Number of found documents: 815
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Linear-time Algorithms for Largest Inscribed Quadrilateral
Keikha, Vahideh
2020 - English
Let P be a convex polygon of n vertices. We present a linear-time algorithm for the problem of computing the largest-area inscribed quadrilateral of P. We also design the parallel version of the algorithm with O(log n) time and O(n) work in CREW PRAM model, which is quite work optimal. Our parallel algorithm also computes all the antipodal pairs of a convex polygon with O(log n) time and O(log2n+s) work, where s is the number of antipodal pairs, that we hope is of independent interest. We also discuss several approximation algorithms (both constant factor and approximation scheme) for computing the largest-inscribed k-gons for constant values of k, in both area and perimeter measures. Keywords: Maximum-area quadrilateral; extreme area k-gon Available in a digital repository NRGL
Linear-time Algorithms for Largest Inscribed Quadrilateral

Let P be a convex polygon of n vertices. We present a linear-time algorithm for the problem of computing the largest-area inscribed quadrilateral of P. We also design the parallel version of the ...

Keikha, Vahideh
Ústav informatiky, 2020

Globální implicitní funkce
Rohn, Jiří
2020 - Czech
Tento text pochází z roku 1973 a nebyl dosud zveřejněn. Jeho hlavním výsledkem je věta o existenci a jednoznačnosti globální implicitní funkce v Rn. Tomuto výsledku předchází řada pomocných tvrzení. Keywords: silně lokální souvislé množiny; iredundantní pokrytí; pokračování implicitní funkce; existence a jednoznačnost; globální implicitní funkce; inverzní zobrazení Available in a digital repository NRGL
Globální implicitní funkce

Tento text pochází z roku 1973 a nebyl dosud zveřejněn. Jeho hlavním výsledkem je věta o existenci a jednoznačnosti globální implicitní funkce v Rn. Tomuto výsledku předchází řada pomocných tvrzení.

Rohn, Jiří
Ústav informatiky, 2020

The Equation |x| - |Ax| = b
Rohn, Jiří
2020 - English
We formulate conditions on A and b under which the double absolute value equation |x| - |Ax| = b possesses in each orthant a unique solution which, moreover, belongs to the interior of that orthant. Keywords: absolute value equation; double absolute value equation; orthantwise solvability; theorem of the alternatives Available in a digital repository NRGL
The Equation |x| - |Ax| = b

We formulate conditions on A and b under which the double absolute value equation |x| - |Ax| = b possesses in each orthant a unique solution which, moreover, belongs to the interior of that orthant.

Rohn, Jiří
Ústav informatiky, 2020

The scalar-valued score functions of continuous probability distribution
Fabián, Zdeněk
2019 - English
In this report we give theoretical basis of probability theory of continuous random variables based on scalar valued score functions. We maintain consistently the following point of view: It is not the observed value, which is to be used in probabilistic and statistical considerations, but its 'treated form', the value of the scalar-valued score function of distribution of the assumed model. Actually, the opinion that an observed value of random variable should be 'treated' with respect to underlying model is one of main ideas of the inference based on likelihood in classical statistics. However, a vector nature of Fisher score functions of classical statistics does not enable a consistent use of this point of view. Instead, various inference functions are suggested and used in solutions of various statistical problems. Inference function of this report is the scalar-valued score function of distribution. Keywords: Shortcomings of probability theory; Scalar-valued score functions; Characteristics of continous random variables; Parametric estimation; Transformed distributions; Skew-symmetric distributions Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The scalar-valued score functions of continuous probability distribution

In this report we give theoretical basis of probability theory of continuous random variables based on scalar valued score functions. We maintain consistently the following point of view: It is not ...

