Number of found documents: 1450
Published from to

Quality Standards: Expert and Stakeholder Consultation
Dvořáčková, Jana; Slezáková, Katarína; Cacace, M.
2019 - English
The text was created in the framework of the Gender Equality Academy project which aims to develop and implement a capacity-building programme on gender equality in research, innovation and higher education. It focuses on quality standards for training concepts and materials, and for trainers’ profiles and presents an overview of the results of expert and stakeholder consultation aimed at refining the set of standards identified and selected as part of the project. Keywords: Higher education; human resources development; gender Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Quality Standards: Expert and Stakeholder Consultation

The text was created in the framework of the Gender Equality Academy project which aims to develop and implement a capacity-building programme on gender equality in research, innovation and higher ...

Dvořáčková, Jana; Slezáková, Katarína; Cacace, M.
Sociologický ústav, 2019

Predatory publications in Scopus: evidence on cross-country differences
Macháček, Vít; Srholec, Martin
2019 - English
The paper maps the infiltration of so-called “predatory” scholarly journals into the citation database Scopus. Using the names of “potential, possible, or probable” predatory journals and publishers on Beall’s lists, we derived ISSNs of the respective journals from Ulrichsweb and searched Scopus with it. A total of 324 matched journals with 164 thousand documents indexed in Scopus over 2015-2017, making up a share of 2.8 % of the total articles have been identified. An analysis of cross-country differences in the tendency to publish in these journals reveals that overall the most affected are middle-income countries in Asia and North Africa. Kazakhstan is the country with the largest tendency to publish in predatory journals (18 %). More than 5 % is reported in 20 countries, including large countries such as Indonesia (18 %), Malaysia (11 %), India (10 %), or Nigeria (7 %). Neither developed countries are resistant to predatory publishing. More than 16 000 “potentially predatory” articles were published by authors from United States (0.67 %). Keywords: predatory journals; Beall's list; open access Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Predatory publications in Scopus: evidence on cross-country differences

The paper maps the infiltration of so-called “predatory” scholarly journals into the citation database Scopus. Using the names of “potential, possible, or probable” predatory journals and publishers ...

Macháček, Vít; Srholec, Martin
Národohospodářský ústav, 2019

Report on the reference densities of water and air employed for the adjustment of vibrating tube density meter
Vinš, Václav; Prokopová, Olga
2019 - English
Zpráva představuje souhrn několika modelů pro určení referenčních hustot čisté vody a vlhkého vzduchu při atmosférickém tlaku, které jsou potřebné k teplotní kalibraci hustoměru s vibrační trubicí Anton Paar DMA 5000 M. Při nastavení přístroje využívaného v Laboratoři termofyzikálních vlastností vzešla řada technických otázek ohledně kalibrace přístroje. Tato zpráva slouží zejména jako podklad k diskuzi se zástupci společnosti Anton Paar. S použitím softwaru pro technické výpočty Matlab byly vytvořeny programy pro výpočet hustoty vody pomocí stavové rovnice IAPWS-95 od Wagnera a Pruße (2002), CIPM standardu od Tanaky a kol. (2001) a vztahu od Spiewecka a Bettina (1992). Pro vlhký vzduch byl sestaven model na základě IAPWS Guideline G8-10 (2010) založeném na stavové rovnici pro suchý vzduch od Lemmona a kol. (2000) a stavové rovnici pro vodu IAPWS-95. Výsledky byly porovnány s CIPM standardem od Picarda a kol. (2008) a zjednodušeným vztahem od Spiewecka a Bettina (1992). V závěrečné části jsou prezentována data naměřená v Laboratoři termofyzikálních vlastností pro čistou vodu v teplotním rozsahu 2 až 50 °C pro různá nastavení referenčních vztahů pro hustoty vody a vlhkého vzduchu použité při kalibraci přístroje.\n Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Report on the reference densities of water and air employed for the adjustment of vibrating tube density meter

Zpráva představuje souhrn několika modelů pro určení referenčních hustot čisté vody a vlhkého vzduchu při atmosférickém tlaku, které jsou potřebné k teplotní kalibraci hustoměru s vibrační trubicí ...

Vinš, Václav; Prokopová, Olga
Ústav termomechaniky, 2019

Heterogeneity of returns to business R&D: what does make a difference?
Pleticha, Petr
2019 - English
Keywords: R&D returns; spillovers; Czechia Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Heterogeneity of returns to business R&D: what does make a difference?

Pleticha, Petr
Národohospodářský ústav, 2019

Technical manual - collimator
Kredba, Jan; Steiger, Lukáš; Tomka, David; Václavík, Jan
2018 - English
The purpose of this document is to provide basic set of rules and instructions that allows using and maintaining of the NEOSTED collimator (COL).\nBe aware that it is not purpose of this document to provide detailed description of individual parts of the COL system. If necessary all the details and proper references can be found in [AD-2]. Keywords: collimator; NEOSTED; TOPTEC; optical testing; interferometry Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Technical manual - collimator

The purpose of this document is to provide basic set of rules and instructions that allows using and maintaining of the NEOSTED collimator (COL).\nBe aware that it is not purpose of this document to ...

