Professors to go. Emigration of the academic staff of the Faculty of medicine of the German University in Prague before and after the Nazi Occupation, 1938–39
Šimůnek, Michal V.; Hermann, Tomáš
2011 - English
It is the aim of this paper to present statistical overviews documenting the processes of emigration of the academic staff of the Faculty of medicine of the German University in Prague before and after the Nazi Occupation (1938–39). Demonstration of some personal histories helps to analyse the scientific emigration during the era of Nazism in its alternative perspectives.
scientific exile; German University in Prague; history of medicine
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Professors to go. Emigration of the academic staff of the Faculty of medicine of the German University in Prague before and after the Nazi Occupation, 1938–39
It is the aim of this paper to present statistical overviews documenting the processes of emigration of the academic staff of the Faculty of medicine of the German University in Prague before and ...
Topic of the conference
Kostlán, Antonín
2011 - English
The issue of scientists in exile has been of interest primarily due to the large wave of emigration which ensued in Europe in the face of the Nazi regime. However, other waves of emigration and exile in 20th century Europe, such as those evoked by European and non-European authoritarian regimes and dictatorships or other malignant political developments, have so far escaped more detailed attention. Anotace v AJ (min. 64 znaků): The issue of scientists in exile has been of interest primarily due to the large wave of emigration which ensued in Europe in the face of the Nazi regime. However, other waves of emigration and exile in 20th century Europe, such as those evoked by European and non-European authoritarian regimes and dictatorships or other malignant political developments, have so far escaped more detailed attention.
exile; scholars; totalitarianism
Fulltext is available at external website.
Topic of the conference
The issue of scientists in exile has been of interest primarily due to the large wave of emigration which ensued in Europe in the face of the Nazi regime. However, other waves of emigration and exile ...
Czech scholars in exile, 1948-1989
Kostlán, Antonín
2011 - English
Czechoslovakia in the years 1948-1989, represented one of the countries of the Soviet power bloc where the development of research was in many ways supported by the country's government, but at the same time subjected to various restrictions and strong political pressure. The paper focuses on the main characteristic features of the emigration of scientists and intellectuals in the period of the communist regime and presents the results of an analysis of departure of the workers of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences to exile. It tries to estimate the overall extent of this emigration, deliberates about the further careers of exile scholars and introduces an attempt of exile typology.
exile; scholars; totalitarianism
Fulltext is available at external website.
Czech scholars in exile, 1948-1989
Czechoslovakia in the years 1948-1989, represented one of the countries of the Soviet power bloc where the development of research was in many ways supported by the country's government, but at the ...
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