Number of found documents: 215
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KAM-DIMATIA Series 2004-685 and ITI Series 2004-206. Two algorithms for general list matrix partitions
Sgall, Jiří; Feder, T.; Hell, P.; Králď, D.
2004 - English
List matrix partitions are restricted binary list constraint satisfaction problems which generalize list homomorphisms and many graph partition problems arising, e.g., in the study of perfect graphs. Most of the existing algorithms apply to concrete small matrices, i.e., to partitions problems, provide algorithms for their solution, and discuss their implications. Keywords: combinatorics; graph coloring; homomorphism Available at various institutes of the ASCR
KAM-DIMATIA Series 2004-685 and ITI Series 2004-206. Two algorithms for general list matrix partitions

List matrix partitions are restricted binary list constraint satisfaction problems which generalize list homomorphisms and many graph partition problems arising, e.g., in the study of perfect graphs. ...

Sgall, Jiří; Feder, T.; Hell, P.; Králď, D.
Matematický ústav, 2004

KAM-DIMATIA Series 2004-688 and ITI Series 2004-208. On the complexity of cake cutting
Sgall, Jiří; Woeginger, G. J.
2004 - English
In the cake cutting problem, $n/ge2$ players want to cut a cake into $n$ pieces so that every player gets a ďfairď share of the cake by his own measure. One positive and one negative results are given. Článek studuje složitost dělení dortů. Keywords: concrete complexity; fair division Available at various institutes of the ASCR
KAM-DIMATIA Series 2004-688 and ITI Series 2004-208. On the complexity of cake cutting

In the cake cutting problem, $n/ge2$ players want to cut a cake into $n$ pieces so that every player gets a ďfairď share of the cake by his own measure. One positive and one negative results are ...

Sgall, Jiří; Woeginger, G. J.
Matematický ústav, 2004

On cumulative 13C breath tests: An effort to improve the accuracy of test results revealed a substantial uncertainty in input data
Chleboun, Jan; Kocna, P.
2004 - English
In cumulative 13C breath tests, the estimation of CO2 production rate is a key issue. Two different estimates are compared. It is investigated why these estimates deliver rather different values. Pro kumulativní dechové testy s uhlíkem 13C je podstatný odhad produkce CO2. Jsou srovnávány dvě různé metody odhadu. Zkoumá se, proč tyto metody poskytují značně rozdílné hodnoty odhadu. Keywords: 13C breath test; CO2 production rate; uncertainty Available at various institutes of the ASCR
On cumulative 13C breath tests: An effort to improve the accuracy of test results revealed a substantial uncertainty in input data

In cumulative 13C breath tests, the estimation of CO2 production rate is a key issue. Two different estimates are compared. It is investigated why these estimates deliver rather different ...

Chleboun, Jan; Kocna, P.
Matematický ústav, 2004

KAM-DIMATA Series 2004-657 and ITI Series 2004-180. An improved approximation algorithm for the asymmetric TSP with strengthened triangle inequality
Blaser, M.; Manthey, B.; Sgall, Jiří
2004 - English
We consider the asymmetric traveling salesperson problem with /gamma-parameterized triangle inequality Chandran and Ram recently gave the first constant factor approximation algorithm with polynomial running time for this problem. We devise an approximation algorithm, which is better than the one of Chandran and Ram for /gamma in [0.5437,1). Článek navrhuje zlepšený aproximační algoritmus pro asymetrický problém obchodního cestujícího. Keywords: combinatorial algorithms; graph theory Available at various institutes of the ASCR
KAM-DIMATA Series 2004-657 and ITI Series 2004-180. An improved approximation algorithm for the asymmetric TSP with strengthened triangle inequality

We consider the asymmetric traveling salesperson problem with /gamma-parameterized triangle inequality Chandran and Ram recently gave the first constant factor approximation algorithm with polynomial ...

