Number of found documents: 2104
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Three Dimensional CFD Model of a Single Rising Bubble in Stagnant Liquids.
Crha, Jakub
2021 - English
Two-phase (gas-liquid) flows are fundamental to wide range of chemical industrial processes such as absorption or distillation. Gaseous\nphase is mostly represented by rising bubble swarms through the liquid bulk. Physicochemical properties of the liquid and gaseous phases\ntogether with the bubble diameter and shape largely affect the bubble rise velocity, which defines the residence time of the bubble in the liquidbulk.1. Bubble behaviour can be studied experimentally, theoretically or most recently - using CFD solvers. These solvers are designed\nto numerically solve Navier-Stokes equations. Keywords: CFD model; bubble's interface; testing Available in a digital repository NRGL
Three Dimensional CFD Model of a Single Rising Bubble in Stagnant Liquids.

Two-phase (gas-liquid) flows are fundamental to wide range of chemical industrial processes such as absorption or distillation. Gaseous\nphase is mostly represented by rising bubble swarms through the ...

Crha, Jakub
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Application of Hydrodynamic Cavitation in Brewing.
Štěrba, Jiří
2021 - English
We have applied such advantages in the brewery industry. Venturi jet system is chosen as the HC technique due to energy saving and\nrobust design. In the field of beer brewing, we would like to investigate several phenomena, such as the isomerization of bitter hop acids,\nthe reduction of gluten concentration or the cell walls breakdown. All these experiments will be performed on the already constructed experimental brewery system. Keywords: Hydrodynamic cavitation; bubbles; brewery industry Available in a digital repository NRGL
Application of Hydrodynamic Cavitation in Brewing.

We have applied such advantages in the brewery industry. Venturi jet system is chosen as the HC technique due to energy saving and\nrobust design. In the field of beer brewing, we would like to ...

Štěrba, Jiří
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Deoxyfluorinated N-acetyllactosamines as Tailored Carbohydrate-based Probes for Human Galectins.
Kurfiřt, Martin
2021 - English
this work, I prepared a complete series of mono‑deoxyfluorinated N-acetyllactosamine analogues 1-6. The synthesis of each analogue\nrequired approximately 15 synthetic steps, including deoxyfluorination of monosaccharide precursors, chemical glycosylation and\ndeprotection. Their binding affinities to the two most explored human galectin-1 and -3 were determined by ELISA and 19F NMR T2-filter\ntechniques, which enabled the identification of hydroxyl groups, crucial in the non-covalent recognition by galectins. This binding study\nalso permitted to compare both tested galectins in terms of their substrate specificity, revealing subtle differences, which could be utilized\nin the development of selective galectin inhibitors. Furthermore, the series is also a perfect tool to study the molecular origin of recognition\nevents via epitope-mapping 19F NMR techniques. Keywords: NMR techniques; deoxyfluorinated N-acetyllactosamines; human alectins Available in a digital repository NRGL
Deoxyfluorinated N-acetyllactosamines as Tailored Carbohydrate-based Probes for Human Galectins.

this work, I prepared a complete series of mono‑deoxyfluorinated N-acetyllactosamine analogues 1-6. The synthesis of each analogue\nrequired approximately 15 synthetic steps, including ...

Kurfiřt, Martin
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Efficiency of Mercury Vapour Removal from Model Gases by Means of Sulfur Impregnated Sorbents.
Ružovič, Tomáš
2021 - English
This work briefly describes the sorption apparatus measuring the efficiency of removal of the gaseous form of elemental mercury (GEM)\nunder model conditions. Keywords: impregnated sorbents; vapor removat; mercury Available in a digital repository NRGL
Efficiency of Mercury Vapour Removal from Model Gases by Means of Sulfur Impregnated Sorbents.

This work briefly describes the sorption apparatus measuring the efficiency of removal of the gaseous form of elemental mercury (GEM)\nunder model conditions.

Ružovič, Tomáš
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Antibiotics over Supported Platinum on Different Supports Fractions Based CeO2 and ZrO2.
Bourassi, Mahdi
2021 - English
We have investigated catalytic oxidation of model antibiotics solutions, mainly based on Tetracycline and Sulfamethoxazole for their different composition and presence in the environment. Keywords: membrane separation; catalytic wet air oxidation; antibiotics Available in a digital repository NRGL
Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Antibiotics over Supported Platinum on Different Supports Fractions Based CeO2 and ZrO2.

