Number of found documents: 2104
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Čištění knihovních dokumentů pomocí dvvoufázového spreje
Mašková, Ludmila; Smolík, Jiří; Vávrová, P.; Neoralová, J.; Součková, M.; Novotná, D.; Jandová, Věra; Ondráček, Jakub; Ondráčková, Lucie; Křížová, T.; Kocová, K.
2022 - Czech
Bylo zkoumáno čištění částic z knihovních materiálů (papír, textil a kolagenové materiály) pomocí vysokorychlostního sněhového proudu CO2. Měření zahrnovala stanovení účinnosti čištění a vyhodnocení možných nežádoucích účinků. Metoda byla porovnána s čištěním dusíkovým proudem. Výsledky ukázaly, že sněhová tryska CO2 je schopen účinně odstraňovat částice z povrchů. U papíru a textilu nebyly pozorovány žádné nežádoucí účinky. Aplikace na kolagenové materiály však způsobila degradaci povrchu. The cleaning of particles from library materials (paper, textile, and collagen materials) using a high-speed CO2 snow jet was investigated. The measurements included\ndetermination of the cleaning efficiency, and evaluation of possible adverse effects. The method was compared with nitrogen jet cleaning. The results showed that the CO2 snow\njet is able to effectively remove particles from the surfaces. Any adverse effects were not observed at paper and textile. However, application on collagen materials caused\ndegradation of the surface. Keywords: two-phase spray; dry cleaning; carbon dioxide Available in a digital repository NRGL
Čištění knihovních dokumentů pomocí dvvoufázového spreje

Bylo zkoumáno čištění částic z knihovních materiálů (papír, textil a kolagenové materiály) pomocí vysokorychlostního sněhového proudu CO2. Měření zahrnovala stanovení účinnosti čištění a vyhodnocení ...

Mašková, Ludmila; Smolík, Jiří; Vávrová, P.; Neoralová, J.; Součková, M.; Novotná, D.; Jandová, Věra; Ondráček, Jakub; Ondráčková, Lucie; Křížová, T.; Kocová, K.
Ústav chemických procesů, 2022

Lidar Vertical Profile Analyzes at National Atmospheric Observatory Košetice during Volcano Eruption on La Palma Island.
Kostyk, Juraj; Holubová Šmejkalová, A.; Ištok, T.; Ždímal, Vladimír
2022 - English
Volcanic eruptions are one of the most important sources of natural aerosol. Their negative impacts on air quality (the effects of volcanic exhaust) can be observed via long-range transport to locations far from the eruption. One of the most recent events of volcanic activity was a volcanic eruption on La Palma in the fall of 2021 (Cumbre Vieja Volcano, La Palma Island, Canary Islands, 28°36'54 ,N 17°52'07 ,W, 1,949 m a.s.l.). The impact of the volcanic eruption on air quality, which occurred 3600 km from the National Atmospheric Observatory Košetice, was studied using a combination of ground-based measurements and vertical profile analyzes. Since a new instrument (LIDAR) has extended the equipment of our station, vertical profile analyzes were performed. Keywords: volcano eruption; LIDAR; scattering; backscatter coefficient Available in a digital repository NRGL
Lidar Vertical Profile Analyzes at National Atmospheric Observatory Košetice during Volcano Eruption on La Palma Island.

Volcanic eruptions are one of the most important sources of natural aerosol. Their negative impacts on air quality (the effects of volcanic exhaust) can be observed via long-range transport to ...

