n-type low-molecular weight organic material ...

Pfleger, Jiří; Podhájecká, Klára; Vu, Q. T.
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2006

Swelling behavior of charged poly(N-isopropylmethacrylamide) and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) networks in water/ethanol mixtures
Alenichev, I.; Sedláková, Zdeňka; Ilavský, Michal
2005 - English
Swelling behavior of negatively (ionic comonomer - sodium ethacrylate) and positively (ionic comonomer - (2-crylamidoethyl)trimethylammonium chloride) charged networks of poly(N-isopropylmethacrylamide) (PIPMAm) and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PIPAAm) was investigated in water/ethanol mixtures at room temperature. Strong cononsolvency effect was observed for uncharged and negatively charged gels of both systems. Bylo proměřeno botnací chování negativně a positivně nabitůých sítí na bázi poly(N-isopropylmethakrylamidu) a poly(N-isopropylakrylamidu) ve směsných rozpouštědlech voda/ethanol. U obou systémů byl nalezen výrazný kononsolvenční efekt (výrazné minimum ve stupni nabotnání na složení rozpouštědla). Keywords: swelling behavior; networks with charges; mixed solvent Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Swelling behavior of charged poly(N-isopropylmethacrylamide) and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) networks in water/ethanol mixtures

Swelling behavior of negatively (ionic comonomer - sodium ethacrylate) and positively (ionic comonomer - (2-crylamidoethyl)trimethylammonium chloride) charged networks of ...

Alenichev, I.; Sedláková, Zdeňka; Ilavský, Michal
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2005

Programme Booklet Discussion Conference of P. M. M. Current and Future Trends in Polymeric Materials /23.
Raab, Miroslav; Kotek, Jiří
2005 - English
Proceedings of the 23th Discussion Conference of Prague Meetings on Macromolecules, covering various aspects of science, technology, economy and ecology of polymeric materials. The conference balanced realistic approaches and visionary perspectives. Sborník přednášek a příspěvků 23. diskusní konference PMM zahrnuje různé aspekty vědy, technologie, ekonomie a ekologie polymerních materiálů. Konference vyváženě představila realistické přístupy a vizionářské perspektivy. Keywords: polymeric materials; commodity vs. special polyolefins; polymer nanomaterials Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Programme Booklet Discussion Conference of P. M. M. Current and Future Trends in Polymeric Materials /23.

Proceedings of the 23th Discussion Conference of Prague Meetings on Macromolecules, covering various aspects of science, technology, economy and ecology of polymeric materials. The conference balanced ...

Raab, Miroslav; Kotek, Jiří
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2005

Electrorheological properties of silica modified with polyaniline
Pavlínek, V.; Lengálová, A.; Sáha, P.; Quadrat, Otakar; Stejskal, Jaroslav
2005 - English
Electrorheological properties of silica suspensions particles coated with polyaniline in silicone oil have been investigated. The role of the interfacial polyarization of particles is emphasized. Byly studovány elektrorheologické vlastností suspensí částic siliky pokrytých polyanilinem v silikonovém oleji. Je zdůrazněn význam mezifázové polarizace částic. Keywords: electrorheology; silica; polyaniline Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Electrorheological properties of silica modified with polyaniline

Electrorheological properties of silica suspensions particles coated with polyaniline in silicone oil have been investigated. The role of the interfacial polyarization of particles is ...

Pavlínek, V.; Lengálová, A.; Sáha, P.; Quadrat, Otakar; Stejskal, Jaroslav
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2005

Laser-induced size reduction of gold nanoparticles
Dammer, Ondřej; Pfleger, Jiří; Šlouf, Miroslav; Vlčková, B.
2005 - English
We focused on the interaction of gold nanoparticles of various mean size embedded in aqueous environment with nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation of various energy per pulse at wavelength 355 and 532 nm, respectively. We performed a sequence of in-situ surface plasmon extinction (SPE) measurements of the fragmented hydrosol as well as ex-situ TEM studies to evaluate the size distribution of resulting Au nanoparticles. It was found that laser pulses of 355 nm wavelength provide smaller nanoparticles compared with 532 nm pulses at the same absorbed energy. Práce se zabývá interakcí zlatých nanočástic různých velikostí ve vodném prostředí s vysokoenergetickými laserovými pulsy o vlnové délce 355 a 532 nm a různé energii. Fragmentované hydrosoly byly charakterizovány in-situ měřenými extinkčními spektry a transmisní elektronovou mikroskopií, která byla použita k získání distribuce velikostí fragmentovaných nanočástic. Bylo zjištěno, že laserové pulsy s vlnovou délkou 355 nm poskytují menší částice ve srovnání s 532 nm pulsy stejné absorbované energie. Keywords: Au nanoparticles; Au hydrosol; plasmon extinction Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Laser-induced size reduction of gold nanoparticles

We focused on the interaction of gold nanoparticles of various mean size embedded in aqueous environment with nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation of various energy per pulse at wavelength 355 and 532 ...