Blaser, M.; Manthey, B.; Sgall, Jiří
Matematický ústav, 2004

KAM-DIMATIA Series 2004-695 and ITI Series 2004-216. On the Non-Learnability of a Single Spiking Neuron
Sgall, Jiří; Šíma, J.
2004 - English
The computational complexity of training a single spiking neuron N with adjustable synaptic delays and binary coded inputs and output is studied. A synchronization technique is introduced so that the results concerning the non-learnability of spiking neurons with binary delays are generalized to arbitrary delays. Článek dokazuje nemožnost učení neuronů s impulsy. Keywords: neural networks; learning theory Available at various institutes of the ASCR
KAM-DIMATIA Series 2004-695 and ITI Series 2004-216. On the Non-Learnability of a Single Spiking Neuron

The computational complexity of training a single spiking neuron N with adjustable synaptic delays and binary coded inputs and output is studied. A synchronization technique is introduced so that the ...

Sgall, Jiří; Šíma, J.
Matematický ústav, 2004

Selfreflection and improving mathematics classroom culture
Hošpesová, A.; Tichá, Marie
2004 - English
Cultivation of teachersďself-reflection and systematic conduction of collective reflection can change character and promote quality of personaly oriented education. Therefore we aim at creation of supporting conditions for realizing these activies. In this contribution we show how a choosen group of primary shool teachers perceived and evaluated their competencies in the course. Kultivace sebereflexe učitelů a soustavné provádění kolektivní reflexe může měnit charakter a zkvalitńovat osobnostně orientované vzdělávání. Proto se snažíme o vytváření podmínek, které podporují realizaci těchto aktivit. V tomto příspěvku ukazujeme, jak skupina učitelů-elementaristů chápe a hodnotí své kompetence v procesu. Keywords: self-reflection; collective reflection; person-centered education Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Selfreflection and improving mathematics classroom culture

Cultivation of teachersďself-reflection and systematic conduction of collective reflection can change character and promote quality of personaly oriented education. Therefore we aim at creation of ...

Hošpesová, A.; Tichá, Marie
Matematický ústav, 2004

Semiotic Approach as a Methodological Basis in the Didactics of Mathematics
Roubíček, Filip
2003 - English
The paper deals with the parallel between the semiotic concept "sign" and the didactic concept "representation" and the semiotic analysis of pupilďs communication in lessons of geometry. Článek se zabývá paralelou mezi sémiotickým pojmem "znak" a didaktickým pojmem "reprezentace" a sémiotickou analýzou žákovské komunikace ve vyučování geometrii. Keywords: mathematics education; semiotics; representation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Semiotic Approach as a Methodological Basis in the Didactics of Mathematics

The paper deals with the parallel between the semiotic concept "sign" and the didactic concept "representation" and the semiotic analysis of pupilďs communication in lessons of geometry....

Roubíček, Filip
Matematický ústav, 2003

Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation in a cracked domain with jump conditions on cracks
Medková, Dagmar
2003 - English
The Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation in a cracked domain with jump conditions on cracks is studied. The uniqueness and the existence of a solution is shown and the solution is calculated. Keywords: Laplace equation; crack; boundary value problem Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation in a cracked domain with jump conditions on cracks

The Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation in a cracked domain with jump conditions on cracks is studied. The uniqueness and the existence of a solution is shown and the solution is calculated.

Medková, Dagmar
Matematický ústav, 2003

Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications. Vol. 7
Opic, Bohumír; Rákosník, Jiří
2003 - English
This volume contains six invited lectures presented at the Spring School "Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications VII" held in July 7-12, 2002,in Prague and organized by the Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in collaboration with the Czech University of Agriculture at Prague. Keywords: nonlinear analysis; function spaces Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications. Vol. 7

This volume contains six invited lectures presented at the Spring School "Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications VII" held in July 7-12, 2002,in Prague and organized by the Mathematical ...

Opic, Bohumír; Rákosník, Jiří
Matematický ústav, 2003

Smoothness versus Discreteness
Neuman, František
2003 - English
It is shown conditions on derivatives can be expressed in a discrete manner without any requirements on derivatives. Keywords: differential equations; decomposition of functions; discretion Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Smoothness versus Discreteness

It is shown conditions on derivatives can be expressed in a discrete manner without any requirements on derivatives.

Neuman, František
Matematický ústav, 2003

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