Number of found documents: 588
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DEL a.s. – Využití laserové technologie
Flimelová, Miroslava; Bičišťová, Radka; Brajer, Jan
2015 - Czech
Cílem studie je poskytnout zadavateli dostatečné a konkrétní informace a podklady k výběru a následnému nákupu laserového zdroje a vhodného příslušenství k němu. Laserový zdroj bude využit jako technologický nástroj v budovaném inovačním centru společnosti k technologickým zkouškám, poloprovozním testům a vývoji nových komerčních aplikací. The aim of the study is to provide sufficient and specific information and documents on the selection and subsequent purchase of a laser source suitable accessories for it . The laser source will be used as a technological tool in building the company's innovation center for technological tests , pilot tests and develop new commercial applications . Keywords: laser welding; hardening; engraving; powder coating Available at various institutes of the ASCR
DEL a.s. – Využití laserové technologie

Cílem studie je poskytnout zadavateli dostatečné a konkrétní informace a podklady k výběru a následnému nákupu laserového zdroje a vhodného příslušenství k němu. Laserový zdroj bude využit jako ...

Flimelová, Miroslava; Bičišťová, Radka; Brajer, Jan
Fyzikální ústav, 2015

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Aero Engines, Ltd. – Feasibility test of short pulse laser drilling on metal alloy plate
Miura, Taisuke
2015 - English
We have constructed a laser drilling station for metal plates supplied by MHIAEL. We have succeeded to demonstrate the fast drilling on the metal plates within 0.1sec using our thin disk regenerative amplifier. This result leaded to the additional contract with the guest on February 2016. Keywords: short pulse laser; drilling; metal alloy Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Aero Engines, Ltd. – Feasibility test of short pulse laser drilling on metal alloy plate

We have constructed a laser drilling station for metal plates supplied by MHIAEL. We have succeeded to demonstrate the fast drilling on the metal plates within 0.1sec using our thin disk regenerative ...

Miura, Taisuke
Fyzikální ústav, 2015

Utsunomiya University – Prototyping of pump laser optics for compact thin disk head
Miura, Taisuke
2015 - English
We have constructed a compact thin disk head designed by HiLASE. We demonstrated the CW output from the thin disk head with the efficiency of higher than 30% and the good beam quality. This result leaded to the additional contract with Utsunomiya University on February 2016. Keywords: pump laser; optics; compact thin disk head Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Utsunomiya University – Prototyping of pump laser optics for compact thin disk head

We have constructed a compact thin disk head designed by HiLASE. We demonstrated the CW output from the thin disk head with the efficiency of higher than 30% and the good beam quality. This result ...

Miura, Taisuke
Fyzikální ústav, 2015

MEDICEM Institute, spol. s.r.o. - Technology to shape hydrogels by lasers
Rostohar, Danijela; Flimelová, Miroslava
2015 - English
We have prepared study with aim to propose a technology allowing to shape hydrogels by lasers and to describe a project (including timelines, milestones, team and budget) that would lead to the development of such technology, including supportive scientific, technical and theoretical information. Keywords: hydrogels; lasers; intraocular implants; intraocular lenses Available at various institutes of the ASCR
MEDICEM Institute, spol. s.r.o. - Technology to shape hydrogels by lasers

We have prepared study with aim to propose a technology allowing to shape hydrogels by lasers and to describe a project (including timelines, milestones, team and budget) that would lead to the ...

Rostohar, Danijela; Flimelová, Miroslava
Fyzikální ústav, 2015

Kopeček, Jaromír
2015 - English
Analsis of different samples of thermocouples before and after laser marking what is used to produce barcode close to spike of the probes. The aim is to investigate the influence of laser marking by detailed analysis of the material structure of the samples. Keywords: laser marking; thermocouple; analysis; inconel Available at various institutes of the ASCR

Analsis of different samples of thermocouples before and after laser marking what is used to produce barcode close to spike of the probes. The aim is to investigate the influence of laser marking by ...

Kopeček, Jaromír
Fyzikální ústav, 2015

Doped DLC coatings for biomedical applications
Písařík, Petr
2015 - English
Nowadays there are materials having excellent properties for use in medicine (Diamond-like carbon, Hydroxyapatite, …). Diamond-like carbon (DLC) is a metastable form of amorphous carbon containing bonded carbon atoms of sp2 and sp3 hybridized orbital. DLC layers are semiconductors with high mechanical hardness, chemical inertness, low coefficient of friction, high thermal conductivity, good electrical and optical properties, biocompatibility and no cytotoxicity. All properties of the films are not always ideal, so it is necessary to modify the layer. One example of how to modify the properties of thin layers are dopations. The incorporation of dopants in films may lead to greater multifunctionality and much improved properties. Most modifications were made to modify contact angle and surface energy, to reduce internal stresses, to decrease surface roughness, coefficient of friction or wear.... Keywords: silver doped; diamond like carbon; thin layers; mechanical properties Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Doped DLC coatings for biomedical applications

Nowadays there are materials having excellent properties for use in medicine (Diamond-like carbon, Hydroxyapatite, …). Diamond-like carbon (DLC) is a metastable form of amorphous carbon containing ...