Kredba, Jan; Steiger, Lukáš; Tomka, David; Václavík, Jan
Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2018

Structural mapping of exploration boreholes walls within first phase - Safety boreholes for Boxcut
Waclawik, Petr; Souček, Kamil; Vavro, Martin; Kukutsch, Radovan; Ram, S.
2018 - English
Structural-geological analysis, i.e. core fracturing assessment within the boxcut safety\nborehole was carried out on the basis of optical televiewer record evaluation. In general,\noptical televiewer (OPTV) probe provides a continuous, unwrapped, high-resolution digital\n360° image of the borehole-walls oriented towards the cardinal points. This technique\nprovides information about the strike, dip direction, dip angle and depth of foliation, bedding\nplanes and fractures, as well as the frequency, aperture and infillings of fractures. Information\nabout spatial characteristics of structural elements is one of its indisputable advantages and\nallows for subsequent statistical evaluations.\nThe structural mapping of boreholes of Boxcut safety boreholes were carried out within the\ncontract of IG CAS (Contract No. D/18/156/00) GEOMET, s.r.o. (as a customer, contract No.\n01/2018). The aim of the contractual research was the realisation and interpretation of the\nfractures by digital logging of boreholes walls. Keywords: boreholes; structural mapping; rock quality Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Structural mapping of exploration boreholes walls within first phase - Safety boreholes for Boxcut

Structural-geological analysis, i.e. core fracturing assessment within the boxcut safety\nborehole was carried out on the basis of optical televiewer record evaluation. In general,\noptical televiewer ...

Waclawik, Petr; Souček, Kamil; Vavro, Martin; Kukutsch, Radovan; Ram, S.
Ústav geoniky, 2018

Bakule, Lubomír; Papík, Martin; Rehák, Branislav
2018 - English
DCTOOL-A4 report presents draft of a manuscript, which is intended to be submitted for publication. The report provides a novel systematic approach to the analysis of asymptotic stability for output event-triggered uncertain centralized control systems. A class of nonlinear but nominally linear systems possessing unknown time-varying bounded uncertainties with known bounds is considered. Uncertainties are allowed in all system matrices. Original LMI-based suffi cient conditions are derived to guarantee asymptotic stability of closed-loop systems with both static output and observer-based feedback loop under even-triggered control. Both these output feedback strategies are extended to model-based uncertain control systems with\nquantized measurements. A logarithmic quantizer is considered. The Lyapunov-based approach and convex optimization serve as the main methods to derive the asymptotic LMI-based stability conditions. Bounds on the inter-event times to avoid the Zeno-effect are proved for all the cases considered. Finally, feasibility and effi ciency of the proposed strategies is demonstrated by providing numerical examples. Keywords: event-triggered control; networked control systems; large scale complex systems Available at various institutes of the ASCR

DCTOOL-A4 report presents draft of a manuscript, which is intended to be submitted for publication. The report provides a novel systematic approach to the analysis of asymptotic stability for output ...

Bakule, Lubomír; Papík, Martin; Rehák, Branislav
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2018

Collimator - test readiness review
Budasz, Jiří; Kaván, František; Kredba, Jan; Lédl, Vít; Mach, Marek; Pleštil, Jan; Psota, Pavel; Steiger, Lukáš; Tomka, David; Václavík, Jan; Veselý, Martin
2018 - English
This document describes the test procedure applicable to the overall functional test of the NEOSTED collimator.\nThe test to be performed according to this procedure are to demonstrate the compliance of the above item to the requirements specified in the applicable document as part of the overall verification program. The test results shall be collected in a Test Report. Keywords: collimator; PLC system; telescope; interferometry Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Collimator - test readiness review

This document describes the test procedure applicable to the overall functional test of the NEOSTED collimator.\nThe test to be performed according to this procedure are to demonstrate the compliance ...

Budasz, Jiří; Kaván, František; Kredba, Jan; Lédl, Vít; Mach, Marek; Pleštil, Jan; Psota, Pavel; Steiger, Lukáš; Tomka, David; Václavík, Jan; Veselý, Martin
Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2018

Technical manual - neosted SOT test bench
Steiger, Lukáš
2018 - English
The purpose of this document is to provide basic set of rules and instructions that allows using and maintaining of the NEOSTED SOT test bench (BB).\nFurther detailed informations and proper references about individual parts of the BB system can be found in [AD-2, AD-3]. Keywords: test bench; optical testing; collimator; neosted Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Technical manual - neosted SOT test bench

The purpose of this document is to provide basic set of rules and instructions that allows using and maintaining of the NEOSTED SOT test bench (BB).\nFurther detailed informations and proper ...

Steiger, Lukáš
Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2018

Hydroacoustic assessment of the fish stock in Lake Balaton in 2017
Tušer, Michal; Muška, Milan
2018 - English
This report describes a study of open-water fish assemblage in Lake Balaton, Hungary, in 2017. The lake was acoustically surveyed using two horizontally-oriented 120 kHz transducers. The observed fish stock was assessed on the basis of fish sizes, abundance, biomass, and spatial distribution in the lake. Keywords: biomass; abundance; open-water distribution Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Hydroacoustic assessment of the fish stock in Lake Balaton in 2017

This report describes a study of open-water fish assemblage in Lake Balaton, Hungary, in 2017. The lake was acoustically surveyed using two horizontally-oriented 120 kHz transducers. The observed fish ...

Tušer, Michal; Muška, Milan
Biologické centrum, 2018

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