Počet nalezených dokumentů: 6389
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Mechanical properties of basalt: a study on compressive loading at different strain rates using SHPB
Falta, J.; Krčmářová, N.; Fíla, T.; Vavro, Martin; Vavro, Leona
2023 - anglický
This article focuses on the mechanical properties of basalt in compressive loading at different strain-rates. The study employs advanced instrumentation for the evaluation of the results in dynamic conditions, while standard uni-axial loading device is used for evaluation in quasi-static conditions. Basalt specimens were subjected to four different loading-rates from 200–600 s−1 on which the stress-strain dependence was evaluated together with DIC analysis of crack initiation and disintegration process. Understanding the mechanical properties of basalt can provide insights for engineers and designers in creating structures that are durable and able to withstand different loading conditions. The findings of this study can have implications for a wide range of industries, including aerospace, automotive, and construction, among others. Klíčová slova: SHPB; basalt; compressive loading; dynamic loading Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Mechanical properties of basalt: a study on compressive loading at different strain rates using SHPB

This article focuses on the mechanical properties of basalt in compressive loading at different strain-rates. The study employs advanced instrumentation for the evaluation of the results in dynamic ...

Falta, J.; Krčmářová, N.; Fíla, T.; Vavro, Martin; Vavro, Leona
Ústav geoniky, 2023

Asynchronous time integration while achieving zero interface energy
Dvořák, Radim; Kolman, Radek; Falta, J.; Neühauserová, M.
2023 - anglický
This contribution deals with an asynchronous direct time integration of the finite-element model. The proposed method is applied to the phenomenon of wave propagation through an elastic linear continuum. The numerical model is partitioned into individual subdomains using the domain decomposition method by means of localized Lagrange multipliers. For each subdomain, different time discretizations are used. No restrictions for relation between subdomain’s time steps are imposed. The coupling of the subdomains is forced by an acceleration continuity condition. Additionally, we use the a posteriori technique to also provide the displacement and velocity continuity at the interfaces, and hence we obtain exact continuity of all three kinematic fields. The proposed method is experimentally validated using the modified SHPB (split Hopkinson pressure bar) setup. Klíčová slova: finite element method; direct time integration; asynchronous integration; domain decomposition; localized lagrange multipliers Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Asynchronous time integration while achieving zero interface energy

This contribution deals with an asynchronous direct time integration of the finite-element model. The proposed method is applied to the phenomenon of wave propagation through an elastic linear ...

Dvořák, Radim; Kolman, Radek; Falta, J.; Neühauserová, M.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Pizúrová, Naděžda; Hlaváček, Antonín; Kavčiaková, Zuzana; Roupcová, Pavla; Kuběna, Ivo; Buršík, Jiří; Sokovnin, S. Y.
2023 - anglický
Cerium oxide nanoparticles (nanoceria) are currently one of the most investigated nanomaterials because of their attractive properties used in biomedical applications, catalysis, fuel cells, and many others. These attractive properties are connected with the Ce3+ and Ce4+ valency state ratio. In the nanoparticle form, cerium oxides contain a mixture of Ce3+ and Ce4+ on the nanoparticle surfaces. Switching between these two states requires oxygen vacancies. Therefore, nanoceria's inherent ability to act as an antioxidant in an environmentally-dependent manner and a “redox switch” to confer auto-regenerating capabilities by automatically shifting between Ce4+ and Ce3+ oxidation states is significantly affected by surface morphology. Regarding this demanded behavior, we aimed to characterize synthesized nanoparticle surface quality and its influence on the cerium oxidation states. The received results were used to evaluate the synthesis method's suitability for suggested utilization. We used nanoparticles prepared by electron beam evaporation. This unique physical method includes nanoparticle creation through the fast cooling process followed by breaking radiation damaging nanoparticle surfaces to create surface off-stoichiometry. We prepared a sample containing clusters of a mixture of ultra-small nanoparticles and approximately 100 nm particles. X-ray diffraction confirmed the CeO2 phase in both components. To extract the finest component, we used centrifugal size fractionation. We received 200 nm clusters of 2-10 nm nanoparticles. Nanoparticle shapes and facet types were analyzed using transmission electron microscopy methods. We found out most nanoparticles were formed with truncated octahedrons containing {1,1,1} and {1,0,0} facet types and truncated cuboctahedrons containing {1,1,1}, {1,0,0}, and additional {1,1,0} facets. No octahedron (without truncation) containing only {1,1,1} facets was observed. Nanoparticle shapes containing {1,1,0} and {1,0,0} are suitable for redox activity. Some amount of irregular shapes, beneficial for redox activity, was also observed. Spectroscopy methods confirmed Ce3+ content. Klíčová slova: Ce3+ and Ce4+; electron beam evaporation; facet types; hrtem; Nanoceria Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.

