Number of found documents: 17
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Lewis X, developmentally regulated carbohydrate is abundantly expressed in embryonic and adult neural stem cells and regulates their self-renewal and/or differentiation
Dvořák, Petr; Hampl, Aleš
2003 - English
Keywords: neural stem cell Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Lewis X, developmentally regulated carbohydrate is abundantly expressed in embryonic and adult neural stem cells and regulates their self-renewal and/or differentiation

Dvořák, Petr; Hampl, Aleš
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 2003

Diffusion and MRS in a rat cortex after traumatic injury
Voříšek, Ivan; Herynek, V.; Burian, M.; Hájek, M.; Niclay, K.; Syková, Eva
2001 - English
An increase in diffusion barriers, manifestes by a decrease of both ADCTMA and ADCW, occurs throughout the entire cortex of the wounded hemisphere. These changes are related to astrogliosis and to an accumulation of extracellular matrix molecules without significant changes in ECS volume. Keywords: astrogliosis Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Diffusion and MRS in a rat cortex after traumatic injury

An increase in diffusion barriers, manifestes by a decrease of both ADCTMA and ADCW, occurs throughout the entire cortex of the wounded hemisphere. These changes are related to astrogliosis and to an ...

Voříšek, Ivan; Herynek, V.; Burian, M.; Hájek, M.; Niclay, K.; Syková, Eva
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 2001

Learning, MRI and structural changes of the rat hippocampus 1 ro 12 months after irradiation with the leksell gamma knife
Náměstková, Kateřina; Liščák, R.; Herynek, V.; Burian, M.; Jirák, D.; Hájek, M.; Brožek, G.; Mareš, V.; Syková, Eva
2001 - English
The lower the dose of irradiation with the LKG, the more delayed are the structural and functional changes in hippocampus. Keywords: leksell gamma knife Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Learning, MRI and structural changes of the rat hippocampus 1 ro 12 months after irradiation with the leksell gamma knife

The lower the dose of irradiation with the LKG, the more delayed are the structural and functional changes in hippocampus.

Náměstková, Kateřina; Liščák, R.; Herynek, V.; Burian, M.; Jirák, D.; Hájek, M.; Brožek, G.; Mareš, V.; Syková, Eva
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 2001

Alterated diffusion parameters in the brain with kaolin-induced hydrocephalus
Fiala, Jindřich; Antonova, Tatiana; Voříšek, Ivan; Syková, Eva
2001 - English
Compression of the ECS in the cerebral cortex following induction of hydrocephalus, slows down the diffusion of neuroactive substances in hydrocephalic tissue. Keywords: hydrocephalus Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Alterated diffusion parameters in the brain with kaolin-induced hydrocephalus

Compression of the ECS in the cerebral cortex following induction of hydrocephalus, slows down the diffusion of neuroactive substances in hydrocephalic tissue.

Fiala, Jindřich; Antonova, Tatiana; Voříšek, Ivan; Syková, Eva
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 2001

Extracellular space size and geometry in the brain of APP23 mice representing a model of Alzheimer´s disease
Mazel, Tomáš; Antonova, Tatiana; Meyer-Luhmann, M.; Staufenbiel, M.; Jucker, M.; Syková, Eva
2001 - English
The decrease in ECS size observed during aging might contribute to increased extracellular amyloid concentration and deposition in APP23 mice. Keywords: Alzheimer´s Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Extracellular space size and geometry in the brain of APP23 mice representing a model of Alzheimer´s disease

The decrease in ECS size observed during aging might contribute to increased extracellular amyloid concentration and deposition in APP23 mice.

Mazel, Tomáš; Antonova, Tatiana; Meyer-Luhmann, M.; Staufenbiel, M.; Jucker, M.; Syková, Eva
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 2001

Functional characteristics of neurons in the auditory thalamus
Kvašňák, Eugen; Šuta, Daniel; Popelář, Jiří; Syka, Josef
2001 - English
The MGB, is similarly as the inferior colliculus (IC) is organized into three subdivisions, with the ventral MGB characterized by the quickest onset reaction with the lowest thresholds to auditory stimulation and with the same ratio of monotonic and non-monotonic RLFs. Keywords: auditory thalamus Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Functional characteristics of neurons in the auditory thalamus

The MGB, is similarly as the inferior colliculus (IC) is organized into three subdivisions, with the ventral MGB characterized by the quickest onset reaction with the lowest thresholds to auditory ...