Dammer, Ondřej; Pfleger, Jiří; Šlouf, Miroslav; Vlčková, B.
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2005

Computer simulations of real molecular systems
Hašek, Jindřich
2005 - English
The main source of experimental information about structure of bio-macromolecules is the "Protein Data Bank (PDB)" containing mostly data received by X-ray diffraction. The paper summarizes basic steps necessary for full and unbiased usage of these data in molecular modeling and simulation of molecular dynamics. Hlavním zdrojem experimentální informace o struktuře biologických makromolekul je "Proteinová databanka (PDB)" obsahující převážně data získaná rtg difrakcí. Tento článek shrnuje kroky nezbytné k úplnému a nestrannému využití těchto dat při počítačovém modelování a při simulaci molekulární dynamiky. Keywords: computer study; molecular simulation methods Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Computer simulations of real molecular systems

The main source of experimental information about structure of bio-macromolecules is the "Protein Data Bank (PDB)" containing mostly data received by X-ray diffraction. The paper summarizes basic ...

Hašek, Jindřich
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2005

Phase structure development in flowing polymer blends
Fortelný, Ivan
2005 - English
State of art in description of the phase structure development in flowing polymer blends is discussed. It is shown that the rule satisfactorily predicting a type of the phase structure does not exist. Graphic solution of the equation describing dynamic equilibrium between the droplet breakup and coalescence provides satisfactorily prediction of the dependence of average droplet size on system parameters. Stav popisu vývoje fázové struktury při toku polymerních směsí je diskutován. Je ukázáno, že neexistuje pravidlo pro uspokojivou předpověď typu fázové struktury. Grafické řešení rovnice popisující dynamickou rovnováhu mezi rozpadem a koalescencí kapek poskytuje uspokojivou kvalitativní předpověď závislosti střední velikosti kapky na parametrech systému. Keywords: phase structure; polymer blends; rheology Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Phase structure development in flowing polymer blends

State of art in description of the phase structure development in flowing polymer blends is discussed. It is shown that the rule satisfactorily predicting a type of the phase structure does not exist. ...

Fortelný, Ivan
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2005

Comparing temporally fluctuating SERS signals from samples of porphyrin-bridged silver nanoparticle dimers and small aggregates prepared in the aqueous and in the organic ambient
Vlčková, B.; Moskovits, M.; Sládková, M.; Pavel, I.; Šlouf, Miroslav; Šišková, K.
2005 - English
Formation of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-aminophenyl)porphine -bridged dimers and small aggregates of Ag nanoparticles capped by pentylamine and/or citrate was established by SEM and TEM respectively. From both samples, temporally fluctuating SERS signals were obtained. Tvorba dimerů a malých agregátů stříbrných nanočástic přemostěných 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-aminophenyl)porphinem a končených pentylaminem nebo citrátem byla prokázána SEM a TEM. Časové fluktuace SERS signálu byly získány pro oba vzorky. Keywords: Ag nanoparticle dimers; small Ag nanoparticle aggregates; SERS signal blinking Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Comparing temporally fluctuating SERS signals from samples of porphyrin-bridged silver nanoparticle dimers and small aggregates prepared in the aqueous and in the organic ambient

Formation of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-aminophenyl)porphine -bridged dimers and small aggregates of Ag nanoparticles capped by pentylamine and/or citrate was established by SEM and TEM respectively. From ...

Vlčková, B.; Moskovits, M.; Sládková, M.; Pavel, I.; Šlouf, Miroslav; Šišková, K.
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2005

Structure and physical behavior of thermotropic polybutadiene-diols with mesogenic groups in the side chains
Jigounov, A.; Ilavský, Michal; Sedláková, Zdeňka
2005 - English
Liquid-crystalline polybutadiene-diols (LCPBD’s) with the comb-like architecture were synthesized by reaction of the LC thiol with the double bonds of the telechelic OH-terminated polybutadiene (PBD). The physical properties were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry and dynamic mechanical spectroscopy. Byly syntetizovány kapalně-krystalické polybutadien-dioly s hřebenovitou strukturou reakcí kapalně-krystalických thiolů s dvojnou vazbou telechelických OH-končených polybutadienů. Byly prostudovány jejich fyzikální vlastnosti použitím dynamické mechanické spektroskopie a kalorimetrie. Keywords: liquid-crystalline polybutadiene-diols; differential scanning calorimetry; dynamic mechanical spectroscopy Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Structure and physical behavior of thermotropic polybutadiene-diols with mesogenic groups in the side chains

Liquid-crystalline polybutadiene-diols (LCPBD’s) with the comb-like architecture were synthesized by reaction of the LC thiol with the double bonds of the telechelic OH-terminated polybutadiene (PBD). ...

Jigounov, A.; Ilavský, Michal; Sedláková, Zdeňka
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2005

Self-assembled structures in block copolymer blends
Holoubek, Jaroslav; Baldrian, Josef; Lal, J.
2005 - English
Phenomena associated with the order-disorder transition, microdomain morphology and phase behaviour of deuterated block copolymer mixture were studied by small-angle X-ray scattering and small-angle neutron scattering. Pomocí metod maloúhlového rozptylu rtg záření a maloúhlového rozptylu neutronů byly studovány jevy ODT, morfologie mikrodomén a fázové chování směsí deuterovaných blokových kopolymerů. Keywords: self-assembly; block copolymer blends; order-disorder transition Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Self-assembled structures in block copolymer blends

Phenomena associated with the order-disorder transition, microdomain morphology and phase behaviour of deuterated block copolymer mixture were studied by small-angle X-ray scattering and small-angle ...

Holoubek, Jaroslav; Baldrian, Josef; Lal, J.
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2005

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