Professors to go. Emigration of the academic staff of the Faculty of medicine of the German University in Prague before and after the Nazi Occupation, 1938–39
Šimůnek, Michal V.; Hermann, Tomáš
2011 - English
It is the aim of this paper to present statistical overviews documenting the processes of emigration of the academic staff of the Faculty of medicine of the German University in Prague before and after the Nazi Occupation (1938–39). Demonstration of some personal histories helps to analyse the scientific emigration during the era of Nazism in its alternative perspectives.
scientific exile; German University in Prague; history of medicine
Fulltext is available at external website.
Professors to go. Emigration of the academic staff of the Faculty of medicine of the German University in Prague before and after the Nazi Occupation, 1938–39
It is the aim of this paper to present statistical overviews documenting the processes of emigration of the academic staff of the Faculty of medicine of the German University in Prague before and ...
Topic of the conference
Kostlán, Antonín
2011 - English
The issue of scientists in exile has been of interest primarily due to the large wave of emigration which ensued in Europe in the face of the Nazi regime. However, other waves of emigration and exile in 20th century Europe, such as those evoked by European and non-European authoritarian regimes and dictatorships or other malignant political developments, have so far escaped more detailed attention. Anotace v AJ (min. 64 znaků): The issue of scientists in exile has been of interest primarily due to the large wave of emigration which ensued in Europe in the face of the Nazi regime. However, other waves of emigration and exile in 20th century Europe, such as those evoked by European and non-European authoritarian regimes and dictatorships or other malignant political developments, have so far escaped more detailed attention.
exile; scholars; totalitarianism
Fulltext is available at external website.
Topic of the conference
The issue of scientists in exile has been of interest primarily due to the large wave of emigration which ensued in Europe in the face of the Nazi regime. However, other waves of emigration and exile ...
Czech scholars in exile, 1948-1989
Kostlán, Antonín
2011 - English
Czechoslovakia in the years 1948-1989, represented one of the countries of the Soviet power bloc where the development of research was in many ways supported by the country's government, but at the same time subjected to various restrictions and strong political pressure. The paper focuses on the main characteristic features of the emigration of scientists and intellectuals in the period of the communist regime and presents the results of an analysis of departure of the workers of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences to exile. It tries to estimate the overall extent of this emigration, deliberates about the further careers of exile scholars and introduces an attempt of exile typology.
exile; scholars; totalitarianism
Fulltext is available at external website.
Czech scholars in exile, 1948-1989
Czechoslovakia in the years 1948-1989, represented one of the countries of the Soviet power bloc where the development of research was in many ways supported by the country's government, but at the ...
Ernst Mach, his Prague physics students and their careers
Těšínská, Emilie
2009 - English
Based on archives, written memoirs and literature on history of science, the paper describes the teaching and research activities of physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach (1838-1916) during his stay in Prague in 1867-1895 within a broader frame of physics at Prague University of that time. Mach´s engagement in the Prague (German) Naturhistorical Association „Lotos“ is mentioned as well. The professional carriers of some of Mach’s Prague university students and assistant are included.
Ernst Mach; physics
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Ernst Mach, his Prague physics students and their careers
Based on archives, written memoirs and literature on history of science, the paper describes the teaching and research activities of physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach (1838-1916) during his stay in ...
Restitution of confiscated art works - wish or reality?
Borák, Mečislav
2008 - English
The publication contains the conference papers of all foreign and Czech researchers who are in the frame of their research focused on the identification and documentation of the property transfers of cultural assets of WW II victims. The different ways of confiscation of works of art as well as the restitution of these cultural assets are described in details here. In more detail the presentation of scientific institutions and the possibility of their international co-operation are mentioned there as well. Publikace obsahuje přednášky všech zahraničních i českých vědeckých pracovníků, zaměřujících se ve svém výzkumu na identifikaci a dokumentaci majetkových převodů kulturních statků obětí II. světové války. Jsou zde popsány různé způsoby konfiskací uměleckých předmětů v jednotlivých evropských zemích i aktuální problémy související s vyhledáváním a restitucemi uměleckých i jiných kulturních předmětů původním majitelům. Podrobněji jsou zde představeny také instituce, které se této problematice věnují a jsou zde také nastíněny možnosti užší spolupráce mezi jednotlivými subjekty na mezinárodní úrovni.
restitution - art works
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Restitution of confiscated art works - wish or reality?
The publication contains the conference papers of all foreign and Czech researchers who are in the frame of their research focused on the identification and documentation of the property transfers of ...
Post-war restitution in Czechoslovakia and related problems
Krejčová, Helena
2008 - English
To face up to the war time period was very difficult in the post-war Czechoslovakia and determined by the war experience in both parts of the republic (Czech countries and Slovakia) which in fact affected the state approach to the restitution – first starting with the unique willingness, later changed according to the ideological and political limits. The conference paper is focused on several particular cases with the emphases on the activity of the National Administration of Property Assets and on the different approach to the restitution (emigrants, Jews with German nationality and so-called repatriates). V poválečném Československu byl přístup k vyrovnání se s obdobím války velmi složitý, determinovaný válečnou zkušeností obou částí republiky (české země a Slovensko), což také výrazně ovlivnilo vztah státu k restitucím. Jeho počáteční jednoznačná vstřícnost byla postupem doby stále více limitována ideologicky a politicky. Příspěvek se , na příkladu některých konkrétních případů, zaměřuje na činnost Národní správy majetkových podstat a na různorodý přístup k restitucím (k emigrantům, židům německé národnosti a tzv. navrátilcům).
restitution - art works
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Post-war restitution in Czechoslovakia and related problems
To face up to the war time period was very difficult in the post-war Czechoslovakia and determined by the war experience in both parts of the republic (Czech countries and Slovakia) which in fact ...