Kostyk, Juraj; Holubová Šmejkalová, A.; Ištok, T.; Ždímal, Vladimír
Ústav chemických procesů, 2022

A Seven-Years Based Characterization of Aerosol Light Scattering Properties at Central European Rural Site: Variability and Source Apportionment
Suchánková, Lenka; Mbengue, S.; Zíková, Naděžda; Ondráček, Jakub; Holubová Šmejkalová, A.; Prokeš, R.; Holoubek, I.; Ždímal, Vladimír
2022 - English
The aim of this study is to focus on the temporal variations of light-scattering properties of aerosols at a rural background site in Central Europe. The total light scattering (σsp) and backscattering (σbsp) coefficients and associated calculated optical properties such as the Ångström exponent (SAE), the backscattering ratio (b), and the asymmetry factor (g), are characterized considering different time scales (annual, seasonal, monthly, or diurnal) based on long-term measurement. The optical properties were compared with meteorological conditions (fog, cloudiness), the concentrations of gaseous pollutants such as NOx and SO2 were inspected as well as potential sources of atmospheric aerosols. In addition, radiative forcing, and the influence of other meteorological conditions (e.g., height of planetary boundary layer), chemical composition and particle size distribution at the National Atmospheric Observatory Košetice (NAOK) are being further investigated to better understand the direct effects of aerosols on the local climate. Keywords: aerosol optical properties; scattering and backscattering coefficient; climate change Available in a digital repository NRGL
A Seven-Years Based Characterization of Aerosol Light Scattering Properties at Central European Rural Site: Variability and Source Apportionment

The aim of this study is to focus on the temporal variations of light-scattering properties of aerosols at a rural background site in Central Europe. The total light scattering (σsp) and ...

Suchánková, Lenka; Mbengue, S.; Zíková, Naděžda; Ondráček, Jakub; Holubová Šmejkalová, A.; Prokeš, R.; Holoubek, I.; Ždímal, Vladimír
Ústav chemických procesů, 2022

Separation of Racemic D,L-Tryptophan Using Chiral Membranes.
Čížek, Jan
2021 - English
The presented results open a discussion on selectivity towards L-Tryptophan and other enantiomerically pure biochemical molecules and suggest direction for further research. Keywords: chiral drugs; membrane processes; pure biochemical molecules Available in a digital repository NRGL
Separation of Racemic D,L-Tryptophan Using Chiral Membranes.

The presented results open a discussion on selectivity towards L-Tryptophan and other enantiomerically pure biochemical molecules and suggest direction for further research.

Čížek, Jan
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Amine-functionalized Porous Polymers for Selective CO2 Adsorption.
Setničková, Kateřina; Jeřábek, Karel; Strašák, Tomáš; Soukup, Karel
2021 - English
Porous materials have always attracted high scientific interest because of their outstanding performance and potential applications in various fields, including adsorption and gas separation. Hyper-crosslinked polymers (HCLPs) have several advantages over other porous materials, they show extremely high surface areas and porosity, low density, outstanding adsorption properties, high chemical, and thermal stability.\nHerein, we reported a synthesis, characterization, and the CO2 (and other gases) adsorption performance of series of novel styrene-divinylbenzene based HCPs. The material was prepared in two steps. The first step involved the radical copolymerization of divinylbenzene (DVB) and 4-vinylbenzyl chloride (VBC), under solvothermal condition to generate porous polymers with high surface area above 700 m2 g−1. In the second step, various polyamine species were applied to react with the alkyl chloride groups and functionalize the pore surface\nto improve the CO2/N2, CO2/CH4 and CO2/H2 selectivity. Keywords: hyper-crosslinked polymers; synthesis; adsorption Available in a digital repository NRGL
Amine-functionalized Porous Polymers for Selective CO2 Adsorption.

Porous materials have always attracted high scientific interest because of their outstanding performance and potential applications in various fields, including adsorption and gas separation. ...

Setničková, Kateřina; Jeřábek, Karel; Strašák, Tomáš; Soukup, Karel
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Supercritical Impregnation of Natural Extracts in Polymer.
Komárková, Anežka
2021 - English
The vision of this work is to prepare polymeric support loaded with natural extracts and their bioactive compounds in order to create\nwound dressing with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. The use of such a dressing may contribute to the wound’s healing\nmechanism by creating a proper physiologic environment, being a barrier for microorganisms and releasing bioactive compounds to the\nwound site. Keywords: supercritical impregnation; natural extracts; polymer Available in a digital repository NRGL
Supercritical Impregnation of Natural Extracts in Polymer.

