Number of found documents: 7347
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Dynamics of surface water quality changes in model headwater areas of the Czech Republic
Fraindová, K.; Matoušková, M.; Kliment, Z.; Vlček, Lukáš; Vlach, V.; Šajnarová, L.
2023 - English
River headwaters have a high environmental value. Unfortunately, the biogeochemical processes in headwaters in context of different rainfall-runoff conditions and specific land cover have not been fully examined. This study focuses on changes in correlations of 16 biogeochemical parameters related to different types of rainfall-runoff events and land cover condition for eight headwater catchments in Central Europe. Multiple methods as linear regression, Spearman rank correlation, Principal Components Analysis and C/Q hysteresis loops revealed main relationships. Presence of peatlands and waterlogged spruce forests had decisive influence on the biogeochemistry (mainly for CODMn, humins, Fe, P-PO43− TP, and N-NO3−). The strongest positive correlation of organic matter (CODMn) and Fe is represented in a catchment with the largest area of damaged forest (70%), but with a smaller proportion of wetlands (8%). High flow rates influence the release of greater amounts of organic matter and N-NO3−. Keywords: headwater areas; organic matter; waterlogged areas; peatbogs; raifall-runoff events; water quality; electric conductivity Fulltext is available at external website.
Dynamics of surface water quality changes in model headwater areas of the Czech Republic

River headwaters have a high environmental value. Unfortunately, the biogeochemical processes in headwaters in context of different rainfall-runoff conditions and specific land cover have not been ...

Fraindová, K.; Matoušková, M.; Kliment, Z.; Vlček, Lukáš; Vlach, V.; Šajnarová, L.
Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, 2023

Spherical basis function approximation with particular trend functions
Segeth, Karel
2023 - English
The paper is concerned with the measurement of scalar physical quantities at nodes on the $(d-1)$-dimensional unit sphere surface in the hbox{$d$-dimensional} Euclidean space and the spherical RBF interpolation of the data obtained. In particular, we consider $d=3$. We employ an inverse multiquadric as the radial basis function and the corresponding trend is a polynomial of degree 2 defined in Cartesian coordinates. We prove the existence of the interpolation formula of the type considered. The formula can be useful in the interpretation of many physical measurements. We show an example concerned with the measurement of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility having extensive applications in geosciences and present numerical difficulties connected with the high condition number of the matrix of the system defining the interpolation. Keywords: spherical interpolation; spherical radial basis function; inverse multiquadric Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Spherical basis function approximation with particular trend functions

The paper is concerned with the measurement of scalar physical quantities at nodes on the $(d-1)$-dimensional unit sphere surface in the hbox{$d$-dimensional} Euclidean space and the spherical RBF ...

Segeth, Karel
Matematický ústav, 2023

Semantic segmentation using support vector machine classifier
Pecha, Marek; Langford, Z.; Horák, David; Tran Mills, R.
2023 - English
This paper deals with wildfire identification in the Alaska regions as a semantic segmentation task using support vector machine classifiers. Instead of colour information represented by means of BGR channels, we proceed with a normalized reflectance over 152 days so that such time series is assigned to each pixel. We compare models associated with $\mathcal{l}1$-loss and $\mathcal{l}2$-loss functions and stopping criteria based on a projected gradient and duality gap in the presented benchmarks. Keywords: wildfire identification; semantic segmentation; support vector machines; distributed training Fulltext is available at external website.
Semantic segmentation using support vector machine classifier

This paper deals with wildfire identification in the Alaska regions as a semantic segmentation task using support vector machine classifiers. Instead of colour information represented by means of BGR ...

