Number of found documents: 1200
Published from to

Partial Memory Loss: Sacred Folk Songs of the Czech Lands
Uhlíková, Lucie; Toncrová, Marta
2019 - English
The paper deals with religious folk songs of the Czech lands, their origin and development. It illustrates how sacred songs came into the folk singing tradition, how they spread within it and how they were transformed, commenting also on their primary religious function. Keywords: Czech religious/sacred songs; folk songs; religion and folk culture; variational process and sacred songs; totalitarian censorship; folklore and communication memory Fulltext is available at external website.
Partial Memory Loss: Sacred Folk Songs of the Czech Lands

The paper deals with religious folk songs of the Czech lands, their origin and development. It illustrates how sacred songs came into the folk singing tradition, how they spread within it and how they ...

Uhlíková, Lucie; Toncrová, Marta
Etnologický ústav, 2019

On sepulchral memory in an epigraphic campaign: The towns of Prague after the events of 1648
Roháček, Jiří
2019 - English
The more than four-month successful defense of the Old and New Towns of Prague against Swedish troops in 1648 was relatively small in the context of the Thirty Years' War, but a very important episode for Prague cities and to a large extent for Bohemia. In Prague we can observe the remains of a relevant, originally certainly much richer epigraphic campaign, which has two main directions - the first is connected with thanks to Virgin Mary as protector and intercessor of cities, the second with contextual presentation of improved coats of arm of Old and New Town. Surprising is, however, the absence of a larger sepulchral memorie of 219 fallen defenders. The only preserved monument is the epitaph of Václav Čabelický of Soutice in the Church of Our Lady before Týn. The figural epitaph is known for its rich heraldic and epigraphic accompaniment. This fact raises a number of questions about the position of sepulchral and epigraphic monuments in a collective memory. Keywords: epigraphy; inscription; sepulchral monuments; memory; campaign; Prague; Bohemia; 17th century Available at various institutes of the ASCR
On sepulchral memory in an epigraphic campaign: The towns of Prague after the events of 1648

The more than four-month successful defense of the Old and New Towns of Prague against Swedish troops in 1648 was relatively small in the context of the Thirty Years' War, but a very important episode ...

Roháček, Jiří
Ústav dějin umění, 2019

Quality Standards: Expert and Stakeholder Consultation
Dvořáčková, Jana; Slezáková, Katarína; Cacace, M.
2019 - English
The text was created in the framework of the Gender Equality Academy project which aims to develop and implement a capacity-building programme on gender equality in research, innovation and higher education. It focuses on quality standards for training concepts and materials, and for trainers’ profiles and presents an overview of the results of expert and stakeholder consultation aimed at refining the set of standards identified and selected as part of the project. Keywords: Higher education; human resources development; gender Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Quality Standards: Expert and Stakeholder Consultation

The text was created in the framework of the Gender Equality Academy project which aims to develop and implement a capacity-building programme on gender equality in research, innovation and higher ...

Dvořáčková, Jana; Slezáková, Katarína; Cacace, M.
Sociologický ústav, 2019

A human capital theory of structural transformation
Gillman, Max
2019 - English
The paper presents a human capital based theory of the sectoral transformation along the balanced growth path equilibrium. Allowing a small upward trend in the productivity of the human capital sector, combined with differential human capital intensity and constant productivity across sectors, output gradually shifts over time from relatively less human capital intensive sectors towards more human capital intensive sectors. Sectors intensive in the factor that is becoming relatively more plentiful find their relative prices falling, their “effective productivities” rising at differential rates inversely to their relative price decline, and their relative outputs expanding. Adding more sectors of greater human capital intensity causes labor time to decrease across existing sectors, and by relatively more in the least human capital sectors. Keywords: human capital intensity; sectoral allocation; labor shares Fulltext is available at external website.
A human capital theory of structural transformation

The paper presents a human capital based theory of the sectoral transformation along the balanced growth path equilibrium. Allowing a small upward trend in the productivity of the human capital ...

Gillman, Max
Národohospodářský ústav, 2019

Worker heterogeneity and the asymmetric effects of minimum wages
Luna Alpizar, Jose Luis
2019 - English
This paper explores the notion that minimum wages affect different lowskilled workers aszmmetrically due to productivity differences. In a search model with worker heterogeneity, a rising minimum wage lowers the employment and labor force participation of the least productive workers by pricing them out of the market, while having the opposite effect on other low-skilled workers that remain hirable. CPS data supports these predictions, a rise in the minimum reduces the employment and labor force participation of teenagers with less than high school education, but has the opposite effect on prime-age workers with high school attainment. The calibrated model requires small firm surpluses to match these observations. If firm surplus is small due to high nonmarket activity values, a moderate rise in the minimum improves aggregate welfare even when the worker's bergaining weight is high. Keywords: minimum wages; search and matching; unemployment Fulltext is available at external website.
Worker heterogeneity and the asymmetric effects of minimum wages

This paper explores the notion that minimum wages affect different lowskilled workers aszmmetrically due to productivity differences. In a search model with worker heterogeneity, a rising minimum wage ...

