Number of found documents: 1309

The Process of Cross Section Generation for Reactor Core Simulations
Novotný, Filip
Reactor core safety analysis is a complex problem and needs processed input data and cannot be performed without it. For this purpose several nuclear programs exist. A suitable nuclear programs as well as the motivation of the generation are given in this study. This article also summarizes methods and steps needed for the homogenized cross-section generation and provides basic instruction and settings needed to provide these simulations and accomplished this research and gives basic instruction and information about problems and programs which can occur during the cross-section generation. Finally, there is proposed cross-sections structure suitable for safety analysis with reactor core simulator PARCS. Keywords: SCALE; lattice physics models; cross-sections; GENPMAXS; PARCS Available in a digital repository NRGL
The Process of Cross Section Generation for Reactor Core Simulations

Reactor core safety analysis is a complex problem and needs processed input data and cannot be performed without it. For this purpose several nuclear programs exist. A suitable nuclear programs as ...

Novotný, Filip
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Acoustic Analysis of Sentences Complicated for Articulation in Patients with Parkinson's Disease
Kiska, Tomáš
This paper deals with acoustic analysis of hypokinetic dysarthria. Hypokinetic dysarthria is a speech motor dysfunction that is present in approximately 90% of patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). The work is mainly focused on parameterization techniques that can be used to diagnose or monitor this disease as well as estimate its progress. Acoustic analysis can be used to estimate a grade of hypokinetic dysarthria in fields of phonation, articulation, prosody and speech fluency. Regarding the parameterization, new features based on RASTA method were proposed. The analysis is based on parametrization of sentences complicated for articulation. Experimental dataset consists of 101 PD patients with different disease progress and 53 healthy controls. For the purpose of feature selection we employed mRMR (minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance) method. Keywords: Parkinson’s disease; hypokinetic dysarthria; speech parameterization; speech signal processing; objective analysis; diagnosis; monitoring; progress estimation Available in a digital repository NRGL
Acoustic Analysis of Sentences Complicated for Articulation in Patients with Parkinson's Disease

This paper deals with acoustic analysis of hypokinetic dysarthria. Hypokinetic dysarthria is a speech motor dysfunction that is present in approximately 90% of patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). ...

Kiska, Tomáš
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Pulse Generator for Φ-OTDR in VPI photonics
Čučka, Milan
The paper focuses on Φ–OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometry) systems which need short time duration and high powered pulses for proper function, because the backscattered signal is weak for proper detection. The article includes a simulation of the signal generator for Φ–OTDR sensoric systems in simulation software. Designed generator allows to try pulses, with different time of duration, pulse repetition frequency and power. The article also includes scientific notation of backscattered signal and a short description of the used systems. Keywords: Optical fiber sensors; Pulse generator; Simulations; VPIphotonics; Φ–OTDR Available in a digital repository NRGL
Pulse Generator for Φ-OTDR in VPI photonics

The paper focuses on Φ–OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometry) systems which need short time duration and high powered pulses for proper function, because the backscattered signal is weak for proper ...

Čučka, Milan
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Comparison of Results Optained Using Monte Carlo and Ansys Fluent in Analysis Differentially Pumped Chamber
Bílek, Michal; Hlavatá, Pavla
The goal of this thesis is the analysis of a gas flow running through the drain channels within the apertures of differentially pumped chamber of the Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM). This thesis contains a verification of current simulation results of gas flow within the differentially pumped chamber published by D. Danilatos using Monte Carlo method in comparison with simulation results achieved by using simulation program ANSYS Fluent, which uses the mechanism of continuum for its calculations. Keywords: ANYSY Fluent; Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope; ESEM; Monte Carlo Available in a digital repository NRGL
Comparison of Results Optained Using Monte Carlo and Ansys Fluent in Analysis Differentially Pumped Chamber

The goal of this thesis is the analysis of a gas flow running through the drain channels within the apertures of differentially pumped chamber of the Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM). ...

Bílek, Michal; Hlavatá, Pavla
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Sensitive Analysis of IR Heat Emitter for Soldering
Skácel, Josef; Otáhal, Alexandr
This paper deals with the possibility of simulation in ANSYS. Research is focused on the sensitive analysis of heat emitters. The first part is about basic properties of infrared heat emitter. For soldering is necessary to use heat emitter with the homogenous thermal field. In this case was used two types of wire arrangement. Classics spiral and type with two winding for the better homogenous thermal field. Next part deals with steady-state thermal simulation and transient simulation of heat emitter in ANSYS Workbench. Keywords: ANSYS; heat emitter; sensitive analysis; reflow Available in a digital repository NRGL
Sensitive Analysis of IR Heat Emitter for Soldering

This paper deals with the possibility of simulation in ANSYS. Research is focused on the sensitive analysis of heat emitters. The first part is about basic properties of infrared heat emitter. For ...