Czechoslovakia and Romania in the Versailles System
2006 - English
Second symposium was concerned with Czechoslovakia and Romania within the framework of the Versailles System. 2. sympozium bylo věnováno Československu a Rumunsku v rámci Versailleského systému.
Czechoslovakia - Romania - Versailles system
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Czechoslovakia and Romania in the Versailles System
Second symposium was concerned with Czechoslovakia and Romania within the framework of the Versailles System.
2. sympozium bylo věnováno Československu a Rumunsku v rámci Versailleského systému.
Future of the Lost Cultural Heritage. The documentation, identification and restitution of the cultural assets of WW II victims
2006 - English
Publication contains the conference papers of all foreign and Czech researchers who are in the frame of their research focused on the identification and documentation of the property transfers of cultural assets of WW II victims. The different ways of confiscation of works of art as well as the restitution of these cultural assets are described in details here. In more detail the presentation of scientific institutions and the possibility of their international co-operation are mentioned there as well. Publikace obsahuje přednášky všech zahraničních i českých vědeckých pracovníků, zaměřujících se ve svém výzkumu na identifikaci a dokumentaci majetkových převodů kulturních statků obětí 2. světové války. Jsou zde popsány různé způsoby konfiskací uměleckých předmětů v jednotlivých evropských zemích i aktuální problémy související s vyhledáváním a resitucemi uměleckých i jiných kulturních předmětů původním majitelům. Podrobněji jsou zde přefstaveny také instituce, které se této problematice věnují a jsou zde také nastíněny možnosti užší spolupráce mezi jednotlivými subjekty na mezinárodní úrovni.
works of art - confiscation - restitution
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Future of the Lost Cultural Heritage. The documentation, identification and restitution of the cultural assets of WW II victims
Publication contains the conference papers of all foreign and Czech researchers who are in the frame of their research focused on the identification and documentation of the property transfers of ...
Czechoslovakia's leaning to the USSR during World War II and the collapse of a 'bridge between West and East' in the years 1945-1948.
Smetana, Vít
2005 - English
This summary of a lecture (given at a workshop of history teachers of the Council of Europe countries assesses Czechoslovakia's foreign policy in the decade between the Munich Accord of 1938 and the communist take-over in February 1948. It seeks the origins of Czechoslovakia's drift to the Eastern Bloc and it further suggests some progressive methods in teaching European international history. Shrnutí přednášky (pronesené na workshopu učitelům historie ze zemí Rady Evropy) hodnotí československou zahraniční politiku v desetiletí ohraničeném mnichovskou dohodou ze září 1938 a komunistickým převratem v únoru 1948. Text hledá kořeny československého začlenění do východního bloku a zároveň nabízí některé progresivní metody výuky z oblasti evropských dějin mezinárodních vztahů.
Czechoslovakia - foreign policy
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Czechoslovakia's leaning to the USSR during World War II and the collapse of a 'bridge between West and East' in the years 1945-1948.
This summary of a lecture (given at a workshop of history teachers of the Council of Europe countries assesses Czechoslovakia's foreign policy in the decade between the Munich Accord of 1938 and the ...
Astronomy in Medieval Prague
Hadravová, Alena; Hadrava, Petr
2005 - English
Astronomy ranked among the septem artes liberales which achieved high level at the University of Prague already soon after its foundation by the Emperor Charles IV. in 1348. Master Claretus de Solentia (Bartholomaeus of Chlumec, c. 1320-1370), who composed a didactic work Astronomicus on Charles' order in about 1350, can be mentioned as an example of scholar of this early period. At the beginning of the 15th century, Masters Cristannus of Prachatice and Johannes Sindel were very influential astronomers in Prague University. The interest of both of them in astronomical instruments can be documented by their treatises. Astronomie náležela mezi sedm svobodných umění, které dosáhly vysoké úrovně na pražské univerzitě již po jejím založení Karlem IV. v roce 1348. Příkladem učence tohoto raného období je Mistr Klaret (Bartoloměj z Chlumce, c. 1320-1370), který kolem roku 1350 složil na přání Karla IV. didaktickou práci Astronomicus. Na začátku 15. stol. byli vlivnými astronomy na pražské univerzitě Mistr Kristan z Prachatic a Jan Sindel. Zájem obou českých učenců o astronomické přístroje dokumentují jejich pojednání.
astronomy - University of Prague
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Astronomy in Medieval Prague
Astronomy ranked among the septem artes liberales which achieved high level at the University of Prague already soon after its foundation by the Emperor Charles IV. in 1348. Master Claretus de ...
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