Number of found documents: 509
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European countgryside and its perception
Zapletalová, Jana; Vaishar, Antonín; Šťastná, M.
2016 - English
Rural area was traditionally connected with agriculture. To compare with urban, rural areas were considered to be backward, retarded, not worthy of an intensive research. But \nthe situation has changed in the last time. Although cities are still centres of development in the globalization process, people in Europe leave them as a result of the \ntrends of suburbanization and counter - urbanization. We intend to pay our attention on transformation processes of the European countryside. We can focus on more processes occurring there: transformation from productive to non-productive, from central planned to the market oriented countryside, from the mono-functional to the multifunctional, from the national to \nEuropean and globalized. The urbanisation process shows more faces in European countryside. Such a transformation generates many impacts on natural, economic and social \nprocesses occurring in present European countryside. Keywords: European countryside; Europe; rural settlement; countryside Available in digital repository of the ASCR
European countgryside and its perception

Rural area was traditionally connected with agriculture. To compare with urban, rural areas were considered to be backward, retarded, not worthy of an intensive research. But ...

Zapletalová, Jana; Vaishar, Antonín; Šťastná, M.
Ústav geoniky, 2016

Book of abstracts. International symposium on experimental methods and numerical simulation in engineering sciences 2016
Kytýř, Daniel; Zlámal, Petr; Jiroušek, O.
2016 - English
The International Symposium on Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences continues the tradition of the Czech-German bilateral symposium founded by prof. Karl-Hans Laermann and prof. Stanislav Holý in 1985. In the following years, the symposium was extensively developed by prof. Josef Jíra. The symposium shall bring together mainly young scientists who are actively involved in experimental solid mechanics, theoretically and practically, in order to exchange experience, to report on the present state-of-art as well as on running research projects, to discuss due questions and problems and to promote the co-operation between individuals as well as between institutions. Therefore in the symposium discussions will play a highly significant role. Keywords: mechanics; numerical models; experimental methods Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Book of abstracts. International symposium on experimental methods and numerical simulation in engineering sciences 2016

The International Symposium on Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences continues the tradition of the Czech-German bilateral symposium founded by prof. Karl-Hans Laermann ...

Kytýř, Daniel; Zlámal, Petr; Jiroušek, O.
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2016

Sborník příspěvků multioborové konference LASER56
Růžička, Bohdan
2016 - Czech
Konference LASER 56 je mezioborová a intersektorová akce, na které se mohou potkat profesionálové z různých oborů. Společným jmenovatelem jsou lasery, optika a jejich aplikace. Účastníci pocházejí z různých prostředí (soukromé společnosti, vysoké školy, veřejné výzkumné organizace atd.).\n\n Conference LASER56 is a multidisciplinary and intersectoral event where different kind of specialist can meet each other. They come from various environments (private company, university, public research organization etc.). Their common denominators are laser, optics and its applications.\n\n Keywords: laser; laser technology; optics; optical; fiber Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Sborník příspěvků multioborové konference LASER56

Konference LASER 56 je mezioborová a intersektorová akce, na které se mohou potkat profesionálové z různých oborů. Společným jmenovatelem jsou lasery, optika a jejich aplikace. Účastníci pocházejí z ...

Růžička, Bohdan
Ústav přístrojové techniky, 2016

Book of Abstracts of the 26th Joint Seminar Development of Materials Science in Research and Education
Kožíšek, Zdeněk; Král, Robert; Zemenová, Petra
2016 - English
Topics:\n- Trends in development of materials research\n- Education of materials science at the universities\n- Information about the research programmes of individual institutions\n- Information on equipment for preparation and characterisation of materials\n- Results of materials science research Keywords: material sciences Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Book of Abstracts of the 26th Joint Seminar Development of Materials Science in Research and Education

Topics:\n- Trends in development of materials research\n- Education of materials science at the universities\n- Information about the research programmes of individual institutions\n- Information on ...

Kožíšek, Zdeněk; Král, Robert; Zemenová, Petra
Fyzikální ústav, 2016

ENGINEERING MECHANICS 2016 - Book of full texts
Zolotarev, Igor; Radolf, Vojtěch
2016 - English
The 22nd International Conference EM2016 aims to provide a forum for researchers, industry practitioners, engineers and postgraduate scholars to promote exchange and disseminate knowledge and experiences of the most recent results and advances in a wide range of topics in Engineering Mechanics, including, but not limited to: Biomechanics, Dynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Fracture Mechanics, Kinematics, Mechanics of Solids, Mechatronics, Reliability of Structures and Thermomechanics. Keywords: engineering mechanics; dynamics; mechanics of solids Available at various institutes of the ASCR
ENGINEERING MECHANICS 2016 - Book of full texts

The 22nd International Conference EM2016 aims to provide a forum for researchers, industry practitioners, engineers and postgraduate scholars to promote exchange and disseminate knowledge and ...