Pecha, Marek; Langford, Z.; Horák, David; Tran Mills, R.
Ústav geoniky, 2023

Estimation of EDZ zones in great depths by elastic-plastic models
Sysala, Stanislav
2023 - English
This contribution is devoted to modeling damage zones caused by the excavation of tunnels and boreholes (EDZ zones) in connection with the issue of deep storage of spent nuclear fuel in crystalline rocks. In particular, elastic-plastic models with Mohr-Coulomb or Hoek-Brown yield criteria are considered. Selected details of the numerical solution to the corresponding problems are mentioned. Possibilities of elastic and elastic-plastic approaches are illustrated by a numerical example. Keywords: tunnel stability; EDZ zones; elasto-plasticity; finite element method Fulltext is available at external website.
Estimation of EDZ zones in great depths by elastic-plastic models

This contribution is devoted to modeling damage zones caused by the excavation of tunnels and boreholes (EDZ zones) in connection with the issue of deep storage of spent nuclear fuel in crystalline ...

Sysala, Stanislav
Ústav geoniky, 2023

Polach, P.; Anderle, Milan; Zezula, Pavel; Papáček, Štěpán
2023 - English
A key feature for bipedal walkers (robots and humans as well) is their stability or disturbance rejection defined as the ability to deal with unexpected disturbances. The paper by Griffin and Grizzle (2017) have significantly contributed to the shift from flat ground to slopes and steps when evaluating the walking efficiency of their robots. Similarly, in this contribution, based on the appropriate model of robot dynamics and control law, we examine the stability of walking-without-falling for different ground perturbations for a threelink compass gait walker. I.e., we perform the sensitivity analysis of the walking stability of underactuated bipedal walker with respect to certain disturbation using the alaska/MultibodyDynamics simulation tool. Keywords: Mechatronics; Bipedal robot; Multibody dynamics; Acrobot; Control applications Fulltext is available at external website.

A key feature for bipedal walkers (robots and humans as well) is their stability or disturbance rejection defined as the ability to deal with unexpected disturbances. The paper by Griffin and Grizzle ...

Polach, P.; Anderle, Milan; Zezula, Pavel; Papáček, Štěpán
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2023

Annular Impinging Jets and an Active Control of Hysteretic Effects
Devani, Yogendrasasidhar; Antošová, Zuzana; Trávníček, Zdeněk
2023 - English
An annular impinging air jet with and without flow control was studied experimentally using measurements of the wall pressure and flow velocity by the Pitot probe. To investigate flow control swirling effects, eight synthetic jets were generated from the nozzle center body. The experiments cover Reynolds numbers 4000–10,000 (evaluated from the outer exit diameter of the annular nozzle). For Re<9000, the bistability and hysteresis were identified and two different flow field patterns (A, B) were found under the same boundary conditions. For higher Re>9000, the hysteresis were not found. Keywords: annular jet; impinging jet; hysteresis Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Annular Impinging Jets and an Active Control of Hysteretic Effects

An annular impinging air jet with and without flow control was studied experimentally using measurements of the wall pressure and flow velocity by the Pitot probe. To investigate flow control swirling ...

Devani, Yogendrasasidhar; Antošová, Zuzana; Trávníček, Zdeněk
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Souvislost mezi principem nejmenší akce a termodynamickou podmínkou stability
Maršík, František; Trávníček, Zdeněk; Antošová, Zuzana
2023 - English
The extended principle is formulated for a material point (M.P.) X, which has nonzero mass, temperature, and trajectory x(X,t). The Lagrangian of this variation principle is equal to the kinetic energy from which, the internal energy of the material point (which depends on the entropy) and the additional energy caused by the frictional force are subtracted. The relation between the inertial force and the entropy gradient is found and the gravitational force is completely replaced by the entropy gradient. Thanks to the mentioned properties of the total enthalpy, the Thermodynamic criterion of stability of the state of M.P., is formulated. Keywords: principle of the least action; thermodynamic stability condition; annular swirl flow Fulltext is available at external website.
Souvislost mezi principem nejmenší akce a termodynamickou podmínkou stability

The extended principle is formulated for a material point (M.P.) X, which has nonzero mass, temperature, and trajectory x(X,t). The Lagrangian of this variation principle is equal to the kinetic ...

