Number of found documents: 391
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A comparison of some a posteriori error estimates for fourth order problems
Segeth, Karel
2010 - English
In this survey contribution, we present and compare, from the viewpoint of adaptive computation, several recently published error estimation procedures for the numerical solution of biharmonic and some further fourth order problems including computational error estimates. Keywords: a posteriori error estimate; finite element method; fourth order problem Available in digital repository of the ASCR
A comparison of some a posteriori error estimates for fourth order problems

In this survey contribution, we present and compare, from the viewpoint of adaptive computation, several recently published error estimation procedures for the numerical solution of biharmonic and ...

Segeth, Karel
Matematický ústav, 2010

Approaches to parallel implementation of the BDDC method
Šístek, Jakub; Burda, P.; Čertíková, M.; Novotný, J.
2010 - English
During past several years, we have implemented and tested various approaches to domain decomposition methods, especially the Balancing Domain Decomposition Method by Constraints (BDDC). The goal of this paper is to summarize our experience with parallel implementation of such algorithms and to suggest ways to an implementation of the BDDC method that would be efficient on very large number of cores of computers of near future. Keywords: BDDC; domain decomposition; iterative substructuring; parallel computing Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Approaches to parallel implementation of the BDDC method

During past several years, we have implemented and tested various approaches to domain decomposition methods, especially the Balancing Domain Decomposition Method by Constraints (BDDC). The goal of ...

Šístek, Jakub; Burda, P.; Čertíková, M.; Novotný, J.
Matematický ústav, 2010

Tvoření úloh jako cesta k matematické gramotnosti
Tichá, Marie; Hošpesová, A.
2010 - Czech
V naší práci hledáme cesty efektivního rozvíjení matematické gramotnosti žáků a studentů. Usilujeme o to, aby žáci a studenti byli schopni používat matematiku jako vhodný nástroj při hledání cest, jak porozumět světu. Aby byli schopni porozumět matematickému textu, vybavovat si při tom potřebné pojmy a postupy. Jde nám o to, aby uměli své znalosti rozvíjet. Důraz klademe nejen na řešení rozmanitých úloh, do centra našich úvah o matematickém vzdělávání se dostává tvoření úloh. Jsme přesvědčeni, že tvoření úloh by mělo být jedním z centrálních témat vyučování matematice. Na tvoření úloh se můžemem dívat jako na cíl i prostředek matematického vzdělávání a dokonce také jako na diagnostický a motivační prostředek. In our work we search for ways of development of students' mathematical literacy. We aim at students' ability to utilize mathematics as a suitable tool for understanding of the world. Our aim is that students will be able to develop their knowledge. We stress not only solving of various problems. Also problem posing gets in the centre of our considerations on mathematical education. We believe that problem posing should be one of central topics of teaching of mathematics. It could be understand as aim as well as means of education and in addition also as diagnostic and motivating tool. Keywords: mathematical literacy; mathematical education; problem posing; problem solving Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Tvoření úloh jako cesta k matematické gramotnosti

V naší práci hledáme cesty efektivního rozvíjení matematické gramotnosti žáků a studentů. Usilujeme o to, aby žáci a studenti byli schopni používat matematiku jako vhodný nástroj při hledání cest, jak ...

Tichá, Marie; Hošpesová, A.
Matematický ústav, 2010

Rozvíjení přirozené diferenciace ve vyučování matematice
Hošpesová, A.; Tichá, Marie
2010 - Czech
Požadavky na úroveň funkční matematické gramotnosti rostou. To klade velké nároky na profesionální kompetence učitelů. K nim patří také dovednost reagovat na heterogenitu a vytvářet podmínky pro rozvoj vzdělávacích předpokladů všech žáků. Heterogenita není chápána jako problém, ale jako jev přirozený a v určitých oblastech podnětný. The need that pupils achieve functional mathematical literacy grows. It makes considerable demands on teachers' professional competences, including their ability to react on heterogeneity and to create conditions for developmnet of all pupils' educational prerequisites. Heterogeneity is not grasped as a problem but as something natural and in some aspects challenging. Keywords: professional competences; heterogeneity; natural differentiation; substantial learning Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Rozvíjení přirozené diferenciace ve vyučování matematice

Požadavky na úroveň funkční matematické gramotnosti rostou. To klade velké nároky na profesionální kompetence učitelů. K nim patří také dovednost reagovat na heterogenitu a vytvářet podmínky pro ...