Cerium oxide nanoparticles (nanoceria) are currently one of the most investigated nanomaterials because of their attractive properties used in biomedical applications, catalysis, fuel cells, and many ...

Pizúrová, Naděžda; Hlaváček, Antonín; Kavčiaková, Zuzana; Roupcová, Pavla; Kuběna, Ivo; Buršík, Jiří; Sokovnin, S. Y.
Ústav fyziky materiálů, 2023

A new blade cascade for flutter studies
Šnábl, Pavel; Pešek, Luděk; Procházka, Pavel P.; Skála, V.
2023 - anglický
In this paper, a new blade cascade, developed in the Institute of Thermomechanics, is presented. The geometry of the cascade was modified so now the stall flutter can occur. It has some major construction improvements over the original cascade which now allow more precise and reliable measurements. The stability of the new blade cascade with five NACA 0010 profiles with rotational degree of freedom is assessed by Travelling Wave Mode approach and Aerodynamic Influence Coefficient approach. Klíčová slova: blade cascade; stability; travelling wave mode; aerodynamic influence coefficient Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
A new blade cascade for flutter studies

In this paper, a new blade cascade, developed in the Institute of Thermomechanics, is presented. The geometry of the cascade was modified so now the stall flutter can occur. It has some major ...

Šnábl, Pavel; Pešek, Luděk; Procházka, Pavel P.; Skála, V.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Reduced modelling of aeroelastic instability in a turbine blade cascade
Pešek, Luděk; Šnábl, Pavel; Prasad, Chandra Shekhar
2023 - anglický
The contribution deals with the first results on flutter instability of the linear cascade triggered by impulse excitation. Together with experimental results, numerical results obtained by reduced modelling of the cascade using van der Pol model of self-excitation are presented and discussed. Klíčová slova: flutter; blade cascade; self-excitation; Van der Pol Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Reduced modelling of aeroelastic instability in a turbine blade cascade

The contribution deals with the first results on flutter instability of the linear cascade triggered by impulse excitation. Together with experimental results, numerical results obtained by reduced ...

Pešek, Luděk; Šnábl, Pavel; Prasad, Chandra Shekhar
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Annular Impinging Jets and an Active Control of Hysteretic Effects
Devani, Yogendrasasidhar; Antošová, Zuzana; Trávníček, Zdeněk
2023 - anglický
An annular impinging air jet with and without flow control was studied experimentally using measurements of the wall pressure and flow velocity by the Pitot probe. To investigate flow control swirling effects, eight synthetic jets were generated from the nozzle center body. The experiments cover Reynolds numbers 4000–10,000 (evaluated from the outer exit diameter of the annular nozzle). For Re<9000, the bistability and hysteresis were identified and two different flow field patterns (A, B) were found under the same boundary conditions. For higher Re>9000, the hysteresis were not found. Klíčová slova: annular jet; impinging jet; hysteresis Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Annular Impinging Jets and an Active Control of Hysteretic Effects

An annular impinging air jet with and without flow control was studied experimentally using measurements of the wall pressure and flow velocity by the Pitot probe. To investigate flow control swirling ...

Devani, Yogendrasasidhar; Antošová, Zuzana; Trávníček, Zdeněk
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Stereolithography for manufacturing of advanced porous solids
Drechslerová, V.; Neuhäuserová, M.; Falta, J.; Šleichrt, J.; Kytýř, Daniel
2023 - anglický
The aim of this paper is focused on benefits of stereolithography (SLA) technology for the fabrication of the lightweight lattice structures with potential for load-bearing function and high absorption of impact energy. SLA is an additive manufacturing technology employing the principle of liquid resins curing moderated by radiation of a wavelength from ultra-violet band where resulting material parameters are tunable by setting of the curing process. The batches of samples manufactured using three different resins were subjected to quasi-static uni-axial tensile and compression tests. Acquired data were processed to derive deformation behaviour expressed as stress-strain diagrams and fundamental material properties. Based on the knowledge obtained from the mechanical tests, the setup of the fabrication parameters, the most suitable resin for manufacturing of the lattice structures and the overall suitability of SLA technology for the fabrication of advanced porous materials, were determined. Klíčová slova: stereolithography; advanced porous materials; quasi-static testing; resin; mechanical characteristics Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Stereolithography for manufacturing of advanced porous solids

The aim of this paper is focused on benefits of stereolithography (SLA) technology for the fabrication of the lightweight lattice structures with potential for load-bearing function and high ...

