Number of found documents: 199

Metódy vyšetrovania sklonu k samovznieteniu tuhých materiálov zmáčaných kvapalinami
Hrušovský, Ivan; Balog, Karol; Martinka, Jozef
If a solid material of large surface area is contaminated with a liquid with a propensity to low-temperature thermal oxidation (most often oil high in unsaturated fatty acids), under certain conditions it can self-ignite. To identify the tendency to self-ignition of substances, there have been developed a number of methods, such as differential Mackey test, or recommended the use of other classical methods of thermal analysis, which however are not suited for the analysis of samples of larger volume. DTA and ARC appear to be among the best methods of thermal analysis, for the evaluation of dynamic and kinetic parameters of the process of self-heating of such samples. Pri kombinácii tuhých materiálov s veľkým povrchom a kvapalín so sklonom k nízkoteplotnej termooxidácii (najčastejšie oleje s vysokým obsahom nenasýtených mastných kyselín) môže dochádzať za určitých podmienok k samovznieteniu. Za účelom identifikácie sklonu látok k samovznieteniu boli vyvinuté viaceré metódy ako napríklad diferenčný Mackey test, alebo sú odporúčané sú aj klasické metód termickej analýzy, ktoré však nie sú vhodné pre analýzu vzoriek väčších objemov. Pre skúmanie dynamických a kinetických parametrov procesu samozahrievania takýchto vzoriek sa javia ako najvhodnejšie spomedzi metód termickej analýzy DTA a ARC. Keywords: Spontaneous Ignition; Drying oils; Thermooxidation; ARC; SEDEX; Mackey Test Available in a digital repository NRGL
Metódy vyšetrovania sklonu k samovznieteniu tuhých materiálov zmáčaných kvapalinami

If a solid material of large surface area is contaminated with a liquid with a propensity to low-temperature thermal oxidation (most often oil high in unsaturated fatty acids), under certain ...

Hrušovský, Ivan; Balog, Karol; Martinka, Jozef
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Coexistence Between DVB-T And LTE Services In a Shared Frequency Band And Their Measurement
Plaisner, D.
This work deals with exploring, measuring and evaluation of possible coexistence scenarios between Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial (DVB-T) and Long-Term Evolution (LTE) mobile services, which can occur in a shared radio frequency (RF) bands. There are considered two different coexistence scenarios: partial overlapping and full overlapping RF spectrum. For the measuring, monitoring and evaluation of these scenarios, an appropriate laboratory workplace is proposed and realized. Experimental results show that the performance of DVB-T system is differently influenced by the interfering LTE services in considered coexistence scenario. Keywords: DVB-T; LTE uplink; coexistence of wireless systems; RF measurement; BER; MER Available in a digital repository NRGL
Coexistence Between DVB-T And LTE Services In a Shared Frequency Band And Their Measurement

This work deals with exploring, measuring and evaluation of possible coexistence scenarios between Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial (DVB-T) and Long-Term Evolution (LTE) mobile services, which ...

Plaisner, D.
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Ant Run Game for 8x8 LED Matrix
Jankech, T.
The aim of this project is an implementation of the Ant Run game to the FRDM-KL25Z development board with 8x8 RG LED matrix shield. The game is principally controlled by a builtin accelerometer on the FRDM-KL25Z. The work shows the basic principles of implementation. Keywords: Ant Run game; ARM; 8x8 RG LED matrix; FRDM-KL25Z Available in a digital repository NRGL
Ant Run Game for 8x8 LED Matrix

The aim of this project is an implementation of the Ant Run game to the FRDM-KL25Z development board with 8x8 RG LED matrix shield. The game is principally controlled by a builtin accelerometer on the ...