Skácel, Josef; Otáhal, Alexandr
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Study of Electrochemical Behaviour of Gold Nanostructured Surfaces
Kynclová, Hana
Recently, nanostructured surfaces have been extensively studied due to their possibility to use them in construction of electrochemical sensors and biosensors. We have prepared tungsten working electrode modified with gold nanocolumns via galvanic deposition of gold ions through anodic alumina nanoporous template. This nanostructured surface was subsequently electrochemically characterized by cyclic voltammetry using K3[Fe(CN)6]/K4[Fe(CN)6] probe and compared with the results measured on a flat gold electrode. The electroactive areas for both types of electrodes were evaluated and compared. It was found that the nanostructured area affected the response on lower scan rates (up to 25 mV.s-1) and increased the response at higher scan rates (higher than 50 mV.s-1) which is probably related to penetration of electrolyte solution among nanocolumns. Nevertheless, this fact can help in speed of analyses of huge amount of samples. Keywords: nanostructured electrode; electrochemistry; cyclic voltammetry; gold electrode; nanoporous alumina Available in a digital repository NRGL
Study of Electrochemical Behaviour of Gold Nanostructured Surfaces

Recently, nanostructured surfaces have been extensively studied due to their possibility to use them in construction of electrochemical sensors and biosensors. We have prepared tungsten working ...

Kynclová, Hana
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Supercapacitor Parameters Dependence on Charging Duration
Kuparowitz, Tomáš
Supercapacitor (SC) parameters dependence on charging time is analyzed for Nesscap 2.7V / 10F. Charging was performed using constant current in the range from 0.5 A to 5 A. Reciprocal capacitance (C-1) was calculated. It linearly decreases with applied charge. During SC charging, the effective distance of charges on electrode-electrolyte interface decreases, due to the charge distribution being altered by mobile ions inside electric field. Ions are at first moving by drift, and then by diffusion processes. Effective thickness of electrolyte negative charge is determined from reciprocal capacitance. The effective thickness varies between 2.6 nm and 2.1 nm. Keywords: Supercapacitor; electrolyte effective thickness; constant current charging; supercapacitor charging characteristic evaluation; supercapacitor charging duration; ultracapacitor Available in a digital repository NRGL
Supercapacitor Parameters Dependence on Charging Duration

Supercapacitor (SC) parameters dependence on charging time is analyzed for Nesscap 2.7V / 10F. Charging was performed using constant current in the range from 0.5 A to 5 A. Reciprocal capacitance ...

Kuparowitz, Tomáš
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Epoxy Resin with Aaluminium Oxide Nanofiller and its Dielectric Properties
Lontrasová, Aneta
Topic of this paper is dielectric properties of epoxy resins, containing nanoparticles of Al2O3. Dielectric spectroscopy was used during epoxy nanocomposite diagnostics. These new materials are candidates for use in manufacturing modern insulators, where it can aid in reducing their dimensions. This research also focuses on studying dielectric properties of Al2O3 nanofiller over long periods. Large number of nanoparticles and area between them in epoxy matrix means higher number of weak spots, which may be the source of defects and may lead to increased deterioration of nanocomposites compared to composites without nanoparticles. Keywords: epoxy resin; spectroscopy; relaxation; diagnostics; Al2O3 nanofiller Available in a digital repository NRGL
Epoxy Resin with Aaluminium Oxide Nanofiller and its Dielectric Properties

Topic of this paper is dielectric properties of epoxy resins, containing nanoparticles of Al2O3. Dielectric spectroscopy was used during epoxy nanocomposite diagnostics. These new materials are ...

Lontrasová, Aneta
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Microstructural Defects of Solar Cells Investigated by a Variety Diagnostics Methods
Škvarenina, L’ubomír
This paper discusses the application of a variety diagnostic methods applicable to the solar cells. More objective results about solar cells quality and reliability are possible to obtain by using a various methods. Diagnostic methods described in this paper are based on a dark and illuminated J–V characteristics, a investigation of noise in a wide range of frequency and a radiation detection at a di erent spectral range, namely by an electroluminescence and a thermography method. These methods are primarily more appropriate for a detection or a localization of microstructure defects when a reverse-bias stress is applied. However, the analysis of a forward-bias conditions is included in an investigation of J–V characteristics as well. Keywords: Solar Cells; J–V curve; Noise; Electroluminescence; Thermal Imaging; Defects Available in a digital repository NRGL
Microstructural Defects of Solar Cells Investigated by a Variety Diagnostics Methods

This paper discusses the application of a variety diagnostic methods applicable to the solar cells. More objective results about solar cells quality and reliability are possible to obtain by using a ...

Škvarenina, L’ubomír
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Storage For Gpon Frames
Holik, Martin
This thesis deals with the principle of data storage from passive optical networks. The thesis contains a basic summary of differences between individual standards, but the work is primarily focused on the description of the principle of frame storage based on the GPON standard developed by the International Telecommunication Union – Telecommunication section (ITU-T), which is considered the most widespread. Keywords: Database; GPON; FPGA; Python; SQL Available in a digital repository NRGL
Storage For Gpon Frames

This thesis deals with the principle of data storage from passive optical networks. The thesis contains a basic summary of differences between individual standards, but the work is primarily focused ...

Holik, Martin
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

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