Fabián, Zdeněk
Ústav informatiky, 2019

A Logical Characteristic of Read-Once Branching Programs
Žák, Stanislav
2019 - English
We present a mathematical model of the intuitive notions such as the knowledge or the information arising at different stages of computations on branching programs (b.p.). The model has two appropriate properties: i) The ”knowledge” arising at a stage of computation in question is derivable from the ”knowledge” arising at the previous stage according to the rules of the model and according to the local arrangement of the b.p. ii) The model confirms the intuitively well-known fact that the knowledge arising at a node of a computation depends not only on it but in some cases also on a ”mystery” information. (I. e. different computations reaching the same node may have different knowledge(s) arisen at it.) We prove that with respect to our model no such information exists in read-once b.p.‘s but on the other hand in b. p.‘s which are not read-once such information must be present. The read-once property forms a frontier. More concretely, we may see the instances of our models as a systems S = (U,D) where U is a universe of knowledge and D are derivation rules. We say that a b.p. P is compatible with a system S iff along each computation in P S derives F (false) or T (true) at the end correctly according to the label of the reached sink. This key notion modifies the classic paradigm which takes the computational complexity with respect to different classes of restricted b.p.‘s (e.g. read-once b.p.‘s, k-b.p.‘s, b.p.‘s computing in limited time etc.). Now, the restriction is defined by a subset of systems and only these programs are taken into account which are compatible with at least one of the chosen systems. Further we understand the sets U of knowledge(s) as a sets of admissible logical formulae. It is clear that more rich sets U‘s imply the large restrictions on b.p.‘s and consequently the smaller complexities of Boolean functions are detected. More rich logical equipment implies stronger computational effectiveness. Another question arises: given a set of Boolean functions (e.g. codes of some graphs) what logical equipment is optimal from the point of complexity? Keywords: branching programs; computational complexity; logic Available in digital repository of the ASCR
A Logical Characteristic of Read-Once Branching Programs

We present a mathematical model of the intuitive notions such as the knowledge or the information arising at different stages of computations on branching programs (b.p.). The model has two ...

Žák, Stanislav
Ústav informatiky, 2019

Rozhodování za neurčitosti: Pohled matematika na plánované hospodářství
Rohn, Jiří
2019 - Czech
V práci jsou popsány hlavní výsledky neoficiálního ekonomicko-matematického výzkumu provedeného v letech 1973-1980 pracovníky Ekonomicko-matematické laboratoře Ekonomického ústavu ČSAV a MFF (J. Bouška, J. Rohn a B. Kalendovský). Keywords: Leontěvův model; intervalová data; zaručené řešení; neexistence; matice 28 x 28 Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Rozhodování za neurčitosti: Pohled matematika na plánované hospodářství

V práci jsou popsány hlavní výsledky neoficiálního ekonomicko-matematického výzkumu provedeného v letech 1973-1980 pracovníky Ekonomicko-matematické laboratoře Ekonomického ústavu ČSAV a MFF (J. ...

Rohn, Jiří
Ústav informatiky, 2019

Absolute Value Mapping
Rohn, Jiří
2019 - English
We prove a necessary and sufficient condition for an absolute value mapping to be bijective. This result simultaneously gives a characterization of unique solvability of an absolute value equation for each right-hand side. Keywords: absolute value mapping; bijectivity; interval matrix; regularity; absolute value equation; unique solvability Available in a digital repository NRGL
Absolute Value Mapping

We prove a necessary and sufficient condition for an absolute value mapping to be bijective. This result simultaneously gives a characterization of unique solvability of an absolute value equation for ...

Rohn, Jiří
Ústav informatiky, 2019

Jak jsme (z)řídili ústav aneb Od Centrálního výpočetního střediska ČSAV k Ústavu informatiky AV ČR
Šebesta, Václav
2019 - Czech
Jak jsme (z)řídili ústav aneb Od Centrálního výpočetního střediska ČSAV k Ústavu informatiky AV ČR Available in a digital repository NRGL
Jak jsme (z)řídili ústav aneb Od Centrálního výpočetního střediska ČSAV k Ústavu informatiky AV ČR

Jak jsme (z)řídili ústav aneb Od Centrálního výpočetního střediska ČSAV k Ústavu informatiky AV ČR

Šebesta, Václav
Ústav informatiky, 2019

Overdetermined Absolute Value Equations
Rohn, Jiří
2019 - English
We consider existence, uniqueness and computation of a solution of an absolute value equation in the overdetermined case. Keywords: absolute value equations; overdetermined system Available in a digital repository NRGL
Overdetermined Absolute Value Equations

We consider existence, uniqueness and computation of a solution of an absolute value equation in the overdetermined case.

Rohn, Jiří
Ústav informatiky, 2019

Generalization of a Theorem on Eigenvalues of Symmetric Matrices
Rohn, Jiří
2019 - English
We prove that the product of a symmetric positive semide nite matrix and a symmetric matrix has all eigenvalues real. Keywords: symmetric matrix; positive semide nite matrix; real spectrum Available in a digital repository NRGL
Generalization of a Theorem on Eigenvalues of Symmetric Matrices

We prove that the product of a symmetric positive semide nite matrix and a symmetric matrix has all eigenvalues real.

Rohn, Jiří
Ústav informatiky, 2019

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