Jankech, T.
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Zahusťovanie ako stratégia pre rozvoj satelitov i vidieckych sídiel
Šuška, Milan
Rural settlements density increasing is known phenomenon in history. This article presents domestic and foreign examples of density increasing, theory, methods and reasons in terms of sustainability. On the other side it shows legislative barriers and conflicts with contemporary social trends. The second part of the article is focused on students’ works in practice on Urbanism II subject, where students tried to increase density in particular area and bring there some added value, too. Zahusťovanie vidieckych sídiel je v histórií známym javom. Príspevok predstavuje príklady u nás i v zahraničí, teóriu, metódy a dôvody zahusťovania z pohľadu udržateľnosti a na druhej strane legislatívne prekážky a konflikt s trendmi súčasnej spoločnosti. Druhá časť je venovaná študentským prácam z cvičenia z urbanizmu II, na ktorom sa študenti pokúšali zahustiť zástavbu v konkrétnej lokalite a zároveň priniesť do vybraného územia ďalšie pridané hodnoty. Keywords: sustainable rural settlements; denisiny increasing; strategy for rural areas; suburb Available in a digital repository NRGL
Zahusťovanie ako stratégia pre rozvoj satelitov i vidieckych sídiel

Rural settlements density increasing is known phenomenon in history. This article presents domestic and foreign examples of density increasing, theory, methods and reasons in terms of sustainability. ...

Šuška, Milan
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Architektúra medzivojnových brnenských židovských architektov: Ernst Wiesner, Otto Eisler, Endre Steiner, Zikmund Kerekeš a Max Tintner
Udžan, Rastislav
I would like to focus on Wiesner's designs for the textile company founded by Ernst Stiassny Varteks (previously Tivar), which was based in the city of Varazdin in Croatia. The thesis also focuses on the architect's work in his exile in the UK after his emigration there in 1939. Tvorba architekta Ernsta Wiesnera v zahraničí, existujúca textilná fabrika a obchodný dom firmy Ernsta Stiassneho Varteks (pôvodne Tivar) v chorvátskom meste Varaždín. Cieľom práce je taktiež objasniť aktivity architekta po jeho nútenej emigrácii v roku 1939 a zdokumentovanie jeho pôsobenia v Anglicku. Keywords: Ernst Wiesner; Otto Eisler; Endre Steiner; Zikmund Kerekeš; Max Tintner; Stiassny family; jewish architecture between wars; Brno; Varaždin; Liverpool; Bialsko; Arosa; Kitzbuhel; functionalism Available in a digital repository NRGL
Architektúra medzivojnových brnenských židovských architektov: Ernst Wiesner, Otto Eisler, Endre Steiner, Zikmund Kerekeš a Max Tintner

I would like to focus on Wiesner's designs for the textile company founded by Ernst Stiassny Varteks (previously Tivar), which was based in the city of Varazdin in Croatia. The thesis also focuses on ...

Udžan, Rastislav
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Emergentné urbánne stratégie: Pravidlá rekonfigurácie města
Buš, Peter
A city as a complex phenomenon and an entirety of events, its communication flows (information and data telecommunication networks and their access points), energy, goods and materials distribution and movement of users themselves and their spatial interactions with the environment nowadays no doubt has been creating new conditions and demands on the city's spatial organization, infrastructure, its growth and its thickening. Urban space today is an aggregate of complex dynamic processes which contribute to its configuration and mutually influence each other. Thus, urban environment shows emergent qualities and contains multi-layer scenarios of its own development and reconfiguration in time. This stratification is impossible to be comprehended by a linear model of a single predicted concept (top-down strategy). Architects and urban planners may, however, cover these specifics by a prediction of space development with a multi-layer result that would take into account the requirements of users at the lower level (bottom-up strategy). The aim of the research is therefore a spatial simulation of environment development, which would simulate its complexity, growth and reconfiguration. This spatial simulation would serve as a decision-making tool for architects when applying various scenarios of environment development and thereby it would create a basis for spatial planning decisions in subsequent stages of zoning proceedings. The final result of this research shall be a visualized algorithm in a model of spatial environment reconfiguration that could be serviceable also in the internet environment. This result implemented in a software tool can also serve as a creative platform for designing urban structure based on simple rules of a lower level that would, however, consequently simulate the complex urban entirety. Príspevok prezentuje dielčí výskum v oblasti návrhu procesov a spôsobov tvorby priestorovej a sociálnej interakcie multi-agentového systému s jeho prostredí v existujúcej mestskej urbánnej štruktúre. Podľa logiky definovaných vnútorných pravidiel nižšieho stupňa v simulačnom modeli vybraného územia je možné overovať a testovať komplexné nelineárne emergentné javy, ktoré majú za následok zmeny v konfiguráciách urbanistických štruktúr. Keywords: vznik; modelování multi-agent; strategii bottom-up; rekonfigurace; kolektivní návrh; emergence; multi-agent modelling; bottom-up strategy; reconfiguration; collective design Available in a digital repository NRGL
Emergentné urbánne stratégie: Pravidlá rekonfigurácie města