Zolotarev, Igor; Radolf, Vojtěch
Ústav termomechaniky, 2016

Proceedings of the 15th International Seminar on Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation
Mika, Filip
2016 - English
The origins of the seminar “Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation” date back into the eighties, when as a part of the isolated “Eastern Bloc”, we were short of English-language books, papers and conferences. In 1990, at the second Seminar, there were as many as 30 participants from 5 countries. The third Seminar in 1992 was moved to hotel Skalský dvur in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands where it has been held as a biannual meeting ever since.\nThe Seminar takes place in a secluded lakeside hotel surrounded by beautiful nature and calm forests, so all participants have a great possibility to see each other every day and to discuss their topics of interest in more detail. This is a great advantage compared to the huge bustling conferences with their many parallel sections, which are a lively celebration of science but\nsometimes it is difficult to meet there the person with whom you want to discuss a particular scientific topic in more detail.\nFrom the very beginning, the Seminar has been conceived as a meeting devoted more to asking questions not answered yet, than to reporting results. This spirit is usually less present in the introductory presentations and posters but is dominant in the following discussions.\n Keywords: electron microscopy Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Proceedings of the 15th International Seminar on Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation

The origins of the seminar “Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation” date back into the eighties, when as a part of the isolated “Eastern Bloc”, we were short of ...

Mika, Filip
Ústav přístrojové techniky, 2016

Sborník příspěvků multioborové konference LASER56
Růžička, Bohdan
2016 - Czech
Konference LASER 56 je mezioborová a intersektorová akce, na které se mohou potkat profesionálové z různých oborů. Společným jmenovatelem jsou lasery, optika a jejich aplikace. Účastníci pocházejí z různých prostředí (soukromé společnosti, vysoké školy, veřejné výzkumné organizace atd.).\n\n Conference LASER56 is a multidisciplinary and intersectoral event where different kind of specialist can meet each other. They come from various environments (private company, university, public research organization etc.). Their common denominators are laser, optics and its applications.\n\n Keywords: laser; laser technology; optics; optical; fiber Fulltext is available at external website.
Sborník příspěvků multioborové konference LASER56

Konference LASER 56 je mezioborová a intersektorová akce, na které se mohou potkat profesionálové z různých oborů. Společným jmenovatelem jsou lasery, optika a jejich aplikace. Účastníci pocházejí z ...

Růžička, Bohdan
Ústav přístrojové techniky, 2016

Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2015
Šimurda, David; Bodnár, Tomáš
2015 - English
The aim of the conference is to publish and to discuss the latest results of research in fluid mechanics. Keywords: experimental fluid mechanics; mathematical modelling; atmospheric boundary layer; turbulence; multiphase flow; magnetohydrodynamics Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2015

The aim of the conference is to publish and to discuss the latest results of research in fluid mechanics.

Šimurda, David; Bodnár, Tomáš
Ústav termomechaniky, 2015

Geologie uhelných pánví - česko - polská konference /10
Ruppenthalová, Lucie
2015 - Czech
Oddělení laboratorního výzkumu geomateriálů Ústavu geoniky AV ČR pořádá Česko - polskou konferenci o geologii uhelných pánví od roku 1993. Letos se konala 10. jubilejní konference. Tradičně se jedná o setkání odborníků zejména z České republiky a Polska, kteří se zabývají vývojem a výzkumem uhelných ložisek, geologií uhelných pánví, tektonikou a uhelnou petrografií. S novými trendy ve využívání uhlí, jsou také prezentovány výsledky výzkumu v oblasti fyzikálních a chemických vlastností uhlí a uhelné hmoty, pyrolýzy a spalovacích procesů nebo sekvestrace CO2 do uhelných slojí. Department of Laboratory Research on Geomaterials of the Institute of Geonics AS CR has organized the Czech - Polish conference about geology of coal basins since 1993. This year the 10th jubilee of conference is held. Traditionally, at the conference meet experts especially from the Czech Republic and Poland, dealing with the development and research of coal deposits, geology of the coal basins, tectonics and coal petrography. However, with new trends in the use of coal, there are also presented the results of research in physical and chemical properties of coal and coal mass, pyrolysis and combustion processes or geosequestration of CO2 into coal seams. Keywords: geology; mineralogy; coal basins Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Geologie uhelných pánví - česko - polská konference /10

Oddělení laboratorního výzkumu geomateriálů Ústavu geoniky AV ČR pořádá Česko - polskou konferenci o geologii uhelných pánví od roku 1993. Letos se konala 10. jubilejní konference. Tradičně se jedná o ...

Ruppenthalová, Lucie
Ústav geoniky, 2015

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 17 : Dolní Maxov, June 8-13, 2014 : Proceedings of Seminar
Chleboun, J.; Přikryl, Petr; Segeth, Karel; Šístek, Jakub; Vejchodský, Tomáš
2015 - English
This volume comprises peer-reviewed papers that are based on invited lectures, survey lectures, short communications, and posters presented at the 17th seminar Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics (PANM) held in Dolní Maxov, Czech Republic, June 8–13, 2014. The seminar was organized by the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. It continued the previous seminars on mathematical software and numerical methods held (with only one exception) biannually in\nAlšovice, Bratříkov, Janov nad Nisou, Kořenov, Lázně Libverda, Dolní Maxov, and Prague in the period 1983–2012. The objective of this series of seminars is to provide a forum for presenting and discussing advanced topics in numerical analysis, singleor multi-processor applications of computational methods, and new approaches to mathematical modeling. Keywords: numerical mathematics Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 17 : Dolní Maxov, June 8-13, 2014 : Proceedings of Seminar

This volume comprises peer-reviewed papers that are based on invited lectures, survey lectures, short communications, and posters presented at the 17th seminar Programs and Algorithms of Numerical ...

Chleboun, J.; Přikryl, Petr; Segeth, Karel; Šístek, Jakub; Vejchodský, Tomáš
Matematický ústav, 2015

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