Number of found documents: 174
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Supplementary Cementing Raw Materials from the Hanover Block, western Jamaica : initial report
Novák, Jiří Karel; Bosák, Pavel; Pavková, Jaroslava
2009 - English
Keywords: pozzolanic raw materials; litharenite; shale; foraminiferal limestone; cementmaking mixes; Hanover Block; western Jamaica Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Supplementary Cementing Raw Materials from the Hanover Block, western Jamaica : initial report

Novák, Jiří Karel; Bosák, Pavel; Pavková, Jaroslava
Geologický ústav, 2009

Mineralogic analysis of samples from karst sediments in Slovenia, 4. : final report
Bosák, Pavel; Skála, Roman; Zupan Hajna, N.; Otoničar, B.; Dobrovolný, Jiří; Langrová, Anna
2008 - English
Keywords: karst; mineralogical analyses; x-ray diffraction Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Mineralogic analysis of samples from karst sediments in Slovenia, 4. : final report

Bosák, Pavel; Skála, Roman; Zupan Hajna, N.; Otoničar, B.; Dobrovolný, Jiří; Langrová, Anna
Geologický ústav, 2008

Sedimentary Kaolin and Sand of the Black River Bay, Jamaica, as Supplementary Raw Materials : initial report
Novák, Jiří Karel; Bosák, Pavel
2008 - English
Keywords: kaolin; sedimentology; kaolinitic clay; white cement Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Sedimentary Kaolin and Sand of the Black River Bay, Jamaica, as Supplementary Raw Materials : initial report

Novák, Jiří Karel; Bosák, Pavel
Geologický ústav, 2008

Diverse rock types from Jamaica : perspectives from petrography and whole-rock chemistry : initial report
Novák, Jiří Karel; Bosák, Pavel
2008 - English
Keywords: manufactured sand; greywacke; calcarenite; Wagwater belt, Jamaica Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Diverse rock types from Jamaica : perspectives from petrography and whole-rock chemistry : initial report

Novák, Jiří Karel; Bosák, Pavel
Geologický ústav, 2008

The principle of frozen evolution and its manifestation in the fossil record: the brachiopod genus Aegiromena Havlíček, 1961 (Upper Ordovician, Czech Republic)
Mikuláš, Radek
2008 - English
The presented study is in a good agreement with the idea of a frozen evolution of the genus Aegiromena, or, more precisely, it illustrates a gradual disappearance of the ability to respond to the environmental change by a selectively advantageous change in its morphology. After its freezing, further evolution of Aegiromena brings very little news; only subtle changes in the size of adults, subtle and variable changes in the width/length ratio, and a changing variability of muscular imprints can be noted. Sled paleopopulací ramenonožců rodu Aegiromena ve svrchním ordoviku Barrandienu vykazuje charakteristické prvky, které lze dobře objasnit aplikací koncepce tzv. zamrzlé evoluce. Počáteční rychlé změny morfologie vyvolané změnami substrátu dna v mělkém moři jsou vystřídány stabilitou morfologie a neschopností účelně reagovat na změny konzistence substrátu (objevují se už pouze drobné změny v konfiguraci svalových vtiskům nepatrné změny tvaru schránky a fluktuace velikosti jedinců); rod posléze vymírá ještě před nástupem drastických změn přírodního prostředí na hranici ordovik-silur. Keywords: frozen evolution; brachiopods; Ordovician Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The principle of frozen evolution and its manifestation in the fossil record: the brachiopod genus Aegiromena Havlíček, 1961 (Upper Ordovician, Czech Republic)

The presented study is in a good agreement with the idea of a frozen evolution of the genus Aegiromena, or, more precisely, it illustrates a gradual disappearance of the ability to respond to the ...

Mikuláš, Radek
Geologický ústav, 2008

Faunas and palaeoenvironments of the Late Palaeozoic : special publication to 5th Symposium on Permo-carboniferous Faunas and workshop Interpretation of Marine and Freshwater Environments in Carboniferous and Permian Deposits
Štamberg, S.; Zajíc, Jaroslav
2008 - English
The special volume contains the list of participants, the meeting programme, abstracts, and the excursion guide (Krkonoše Piedmont Basin and Boskovice Graben). Sborník obsahuje seznam účastníků, program sympozia, abstrakty a exkurzní průvodce (podkrkonošská pánev a boskovická brázda). Keywords: Late Palaeozoic; biota; palaeoenvironment Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Faunas and palaeoenvironments of the Late Palaeozoic : special publication to 5th Symposium on Permo-carboniferous Faunas and workshop Interpretation of Marine and Freshwater Environments in Carboniferous and Permian Deposits

The special volume contains the list of participants, the meeting programme, abstracts, and the excursion guide (Krkonoše Piedmont Basin and Boskovice Graben)....

Štamberg, S.; Zajíc, Jaroslav
Geologický ústav, 2008

Workshop on Graptolite volume of Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology and IPA Graptolite working group meeting : abstract book and Excursion guide
Štorch, Petr; Kraft, P.
2008 - English
Keywords: invertebrate palentology; Treatise; graptolites Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Workshop on Graptolite volume of Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology and IPA Graptolite working group meeting : abstract book and Excursion guide

Štorch, Petr; Kraft, P.
Geologický ústav, 2008

Volcanic and pyroclastic rocks from the Bito and Ramble area, Jamaica: Petrography and whole-rock chemistry : progress report no. 1
Novák, Jiří Karel; Pavková, Jaroslava; Bosák, Pavel
2008 - English
Keywords: calc-alcaline volcanic rocks; spilitic tuffs hydroclastite; skidding resistance; pozzolanic activity; Jamaica Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Volcanic and pyroclastic rocks from the Bito and Ramble area, Jamaica: Petrography and whole-rock chemistry : progress report no. 1

Novák, Jiří Karel; Pavková, Jaroslava; Bosák, Pavel
Geologický ústav, 2008

Feasibility of karst hydrogeological research in the Loferer Schacht area, Loferer Steinberge, Austria
Žák, Karel
2008 - English
The main purpose of this report is to make a feasibility study for a karst hydrogeological project in the Loferer Schacht cave and adjacent area, Loferer Steinberge, Austria. From a hydrogeological point of view, the known part of this cave system (vertical cave extent +9.8/-796.7 m, mapped length 7,800 m) occurs within the unsaturated (vadose) zone. Based on a pilot field survey, evaluation of the geological structure, and a preliminary study of groundwater residence time using oxygen stable isotopes it can be concluded that the area is not suitable for a detailed project. The most principal obstacles for such a study are: i. the character of the dis-charge sites located in talus accumulation, which do not allow precise measurement of the discharge; ii. the long storage of precipitation in the recharge area as perennial snowfields and ice plugs in swallow holes; and iii. the problematic use of artificial water tracers because the springs are used as drinking water. Keywords: Loferer Schacht; Loferer Steinberge; karst hydrogeology; Norther Calcareous Alps; oxygen isotopes Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Feasibility of karst hydrogeological research in the Loferer Schacht area, Loferer Steinberge, Austria

The main purpose of this report is to make a feasibility study for a karst hydrogeological project in the Loferer Schacht cave and adjacent area, Loferer Steinberge, Austria. From a hydrogeological ...

Žák, Karel
Geologický ústav, 2008

Palaeomagnetic research of selected cave sediments in Korea : final report
Bosák, Pavel; Pruner, Petr; Woo, K. S.
2008 - English
Keywords: caves; cave sediment; palaeomagnetism Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Palaeomagnetic research of selected cave sediments in Korea : final report

Bosák, Pavel; Pruner, Petr; Woo, K. S.
Geologický ústav, 2008

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