Number of found documents: 2104
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Porovnání vlastností biocharů na bázi různých typů čistírenských kalů
Moško, Jaroslav; Beňo, Z.; Hušek, Matěj; Komárek, M.; Vítková, M.; Pohořelý, Michael
2022 - Czech
Používání čistírenských kalů na zemědělskou půdu je stále více diskutovaným tématem, a to zejména z důvodu principu předběžné opatrnosti vůči obsahu anorganických, organických a mikrobiálních polutantů. Jedním z postupů úpravy/zpracování kalů před použitím na půdě je jejich pyrolýza, při které \njsou produkovány biochary z čistírenských kalů, které jsou za předpokladu správného vedení procesu stabilní a prosté od organického a mikrobiálního \nznečištění. Cílem příspěvku bylo ověřit vlastnosti biocharů z čistírenských kalů, které byly podrobeny různému typu stabilizace. Kaly byly pyrolyzovány \npři teplotách v rozmezí 600–650 °C a byla zjištěna jistá korelace mezi stupněm stabilizace kalu a vlastnostmi biocharů (texturní vlastnosti, prvkové \nsložení, energetická hodnota). \n The application of sewage sludge to agricultural land is an increasingly debated topic, particularly because of the precautionary principle regarding the content of inorganic, organic and microbial pollutants. One of the practices treatment/treatment of sludge prior to land application is pyrolysis, whereby \nbiochars are produced from the sewage sludge, which, provided that proper process management, stable and free from organic and microbial \ncontamination. The aim of this paper was to verify the properties of biochars from sewage sludge that were subjected to different types of stabilization. The sludges were pyrolyzed at temperatures ranging from 600 to 650 °C and a certain correlation was found between degree of sludge stabilization and biochar properties (textural properties, elemental composition, energy value). \n\n Keywords: sewage sludge; pyrolysis; sludge-char Available in a digital repository NRGL
Porovnání vlastností biocharů na bázi různých typů čistírenských kalů

Používání čistírenských kalů na zemědělskou půdu je stále více diskutovaným tématem, a to zejména z důvodu principu předběžné opatrnosti vůči obsahu anorganických, organických a mikrobiálních ...

Moško, Jaroslav; Beňo, Z.; Hušek, Matěj; Komárek, M.; Vítková, M.; Pohořelý, Michael
Ústav chemických procesů, 2022

Vliv velikosti částic vysokoteplotního biocharu na jeho vlastnosti
Sedmihradská, Anežka; Skoblia, S.; Beňo, Z.; Moško, Jaroslav; Fajgar, Radek; Soukup, Karel; Pohořelý, Michael
2022 - Czech
Vysoko-teplotní biochar je čím dál používanější pomocná půdní látka, zvláště v místech, kde je potřeba zlepšit fyzikální vlastnosti půdy. Tento ekologicky \nslibný materiál byl zatím zkoumán hlavně v závislosti na výrobní teplotě nebo vstupního materiálu. Vliv velikosti částic na vlastnosti biocharu byly zatím \nstudovány nedostatečně. Tato práce se snaží rozšířit znalosti právě v této oblasti. High-temperature biochar is an increasingly used soil amendment, especially in areas where the physical properties of the soil need to be improved. This ecologically promising material has so far been studied mainly in relation to production temperature or the input material. The effects of particle size on the properties of biochar have so far been studied insufficiently. This work seeks to expand the knowledge in this particular area. \n Keywords: biochar; gasification; particle size Available in a digital repository NRGL
Vliv velikosti částic vysokoteplotního biocharu na jeho vlastnosti

Vysoko-teplotní biochar je čím dál používanější pomocná půdní látka, zvláště v místech, kde je potřeba zlepšit fyzikální vlastnosti půdy. Tento ekologicky \nslibný materiál byl zatím zkoumán hlavně v ...