Hošpesová, A.; Tichá, Marie
Matematický ústav, 2010

A survey of global investigations of linear differential equations
Neuman, František
2010 - English
In contrast to the local investigations of behavior of solutions of linear differential equations, that started already in the XVII-th century, here we present a survey of methods and results of a global nature. It was possible to establish the unified theory of global properties of solutions of linear differential equations: to describe global canonical forms, distribution of zeros of solutions and other global properties of the equations studied. Keywords: linear differential equations; global canonical forms Available at various institutes of the ASCR
A survey of global investigations of linear differential equations

In contrast to the local investigations of behavior of solutions of linear differential equations, that started already in the XVII-th century, here we present a survey of methods and results of a ...

Neuman, František
Matematický ústav, 2010

Problem Posing, a Way to Teachers' Change
Hošpesová, A.; Tichá, Marie
2010 - English
Problem posing is an important component of a teacher's everyday activity. This contribution wants to show how problem posing may be used as a way to an increase in teachers' professionalism, to improvement of their subject didactic competence and also as a diagnostic and motivational tool. Keywords: professional competence of a teacher; teacher education; problem posing Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
Problem Posing, a Way to Teachers' Change

Problem posing is an important component of a teacher's everyday activity. This contribution wants to show how problem posing may be used as a way to an increase in teachers' professionalism, to ...

Hošpesová, A.; Tichá, Marie
Matematický ústav, 2010

Some remarks on averaging in the BDDC method
Čertíková, M.; Burda, P.; Novotný, J.; Šístek, Jakub
2010 - English
In this paper, we introduce a general framework for derivation of the averaging operator, from hich the standard choices are recovered by simplifications. Then, an alternative approach derived by another simplification is proposed and tested on a 2D example. Keywords: BDDC method Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Some remarks on averaging in the BDDC method

In this paper, we introduce a general framework for derivation of the averaging operator, from hich the standard choices are recovered by simplifications. Then, an alternative approach derived by ...

Čertíková, M.; Burda, P.; Novotný, J.; Šístek, Jakub
Matematický ústav, 2010

Integration in higher-order finite element method in 3D
Kůs, Pavel
2010 - English
Integration of higher-order basis functions is an important issue, that is not as straightforward as it may seem. In traditional low-order FEM codes, the bulk of computational time is a solution of resulting system of linear equations. In the case of higher-order elements the situation is different. Especially in three dimensions the time of integration may represent significant part of the computation. Keywords: finite element method Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Integration in higher-order finite element method in 3D

Integration of higher-order basis functions is an important issue, that is not as straightforward as it may seem. In traditional low-order FEM codes, the bulk of computational time is a solution of ...

Kůs, Pavel
Matematický ústav, 2010

Complementarity - the way towards guaranteed error estimates
Vejchodský, Tomáš
2010 - English
This paper presents a review of the complementary technique with the emphasis on computable and guaranteed upper bounds of the approximation error. For simplicity, the approach is described on a numerical solution of the Poisson problem. We derive the complementary error bounds, prove their fundamentals properties, present the method of hypercircle, mention possible generalizations and show a couple of numerical examples. Keywords: Poisson problem; a posteriori error estimates Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Complementarity - the way towards guaranteed error estimates

This paper presents a review of the complementary technique with the emphasis on computable and guaranteed upper bounds of the approximation error. For simplicity, the approach is described on a ...

Vejchodský, Tomáš
Matematický ústav, 2010

On selections of constraints for the BDDC method
Čertíková, M.; Šístek, Jakub; Novotný, J.; Burda, P.
2010 - English
The Balancing Domain Decomposition by Constraints (BDDC) method is an iterative substructuring domain decomposition method which uses a coarse space. The choice of coarse constraints on continuity has strong influence on convergence of the method. The goal of this paper is to compare the performance of several algorithms for selection of the coarse constraints applied to both test and industrial 3D linear elasticity problems and confront results obtained for typical test problems with results for industrial problems. Keywords: BDDC; domain decomposition; iterative substructuring; parallel computing Available on request at various institutes of the ASCR
On selections of constraints for the BDDC method

The Balancing Domain Decomposition by Constraints (BDDC) method is an iterative substructuring domain decomposition method which uses a coarse space. The choice of coarse constraints on continuity has ...

Čertíková, M.; Šístek, Jakub; Novotný, J.; Burda, P.
Matematický ústav, 2010

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