We have investigated catalytic oxidation of model antibiotics solutions, mainly based on Tetracycline and Sulfamethoxazole for their different composition and presence in the environment.

Bourassi, Mahdi
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Mikroplasty a jejich odstranění z vod pomocí sorbentů.
Spáčilová, Markéta; Dytrych, Pavel; Koštejn, Martin; Fajgar, Radek; Šolcová, Olga
2021 - Czech
Zvýšený výskyt cizorodých látek ve vodních zdrojích, ať už mikroplastů či dalších jiných organických kontaminantů je v současné době stále se zvyšující environmentální problém. Tato problematika úzce souvisí se zmapováním jejich výskytu ve vodním prostředí, a dále také s možnými způsoby jejich odstranění. V rámci práce byla nejprve provedena charakterizace připravených mikroplastových částic pěti nejčastěji používaných plastů (polyethylen, polyamid, polytetrafluorethylen, polyethylenglykoltereftalát a polystyren) pomocí skenovací elektronové mikroskopie (SEM), Ramanovy spektroskopie a infračervené spektroskopie (IČ). Tyto mikroplastové částice byly použity pro přípravu simulovaných vod kontaminovaných mikroplasty. Na těchto vzorcích vod byla vyvinuta metodika určení počtu obsažených částeček mikroplastů. Dále byl testován způsob jejich odstranění ze vzorků se simulovanou kontaminací pomocí funkčních sorbentů. Byly použity především sorbenty na bázi přírodních bentonitů a zeolitů. Bylo potvrzeno, že účinnost těchto materiálů závisí nejen na jejich složení a texturních vlastnostech, avšak dá se zvýšit pomocí jejich modifikace.\n\n The increased occurrence of contaminants in water sources, whether microplastics or other organic contaminants, is currently an ever-increasing environmental problem. This issue is closely related to the mapping of their occurrence in the aquatic environment, as well as to possible ways to eliminate them. The work first characterized the characterization of prepared microplastic particles of the five most commonly used plastics (polyethylene, polyamide, polytetrafluoroethylene, polyethylene glycol terephthalate and polystyrene) using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Raman spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy (IR). These microplastic particles were used to prepare simulated microplastic contaminated waters. A methodology for determining the number of microplast particles contained was developed on these water samples. Furthermore, the method of their removal from samples with simulated contamination using functional sorbents was tested. Sorbents based on natural bentonites and zeolites were mainly used. It has been confirmed that the effectiveness of these materials depends not only on their composition and textural properties, but can also be increased by modifying them.\n Keywords: bentonite; functional sorbents; microplastics Available in a digital repository NRGL
Mikroplasty a jejich odstranění z vod pomocí sorbentů.

Zvýšený výskyt cizorodých látek ve vodních zdrojích, ať už mikroplastů či dalších jiných organických kontaminantů je v současné době stále se zvyšující environmentální problém. Tato problematika úzce ...