A city as a complex phenomenon and an entirety of events, its communication flows (information and data telecommunication networks and their access points), energy, goods and materials distribution ...

Buš, Peter
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Revitalizácia budovy Slovenského rozhlasu
Bekeš, Štefan
The topic of this contribution is the revitalization of the Slovak Broadcasting Building in Bratislava. The objective of this study is to seek a new functional use for the site and to integrate it into its wider surroundings and to treat the building as a unique monument which documents the architecture of its time. The aim is to create an integral whole incorporated into the city organism. Over the last 30 years, information, telecommunications and broadcasting technologies have gone through tremendous miniaturization and advancements; for this reason, large parts of the building have become unused. After the administrative merging of the Slovak Television and Radio, there was a great opportunity to find this appropriate new organization. In this project, I tried to show that the Slovak Radio Building would be the most appropriate for this common use and that it proved to be sufficient to assumptions, specifications and equipment. Taking into account the architectural value of the building (as an icon of modernism from the second half of the 20th century) I tried to define identical elements worthy of strict construction of monument protection and appropriate modification of the function, reconstruction, and rehabilitation. I tried to include a new feature - television - to the complex operating system such as radio, and even managed to properly integrate it into the park and amenities, so that this object has become an integral part of its broader urban neighbourhood. Implementation of appropriate materials managed to create a unique complex of buildings that cannot be repeated anywhere else in the world. Keď sa 18. 5. 1923 začalo v Československu vysielať do éteru, v Prahe na letisku v Kbeloch, v plátenom stane s jednou prerobenou vojenskou vysielačkou, nikto nemohol predvídať, aké zložité nároky bude od architektov vyžadovať projektovanie rozhlasu o 40 rokov neskôr. Dnes si ani nevieme predstaviť tie 60-te roky, kedy sa všetko nahrávalo analógovo, bez použitia digitálnych technológií, mix pultov, kedy nahrávacie aparatúry zaberali celé miestnosti a nič nahrané sa nedalo už spätne upraviť. V súčasných dňoch, keď si pripomíname 90-te výročie prvého rozhlasového vysielania v Československu (na Slovensku to bolo o 3 roky neskôr) a 50-te výročie od vzniku prvotného návrhu budovy Slovenského rozhlasu, by bolo vhodné pouvažovať nad budúcim sídlom tejto inštitúcie u nás. Keywords: revitalizace; vysílání budovy; architektonické památky; veřejnou budovu; miniaturizaci a pokrok; zvyšuje hodnota budovy; revitalization; broadcasting building; architectural monument; public building; miniaturization and advancements; increasing value of the building Available in a digital repository NRGL
Revitalizácia budovy Slovenského rozhlasu

The topic of this contribution is the revitalization of the Slovak Broadcasting Building in Bratislava. The objective of this study is to seek a new functional use for the site and to integrate it ...

