Number of found documents: 426
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Algebraic classification of the Weyl tensor : selected applications
Pravda, Vojtěch
2012 - English
Selected applications of the algebraic classification of tensors on Lorentzian manifolds of arbitrary dimension are discussed. We clarify some aspects of the relationship between invariants of tensors and their algebraic class, discuss generalization of Newman-Penrose and Geroch-Held-Penrose formalisms to arbitrary dimension and study an application of the algebraic classification to the case of quadratic gravity. Keywords: Einstein spacetimes; algebraic classification Fulltext is available at external website.
Algebraic classification of the Weyl tensor : selected applications

Selected applications of the algebraic classification of tensors on Lorentzian manifolds of arbitrary dimension are discussed. We clarify some aspects of the relationship between invariants of tensors ...

Pravda, Vojtěch
Matematický ústav, 2012

On the motion of rigid bodies in a compressible viscous fluid under the action of gravitational forces
Ducomet, B.; Nečasová, Šárka
2012 - English
The global existence of weak solution is proved for the problem of the motion of several rigid bodies in a barotropic compressible fluid, under the influence of gravitational forces. Keywords: compressible viscous fluid; motion Fulltext is available at external website.
On the motion of rigid bodies in a compressible viscous fluid under the action of gravitational forces

The global existence of weak solution is proved for the problem of the motion of several rigid bodies in a barotropic compressible fluid, under the influence of gravitational forces.

Ducomet, B.; Nečasová, Šárka
Matematický ústav, 2012

Recent development of the DML-CZ and its current state
Rákosník, Jiří
2011 - English
The project DML-CZ: The Czech Digital Mathematics Library has been implemented since 2005 and in 2010 switched over to routine operation. This report describes progress, growth and usage of the DML-CZ, the experience from cooperation with content providers in the designed editorial workflow, some newly implemented features, adjustments of the workflow following from both the ongoing practical experience and the requirements of the advancing EuDML project, the general public acceptance and attendance and the suggested economic model for sustainable development. Keywords: digital mathematics library; retrodigitization; DML-CZ Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Recent development of the DML-CZ and its current state

The project DML-CZ: The Czech Digital Mathematics Library has been implemented since 2005 and in 2010 switched over to routine operation. This report describes progress, growth and usage of the ...

Rákosník, Jiří
Matematický ústav, 2011

The search for ways of enhancement of knowledge base for teaching
Tichá, Marie
2011 - English
Poster shows a problem posing as a significant way to improving teachers' knowledge. The presentation focused on the division of fractions. The presentation displayed examples of common misconceptions and their probable cause. Keywords: teachers' competence; teachers' knowledge; problem posing Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
The search for ways of enhancement of knowledge base for teaching

Poster shows a problem posing as a significant way to improving teachers' knowledge. The presentation focused on the division of fractions. The presentation displayed examples of common misconceptions ...

Tichá, Marie
Matematický ústav, 2011

Representtion of basic isometries through square ornaments
Roubíček, Filip
2011 - English
The poster deals with basic isometries: point reflection, rotation and translation as composition of two line reflections. It presents some activities that support observation and intuitive cognition of isometries. Square ornaments were designed by composing mosaics, cutting folder paper, drawing, printing. Keywords: teaching; geometry; isometry Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Representtion of basic isometries through square ornaments

The poster deals with basic isometries: point reflection, rotation and translation as composition of two line reflections. It presents some activities that support observation and intuitive cognition ...

Roubíček, Filip
Matematický ústav, 2011

Neumann problem for the Stokes system
Medková, Dagmar
2011 - English
the Neumann problem for the Stokes systems is studied by the boundary integral equation method. The successive approximation converges for bounded Lipschitz domains. Keywords: Stokes system; Neumann problem; integral equation method Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Neumann problem for the Stokes system

the Neumann problem for the Stokes systems is studied by the boundary integral equation method. The successive approximation converges for bounded Lipschitz domains.

Medková, Dagmar
Matematický ústav, 2011

Computational and analytical a posteriori error estimates for finite element methods
Segeth, Karel
2010 - English
The analytical a posteriori error estimates are oriented to the use in h-methods, are usually constructed only for lowest-order polynomial approximation, and often depend on unknown constatns or functions. In this review paper, we present several error estimation procedures for some particular linear partial differential problems with special regards to the needs of the hp-method. We compare the advantages and drawbacks of a posteriori error estimators including computational ones. Keywords: hp-adaptive finite element method; a posteriori error estimator; computational error estimate; reference solution Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Computational and analytical a posteriori error estimates for finite element methods

The analytical a posteriori error estimates are oriented to the use in h-methods, are usually constructed only for lowest-order polynomial approximation, and often depend on unknown constatns or ...

Segeth, Karel
Matematický ústav, 2010

Podnětná výuková prostředí pro přirozenou diferenciaci
Tichá, Marie
2010 - Czech
V příspěvku se zabýváme některými otázkami spojenými s vytvářením a vyhledáváním podnětných výukových prostředí a možnostmi, které pro zkvalitnění vzdělávání poskytují. je vymezen pojem "podnětné výukové prostředí". Jsou uvedeny ukázky možností, které poskytuje podnětné prostředí pro přirozenou diferenciaci, jako jednu z forem vnitřní diferenciace. In the contribution we will discuss several questions related to the creation and discovery of substantial learning environments and the potential they bear for general improvement of education. The concept of "substantial learning environment" will be characterized. We will also demonstrate what potential it has for natural differentiation as one of the forms of inner motivation. Keywords: natural differentiation; teachers' professional competences; substantial learning environment Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Podnětná výuková prostředí pro přirozenou diferenciaci

V příspěvku se zabýváme některými otázkami spojenými s vytvářením a vyhledáváním podnětných výukových prostředí a možnostmi, které pro zkvalitnění vzdělávání poskytují. je vymezen pojem "podnětné ...

Tichá, Marie
Matematický ústav, 2010

Application of the BDDC method to the Stokes problem
Šístek, Jakub; Burda, P.; Mandel, J.; Novotný, J.; Sousedík, B.
2010 - English
Application of BDDC method to problems of Stokes flow is explored. BDDC is applied to several 3D problems and is shown to be a competitive method. Keywords: BDDC; domain decomposition; iterative substructuring; Stokes flow Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Application of the BDDC method to the Stokes problem

Application of BDDC method to problems of Stokes flow is explored. BDDC is applied to several 3D problems and is shown to be a competitive method.

Šístek, Jakub; Burda, P.; Mandel, J.; Novotný, J.; Sousedík, B.
Matematický ústav, 2010

How joint reflection could contribute to develop teacher's professionalism
Macháčková, Jana
2010 - English
The paper deals with one of the ways, how to use joint reflection for preparing student-teachers. The contribution indicates possible procedure how to practice qualified pedagogical reflection to contribute to the enhancement teacher's professionalism. Keywords: reflection; joint reflection; qualifield pedagogical reflection Available at various institutes of the ASCR
How joint reflection could contribute to develop teacher's professionalism

The paper deals with one of the ways, how to use joint reflection for preparing student-teachers. The contribution indicates possible procedure how to practice qualified pedagogical reflection to ...

Macháčková, Jana
Matematický ústav, 2010

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