Number of found documents: 1309

Micro Hydro Power Plant
Rusnák, František
This paper deals with realization of functional model of control unit for micro hydropower plant. Main task of this work is realization rectifier with active power factor correction,which is used instead of commonly used frequency converter. Control unit is designed for asynchronousmotor in generator operation with self-excitation. The propeller turbine is used as propulsion.To convert rectified voltage from PFC rectifier to mains will be used solar inverter. Keywords: Hydroelectric power; Propeller turbine; Power Factor Correction; PFC; CCM; SolarInverter Available in a digital repository NRGL
Micro Hydro Power Plant

This paper deals with realization of functional model of control unit for micro hydropower plant. Main task of this work is realization rectifier with active power factor correction,which is used ...

Rusnák, František
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Multiple Instance Learning Framework Used For Ecg Premature Contraction Localization
Novotna, Petra
We propose the model combining convolutional neural network with multiple instancelearning in order to localize the premature atrial contraction and premature ventricular contraction.The model is based on ResNet architecture modified for 1D signal processing. Model was trainedon China Physiological Signal Challenge 2018 database extended by manually labeled ground truthpositions of premature complexes. The presented method did not reach satisfying results in PAClocalization (with dice = 0.127 for avg-pooling implementation). On the other hand, results of localizationof PVCs were comparable with other published studies (with dice = 0.952 for avg-poolingimplementation). Keywords: EEICT; ECG; PAC; PVC; CNN; MIL; arrhytmia; localization Available in a digital repository NRGL
Multiple Instance Learning Framework Used For Ecg Premature Contraction Localization

We propose the model combining convolutional neural network with multiple instancelearning in order to localize the premature atrial contraction and premature ventricular contraction.The model is ...

Novotna, Petra
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Analysis And Detection Of Slowcomm And Slownext Dos Attacks
Sikora, Marek
This paper describes the proposal of Slowcomm and Slow Next attack models and theirimplementation. The attack generator is used to discover the vulnerabilities of several Internet servicesin an experimental network. Based on the described characteristics of attacks, these attacks’detection methods are investigated and implemented as an intrusion detection system (IDS). Keywords: Slow DoS attacks; Slowcomm; Slow Next; attack generator; IDS; intrusion detectionsystem; detection signatures Available in a digital repository NRGL
Analysis And Detection Of Slowcomm And Slownext Dos Attacks

This paper describes the proposal of Slowcomm and Slow Next attack models and theirimplementation. The attack generator is used to discover the vulnerabilities of several Internet servicesin an ...

Sikora, Marek
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Review Comparison And Analysis Of Pox And Ryu Controller Sdn
Murtadha, Shujairi
SDN it is a technology that changed the concept of Conventional Networks by making allcontrol functions in one central place and centralized decision-making. The Control Plane is an essentialand important part of the SDN architecture, as well as working on Controllers, knowing theirtypes, and comparing them in terms of performance and efficiency. this paper deals with the performancecomparison of two Controllers POX and RYU. Keywords: SDN; POX; RYU Available in a digital repository NRGL
Review Comparison And Analysis Of Pox And Ryu Controller Sdn

SDN it is a technology that changed the concept of Conventional Networks by making allcontrol functions in one central place and centralized decision-making. The Control Plane is an essentialand ...

Murtadha, Shujairi
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Impact Of Active Scanning On The Industrial Control Networks
Pospíšil, Ondřej
This article deals with the impact of active scanning on industrial networks. The impacton industrial networks is commented from the perspective of the penetration tester methodology.This topic is important because active scan tools are affordable and easy to use, and their intrusiveimpact on industrial devices can be critical. The article’s main goal was to evaluate the impact on theindustrial network from the penetration tester point of view using the most popular tools for activenetwork scanning. In order to demonstrate and evaluate the results, an industrial testbed based on realindustrial hardware was built for the article. The article also demonstrated how to use the informationobtained by scanning for a Denial of Service attack. Keywords: ICS; scanning; Nmap; Zmap; PLC; DoS; HMI Available in a digital repository NRGL
Impact Of Active Scanning On The Industrial Control Networks

This article deals with the impact of active scanning on industrial networks. The impacton industrial networks is commented from the perspective of the penetration tester methodology.This topic is ...

Pospíšil, Ondřej
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

A Unity Based Industrial Process Simulation Controlled Via Virtual Plc
Michalík, David
This paper describes the development of an industrial process simulation application thatis used for educational purposes. It is based on the Unity game engine and Game4Automation plugin,which offers a base framework and assets to establish the industrial process in a virtual environment.The application is then connected via Modbus TCP to a project created in the CODESYS programmingenvironment, which is also responsible for the simulation of a control system - PLC. Keywords: unity; game engine; industrial process simulation; virtual plc; education methods Available in a digital repository NRGL
A Unity Based Industrial Process Simulation Controlled Via Virtual Plc

This paper describes the development of an industrial process simulation application thatis used for educational purposes. It is based on the Unity game engine and Game4Automation plugin,which offers ...