Bekeš, Štefan
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Fenomén loftu vo filme
Peťovský, Marek
The aim of the text is to present my research, summary and analysis of selected loft spaces. This task raises an effort to characterize the loft space, presenting its airiness, excitement or a new metaphysical side. This thesis is showing various ways, in which space functions in movies, such as the relationship with time and space, or just focusing on the loft space itself. The aim of this thesis is to discover the role of the architecture in a movie and how space can influence its characters. The thesis itself is devoted to the discussion on architecture, on how our houses and cities and landscapes are to be formed, it is closely bound up with reflections on how we want to live. In short, one’s view of architecture is one’s view of society. Architecture is not an isolated field; it relates to the surrounding society and our way of thinking and living. In this sense, architecture expresses both our capacity for civilization and our cultural identity. On this basis I consider to focus on the small scale, from the perspective of specific people’s lives. People who decided to live in a loft, which is not the same as losing sight of the big issues. When it comes to our dreams about our dwellings, we are all experts. Dwelling is a human relationship with the world. Before we can build we must be able to dwell, which means we must reflect over our being in the world. Dwelling is about space in the world. Space can be possessed, made and taken. It can be used, exploited, shared and transferred. A person without space is not present, not living anywhere, has no connection. Dwelling introduces something you can be a part of and manifest yourself in. To sum up, we believe that architecture, design and movies influence each other more than we can imagine. Práca sa zaoberá konvertovanými priestormi – loftami. Obývanie niečoho konkrétneho je vlastne vzťah so svetom. Predtým ako môžeme niečo postaviť, musíme v sebe nájsť schopnosť to obývať, čo vlastne znamená, že musíme reflektovať seba samého pomocou obývania priestoru. Slovné spojenie „byť doma“ je psychologický a sociologický vzťah našej mysle s miestom, v ktorom je zakomponovaná koncepcia našej budúcnosti (entita časovosti). Aktuálna situácia vo svete je podmienená transformačnými procesmi v spoločnosti, ktoré žiaľ majú za následok, že človek stratil „interiérovosť“. Komunikačné média (internet, Skype, atď.), posúvajú reálny prežitok do virtuálneho sveta. Dnešný človek je psychicky a fyzicky chorý80. Celá spoločnosť, prechádza výraznými zmenami, ktoré sa prejavujú aj v oblasti bývania, ale aj v rádovo iných sférach spoločenského života. Čelíme civilizačným, politickým a ekonomickým problémom - čelíme revolúcií. Loft predstavuje revolučné hnutie svojej doby. Keywords: podkroví; konverze; prostor; film; loft; conversion; space; movie Available in a digital repository NRGL
Fenomén loftu vo filme

The aim of the text is to present my research, summary and analysis of selected loft spaces. This task raises an effort to characterize the loft space, presenting its airiness, excitement or a new ...

Peťovský, Marek
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Music Volume Adjustment Based on Distance Detection
Serečunová, Stanislava
The work is focused on user distance calculation from camera in real time by means of evaluating parameters of detected face. According to the distance of user from the camera sound level is adjusted, so the user can perceive the music on the same level. KLT method is chosen for the detection of face. Keywords: face detection in real time; Viola-Jones; CAMShift; KLT; distance; volume Available in a digital repository NRGL
Music Volume Adjustment Based on Distance Detection

The work is focused on user distance calculation from camera in real time by means of evaluating parameters of detected face. According to the distance of user from the camera sound level is adjusted, ...

Serečunová, Stanislava
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Development of the Versatile Industrial Manipulator
Veteška, Michal
This project deals with the universal industrianl robot. Design of mechanical parts, electronics and control system and a program for the microcontroller and the PC is described in this work. The industrial robot can be used in different environments. The precise operation of the robot is provided by a different sensors, mainly position sensor. Keywords: industrial robot; microcontroller; position sensor Available in a digital repository NRGL
Development of the Versatile Industrial Manipulator

This project deals with the universal industrianl robot. Design of mechanical parts, electronics and control system and a program for the microcontroller and the PC is described in this work. The ...

Veteška, Michal
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

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