Luna Alpizar, Jose Luis
Národohospodářský ústav, 2019

Predatory publications in Scopus: evidence on cross-country differences
Macháček, Vít; Srholec, Martin
2019 - English
The paper maps the infiltration of so-called “predatory” scholarly journals into the citation database Scopus. Using the names of “potential, possible, or probable” predatory journals and publishers on Beall’s lists, we derived ISSNs of the respective journals from Ulrichsweb and searched Scopus with it. A total of 324 matched journals with 164 thousand documents indexed in Scopus over 2015-2017, making up a share of 2.8 % of the total articles have been identified. An analysis of cross-country differences in the tendency to publish in these journals reveals that overall the most affected are middle-income countries in Asia and North Africa. Kazakhstan is the country with the largest tendency to publish in predatory journals (18 %). More than 5 % is reported in 20 countries, including large countries such as Indonesia (18 %), Malaysia (11 %), India (10 %), or Nigeria (7 %). Neither developed countries are resistant to predatory publishing. More than 16 000 “potentially predatory” articles were published by authors from United States (0.67 %). Keywords: predatory journals; Beall's list; open access Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Predatory publications in Scopus: evidence on cross-country differences

The paper maps the infiltration of so-called “predatory” scholarly journals into the citation database Scopus. Using the names of “potential, possible, or probable” predatory journals and publishers ...

Macháček, Vít; Srholec, Martin
Národohospodářský ústav, 2019

Do minorities misrepresent their ethnicity to avoid discrimination?
Kudashvili, Nikoloz; Lergetporer, P.
2019 - English
Discrimination against minorities is pervasive in many societies, but little is known about strategies minorities may apply to minimize discrimination. In our trust game with 758 highschool students in the country of Georgia, ethnic Georgian trustors discriminate against the ethnic Armenian minority group. We introduce an initial signaling stage to investigate Armenians’ willingness to hide their ethnicity to avoid expected discrimination. 43 percent of Armenian trustees untruthfully signal that they have a Georgian name. Signaling behavior is driven by expected transfers and non-pecuniary motives. This strategic misrepresentation of ethnicity increases Georgian trustors’ expected back transfers and eliminates their discriminatory behavior.\n Keywords: discrimination; trust game; experiment Fulltext is available at external website.
Do minorities misrepresent their ethnicity to avoid discrimination?

Discrimination against minorities is pervasive in many societies, but little is known about strategies minorities may apply to minimize discrimination. In our trust game with 758 highschool students ...

Kudashvili, Nikoloz; Lergetporer, P.
Národohospodářský ústav, 2019

Granger predictability of oil prices after the great recession
Benk, S.; Gillman, Max
2019 - English
Real oil prices surged from 2009 through 2014, comparable to the 1970ís oil shock period. Standard explanations based on monopoly markup fall short since ináation remained low after 2009. This paper contributes strong evidence of Granger (1969) predictability of nominal factors to oil prices, using one adjustment to monetary aggregates. This adjustment is the subtraction from the monetary aggregates of the 2008-2009 Federal Reserve borrowing of reserves from other Central Banks (Swaps), made after US reserves turned negative. This adjustment is key in that Granger predictability from standard monetary aggregates is found only with the Swaps subtracted. Keywords: oil price shocks; granger predictability; monetary base Fulltext is available at external website.
Granger predictability of oil prices after the great recession

Real oil prices surged from 2009 through 2014, comparable to the 1970ís oil shock period. Standard explanations based on monopoly markup fall short since ináation remained low after 2009. This paper ...

Benk, S.; Gillman, Max
Národohospodářský ústav, 2019

Partial Memory Loss: Sacred Folk Songs of the Czech Lands
Uhlíková, Lucie; Toncrová, Marta
2019 - English
The paper deals with religious folk songs of the Czech lands, their origin and development. It illustrates how sacred songs came into the folk singing tradition, how they spread within it and how they were transformed, commenting also on their primary religious function. Keywords: Czech religious/sacred songs; folk songs; religion and folk culture; variational process and sacred songs; totalitarian censorship; folklore and communication memory Fulltext is available at external website.
Partial Memory Loss: Sacred Folk Songs of the Czech Lands

The paper deals with religious folk songs of the Czech lands, their origin and development. It illustrates how sacred songs came into the folk singing tradition, how they spread within it and how they ...

Uhlíková, Lucie; Toncrová, Marta
Etnologický ústav, 2019

Prioritized examination and its impact on commercialization of patents
Hrendash, Taras
2019 - English
Patents play an important role in facilitating transfers of knowledge, and enable commercialization of innovative ideas by reducing information asymmetry between potential buyers and sellers on the market for technology. The crucial question, however, is how quickly innovative ideas can be patented. Previous research has shown that the probability of commercialization for pending\napplications peaks immediately after the patent allowance event (Gans, Hsu & Stern, 2008). But does the length of pendency of an application at a patent office also affect the overall saleability of a technology and create some frictions on the market for technology? In this paper, we exploit the introduction of the USPTO’s Prioritized Examination (Track One) Program to capture the impact of shortened pendency on the likelihood that a pending or granted patent will be commercialized via the transfer of property rights. Using the differencein-differences approach, we compare the average saleability of patents, which we assign into three groups according to their predicted propensity for prioritization before and after the program start date. We find that introduction of the Track One program has significantly increased the probability of commercial reassignment of applications that were more likely to be prioritized. Our results suggest that the policy implemented by the USPTO and shortened pendency of applications, in general, may reduce frictions on the market for technology and facilitate commercialization of innovations. Keywords: experimental economics; government transfers Fulltext is available at external website.
Prioritized examination and its impact on commercialization of patents

Patents play an important role in facilitating transfers of knowledge, and enable commercialization of innovative ideas by reducing information asymmetry between potential buyers and sellers on the ...

Hrendash, Taras
Národohospodářský ústav, 2019

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