Sedmihradská, Anežka; Skoblia, S.; Beňo, Z.; Moško, Jaroslav; Fajgar, Radek; Soukup, Karel; Pohořelý, Michael
Ústav chemických procesů, 2022

Removal of PFASs from sewage sludge by pyrolysis
Hušek, Matěj
2022 - English
Our work aimed to describe PFASs behaviour at different pyrolysis temperatures (200 to 700 °C). We analysed 37 PFAS in sewage sludge samples and pyrolysis products. The temperature at which PFASs were removed from the sewage sludge at more than 99.0% was 400 °C, and at 600 °C, removal was more than 99.9%. As a result, it is recommended for commercial sludge pyrolysis units (larger volume, lower material homogeneity) that the process temperature be not lower than 600 °C. This recommendation is supported and demonstrated by the analyses of samples from the Bohuslavice Trutnov WWTP (CZE), where the sludge pyrolysis unit is in operation.\n Keywords: sewage sludge samples; pyrolysis; temperature Available in a digital repository NRGL
Removal of PFASs from sewage sludge by pyrolysis

Our work aimed to describe PFASs behaviour at different pyrolysis temperatures (200 to 700 °C). We analysed 37 PFAS in sewage sludge samples and pyrolysis products. The temperature at which PFASs were ...

Hušek, Matěj
Ústav chemických procesů, 2022

Application of hydrodynamic cavitation in brewing
Štěrba, Jiří
2022 - English
The aim of this work is to apply these advantages in the brewery industry. In the field of beer brewing, we would like to investigate several phenomena, such as the isomerization of bitter hop acids, the reduction of gluten concentration or the cell-walls breakdown.\n Keywords: hydrodynamic cavitation; brewery industry; Venturi jet system Available in a digital repository NRGL
Application of hydrodynamic cavitation in brewing

The aim of this work is to apply these advantages in the brewery industry. In the field of beer brewing, we would like to investigate several phenomena, such as the isomerization of bitter hop acids, ...

Štěrba, Jiří
Ústav chemických procesů, 2022

Vertical distribution of black carbon (BC)
Julaha, Kajal
2022 - English
Black Carbon (BC) is one of the leading contributors affecting our climate system. Absorbing at all visible wavelengths results in a warmer environment and thus has been considered the second most important contributor to global warming after carbon dioxide. The primary sources of BC aerosol are the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and biomass burning. However, the composition of atmospheric aerosols varies with the height above the Earth’s surface. Recent studies have shown significant uncertainties (about 25%) in model simulations of the vertical BC distribution, both on the regional and global levels. BC’s vertical transport is suggested to be one area where the models still differ significantly,4,5 highlighting further investigation. Keywords: black carbon; fossil fuels and biomass; atmospheric aerosol Available in a digital repository NRGL
Vertical distribution of black carbon (BC)

Black Carbon (BC) is one of the leading contributors affecting our climate system. Absorbing at all visible wavelengths results in a warmer environment and thus has been considered the second most ...

Julaha, Kajal
Ústav chemických procesů, 2022

Continuous electrocoagulation of Chlorella vulgaris in a novel channel-flow reactor
Lucáková, Simona
2022 - English
In our laboratory, we employed an electrocoagulation process with iron sacrificial anode leading to the separation of Chlorella vulgaris cells with high efficiency and at the same time acceptable low contamination of separated biomass by iron. Comparing to only centrifugation, the total energy costs of harvesting using electrocoagulation as a pre-concentration step prior to centrifugation were reduced by more than 80%. After extensive study of the influence of relevant process parameters. Keywords: chlorella vulgaris; electrocoagulation; biomass; iron Available in a digital repository NRGL
Continuous electrocoagulation of Chlorella vulgaris in a novel channel-flow reactor

In our laboratory, we employed an electrocoagulation process with iron sacrificial anode leading to the separation of Chlorella vulgaris cells with high efficiency and at the same time acceptable low ...