Drechslerová, V.; Neuhäuserová, M.; Falta, J.; Šleichrt, J.; Kytýř, Daniel
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2023

Statistical Approach for BTT probes distribution
Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine; Procházka, Pavel; Šmíd, R.; Tchawou Tchuisseu, Eder Batista
2023 - anglický
Blade tip timing (BTT) system is a non-invasive method used for measuring the blade tip timing of rotating machinery. The BTT system typically consists of sensor probes, signal conditioning system, and data acquisition unit. The sensor probes are placed in proximity to the rotating blade tips, Sensors measure the time at which each blade passes by the probe. By measuring the blade tip timing, the BTT system can detect changes in the blade tip vibration, which is an important for the health monitoring and performance optimization of rotating machinery [1]. To ensure accurate measurement of blade tip timing, the probe arrangement is crucial. The placement of the probe relative to the blade tips can affect the measurement accuracy, and thus, several arrangement algorithms have been developed to optimize the placement of the probes. Instead of considering the condition number, a statistical algorithms is followed to optimize the placement of probes for accurate measurement of blade tip timing in turbo-machinery. The statistical approach will be employed to determine the optimal locations for probes, with the aim of reducing errors in the measurement of blade tip timing. \n Klíčová slova: blade tip timing principle; RMSE; blade´s dynamics Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Statistical Approach for BTT probes distribution

Blade tip timing (BTT) system is a non-invasive method used for measuring the blade tip timing of rotating machinery. The BTT system typically consists of sensor probes, signal conditioning system, ...

Mekhalfia, Mohammed Lamine; Procházka, Pavel; Šmíd, R.; Tchawou Tchuisseu, Eder Batista
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

The design of Bayesian diagnostic expert system Querix and it’s engineering application
Věchet, Stanislav; Krejsa, Jiří; Chen, K.-S.
2023 - anglický
Expert systems have gained attention over the last two decades as they bring the possibility of using expert knowledge in various control systems. However, it has lost attraction in favor of artificial neural networks in recent years, which is mostly influenced by the availability of data to train neural network models and the availability of various frameworks to achieve fast time-to-market applications for given solutions. Klíčová slova: expert system; decision making; advanced diagnostic; autonomous navigation; RPA Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
The design of Bayesian diagnostic expert system Querix and it’s engineering application

Expert systems have gained attention over the last two decades as they bring the possibility of using expert knowledge in various control systems. However, it has lost attraction in favor of ...

Věchet, Stanislav; Krejsa, Jiří; Chen, K.-S.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Effect of spin coating on electrical properties of MXene films deposited from non-aqueous solvents
Gutsul, O.; Szabó, Ondrej; Pfeifer, R.; Sasitharan, K.; Jackivová, Rajisa; Slobodyan, V.; Kromka, Alexander; Rezek, B.
2023 - anglický
We investigated the effect of spin coating parameters on the electrical properties of Ti3C2 MXene thin films deposited from non-aqueous suspensions in N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF) and N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) on gold interdigitated electrodes (IDE). The electrical properties of DMF-MXenes and NMP-MXenes films are characterized by impedance spectroscopy (4 Hz - 8 MHz at 1 V) using gold IDE with 25 µm gap. The electrical conductivity of MXene films decreases with increasing spin coating speed from 300 to 900 rpm. The series resistance (Rs) and double layer capacitance remain similar (Cdl). In all cases, MXenes deposited from DMF have five orders of magnitude higher electrical conductivity (lower Rct) than MXene films deposited from NMP. It is correlated with the thin film morphology obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). These findings can be useful for possible application of MXenes as charge transport layers in hybrid photovoltaic devices. Klíčová slova: MXene; thin films; impedance spectroscopy; electrical conductivity; spin coating Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Effect of spin coating on electrical properties of MXene films deposited from non-aqueous solvents

We investigated the effect of spin coating parameters on the electrical properties of Ti3C2 MXene thin films deposited from non-aqueous suspensions in N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF) and ...

Gutsul, O.; Szabó, Ondrej; Pfeifer, R.; Sasitharan, K.; Jackivová, Rajisa; Slobodyan, V.; Kromka, Alexander; Rezek, B.
Fyzikální ústav, 2023

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