Number of found documents: 1226
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Slezská identita: metodologickému nacionalizmu navzdory
Wyss, Johana
2020 - Czech
V tomto příspěvku autorka vysvětluje jak a proč se slezská identita vzpírá zažitým předpokladům, že fixní etno-nacionální identita je přirozená a nutná forma moderní společnosti a také nepostradatelná analytická jednotka. In this article, the author illustrates how and why does Silesian identity pose a challenge to the assumption that a fixed ethno-national identity is a natural and necessary form of a modern society and an indispensable analytic unit. Keywords: silesian identity; methodological nationalism; cultural hybridity Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Slezská identita: metodologickému nacionalizmu navzdory

V tomto příspěvku autorka vysvětluje jak a proč se slezská identita vzpírá zažitým předpokladům, že fixní etno-nacionální identita je přirozená a nutná forma moderní společnosti a také nepostradatelná ...

Wyss, Johana
Etnologický ústav, 2020

Zoologické dny Olomouc 2020: sborník abstraktů z konference 6.-7. února 2020
Bryja, Josef; Kuras, T.; Tuf, I. H.; Tkadlec, Emil
2020 - Czech
Keywords: zoology; conference Fulltext is available at external website.
Zoologické dny Olomouc 2020: sborník abstraktů z konference 6.-7. února 2020

Bryja, Josef; Kuras, T.; Tuf, I. H.; Tkadlec, Emil
Ústav biologie obratlovců, 2020

Cosmology on Small Scales 2020: Excessive extrapolations and selected controversies in cosmology
Křížek, Michal; Dumin, Y. V.
2020 - English
According to the modern cosmological paradigm, about 2/3 of the energy of the Universe is in dark form and about 5/6 of the matter is invisible. However, numerous recent independent attempts to detect dark-matter particles failed, and a number of other problems with the existence of dark energy and dark matter (such as the anomalous friction in the dark-matter halos of galaxies) become now more and more obvious. All these problems raise the question if the 'dark' substance is merely a result of the use of erroneous assumptions or incorrect models based e.g. on excessive extrapolations. Consequently, it is timely to gather specialists from various branches of astronomy and astrophysics to discuss these questions. Keywords: cosmology Fulltext is available at external website.
Cosmology on Small Scales 2020: Excessive extrapolations and selected controversies in cosmology

According to the modern cosmological paradigm, about 2/3 of the energy of the Universe is in dark form and about 5/6 of the matter is invisible. However, numerous recent independent attempts to detect ...

Křížek, Michal; Dumin, Y. V.
Matematický ústav, 2020

Od folkloru k world music: Hudba a prostor
Uhlíková, Lucie; Přibylová, I.
2020 - Czech
Sborník z 17. mezinárodního kolokvia zaměřeného na lidovou, etnickou hudbu a world music. The conference edited proceedings on folk and ethnic music, modern folk music and world music. Keywords: folk music; ethnic music; music and space; music and politics Fulltext is available at external website.
Od folkloru k world music: Hudba a prostor

Sborník z 17. mezinárodního kolokvia zaměřeného na lidovou, etnickou hudbu a world music.

The conference edited proceedings on folk and ethnic music, modern folk music and world music.

Uhlíková, Lucie; Přibylová, I.
Etnologický ústav, 2020

Smart countryside for the 21st century
Zapletalová, Jana; Vaishar, Antonín
2020 - English
The 7th Moravian Conference on Rural Research EURORURAL takes place in the summer of 2020. The period of preparation and holding of the conference was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which decisively reduced international travel. However, as we did not want to break the developed tradition, we decided to organize the conference online. At the same time, we hoped that this opportunity would allow the participation of colleagues who could not attend our conference personally due to collisions with other events, health, financial causes and other reasons. On the other hand, we were aware that we are entering a little-explored terrain and our intentions would not reach widely the international professional public\nReceived contributions cover various topics of rural development. Their spectrum reflects the current problems of European rural development. We already look forward to receiving some elaborated papers for their eventual publication in the European Countryside.\n Keywords: European countryside; rural space; rural development Fulltext is available at external website.
Smart countryside for the 21st century

The 7th Moravian Conference on Rural Research EURORURAL takes place in the summer of 2020. The period of preparation and holding of the conference was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which ...