Lucáková, Simona
Ústav chemických procesů, 2022

Tetracycline degradation using catalysts of platinum coated over CeO2 and CeO2ZrO2
Bourassi, Mahdi
2022 - English
These works showed that, by adding well defined nanoparticles into ionic liquids, it is possible to tune or/and enhance their thermophysical properties and make them more suitable for electrical and thermal energy storage, and heat transfer applications. Keywords: catalytic experiments; tetracycline; water depollution Available in a digital repository NRGL
Tetracycline degradation using catalysts of platinum coated over CeO2 and CeO2ZrO2

These works showed that, by adding well defined nanoparticles into ionic liquids, it is possible to tune or/and enhance their thermophysical properties and make them more suitable for electrical and ...

Bourassi, Mahdi
Ústav chemických procesů, 2022

Ambient organic aerosol origin at rural background site in the Czech Republic
Lhotka, Radek
2022 - English
Source apportionment of organic aerosols (OA) at background sites is one of the important tasks of the current air quality protection. OA are emitted directly from primary sources or formed in the atmosphere via the oxidation of gas-phase precursors with subsequent partitioning resulting in low-volatility products into the particle phase. Keywords: organic aerosol; air quality protection; ural background site Available in a digital repository NRGL
Ambient organic aerosol origin at rural background site in the Czech Republic

Source apportionment of organic aerosols (OA) at background sites is one of the important tasks of the current air quality protection. OA are emitted directly from primary sources or formed in the ...

Lhotka, Radek
Ústav chemických procesů, 2022

Physicochemical Properties and Origin of PM1 Measured at a Rural Background Site
Pokorná, Petra; Zíková, Naděžda; Vodička, Petr; Lhotka, Radek; Mbengue, Saliou; Holubová Šmejkalová, A.; Riffault, V.; Ondráček, Jakub; Schwarz, Jaroslav; Ždímal, Vladimír
2022 - English
This study assesses the variability of organic aerosol (OA) sources monitored at the rural background site Frýdlant. Non-refractory PM1 was evaluated in two seasons of\n2021. The positive matrix factorization with the multi-linear engine was used to determine the sources of OA at Frýdlant site, with four factors resolved both in winter and\nsummer. Keywords: organic aerosols; positive matrix factorization with multi-linear engine; non-refractive aerosol Available in a digital repository NRGL
Physicochemical Properties and Origin of PM1 Measured at a Rural Background Site

This study assesses the variability of organic aerosol (OA) sources monitored at the rural background site Frýdlant. Non-refractory PM1 was evaluated in two seasons of\n2021. The positive matrix ...

Pokorná, Petra; Zíková, Naděžda; Vodička, Petr; Lhotka, Radek; Mbengue, Saliou; Holubová Šmejkalová, A.; Riffault, V.; Ondráček, Jakub; Schwarz, Jaroslav; Ždímal, Vladimír
Ústav chemických procesů, 2022

An Improved Method for Calculation of the Wet Particle Diameter and tha Kappa Parameters from the CCN Data
Wagner, Zdeněk; Mishra, Gaurav; Moravec, Pavel; Zíková, Naděžda
2022 - English
The study of particle size distribution and hygroscopic growth is important for several reasons. Particle diameter is available experimentally, but the relationship of \nhygroscopic growth to cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and AMS data can be modeled mathematically. In this paper, we present an improved algorithm for calculating the wet \nparticle diameter and the κ parameter that is faster, more accurate, and more reliable than the algorithm used by other authors.\n Keywords: critical diameter; wet particle diameter; CCN Available in a digital repository NRGL
An Improved Method for Calculation of the Wet Particle Diameter and tha Kappa Parameters from the CCN Data

The study of particle size distribution and hygroscopic growth is important for several reasons. Particle diameter is available experimentally, but the relationship of \nhygroscopic growth to cloud ...

Wagner, Zdeněk; Mishra, Gaurav; Moravec, Pavel; Zíková, Naděžda
Ústav chemických procesů, 2022

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