Kvašňák, Eugen; Šuta, Daniel; Popelář, Jiří; Syka, Josef
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 2001

A behavioral and electrophysiological study of the effects of noise exposure on auditory function in rat
Rybalko, Natalia; Mazelová, Jana; Syka, Josef
2001 - English
The values of the gap detection threshold doubled after exposure to 110 dB SPL and quadrupled after exposure to 115-120 dB SPL. GDT recovered to the original values during 1-2 weeks. Increased gap detection thresholds after noise exposure appear connected with elevated hearing thresholds, the deterioration in the performance of some animals in behavioral rasts after strong intensity noise (120 dB SPL) may signal the occurrence of tinnitus in these animals. Keywords: auditory system Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
A behavioral and electrophysiological study of the effects of noise exposure on auditory function in rat

The values of the gap detection threshold doubled after exposure to 110 dB SPL and quadrupled after exposure to 115-120 dB SPL. GDT recovered to the original values during 1-2 weeks. Increased gap ...

Rybalko, Natalia; Mazelová, Jana; Syka, Josef
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 2001

Neuron-glia communication by extrasynaptic transmission
Syková, Eva
2001 - English
Dynamic changes in ECS ionic composition, volume and geometry accompany neuronal activity, neuronal loss, glial development and proliferation, aging, CNS injury, anoxia/ischemia, spreading depression, tumors, inflammation dyemyelination and many other brain pathological states. Keywords: neuronal activity Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Neuron-glia communication by extrasynaptic transmission

Dynamic changes in ECS ionic composition, volume and geometry accompany neuronal activity, neuronal loss, glial development and proliferation, aging, CNS injury, anoxia/ischemia, spreading depression, ...

Syková, Eva
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 2001

Up-regulation of delayed outwardly rectifying potassium currents in reactive astrocytes after certical stab wound
Anděrová, Miroslava; Neprašová, H.; Petřík, D.; Chvátal, Alexandr; Syková, Eva
2001 - English
Hypertrophied astrocytes in the close vicinity of the stab wound are characterized by an up-regulation of delayed outwardly rectifying K+ currents and increased K+ accumulation in the vicinity of the astrocyte membrane. Keywords: astrocytes Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Up-regulation of delayed outwardly rectifying potassium currents in reactive astrocytes after certical stab wound

Hypertrophied astrocytes in the close vicinity of the stab wound are characterized by an up-regulation of delayed outwardly rectifying K+ currents and increased K+ accumulation in the vicinity of the ...

Anděrová, Miroslava; Neprašová, H.; Petřík, D.; Chvátal, Alexandr; Syková, Eva
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 2001

Suppression of 2f1-f2 distortion product otoacoustic emissions by electrical stimulation of the inferior colliculus in guinea pigs
Popelář, Jiří; Mazelová, Jana; Syka, Josef
2001 - English
Electrical stimulation of certain parts of the IC resulted in the depression of the DPOAE amplitude by 0.1-2 dB. The value of maximal DPOAE suppression was similar to the DPOAE suppression produced by acoustical stimulation of the contralateral ear. Our results indicate that electrical stimulation of the external cortex of the IC can activate the efferent system and produce DPOAE suppression by similar mechanisms as does acoustical stimulation of the contralateral ear. Keywords: guinea pigs Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Suppression of 2f1-f2 distortion product otoacoustic emissions by electrical stimulation of the inferior colliculus in guinea pigs

Electrical stimulation of certain parts of the IC resulted in the depression of the DPOAE amplitude by 0.1-2 dB. The value of maximal DPOAE suppression was similar to the DPOAE suppression produced by ...

Popelář, Jiří; Mazelová, Jana; Syka, Josef
Ústav experimentální medicíny, 2001

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