Number of found documents: 414
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In situ XPS characterization of diamond films after AR.sup.+./sup. cluster ion beam sputtering
Artemenko, Anna; Babchenko, Oleg; Kozak, Halyna; Ukraintsev, Egor; Ižák, Tibor; Romanyuk, Olexandr; Potocký, Štěpán; Kromka, Alexander
2015 - English
In this work, in situ XPS analysis of chemical composition of H- and O-terminated nano- and microcrystalline diamond (NCD and MCD) films before and after their sputtering by the Ar+ cluster ion beam was investigated. Scanning electron microscopy confirmed sputtering of all diamond surfaces with a rate about 0.5 nm/min. Raman spectroscopy and XPS revealed surface graphitization of diamond surface induced by sputtering. Moreover, XPS data showed the presence of about 0.7 % of Ar atoms on the investigated diamond surface after 66 min of sputtering. Also, oxygen residuals were still presented on the H-NCD surface after 66 min of sputtering. In contrast, no oxygen was found on the H-MCD surface just after 2 min of sputtering. Surface composition is discussed in respect to the diamond films growth parameters and surface structure. Keywords: diamond; depth profiling; XPS; sputtering; Raman Available at various institutes of the ASCR
In situ XPS characterization of diamond films after AR.sup.+./sup. cluster ion beam sputtering

In this work, in situ XPS analysis of chemical composition of H- and O-terminated nano- and microcrystalline diamond (NCD and MCD) films before and after their sputtering by the Ar+ cluster ion beam ...

Artemenko, Anna; Babchenko, Oleg; Kozak, Halyna; Ukraintsev, Egor; Ižák, Tibor; Romanyuk, Olexandr; Potocký, Štěpán; Kromka, Alexander
Fyzikální ústav, 2015

Wettability enhancement of polymeric and glass micro fiber reinforcement by plasma treatment
Trejbal, J.; Šmilauer, V.; Kromka, Alexander; Potocký, Štěpán; Kopecký, L.
2015 - English
Plasma treatments were used to modify surface properties of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and glass micro fibers, to improve their wettability. PET fibers, having diameter of 400 μm, and glass fibers (14 μm) were exposed to low pressure oxygen plasma. A direct horizontal optical method was used for contact angle measurements on fiber surfaces submerged into distilled water. Surface morphology changes before and after treatment were characterized by scanning electron microscopy. Finally, cement paste specimens reinforced with PET and lime-based mortars reinforced with glass fibers were made and after 28 days of mixture curing tested by four-point bending tests. After oxygen plasma treatment contact angles decreased by 60 % on PET fibers and by 25 % on glass fibers in comparison with untreated fibers. Next, SEM images revealed the significant surface damages of PET fibers and minor damages of glass fibers. Both four-point tested samples reinforced with treated fibers exhibited the maximum bending strength loss about to 10 to 20 percent compared to samples with untreated reinforcement. Keywords: plasma treatments; cool oxygen plasma; wettability; contact angle; micro fibers Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Wettability enhancement of polymeric and glass micro fiber reinforcement by plasma treatment

Plasma treatments were used to modify surface properties of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and glass micro fibers, to improve their wettability. PET fibers, having diameter of 400 μm, and glass ...

Trejbal, J.; Šmilauer, V.; Kromka, Alexander; Potocký, Štěpán; Kopecký, L.
Fyzikální ústav, 2015

Fabrication methods of diamond coated Love wave SAW biosensors for bacterial detection applications
Drbohlavová, L.; Bulíř, J.; Valeš, Václav; Jákl Křečmarová, M.; Taylor, Andrew; Talbi, A.; Soltani, A.; Mortet, Vincent
2015 - English
Pathogen detection has a huge importance in the food industry and it can play significant role in the medical practice. This paper focus on the fabrication methods of diamond coated Love wave surface acoustic wave (LW-SAW) biosensors for bacteria detection. LW-SAW sensors have been fabricated on AT-quartz crystals. Interdigitated transducers have been patterned by RF sputtering and photolithography techniques. Amorphous silicon oxide (SiO2) guiding layer and nano-crystalline diamond layer were both deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition at low temperature. Preliminary experimental study of diamond surface termination for sensors bio-functionalization is also reported. Keywords: biosensors; LW-SAW Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Fabrication methods of diamond coated Love wave SAW biosensors for bacterial detection applications

Pathogen detection has a huge importance in the food industry and it can play significant role in the medical practice. This paper focus on the fabrication methods of diamond coated Love wave surface ...

