Number of found documents: 2750
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Significance of magnetizing voltage on barkhausen noise emission of hard milled surfaces
Neslušan, Miroslav; Hrabovský, Tomáš; Jančovič, Peter; Mičieta, Branislav
2015 - English
This paper deals with the non-destructive evaluation of surface made of hardened roll bearing steel after hard milling via Barkhausen noise technique. The paper discusses significance of magnetization voltage on Barkhausen noise (BN) emission and the corresponding BN features such as Peak Position, FWHM and the shape of BN envelope. BN emission is linked with variable flank wear of cutting tool. Effective value of BN, FWHM and Peak Position derived from the raw BN signal as well as BN envelopes are compared with metallographic observations and theoretical background about magnetic domains reconfiguration when the near surface undergoes severe plastic deformation at elevated temperatures. The results show that magnetization voltage takes significant role in magnitude of BN, shape of BN envelope as well as asymmetry of BN emission during cyclic magnetization. Keywords: Barkenhausenův hluk; obtížné obrábění; magnetizace napětí; Barkhausen noise; hard milling; magnetization voltage Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Significance of magnetizing voltage on barkhausen noise emission of hard milled surfaces

This paper deals with the non-destructive evaluation of surface made of hardened roll bearing steel after hard milling via Barkhausen noise technique. The paper discusses significance of magnetization ...

Neslušan, Miroslav; Hrabovský, Tomáš; Jančovič, Peter; Mičieta, Branislav
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

Determination of the optical 3D scanner capability of measuring a geometric characteristic
Vagovský, Juraj; Görög, Augustín; Buranský, Ivan
2015 - English
The measurement system analysis is a part of the quality assurance. In this field, the measuring device capability evaluation has an importance. Optical 3D scanner, as a noncontact device, is used for digitization and measuring. Aim of this paper is point to the possibility of measuring a small object, namely hard metal rod, using optical scanner. The issue was the evaluation of measuring capability of the GOM ATOS Triple Scan II optical 3D scanner when measuring the geometric characteristic of runout with using of various measuring volumes. Measuring of a small object is often difficult due to ensuring the measuring repeatability (precision) and high accuracy. Statistical method of repeatability of measurements was used for capability evaluation and for its expression in the form of capability indices. Based on the results it was able to confirm or refute the capability of this scanner to provide relevant data during measuring a small object. Keywords: měření; schopnost; opakovatelnost; přesnost; 3D skener; measurement; capability; repeatability; accuracy; 3D scanner Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Determination of the optical 3D scanner capability of measuring a geometric characteristic

The measurement system analysis is a part of the quality assurance. In this field, the measuring device capability evaluation has an importance. Optical 3D scanner, as a noncontact device, is used for ...

Vagovský, Juraj; Görög, Augustín; Buranský, Ivan
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

The features of teaching the course "technology" in the small rural school
Bulanova, N. D.
2015 - English
Article addresses the problem of organizing the learning process in rural small schools. The characteristic of the author's program co-education of boys and girls on the subject of "Technology". The features of the methodology of organization studies on specific topics. The analysis of the results of the use of the program in one of the small schools. Keywords: malé venkovské školy; učení; technologie; rural small schools; learning; technology Available in digital repository of ZČU.
The features of teaching the course "technology" in the small rural school

Article addresses the problem of organizing the learning process in rural small schools. The characteristic of the author's program co-education of boys and girls on the subject of "Technology". The ...

Bulanova, N. D.
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

How is the Pavloposadsky shawl made?
Kochemazova, Oksana
2015 - English
This article tells us about the technology of production of pavloposadsky shawls and their place in the modern world of fashion. Keywords: Pavlovoposadský šál; ruské lidové umění; móda; Pavloposadsky shawl; russian folk art; fashion Available in digital repository of ZČU.
How is the Pavloposadsky shawl made?

This article tells us about the technology of production of pavloposadsky shawls and their place in the modern world of fashion.

Kochemazova, Oksana
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

The role of decorative and applied art in the personal development in the process of learning technology
Kozina, Katerina
2015 - English
The article presents Master Diploma on the problem of students personal development by means of decorative and applied art at the lessons of Technology in the school №9, the city of Vladimir, Russia. Keywords: dekorační a užité umění; interiér; malba; produkt; decorative and applied art; interior; painting; product Available in digital repository of ZČU.
The role of decorative and applied art in the personal development in the process of learning technology

The article presents Master Diploma on the problem of students personal development by means of decorative and applied art at the lessons of Technology in the school №9, the city of Vladimir, Russia.

