Number of found documents: 17
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Biocompatible polymer hydrogels usable for nervous tissue regeneration
Lesný, Petr; DeCroos, Jane; Přádný, Martin; Vacík, Jiří; Syková, Eva
2001 - English
PHPMA hydrogel matrices have the ability to induce tissue formation within them and therefore support the regeneration of nervous tissue. Keywords: hydrogels Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Biocompatible polymer hydrogels usable for nervous tissue regeneration

PHPMA hydrogel matrices have the ability to induce tissue formation within them and therefore support the regeneration of nervous tissue.

Lesný, Petr; DeCroos, Jane; Přádný, Martin; Vacík, Jiří; Syková, Eva
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 2001

Interaction between descending and ascending pathways in the auditory system
Syka, Josef
2001 - English
Inactivation of the AC resulted in changes in the latency and amplitude of some parts of click-evoked IC responses and in either an increase or decrease in the firing rate of IC neurons in comparison with normal control conditions. The interaction of ascending and descending pathways in the auditory system may contribute to better frequency tuning, suppression of non-relevant acoustical signals and concentration of our attention on specific signals (for example the voice of the speaker.) Keywords: acoustical stimulation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Interaction between descending and ascending pathways in the auditory system

Inactivation of the AC resulted in changes in the latency and amplitude of some parts of click-evoked IC responses and in either an increase or decrease in the firing rate of IC neurons in comparison ...

Syka, Josef
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 2001

NADPH-d - positive neurons in the auditory cortex of young and very old rats
Nwabueze-Ogbo, Fidel Chijoke; Druga, R.; Syka, Josef
2001 - English
In young and very old animals stained neurons were localized in layers II-VI and in the subcortical white matter. A significantly higher packing density of labeled supragranular layers. In very old animals the thickness of the auditory cortex and the neuronal density was reduced when compared to the young. Keywords: auditory cortex Available at various institutes of the ASCR
NADPH-d - positive neurons in the auditory cortex of young and very old rats

In young and very old animals stained neurons were localized in layers II-VI and in the subcortical white matter. A significantly higher packing density of labeled supragranular layers. In very old ...

Nwabueze-Ogbo, Fidel Chijoke; Druga, R.; Syka, Josef
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 2001

Representation of communication sounds in the inferior colliculus of the guinea pig
Šuta, Daniel; Kvašňák, Eugen; Popelář, Jiří; Syka, Josef
2001 - English
The spectrotemporal discharge patterns of the neuronal population were clearly related to the spectrotemporal acoustic patterns of vocalization sounds.This study provides evidence for encoding of the spoctrotemporal acoustic pattern of vocalization sounds in a spcific and distributed way by the firing patterns of a population of IC units. Keywords: guinea pig Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Representation of communication sounds in the inferior colliculus of the guinea pig

The spectrotemporal discharge patterns of the neuronal population were clearly related to the spectrotemporal acoustic patterns of vocalization sounds.This study provides evidence for encoding of the ...

Šuta, Daniel; Kvašňák, Eugen; Popelář, Jiří; Syka, Josef
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 2001

Changes in astrocytic structure in rat hippocampus evoked by activation of glutamate receptors and learning
Šimonová, Zuzana; Náměstková, Kateřina; Vargová, Lýdia; Syková, Eva
2001 - English
Stimulation by NMDA application or learning alters astrocytic structure. Keywords: hippocampus Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Changes in astrocytic structure in rat hippocampus evoked by activation of glutamate receptors and learning

Stimulation by NMDA application or learning alters astrocytic structure.

Šimonová, Zuzana; Náměstková, Kateřina; Vargová, Lýdia; Syková, Eva
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 2001

Extracellular space volume fraction and geometry in human cortex and glial tumors
Homola, Aleš; Vargová, Lýdia; Zámečník, J.; Tichý, M.; Beneš, V.; Syková, Eva
2001 - English
Ecs diffusion parameters in human temporal cortex similar to those previously determined in rat cortex. Volume fraction ? and tortuosity ? are increased in astrocytic gliomas and the higher the glioma´s WHO grade the greater the ECS volume and tortuosity increase. Migration and invasiveness correlate with an increase in ECS volume. Keywords: glial tumors Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Extracellular space volume fraction and geometry in human cortex and glial tumors

Ecs diffusion parameters in human temporal cortex similar to those previously determined in rat cortex. Volume fraction ? and tortuosity ? are increased in astrocytic gliomas and the higher the ...

Homola, Aleš; Vargová, Lýdia; Zámečník, J.; Tichý, M.; Beneš, V.; Syková, Eva
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 2001

Peripheral and central changes of the auditory system in the elderly
Mazelová, Jana; Popelář, Jiří; Valvoda, Jaroslav; Syka, Josef
2001 - English
We compared the hearing abilities of 15 elderly subjects with a group of 15 young normal hearing. The results of this study support the opinion of many other suthors that the problems of aged people do not result ohly from elevated audiometric thresholds, but also from processes of central oring. Keywords: auditory system Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Peripheral and central changes of the auditory system in the elderly

We compared the hearing abilities of 15 elderly subjects with a group of 15 young normal hearing. The results of this study support the opinion of many other suthors that the problems of aged people ...

Mazelová, Jana; Popelář, Jiří; Valvoda, Jaroslav; Syka, Josef
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 2001

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