Drbohlavová, L.; Bulíř, J.; Valeš, Václav; Jákl Křečmarová, M.; Taylor, Andrew; Talbi, A.; Soltani, A.; Mortet, Vincent
Fyzikální ústav, 2015

Influence of incorporated nanodiamond particles on mechanical properties of composite material based on multi-layer PVA nanofiber textiles
Prošek, Zdeněk; Indrová, K.; Rácová, Z.; Ryparová, Pavla; Nežerka, V.; Topič, J.; Tesárek, Pavel; Kromka, Alexander
2015 - English
The present study investigates the influence of NDP on mechanical properties of multi-layer PVA nanofiber textiles. The particles of a diameter equal to 5 nm were incorporated into double- and triple-layer textiles, while the single-layer samples were prepared as the reference. The diameter of PVA nanofibers varied from 100 to 300 nm. We characterized the tensile strength, stiffness and ductility of fabricated nanofibers by using a conventional method – a tensile test. We found that the NDP-enriched nanofibers reveal antibacterial character. However, none or negligible influence of NDP additions on the tested mechanical properties was observed. Keywords: nanofibers; PVA; nanodiamonds; electrospinning; mechanical properties; SEM Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Influence of incorporated nanodiamond particles on mechanical properties of composite material based on multi-layer PVA nanofiber textiles

The present study investigates the influence of NDP on mechanical properties of multi-layer PVA nanofiber textiles. The particles of a diameter equal to 5 nm were incorporated into double- and ...

Prošek, Zdeněk; Indrová, K.; Rácová, Z.; Ryparová, Pavla; Nežerka, V.; Topič, J.; Tesárek, Pavel; Kromka, Alexander
Fyzikální ústav, 2015

Fabrication of 3D diamond membranes for microfluidic systems
Varga, Marián; Babchenko, Oleg; Bauerová, Pavla; Hruška, Karel; Jurka, Vlastimil; Kromka, Alexander; Rezek, Bohuslav
2015 - English
Perfusion of cell medium, especially in microfluidic devices, can provide in-vivo-like conditions for cell cultures. The most recent demand on such systems is to include electronically active artificial cell support for in-situ monitoring. Diamond thin films exhibit advantageous combination of physical, mechanical, chemical, biocompatible and electronic properties for this purpose. In this work we explore two strategies for fabrication of self-standing three-dimensional nanocrystalline diamond membrane for implementation in microfluidic invivo like experiments: i) nucleation and chemical vapour deposition (CVD) growth of diamond on porous 3D carbon foam (with 80 pores per inch) and ii) selective diamond growth predefined by photolithographic processing using copper grid mask. The morphology and material quality of the fabricated membranes are characterized by scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Keywords: nanocrystalline diamond; membranes; microwave plasma; microfluidics; carbon foam Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Fabrication of 3D diamond membranes for microfluidic systems

Perfusion of cell medium, especially in microfluidic devices, can provide in-vivo-like conditions for cell cultures. The most recent demand on such systems is to include electronically active ...