Kozina, Katerina
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

The upgrading of application conditions for using it in the project activity in schoolchildren´s technical preparation
Poddymkina, A. A.
2015 - English
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the usage of the method of projects at Technology classes at school and for out-of-class activities. The author shows how the specially made programme for more efficient usage of the method of projects and for students’ achievements of personal and interdisciplinary results at different stages of learning. Keywords: projekt; didaktická pomůcka; efektivita výuky; project; didactic tool; effectiveness of teaching Available in digital repository of ZČU.
The upgrading of application conditions for using it in the project activity in schoolchildren´s technical preparation

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the usage of the method of projects at Technology classes at school and for out-of-class activities. The author shows how the specially made programme ...

Poddymkina, A. A.
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

3D-printers in education
Soldatov, Alexander
2015 - English
3D - technology are booming at the present stage of human development. 3D-printers can print on a new three-dimensional level. All these technologies help to improve modern technology lessons. Keywords: vyšší odborné vzdělávání; moderní informační technologie; věda a technologie; technologie budoucnosti; 3D tiskárna; high vocational education; modern information technologies; science and technology; technologies of the future; 3D printer Available in digital repository of ZČU.
3D-printers in education

3D - technology are booming at the present stage of human development. 3D-printers can print on a new three-dimensional level. All these technologies help to improve modern technology lessons.

Soldatov, Alexander
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

The tribological behaviour of process fluids using different friction pairs
Bakalova, Totka; Voleský, Lukáš; Louda, Petr
2015 - English
Tribology includes the processes of interaction at the interface between solid, fluid and gaseous bodies. The task of tribology is to ensure that relative movement of the two surfaces was carried out with the minimum loss of energy and materials. These factors define the tribological properties of the newly created functional surface with the use of lubricants. Tribological properties mainly describes the coefficient of friction and wear, which depends on the type of friction and mechanism of wear. During the examination of the effects and impacts of friction we look at the system consisting of two bodies, their contact surfaces and a material that is between them and close surroundings, such as the tribological system. Friction has a significant influence on the technological properties of process fluids and can lead to a reduction of lifetime and it can also change the functional properties. Lifetime of lubricating and cooling process fluids is one of the fundamental aspects that determine the quality of the fluid and its also affects the process and economic expensiveness. Keywords: tribologie; tření; procesní kapaliny; koeficient tření; tribology; friction; process fluids; coefficient of friction Available in digital repository of ZČU.
The tribological behaviour of process fluids using different friction pairs

Tribology includes the processes of interaction at the interface between solid, fluid and gaseous bodies. The task of tribology is to ensure that relative movement of the two surfaces was carried out ...

Bakalova, Totka; Voleský, Lukáš; Louda, Petr
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

Water is life. Problems of water supply
Lavrenteva, Anastasia
2015 - English
The article presents a research on the problems of water supply. Keywords: zdroj vody; ekologické problémy; water supply; ecological problems Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Water is life. Problems of water supply

The article presents a research on the problems of water supply.

Lavrenteva, Anastasia
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

Micromachining with usage of LASER
Čermák, Adam; Stankevič, Valdemar; Kožmín, Pavel; Šrachta, Petr
2015 - English
This article combines basic information of laser problems and options of laser process controlling during microm-achining. Possibilities of process controlling from view of laser source are characterized. The interaction of laser beam with workpiece (absorption and laser pulse length) is briefly defined. Next chapters deal with laser setting, which is divided into movement controlling of laser beam and laser beam setting from view of process parameters. Other part of the article compares advantages and disadvantages of micromilling and laser micromachining, where the similar attributes are confronted. The end of this article is dedicated to summarization of problems, which occur during laser micromachining, conclusion and possible recommendations eliminating mentioned prob-lems. Keywords: laserové mikroobrábění; zpracování; nastavení laseru; HAZ; laser micromachining; processing; laser setting; HAZ Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Micromachining with usage of LASER

This article combines basic information of laser problems and options of laser process controlling during microm-achining. Possibilities of process controlling from view of laser source are ...

Čermák, Adam; Stankevič, Valdemar; Kožmín, Pavel; Šrachta, Petr
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015

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