Number of found documents: 958
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Dynamics of a cantilever beam with piezoelectric sensor: Experimental study
Kolman, Radek; Kylar, Jaromír; Kotek, Vojtěch; Cimrman, Robert; Musil, Ladislav
2023 - English
Online and real-time sensing and monitoring of the health state of complex structures, such as air-craft and critical parts of power stations, is an essential part of the research in dynamics. Several types of sensors are used for sensing dynamic responses and monitoring response changes during the operation of critical parts of complex systems. The piezoelectric (PZ) materials belong to one group of electroactive materials, which transform mechanical deformation into an electrical response. For example, PZ ceramics or PVDF foils are employed for online sensing of the time history of mechanical deformation. Experimentally obtained response of a cantilever beam structure with a glued PZ sensor is the case of interest in this contribution. During the transient problem of the beam loaded by suddenly interrupted load due to the weight of a mass at the end of the beam, the time history of normal velocity at a point on the beam surface has been measured by a laser vibrometer and parallely, the output voltage on the PZ sensor has been measured by an electric device. The experimental data in the case of the first eigen-frequency is in good agreement with the value given by the formulae from the theoretical modeling of free vibration of a linear beam. Keywords: dynamics of beam-like structure; piezo-electric material; sensing of dynamic response; structural Health Monitoring; laser vibrometer measurement Fulltext is available at external website.
Dynamics of a cantilever beam with piezoelectric sensor: Experimental study

Online and real-time sensing and monitoring of the health state of complex structures, such as air-craft and critical parts of power stations, is an essential part of the research in dynamics. Several ...

Kolman, Radek; Kylar, Jaromír; Kotek, Vojtěch; Cimrman, Robert; Musil, Ladislav
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

On a stepladder model walking (with and without a decorator)
Polach, P.; Prokýšek, R.; Papáček, Štěpán
2023 - English
This work is related to our previous studies on underactuated biped robot models and has been motivated by the need to implement the previously developed sensor and control algorithms for the real-time movement of the laboratory walking robot, designed and built at the Department of Control Theory of the Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the Czech Academy of Sciences [1, 6, 7]. Underactuated biped robots with an upper body form a subclass of legged robots, see, e.g., [4] for a review on the control of underactuated mechanical systems and [2] for a study of an asymptotically stable walking for biped robots. It is obvious that in general, the walking control of underactuated walking robots is a more challenging problem than walking control of fully actuated walking robots. As follows, we examine the well-known mechanical system of the stepladder model with and without a decorator, whose role is substituted by an external inertial force according to the D’Alembert principle. It is well known, that stepladder walking is possible due to the periodic movement (pendulating) of an operator – decorator1 The rigorous dynamical analysis of stable cyclic walking of a class of stepladder models is presented in the next section. Keywords: Underactuated biped robot models; Control algorithms; Legged robots Fulltext is available at external website.
On a stepladder model walking (with and without a decorator)

This work is related to our previous studies on underactuated biped robot models and has been motivated by the need to implement the previously developed sensor and control algorithms for the ...

Polach, P.; Prokýšek, R.; Papáček, Štěpán
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2023

Hidden symmetry in turbulence and analytic study of shell models
Caggio, Matteo
2023 - English
This short communication concerns symmetries in developed turbulence and analytic study of shell models. However scale-invariance is broken due to the intermittency phenomenon, is possible to established a hidden self-similarity in turbulent flows. Using a shell model, the author in [18] (see also [19]) addressed the problem deriving a scaling symmetry for the inviscid equations. Here, first we discuss the analysis presented in [18], then, from the mathematical perspective, we propose an analytic study for the shell model with the presence of the viscous terms. This brief paper should be understood as an introductory note to this new scaling symmetry with implications for mathematical analysis [5]. Keywords: turbulence; scale-invariance symmetry; intermittency; shell-models Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Hidden symmetry in turbulence and analytic study of shell models

This short communication concerns symmetries in developed turbulence and analytic study of shell models. However scale-invariance is broken due to the intermittency phenomenon, is possible to ...