Michalík, David
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

The Colour Sensor for Regulation of Tunable White Luminaires
Paus, Anton; Hronec, Pavol
The quality of light is very important factor for human well-being. Except of the light intensity also the correlated colour temperature (CCT) of light is important parameter that influences the mood of people and their performance. The possibility of changing CCT of white light has gradually become a standard part of higher-class lighting installation. The manufacturers have developed various methods of Tunable white control – manual, remote-controlled or controlled via standard wired protocols such as DALI. The more complex control devices even offer possibility of dynamic CCT changing throughout the day according to the circadian cycle (according to the changes in CCT of sunlight). Nevertheless how complex the algorithm of CCT setting is, it can never dynamically react to the changes of ambient light condition unless there is a sensor for feedback measurement. The advantages of automated light intensity control using ambient light sensor are well-known. The aim of this paper is to describe an application of general purpose colour sensor as the feedback element for the regulation of Tunable white luminaires. Firstly, the theoretical basis of CCT measurement is described. Subsequently the paper presents the results of several measurements and case studies. Finally, the last part of the paper is dedicated to the concept of colour sensor that is powered directly from the light it is measuring using energy harvesting methods. Keywords: Tunable white; colour sensing; regulation; DALI. Available in a digital repository NRGL
The Colour Sensor for Regulation of Tunable White Luminaires

The quality of light is very important factor for human well-being. Except of the light intensity also the correlated colour temperature (CCT) of light is important parameter that influences the mood ...

Paus, Anton; Hronec, Pavol
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Comparison of Spectral Power Distribution of Various Light Sources in Correlation to Human Circadian System
Parma, Mikuláš; Baxant, Petr; Škoda, Jan
Non-visual effect of light to human beings are still intensively researched in these days. This paper is focused on investigation of spectral power distribution (SPD) of various light sources in correlation to human circadian system. They were chosen light sources suitable for residential lighting including modern light emitting diodes (LED) with different correlated colour temperatures (CCT), which was normalized to same luminous flux value so that comparison would be reliable. It is known that non-visual photoreceptors via melanopsin photoreceptors (intrinsic photosensitive Retinal Ganglion Cells-ipRGCs), which are co-responsible for synchronization of circadian rhythm, requires blue spectral components in the light with a maximum spectral sensitivity around 460 – 480 nm, therefore this spectral region was studied in details. Keywords: Spectral power distribution (SPD); correlated colour temperature (CCT); human circadian system; light emitting diode (LED) Available in a digital repository NRGL
Comparison of Spectral Power Distribution of Various Light Sources in Correlation to Human Circadian System

Non-visual effect of light to human beings are still intensively researched in these days. This paper is focused on investigation of spectral power distribution (SPD) of various light sources in ...

Parma, Mikuláš; Baxant, Petr; Škoda, Jan
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Design and Simulation of Three Phase Shunt Active Power Filter to Eliminate Harmonics of LED Lighting Loads
Tirmikçi, Ceyda Aksoy; Yavuz, Cenk
Non-linear loads are an important fraction of loads in most commercial buildings. Most of these non-linear loads are lighting loads. So a small negative change in their harmonic distortion levels may affect the other loads in the building and the loads that are connected to the same bus. Shunt active power filters inject harmonic current with the same amplitude and opposite phase of the load harmonic current to eliminate the harmonic current flowing into the source. Therefore harmonic and reactive power trouble is solved simultaneously. In this study a three phase shunt active power filter based on synchronous reference frame (SRF) theory is designed and tested with an approximate linear LED model in MATLAB. A three phase current controlled voltage source inverter (VSI) and DC link capacitor is used as an active power filter. Pulses to the inverter are generated by hysteresis band current control (HBCC) technique. The THDI with the shunt active power filter is measured 2.52% which is within the allowable harmonic limits. Keywords: shunt active power filter; synchronous reference frame; hysteresis band current control; approximate linear led model; Compensation Available in a digital repository NRGL
Design and Simulation of Three Phase Shunt Active Power Filter to Eliminate Harmonics of LED Lighting Loads

Non-linear loads are an important fraction of loads in most commercial buildings. Most of these non-linear loads are lighting loads. So a small negative change in their harmonic distortion levels may ...

Tirmikçi, Ceyda Aksoy; Yavuz, Cenk
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Wireless Luminaires
Krbal, Michal; Škoda, Jan; Štěpánek, Jaroslav; Baxant, Petr
The development in the field of lighting technology is focused on new technologies, light sources with higher efficiency and better lighttechnical parameters and the development of luminaires, especially in the field of design and small light sources. The efficiency of light sources is associated with converting of electricity into the light in the entire process chain, including the efficiency of power wires and ballast systems. It can be stated that the losses in the power supply line and wires path are less important in comparison with the actual process of internal energy conversion in light sources. Since the beginning of use of electrical energy for the conversion to light the conductor and wires are used. The luminaires are fixed to one place and move with them is limited to a small place. The solution may be a wireless power and energy transfer. The result of this solution is the possibility of placing the luminaires anywhere in a defined space without wires and cables. The disadvantage is significantly lower efficiency of energy transfer and strong electromagnetic interference, which may exceed the limits of EMC and affect the operational of other electrical equipments. Questionable issue is the exposure of human body to RF fields unnecessarily. This paper deals with the search for potentially useful applications of wireless powering in lighting. Keywords: Wireless; Wireless Luminaires; Wireless Energy Transfer; Magnetic Induction Available in a digital repository NRGL
Wireless Luminaires

The development in the field of lighting technology is focused on new technologies, light sources with higher efficiency and better lighttechnical parameters and the development of luminaires, ...

Krbal, Michal; Škoda, Jan; Štěpánek, Jaroslav; Baxant, Petr
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

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