Zapletalová, Jana; Vaishar, Antonín
Ústav geoniky, 2020

2nd CCP Phenogenomics Conference 2020
Sedláček, Radislav
2020 - English
The conference was divided into two blocks. The block focused on the theme “From chemistry via preclinical pipeline to therapeutics“, which emphasized the translation of the basic research into the application. The second block was specifically devoted to presentation of CCP users and cooperation partners projects working in the field of immunology, hematology, genetic base of diseases, and neurobiology. Keywords: Phenogenomics; therapeutics; immunity; genetic base of diseases Available in digital repository of the ASCR
2nd CCP Phenogenomics Conference 2020

The conference was divided into two blocks. The block focused on the theme “From chemistry via preclinical pipeline to therapeutics“, which emphasized the translation of the basic research into the ...

Sedláček, Radislav
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2020

Archaeological textiles - links between past and present. NESAT XIII
Bravermanová, M.; Březinová, Helena; Malcolm-Davies, J.
2020 - English
Proceedings from the international conference NESAT XIII (North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles). Keywords: NESAT XIII; archaeological textiles Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Archaeological textiles - links between past and present. NESAT XIII

Proceedings from the international conference NESAT XIII (North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles).

Bravermanová, M.; Březinová, Helena; Malcolm-Davies, J.
Archeologický ústav, Praha, 2020

The International Colloquium dynamics of machines and mechanical systems with interactions Dymamesi 2020
Zolotarev, Igor; Pešek, Luděk; Kozieň, M.
2020 - English
The aim of the Colloquium is to facilitate the exchange of up to date information and knowledge among specialists in structural and multibody dynamics, in coupled interacting systems as aero-elasticity, hydro-elasticity, bio-mechanics, systems with feedbacks and mechatronics. The papers are divided into the three sections and focused on the Dynamics of Machines, Interactions and Power Engineering.\n\n Keywords: vibrations; stability; power machinery Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The International Colloquium dynamics of machines and mechanical systems with interactions Dymamesi 2020

The aim of the Colloquium is to facilitate the exchange of up to date information and knowledge among specialists in structural and multibody dynamics, in coupled interacting systems as ...

Zolotarev, Igor; Pešek, Luděk; Kozieň, M.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2020

26th International Conference Engineering Mechanics 2020
Fuis, Vladimír
2020 - English
The proceedings of the 26th international conference Engineering Mechanics contains 129 papers from the following section: Biomechanics, Dynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Fracture Mechanics, Kinematics, Mechanics of Solids, Mechatronics, Reliability of Structures, Technological Processes, Thermomechanics. Keywords: engineering mechanics; biomechanics; dynamics; fluid mechanics; mechatronics Fulltext is available at external website.
26th International Conference Engineering Mechanics 2020

The proceedings of the 26th international conference Engineering Mechanics contains 129 papers from the following section: Biomechanics, Dynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Fracture Mechanics, Kinematics, ...

Fuis, Vladimír
Ústav termomechaniky, 2020

Career in Polymers XI, Book of Abstracts
Kobera, Libor
2019 - English
The book of abstracts contains the summaries of all the contributions to the Career in Polymers XI., workshop organized by the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, in Prague, 28-29 June, 2019. This meeting was organized under the auspices of UNESCO/IUPAC course in Polymer Science, and supported by Strategy AV21. Keywords: polymer science; career in polymers; UNESCO course in Polymer Science Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Career in Polymers XI, Book of Abstracts

The book of abstracts contains the summaries of all the contributions to the Career in Polymers XI., workshop organized by the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, in Prague, 28-29 June, 2019. ...

Kobera, Libor
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2019

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