Varga, Marián; Babchenko, Oleg; Bauerová, Pavla; Hruška, Karel; Jurka, Vlastimil; Kromka, Alexander; Rezek, Bohuslav
Fyzikální ústav, 2015

(100) substrate processing optimization for fabrication of smooth boron doped epitaxial diamond layer by PE CVD
Mortet, Vincent; Fekete, Ladislav; Ashcheulov, Petr; Taylor, Andrew; Hubík, Pavel; Trémouilles, D.; Bedel-Pereira, E.
2015 - English
Boron doped diamond layers were grown in an SEKI AX5010 microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition system. Effect of surface preparation, i.e. polishing and O2/H2 plasma etching on epitaxial growth on type Ib (100) HPHT synthetic diamonds were investigated. Using optimized substrate preparation, smooth (RRMS ~ 1 nm) boron doped diamond layers with metallic conduction and free of un-epitaxial crystallites were grown with a relatively high growth rate of 3.7 μm/h. Diamond were characterized by optical microscopy, optical profilometry, atomic force microscopy and Hall effect. Keywords: doping; PE CVD; diamond; surface treatment; thin film Available at various institutes of the ASCR
(100) substrate processing optimization for fabrication of smooth boron doped epitaxial diamond layer by PE CVD

Boron doped diamond layers were grown in an SEKI AX5010 microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition system. Effect of surface preparation, i.e. polishing and O2/H2 plasma etching on epitaxial ...

Mortet, Vincent; Fekete, Ladislav; Ashcheulov, Petr; Taylor, Andrew; Hubík, Pavel; Trémouilles, D.; Bedel-Pereira, E.
Fyzikální ústav, 2015

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Aero Engines, Ltd. – Feasibility test of short pulse laser drilling on metal alloy plate
Miura, Taisuke
2015 - English
We have constructed a laser drilling station for metal plates supplied by MHIAEL. We have succeeded to demonstrate the fast drilling on the metal plates within 0.1sec using our thin disk regenerative amplifier. This result leaded to the additional contract with the guest on February 2016. Keywords: short pulse laser; drilling; metal alloy Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Aero Engines, Ltd. – Feasibility test of short pulse laser drilling on metal alloy plate

We have constructed a laser drilling station for metal plates supplied by MHIAEL. We have succeeded to demonstrate the fast drilling on the metal plates within 0.1sec using our thin disk regenerative ...

Miura, Taisuke
Fyzikální ústav, 2015

Utsunomiya University – Prototyping of pump laser optics for compact thin disk head
Miura, Taisuke
2015 - English
We have constructed a compact thin disk head designed by HiLASE. We demonstrated the CW output from the thin disk head with the efficiency of higher than 30% and the good beam quality. This result leaded to the additional contract with Utsunomiya University on February 2016. Keywords: pump laser; optics; compact thin disk head Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Utsunomiya University – Prototyping of pump laser optics for compact thin disk head

We have constructed a compact thin disk head designed by HiLASE. We demonstrated the CW output from the thin disk head with the efficiency of higher than 30% and the good beam quality. This result ...

Miura, Taisuke
Fyzikální ústav, 2015

MEDICEM Institute, spol. s.r.o. - Technology to shape hydrogels by lasers
Rostohar, Danijela; Flimelová, Miroslava
2015 - English
We have prepared study with aim to propose a technology allowing to shape hydrogels by lasers and to describe a project (including timelines, milestones, team and budget) that would lead to the development of such technology, including supportive scientific, technical and theoretical information. Keywords: hydrogels; lasers; intraocular implants; intraocular lenses Available at various institutes of the ASCR
MEDICEM Institute, spol. s.r.o. - Technology to shape hydrogels by lasers

We have prepared study with aim to propose a technology allowing to shape hydrogels by lasers and to describe a project (including timelines, milestones, team and budget) that would lead to the ...

Rostohar, Danijela; Flimelová, Miroslava
Fyzikální ústav, 2015

Kopeček, Jaromír
2015 - English
Analsis of different samples of thermocouples before and after laser marking what is used to produce barcode close to spike of the probes. The aim is to investigate the influence of laser marking by detailed analysis of the material structure of the samples. Keywords: laser marking; thermocouple; analysis; inconel Available at various institutes of the ASCR

Analsis of different samples of thermocouples before and after laser marking what is used to produce barcode close to spike of the probes. The aim is to investigate the influence of laser marking by ...

Kopeček, Jaromír
Fyzikální ústav, 2015

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