Maršík, František; Trávníček, Zdeněk; Antošová, Zuzana
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Texture Spectral Similarity Criteria Comparison
Havlíček, Michal; Haindl, Michal
2023 - English
Criteria capable of texture spectral similarity evaluation are presented and compared. From the fifteen evaluated criteria, only four criteria guarantee zero or minimal spectral ranking errors. Such criteria can support texture modeling algorithms by comparing the modeled texture with corresponding synthetic simulations. Another possible application is the development of texture retrieval, classification, or texture acquisition system. These criteria thoroughly test monotonicity and mutual correlation on specifically designed extensive monotonously degrading experiments. Keywords: Texture Comparison; Texture Modeling; Texture Retrieval; Texture Classification; Texture Acquisition Fulltext is available at external website.
Texture Spectral Similarity Criteria Comparison

Criteria capable of texture spectral similarity evaluation are presented and compared. From the fifteen evaluated criteria, only four criteria guarantee zero or minimal spectral ranking errors. Such ...

Havlíček, Michal; Haindl, Michal
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2023

Stereolithography for manufacturing of advanced porous solids
Drechslerová, V.; Neuhäuserová, M.; Falta, J.; Šleichrt, J.; Kytýř, Daniel
2023 - English
The aim of this paper is focused on benefits of stereolithography (SLA) technology for the fabrication of the lightweight lattice structures with potential for load-bearing function and high absorption of impact energy. SLA is an additive manufacturing technology employing the principle of liquid resins curing moderated by radiation of a wavelength from ultra-violet band where resulting material parameters are tunable by setting of the curing process. The batches of samples manufactured using three different resins were subjected to quasi-static uni-axial tensile and compression tests. Acquired data were processed to derive deformation behaviour expressed as stress-strain diagrams and fundamental material properties. Based on the knowledge obtained from the mechanical tests, the setup of the fabrication parameters, the most suitable resin for manufacturing of the lattice structures and the overall suitability of SLA technology for the fabrication of advanced porous materials, were determined. Keywords: stereolithography; advanced porous materials; quasi-static testing; resin; mechanical characteristics Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Stereolithography for manufacturing of advanced porous solids

The aim of this paper is focused on benefits of stereolithography (SLA) technology for the fabrication of the lightweight lattice structures with potential for load-bearing function and high ...

Drechslerová, V.; Neuhäuserová, M.; Falta, J.; Šleichrt, J.; Kytýř, Daniel
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2023

Statistical Approach for BTT probes distribution
Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine; Procházka, Pavel; Šmíd, R.; Tchawou Tchuisseu, Eder Batista
2023 - English
Blade tip timing (BTT) system is a non-invasive method used for measuring the blade tip timing of rotating machinery. The BTT system typically consists of sensor probes, signal conditioning system, and data acquisition unit. The sensor probes are placed in proximity to the rotating blade tips, Sensors measure the time at which each blade passes by the probe. By measuring the blade tip timing, the BTT system can detect changes in the blade tip vibration, which is an important for the health monitoring and performance optimization of rotating machinery [1]. To ensure accurate measurement of blade tip timing, the probe arrangement is crucial. The placement of the probe relative to the blade tips can affect the measurement accuracy, and thus, several arrangement algorithms have been developed to optimize the placement of the probes. Instead of considering the condition number, a statistical algorithms is followed to optimize the placement of probes for accurate measurement of blade tip timing in turbo-machinery. The statistical approach will be employed to determine the optimal locations for probes, with the aim of reducing errors in the measurement of blade tip timing. \n Keywords: blade tip timing principle; RMSE; blade´s dynamics Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Statistical Approach for BTT probes distribution

Blade tip timing (BTT) system is a non-invasive method used for measuring the blade tip timing of rotating machinery. The BTT system typically consists of sensor probes, signal conditioning system, ...

Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine; Procházka, Pavel; Šmíd, R.; Tchawou Tchuisseu, Eder Batista
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

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