Spáčilová, Markéta; Dytrych, Pavel; Koštejn, Martin; Fajgar, Radek; Šolcová, Olga
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Biochary jako účinné sorbenty pro odstranění polutantů.
Spáčilová, Markéta; Krejčíková, Simona; Čárský, Milan; Soukup, Karel; Šolcová, Olga
2021 - Czech
Kontaminanty ve vodách, jako různá léčiva, detergenty, či mikroplasty zůstávají stálým problémem současnosti. Jednou z účinných metod odstranění je sorpce za využití různých aktivních sorbentů např. biocharů. V rámci studie byly testovány čtyři sorbenty, tři biochary připravené z odpadní rostlinné biomasy (slunečnicové slupky, mořské makrořasy a mikrořasy) a komerční aktivní uhlí - Supersorbon. Účinnost sorbentů byla testována při odstranění diklofenaku (léčivé látky) a triklosanu (desinfekční prostředek). Pro testování byla zvolena koncentrace (1 ppm) odpovídající běžně se vyskytujícím koncentracím.\nNa základě výsledku bylo zjištěno, že všechny připravené sorbenty jsou srovnatelně účinné s aktivním uhlím a díky jejich nižší ceně i ekonomicky výhodné.\n Contaminants in water, various drugs, detergents or microplastics, have been a constant problem. One of the effective methods of their removal is sorption by various active sorbents such as biochar. Four various sorbents were tested in this study. Three biochars prepared from different waste plant biomass (sunflower husks, seaweed and microalgae) and commercial activated carbon - Supersorbon. The effectiveness of the sorbents was tested by diclofenac (active substance) and triclosan (disinfectant) removal. The concentration 1 ppm, which corresponed to the commonly occurring concentration was chosen for tests.\nBased on obtained results, it was found that all biochar sorbents were comparatively effective as activated carbon and thanks to their lower price, also economically advantageous.\n Keywords: biochar; pollutants in waters; sorption Available in a digital repository NRGL
Biochary jako účinné sorbenty pro odstranění polutantů.

Kontaminanty ve vodách, jako různá léčiva, detergenty, či mikroplasty zůstávají stálým problémem současnosti. Jednou z účinných metod odstranění je sorpce za využití různých aktivních sorbentů např. ...

Spáčilová, Markéta; Krejčíková, Simona; Čárský, Milan; Soukup, Karel; Šolcová, Olga
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Synthesis and Cytotoxicity of Fluorinated Amino Saccharides.
Hamala, Vojtěch
2021 - English
This work presents the synthesis of acetyl, propionyl, and butyrylesters of monofluorinated, difluorinated, and trifluorinated analogues\nof N-acetyl-d-glucosamine and N-acetyl-d-galactosamine, and theircytotoxicity expressed as IC50 values against the MDA-MB-231 cancer\ncell line (triple-negative breast cancer) along with their IC50 valuesagainst the HEK-293 non-cancerous cell line. Keywords: cytotoxicity; sythesis; fluorinated amino saccharides Available in a digital repository NRGL
Synthesis and Cytotoxicity of Fluorinated Amino Saccharides.

This work presents the synthesis of acetyl, propionyl, and butyrylesters of monofluorinated, difluorinated, and trifluorinated analogues\nof N-acetyl-d-glucosamine and N-acetyl-d-galactosamine, and ...

Hamala, Vojtěch
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Selective Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Triglycerides in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide in Continuous-Flow Packed-Bed Reactor.
Pleskač, Ondřej
2021 - English
This research aims to study compositional changes in the product of blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) seed oil hydrolysis in sc-CO2 concerning\nthe ratio of 𝜔-3 and 𝜔-6 fatty acids. The blackcurrant seed oil was chosen as a model substrate for its balanced fatty acid profile. Keywords: enzymatic hydrolysis; supercritical carbon dioxide; fatty acids Available in a digital repository NRGL
Selective Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Triglycerides in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide in Continuous-Flow Packed-Bed Reactor.

This research aims to study compositional changes in the product of blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) seed oil hydrolysis in sc-CO2 concerning\nthe ratio of 𝜔-3 and 𝜔-6 fatty acids. The blackcurrant seed ...

Pleskač, Ondřej
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

Ionanofluids Prepared from a Series of Ionic Liquids: Preparation, Heat Capacity Measurement and Advanced Data Analysis by\nMathematical Gnostics.
Parmar, Nirmal
2021 - English
In the present work, isobaric heat capacity was measured as a function of temperature for the prepared ionanofluids samples.\nMoreover the influence of the size of the ion of ionic liquid on the isobaric heat capacity of ionanofluids was studied. Keywords: isobaric heat capacity; ionic liquid; mathematical gnostics Available in a digital repository NRGL
Ionanofluids Prepared from a Series of Ionic Liquids: Preparation, Heat Capacity Measurement and Advanced Data Analysis by\nMathematical Gnostics.

In the present work, isobaric heat capacity was measured as a function of temperature for the prepared ionanofluids samples.\nMoreover the influence of the size of the ion of ionic liquid on the ...

Parmar, Nirmal
Ústav chemických procesů, 2021

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