Number of found documents: 230
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Retention - evapotranspiration unit
Šír, Miloslav; Lichner, Ľ.; Tesař, Miroslav; Syrovátka, O.
2004 - English
The aim of this study is to identify the governing role of natural selection in the development of plant cover in cold climate regions of the Czech mountains and foothills. Cílem předložené studie je identifikovat řídící roli přirozeného výběru vývoje vegetačního krytu v chladných klimatických okrscích českých horských a podhorských oblastí. Keywords: hydrological cycle; plant transpiration; natural selection hypothesis Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Retention - evapotranspiration unit

The aim of this study is to identify the governing role of natural selection in the development of plant cover in cold climate regions of the Czech mountains and foothills....

Šír, Miloslav; Lichner, Ľ.; Tesař, Miroslav; Syrovátka, O.
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2004

Turbulent flow characteristics of non-Newtonian fine-grained suspensions flowing in pipes
El-Nahhas, K.; Vlasák, Pavel
2004 - English
The prediction of the turbulent flow pressure losses for non-Newtonian suspensions is still one of the difficult theoretical and practical problems. The difficulty results from the fact that the turbulent flow behaviour could be found independent on the rheological characteristics determined experimentally form laminar data. The aim of the paper is experimentally investigate the turbulent flow behaviour of non-Newtonian fine-grained suspensions flowing in pipes Predikce tlakových ztrát při turbulentním proudění nenewtonovských jemnozrnných suspenzí je stále jedním z obtížných teoretických i praktických problémů vzhledem k tomu, že turbulentní chování suspenzí může být nezávislé na reologických charakteristikách, určených experimentálně pro laminární oblast. Cílem článku je experimentální výzkum turbulentního tokového chování nenewtonovských jemnozrnných suspenzí při proudění v potrubí Keywords: non-Newtonian flow; slurries; turbulent flow Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Turbulent flow characteristics of non-Newtonian fine-grained suspensions flowing in pipes

The prediction of the turbulent flow pressure losses for non-Newtonian suspensions is still one of the difficult theoretical and practical problems. The difficulty results from the fact that the ...

El-Nahhas, K.; Vlasák, Pavel
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2004

Two notes on regularity of weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations
Skalák, Zdeněk
2004 - English
The first note concerns the initial condition for the suitable weak solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. We show that it is possible to take a rather more general initial condition than the one used in [3]. In the second note we discuss a slight improvement of a famous regularity condition proved in [1] První poznámka se týká počáteční podmínky pro vhodná slabá řešení Navierových-Stokesových rovnic. Ukazujeme, že je možno uvažovat poněkud obecnější počáteční podmínky než ty, použité v [3]. V druhé poznámce je diskutováno jisté vylepšení známé podmínky regularity dokázané v [1] Keywords: weak solutions; Navier-Stokes equations Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Two notes on regularity of weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations

The first note concerns the initial condition for the suitable weak solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. We show that it is possible to take a rather more general initial condition than the one ...

Skalák, Zdeněk
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2004

Application of shallow water equations for flow of non-Newtonian suspensions
Hoření, Bohumír; Chára, Zdeněk; Vlasák, Pavel
2004 - English
The paper presents an attempt to use shallow water equations to solve a flow of non-Newtonian suspensions. Saint-Vennant set of equations of incompressible free surface flow in thin layers (frequently referred as "shallow water equations") forms a baseline for theoretical solution. The original set of equations established for Newtonian fluids is modified to solve also flow of non-Newtonian fluids with arbitrary rheological behaviour V článku je prezentována aplikace rovnic mělké vody na řešení proudění ne-newtonských suspenzí v tenkých vrstvách. Základní rovnice mělké vody jsou modifikovány tak, aby umožnily simulovat proudění ne-newtonských suspenzí s obecnými reologickými vlastnostmi Keywords: rheological parameters; shallow water equations; discontinuous Galerkin method Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Application of shallow water equations for flow of non-Newtonian suspensions

The paper presents an attempt to use shallow water equations to solve a flow of non-Newtonian suspensions. Saint-Vennant set of equations of incompressible free surface flow in thin layers (frequently ...

Hoření, Bohumír; Chára, Zdeněk; Vlasák, Pavel
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2004

Effect of size distribution on flow behaviour of dense fluidic ash-water slurries
Vlasák, Pavel; Chára, Zdeněk; Konfršt, Jiří
2004 - English
Most knowledge on the flow behaviour of highly concentrated slurries has been concerned with the slurries containing either fine-grained particles creating homogeneous, often non-Newtonian slurry or coarse-grained particles creating heterogeneous slurry with settling tendencies. The paper deals with the effect of slurry composition and volumetric concentration on flow behaviour of slurries containing colloidal, clay, dust and also coarse-grained particles Většina poznatků o tokovém chování silně koncentrovaných suspenzí se týká homogenních, často nenewtonovských hydrosměsí, obsahujících buď jemnozrnné částice nebo heterogenních sedimentujících suspenzí s obsahem hrubozrnných částic. Článek se zabývá vlivem zrnitostního složení a koncentrace pevné fáze na tokové chování hydrosměsí, obsahujících koloidní, jílovité, prachové a také hrubozrnné částice Keywords: fluidic ash slurry; experimental measurement; laminar/turbulent transition Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Effect of size distribution on flow behaviour of dense fluidic ash-water slurries

Most knowledge on the flow behaviour of highly concentrated slurries has been concerned with the slurries containing either fine-grained particles creating homogeneous, often non-Newtonian slurry or ...