The vision of this work is to prepare polymeric support loaded with natural extracts and their bioactive compounds in order to create\nwound dressing with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial ...

Komárková, Anežka
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Multiphase Flow of Taylor Bubbles in Rectangular Microchannels.
Regner, Dominik
2021 - English
The aim of this work is to broaden our knowledge of the behavior of Taylor bubbles in a coflowing liquid inside flat microchannels with a high aspect ratio. The primary focus is put on the near-wall region, which is difficult to study both experimentally or numerically. The investigated quantities are the thickness of a liquid film separating the bubble from the microchannel wall, wall shear stress induced by the bubble movement, and the shape and velocity of the translating bubble. Keywords: CFD model; rectangular microchannels; bubbles Available in a digital repository NRGL
Multiphase Flow of Taylor Bubbles in Rectangular Microchannels.

The aim of this work is to broaden our knowledge of the behavior of Taylor bubbles in a coflowing liquid inside flat microchannels with a high aspect ratio. The primary focus is put on the near-wall ...

Regner, Dominik
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Solvent Assisted 2D Mesoporous g-C3N4 Modification for Catalytic Application.
Dolai, Susmita
2021 - English
Here we show a facile and scalable new approach for the synthesis of ordered CN materials with an excellent photoactivity, which consists\nof supramolecular interfacial preorganization of monomers at the interface of two non-miscible solvents. Molecular dynamic simulations\nsupported by experimental results reveal that appropriate mono-mers and solvents choice lead to the formation of a supramolecular assembly solely at the interface of the solvents. As a proof of concept, we show the chemical and physical properties of the g-C3N4 materials after thermal condensation in various temperature. The advantages of the new method are demonstrated here through the tuneable morphologies and surface area, the formation of new electronic junctions and high activity as a photocatalyst for hydrogen evolution and pollutants degradation of the g-C3N4 materials. Keywords: CN materials; catalyticapplication; absorbance spectra Available in a digital repository NRGL
Solvent Assisted 2D Mesoporous g-C3N4 Modification for Catalytic Application.

Here we show a facile and scalable new approach for the synthesis of ordered CN materials with an excellent photoactivity, which consists\nof supramolecular interfacial preorganization of monomers at ...

Dolai, Susmita
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

NMR Metabolomics in Toxicology: Effect of NPs Inhalation on Blood Plasma and Exhaled Breath Condensate Profiles.
Michálková, Lenka
2021 - English
In our study, 1H NMR metabolomics was employed to analyse samples of exhaled breath condensate and blood plasma of control subjects and workers before and after the shift where various tasks related to the processing of nanocomposite materials were performed. The main aim of this work is to evaluate the molecular changes induced by NPs inhalation. Keywords: NMR metabolomics; toxicology; breath condensate profiles Available in a digital repository NRGL
NMR Metabolomics in Toxicology: Effect of NPs Inhalation on Blood Plasma and Exhaled Breath Condensate Profiles.

In our study, 1H NMR metabolomics was employed to analyse samples of exhaled breath condensate and blood plasma of control subjects and workers before and after the shift where various tasks related ...

Michálková, Lenka
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Electrochemical Investigation of Ureido-Sulfonamidic Receptors, Supramolecular Structures for Binding Phosphates.
Salvadori, Karolína
2021 - English
The aim of our research is the design and synthesis of anionic receptors with suitable binding sites for phosphates, as well as the determination of their binding ability and electrochemical behaviour. Keywords: anionics pollutants; ureido-sulfonamidic receptors; electrochemical investigation Available in a digital repository NRGL
Electrochemical Investigation of Ureido-Sulfonamidic Receptors, Supramolecular Structures for Binding Phosphates.

The aim of our research is the design and synthesis of anionic receptors with suitable binding sites for phosphates, as well as the determination of their binding ability and electrochemical ...

Salvadori, Karolína
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

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