Caggio, Matteo
Matematický ústav, 2023

Calibrated finite volume method-based simulation framework for laser shock peening
Isoz, Martin; Gruber, Pavel; Schmidt, Jaroslav; Kubíčková, Lucie; Štefan, Jan; Kaufman, Jan; Brajer, Jan; Gabriel, Dušan
2023 - English
Modern and highly competitive industry seeks components with high strength and fatigue resistance. Both of these properties may be improved by peening of the component surface and the standard peening processes, such as the shot peening, are widely used in both automotive and aerospace industries. The laser shock\npeening (LSP), i.e. hardening of the material surface by a laser-induced shock wave, is a modern alternative to the standard peening. Concurrently, the industrial applications of LSP are promoted by recently emerged affordable high power-density lasers. However, the nascent LSP applications are still mostly a trial-and-error\nprocesses based on an extensive experimental testing. Consequently, we focused on a highly application-driven development of a framework for LSP modeling, and the internal workings and results of which are the focus of the present contribution. Keywords: laser shock peening; modeling; finite volume method; OpenFOAM Fulltext is available at external website.
Calibrated finite volume method-based simulation framework for laser shock peening

Modern and highly competitive industry seeks components with high strength and fatigue resistance. Both of these properties may be improved by peening of the component surface and the standard peening ...

Isoz, Martin; Gruber, Pavel; Schmidt, Jaroslav; Kubíčková, Lucie; Štefan, Jan; Kaufman, Jan; Brajer, Jan; Gabriel, Dušan
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Average Reward Optimality in Semi-Markov Decision Processes with Costly Interventions
Sladký, Karel
2023 - English
In this note we consider semi-Markov reward decision processes evolving on finite state spaces. We focus attention on average reward models, i.e. we establish explicit formulas for the growth rate of the total expected reward. In contrast to the standard models we assume that the decision maker can also change the running process by some (costly) intervention. Recall that the result for optimality criteria for the classical Markov decision chains in discrete and continuous time setting turn out to be a very specific case of the considered model. The aim is to formulate optimality conditions for semi-Markov models with interventions and present algorithmical procedures for finding optimal solutions. Keywords: controlled semi-Markov reward processes; long-run optimality; intervention of the decision maker Fulltext is available at external website.
Average Reward Optimality in Semi-Markov Decision Processes with Costly Interventions

In this note we consider semi-Markov reward decision processes evolving on finite state spaces. We focus attention on average reward models, i.e. we establish explicit formulas for the growth rate of ...

Sladký, Karel
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2023

Permutation Flip Processes
Hladký, Jan; Řada, Hanka
2023 - English
We introduce a broad class of stochastic processes on permutations which we call flip processes. A single step in these processes is given by a local change on a randomly chosen fixed-sized tuple of the domain. We use the theory of permutons to describe the typical evolution of any such flip process started from any initial permutation. More specifically, we construct trajectories in the space of permutons with the property that if a finite permutation is close to a permuton then for any time it stays with high probability is close to this predicted trajectory. This view allows to study various questions inspired by dynamical systems. Keywords: permutation; permuton; sorting dynamics; flip process Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Permutation Flip Processes

We introduce a broad class of stochastic processes on permutations which we call flip processes. A single step in these processes is given by a local change on a randomly chosen fixed-sized tuple of ...

Hladký, Jan; Řada, Hanka
Ústav informatiky, 2023

Mixing characteristics of a magnetically driven Rushton turbine in an unbaffled stirred tank reactor
Idžakovičová, Kristýna; Haidl, J.; Gebouský, O.; Isoz, Martin
2023 - English
The standard and well-researched stirred vessel configuration comprises a tank equipped with one or more impellers positioned in the vessel’s axis and multiple wall-mounted baffles preventing the central vortex creation. However, particular industries, such as biotechnology, have an increased need for a sterile environment that often results in the usage of atypical stirred vessel configurations. An example of a commonly equipped atypical stirred vessel is an unbaffled stirred tank with an eccentric magnetically driven impeller. However, there is only a little knowledge about the mixing characteristics of such designs. In this work, we list experimental results for both the standard and atypical stirred vessel configurations. Furthermore, we present a CFD model of the atypical configuration. The model is used to calculate its mixing characteristics that are subsequently compared against our experimental results. It is shown that for the liquid height (H) to the vessel diameter (T) ratio H/T ≲ 1.2, the characteristics of both the standard and atypical designs coincide. For higher liquid heights (i) the characteristics of the atypical design decrease dramatically, and (ii) the characteristics estimates based on approaches developed for the standard configuration become unreliable. Keywords: stirred vessel; eccentric impeller; unbaffled tank; CFD; OpenFOAM; experiment Fulltext is available at external website.
Mixing characteristics of a magnetically driven Rushton turbine in an unbaffled stirred tank reactor

The standard and well-researched stirred vessel configuration comprises a tank equipped with one or more impellers positioned in the vessel’s axis and multiple wall-mounted baffles preventing the ...