Vlasák, Pavel; Chára, Zdeněk; Konfršt, Jiří
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2004

On the effect of particle size and pipe size on slurry-flow friction
Matoušek, V.; Chára, Zdeněk; Vlasák, Pavel
2004 - English
The sizes of pipe and particle are factors that have great influence on the distribution of particles within the mixture flow and thus on the pressure drops over the length of the pipeline transporting the mixture. The paper evaluates the effects of the sizes on the basis of laboratory measurements of various sorts of sand in pipes of two very different diameters: 26.8 mm and 150 mm Velikost potrubí a částic jsou faktory, které výrazným způsobem ovlivňují rozdělení částic uvnitř pohybující se hydrosměsi a tím také tlakové ztráty při proudění hydrosměsí. Článek ukazuje vliv těchto faktorů určený na základě experimentálního výzkumu proudění písčitých směsí v potrubí o různých průměrech 26,8 a 150 mm Keywords: two-layer model; laboratory measurements; stratified flow Available at various institutes of the ASCR
On the effect of particle size and pipe size on slurry-flow friction

The sizes of pipe and particle are factors that have great influence on the distribution of particles within the mixture flow and thus on the pressure drops over the length of the pipeline ...

Matoušek, V.; Chára, Zdeněk; Vlasák, Pavel
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2004

Application of SAC-SMA and HSPF hydrological models - Lenora basin case study
Košková, Romana; Buchtele, Josef; Vološ, B.; Fořtová, Magda
2004 - English
Research aim is the application of two different rainfall-runoff models to a specific basin and comparison of the results of rainfall-runoff simulations obtained both with and without respect to data spatial variability Cílem výzkumu byla aplikace dvou rozdílných srážko-odtokových modelů v konkrétním povodí a porovnání výsledků srážko-odtokových simulací s ohledem na prostorovou variabilitu dat Keywords: rainfall-runoff simulation; land-use; semi-distributed models Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Application of SAC-SMA and HSPF hydrological models - Lenora basin case study

Research aim is the application of two different rainfall-runoff models to a specific basin and comparison of the results of rainfall-runoff simulations obtained both with and without respect to data ...

Košková, Romana; Buchtele, Josef; Vološ, B.; Fořtová, Magda
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2004

Monitoring rainfall-runoff relationship in small mountainous catchments
Tesař, Miroslav; Šír, Miloslav; Lichner, Ľ.
2004 - English
Wide monitoring network covering the main massifs of the Bohemian border is discussed. As an example of obtained results, the influence of vegetative cover on the soil water regime in the Modry potok catchment in the Giant Mts. (Krkonose) is presented. Je popsána rozsáhlá monitorovací síť zřízená v hlavních českých hraničních masivech. Jako příklad získaných výsledků je uveden vliv vegetačního porostu na vodní režim půd v povodí Modrý potok v Krkonoších. Keywords: runoff hydrology; plant transpiration; water retention in a catchment Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Monitoring rainfall-runoff relationship in small mountainous catchments

Wide monitoring network covering the main massifs of the Bohemian border is discussed. As an example of obtained results, the influence of vegetative cover on the soil water regime in the Modry potok ...

Tesař, Miroslav; Šír, Miloslav; Lichner, Ľ.
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2004

New results from assessment of chosen microbiological, physical and chemical qualities of groundwater by factor analysis
Ďurďová, Libuše; Tungli, L.
2003 - English
During research of groundwater chemistry development at Morava river watershead several geochemical and hydrogeological methods were applied for research of the cause of change of groundwater chemistry form hydro-carbonate to sulphate type. Keywords: groundwater; chemical, microbiological and physical qualities; factor analysis; faktorová analýza Available at various institutes of the ASCR
New results from assessment of chosen microbiological, physical and chemical qualities of groundwater by factor analysis

During research of groundwater chemistry development at Morava river watershead several geochemical and hydrogeological methods were applied for research of the cause of change of groundwater ...

Ďurďová, Libuše; Tungli, L.
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2003

Plant control of hydrological cycle in headwater regions
Šír, Miloslav; Tesař, Miroslav
2003 - English
Headwater regions of the Czech mountains and piedmonts were originally covered with the climax vegetation, mainly mixed and deciduous forests, actually with dominanting antropogenous spruce monocultures and meadows. Keywords: hydrological cycle; plant transpiration; natural selection hypothesis Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Plant control of hydrological cycle in headwater regions

Headwater regions of the Czech mountains and piedmonts were originally covered with the climax vegetation, mainly mixed and deciduous forests, actually with dominanting antropogenous spruce ...

Šír, Miloslav; Tesař, Miroslav
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2003

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