Písařík, Petr
Fyzikální ústav, 2015

Initial study of structure of nanofiber textiles and the creation of its model
Havrlík, M.; Sveshnikov, Alexey
2015 - English
In this research, the structure of the fabrics was analyzed using an electron scanning microscope Tescan Maia 3. Two sets of the experiments have been carried out. In the first experiment the surface structure of the samples was studied. Photos created by SEM were analyzed using program Atlas and image editor GIMP. In this set of the experiments the initial parameters for the creation of a digital 2D model of a single layer have been determined (fiber size distribution, pore size and curvature of the fibers). In the second set of the experiments cross sections of nanofiber textiles were made in order to study the inner structure of the fabric. This information allows evaluation of the total number of 2D layers in the model and, thus, is very important for future creation of a 3D model of the fabric. Keywords: polymer; SEM photography Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Initial study of structure of nanofiber textiles and the creation of its model

In this research, the structure of the fabrics was analyzed using an electron scanning microscope Tescan Maia 3. Two sets of the experiments have been carried out. In the first experiment the surface ...

Havrlík, M.; Sveshnikov, Alexey
Fyzikální ústav, 2015

Nanomechanical testing of an a-C:N nanolayer prepared by ion beam assisted deposition on Ti.sub.6./sub.Al.sub.4./sub.V alloy
Vlčák, P.; Šepitka, J.; Horaždovský, T.; Jirka, Ivan; Gregora, Ivan; Němec, M.
2015 - English
We applied ion beam assisted deposition for preparing a-C:N nanolayers on Ti6Al4V alloy. A Hysitron TI 950 TriboIndenter (TM) nanomechanical test instrument was used to assess the depth profiles of the mechanical properties on modified titanium substrates. Two methods were employed : a) quasistatic partial unload, and b) dynamic Continuous Measurement of X (CMX). The average nanoindentation hardness increased from HIT similar to 5GPa for a reference sample to HIT similar to 8.6 GPa for a sample coated by an a-C nanolayer, and to HIT similar to 11.5 GPa for a sample coated by an a-C:N nanolayer. The average storage modulus of the sample coated by a-C:N increased from E' similar to 130 GPa (reference sample) to E' similar to 155 GPa. The storage modulus of the sample coated by the a-C nanolayer was less than the storage modulus of the titanium substrate. Keywords: carbon-based materials; hardness; ion beam assisted deposition; a-C:N nanolayer Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Nanomechanical testing of an a-C:N nanolayer prepared by ion beam assisted deposition on Ti.sub.6./sub.Al.sub.4./sub.V alloy

We applied ion beam assisted deposition for preparing a-C:N nanolayers on Ti6Al4V alloy. A Hysitron TI 950 TriboIndenter (TM) nanomechanical test instrument was used to assess the depth profiles of ...

Vlčák, P.; Šepitka, J.; Horaždovský, T.; Jirka, Ivan; Gregora, Ivan; Němec, M.
Fyzikální ústav, 2015

Computational study of cellular assembly on hydrophobic/hydrophilic micro-patterns
Ukraintsev, Egor; Brož, A.; Kalbáčová, M.H.; Kromka, Alexander; Rezek, Bohuslav
2015 - English
We develop simple onedimensional stochastic model of cell behavior on chemically patterned surfaces that is based on three key parameters: speed of cell movement (motility) across substrate, probability of cell adhesion to substrate, and probability of cell division on substrate when adhered on substrate. Amount of adhered cells on hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions is calculated as function of time (number of cycles up to 2000). The model is correlated with in-vitro data obtained within 48 h in real time. We show that this simple stochastic model with the three parameters (where cell motility is the most important one) can describe with high accuracy the experimental data and thereby explain the observed preferential cell assembly on hydrophilic/hydrophobic micro-patterns (up to 200 um width). Keywords: SAOS-2 cells; cell movement; adhesion; stochastic computer simulations Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Computational study of cellular assembly on hydrophobic/hydrophilic micro-patterns

We develop simple onedimensional stochastic model of cell behavior on chemically patterned surfaces that is based on three key parameters: speed of cell movement (motility) across substrate, ...

Ukraintsev, Egor; Brož, A.; Kalbáčová, M.H.; Kromka, Alexander; Rezek, Bohuslav
Fyzikální ústav, 2015

Hydrogen-terminated diamond surface as gas sensing layer working at room temperature
Davydova, Marina; Kulha, P.; Babchenko, Oleg; Kromka, Alexander
2015 - English
Effect of fluorine- and hydrogen-terminated diamond surface on the gas sensing properties at room temperature was investigated. The gas sensing properties diamond-based sensor were measured by the changes of electrical resistance to various volatile organic compounds (C6H6, C3H6O, isopropylalcohol) and relative humidity. The comparative sensing performance of hydrogenated diamond surface shows improvement in sensitivity toward benzene, acetone, isopropylalcohol and humid air in contrast to fluorinated diamond surface, where the surface conductivity was suppressed. Keywords: diamond; gas sensor; response; sensitivity Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Hydrogen-terminated diamond surface as gas sensing layer working at room temperature

Effect of fluorine- and hydrogen-terminated diamond surface on the gas sensing properties at room temperature was investigated. The gas sensing properties diamond-based sensor were measured by the ...

Davydova, Marina; Kulha, P.; Babchenko, Oleg; Kromka, Alexander
Fyzikální ústav, 2015

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