Idžakovičová, Kristýna; Haidl, J.; Gebouský, O.; Isoz, Martin
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Modeling the spread of loanwords in South-East Asia using sailing navigation software and Bayesian networks
Kratochvíl, F.; Kratochvíl, Václav; Saad, G.; Vomlel, Jiří
2022 - English
A loanword is a word permanently adopted from one language and incorporated into another language without translation. In this paper, we study loanwords in the South-East Asia Archipelago, home to a large number of languages. Our paper is inspired by the works of Hoffmann et al. (2021) Bayesian methods are applied to probabilistic modeling of family trees representing the history of language families and by Haynie et al. (2014) modeling the diffusion of a special class of loanwords, so-called Wanderw ̈orter in languages of Australia, North America, and South America. We assume that in the South-East Asia Archipelago Wanderwörter spread along specific maritime trade routes whose geographical characteristics can help unravel the history of Wanderwörter diffusion in the area. For millennia trade was conducted using sailing ships which were constrained by the monsoon system and in certain areas also by strong sea currents. Therefore rather than the geographical distances, the travel times of sailing ships should be considered as a major factor determining the intensity of contact among cultures. We use sailing navigation software to estimate travel times between different ports and show that the estimated travel times correspond well to the travel times of a Chinese map of the sea trade routes from the early seventeenth century. We model the spread of loanwords using a probabilistic graphical model - a Bayesian network. We design a novel heuristic Bayesian network structure learning algorithm that learns the structure as a union of spanning trees for graphs of all loanwords in the training dataset. We compare this algorithm with BIC optimal Bayesian networks by measuring how well these models predict the true presence/absence of a loanword. Interestingly, Bayesian networks learned by our heuristic spanning tree-based algorithm provide better results than the BIC optimal Bayesian networks. Keywords: loanwords; Bayesian methods; probabilistic graphical model Fulltext is available at external website.
Modeling the spread of loanwords in South-East Asia using sailing navigation software and Bayesian networks

A loanword is a word permanently adopted from one language and incorporated into another language without translation. In this paper, we study loanwords in the South-East Asia Archipelago, home to a ...

Kratochvíl, F.; Kratochvíl, Václav; Saad, G.; Vomlel, Jiří
Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, 2022

Innovative device for the simulation of environmental conditions and testing of building materials
Cacciotti, Riccardo; Wolf, Benjamin; Macháček, Michael; Frankl, Jiří
2022 - English
Excessive humidity influences the performance of building envelopes and the safety of their occupants. Moisture related problems can indeed impose significant health risks for buildings’ users and even lead, under extreme scenarios, to structural failures. This paper investigates an innovative experimental setup for evaluating the influence of changing environmental conditions on the performance of building materials. It stems out from a broader ongoing research aimed at studying the trends of mould growth on wooden building components. The presented results include the design, construction and numerical validation of a small-scale climatic wind tunnel (2m x 1.8m ca.) to be used for the simulation of natural ventilation and daily humidity and temperature fluctuations. Key findings include the final design of a low cost, modular construction which allows gathering reliable data on the response of building materials exposed to changing boundary conditions, intended for improving current mould growth models. Future work is also suggested. Keywords: building envelope; moisture; building material; wind tunnel; performance Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Innovative device for the simulation of environmental conditions and testing of building materials

Excessive humidity influences the performance of building envelopes and the safety of their occupants. Moisture related problems can indeed impose significant health risks for buildings’ users and ...

Cacciotti, Riccardo; Wolf, Benjamin; Macháček, Michael; Frankl, Jiří
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2022

Application of first integrals in the construction of the Lyapunov function for the random response stability testing
Náprstek, Jiří; Fischer, Cyril
2022 - English
The paper deals with a possibility of using the properties of first integrals for the construction of Lyapunov function for the analysis of a dynamic system stability in the stochastic domain. It points out certain characteristics of first integrals resulting in the necessity to introduce additional constraints to assure the principal properties of the Lyapunov function. A number of these constraints has their physical interpretation with reference to system stability. The advantage of this method constructing the Lyapunov function consists in the fact that the Lyapunov function itself contains information on the examined system and, consequently, it is not merely a positive definite function without any relation to the actual case concerned. The presented theory finds application in many dynamical systems. The procedure is illustrated by a nonlinear SDOF example. Keywords: stochastic stability; Lyapunov function; first integrals; cyclic coordinates Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Application of first integrals in the construction of the Lyapunov function for the random response stability testing

The paper deals with a possibility of using the properties of first integrals for the construction of Lyapunov function for the analysis of a dynamic system stability in the stochastic domain. It ...

Náprstek, Jiří; Fischer, Cyril
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2022

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