Number of found documents: 313
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Použitie octree struktury na urychlenie metody ray tracing
Martinka, Jozef
1994 - Slovak
Niektoré spôsoby urychlenia metody ray tracing využivajú priestorové rozdelenie scény a jej reprezentáciu pomocou octree štruktúry. Hlavné problémy spojené s použitím uctree sú: vhodná reprezentácia, efektivny spósob vytvorenia (rozdelenia scény na kocky octree) a rychly "prechod" stedovaného lúča cez štruktúru. V článku sú stručne popisané niektoré prístupy k riešeniu týchto problémov. Keywords: sledování paprsku; dělení scény; struktura octree; počítačová grafika; ray tracing; scene subdivison; octree structure; computer graphics Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Použitie octree struktury na urychlenie metody ray tracing

Niektoré spôsoby urychlenia metody ray tracing využivajú priestorové rozdelenie scény a jej reprezentáciu pomocou octree štruktúry. Hlavné problémy spojené s použitím uctree sú: vhodná reprezentácia, ...

Martinka, Jozef
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 1994

Modifikovanie tvaru neuniformovaných racionálních B-spline a Beta-spline křivek
Imrišková, Mária; Kudličková, Soňa
1992 - Slovak
Keywords: počítačová grafika; B-spline křivky; beta-spline křivky; výpočtová geometrie; computer graphics; B-spline curves; beta-spline curves; computational geometry Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Modifikovanie tvaru neuniformovaných racionálních B-spline a Beta-spline křivek

Imrišková, Mária; Kudličková, Soňa
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 1992

Digitálna topológia
Jankovič, Vojtech; Niepel, Ľudovít
1992 - Slovak
Keywords: počítačová grafika; počítačové modelování; digitální topologie; 3D grafika; computer graphics; computer modelling; digital topology; 3D graphics Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Digitálna topológia

Jankovič, Vojtech; Niepel, Ľudovít
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 1992

Počítačové spracovánie a vizualizácija medicínskych bankovních údajů
Jankovič, Vojtěch; Ružický, Eugen
1992 - Slovak
Keywords: medicínská data; vizualizace; počítačová tomografie; 3D modelování; medical data; visualization; computer tomography; 3D modelling Available in digital repository of ZČU.
Počítačové spracovánie a vizualizácija medicínskych bankovních údajů

Jankovič, Vojtěch; Ružický, Eugen
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 1992

Warehouse Modeling Using Graphical User Interface
Rajnoha, Martin
This paper describes a new algorithm which enable efficient conversion of graphical representation of warehouse into graph theory representation and consequently accelerates estimation for route costs. The proposed algorithm computes route distances between any place in warehouses and does so significantly faster than traditional approaches. For this purpose an algorithm based on Breadth first search, image processing “skeletonization” and Dijkstra algorithm was proposed. Using the proposed algorithm it is possible to search routes in a warehouse effectively and fast using precomputed routing table. Searching time is approximately hundreds of microseconds using routing table and even it is independent on size of warehouse instead of using Dijkstra algorithm. Keywords: warehouse; GUI; skeletonization; graph; searching; paths; routing; table Available in a digital repository NRGL
Warehouse Modeling Using Graphical User Interface

This paper describes a new algorithm which enable efficient conversion of graphical representation of warehouse into graph theory representation and consequently accelerates estimation for route ...

Rajnoha, Martin
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Adjustable Filter With Fractional-Order Element
Kubát, Pavel
This paper deals with fractal-order frequency filter, its design methods and practical use. The proposed filter consists of operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs), adjustable current amplifier (ACA), dual-output current follower (DO-CF) and fractional-order capacitor (FOE). The approximation of fractional-order capacitor is used for the design fractal order frequency filter. The last part of this paper shows simulation results of the proposed cicuit. Keywords: fractional-order; frequency filter; approximation; fractional-order element Available in a digital repository NRGL
Adjustable Filter With Fractional-Order Element

This paper deals with fractal-order frequency filter, its design methods and practical use. The proposed filter consists of operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs), adjustable current amplifier ...

Kubát, Pavel
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Position Sensor For Dynamic Verticalization
Hláčiková, Michaela
Dynamic verticalizer is a device designed for the rehabilitation of patients with lower limbs disabilities. The aim of this study is to construct a motion sensor prototype that controls computer games in the rehabilitation process by moving the patient body. Keywords: Dynamic verticalizer; position sensor; Arduino Leonardo Pro Micro; MPU-6050; HC-05 Available in a digital repository NRGL
Position Sensor For Dynamic Verticalization

Dynamic verticalizer is a device designed for the rehabilitation of patients with lower limbs disabilities. The aim of this study is to construct a motion sensor prototype that controls computer games ...

Hláčiková, Michaela
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Corrosion Testing Of Biodegradable Bone Implants
Galanová, Zuzana
This article is focused on the part of my master´s theses which discusses the corrosion of biodegradable bone implants in solutions which simulate human blood environment. It explains use of Tafel Analysis for corrosion measurements and the way how those measurements were done. At the end of article results are being described and analyzed. Keywords: Bone implant; Corrosion; Ringer´s solution; Natrium chloride solution; Tafel Analysis Available in a digital repository NRGL
Corrosion Testing Of Biodegradable Bone Implants

This article is focused on the part of my master´s theses which discusses the corrosion of biodegradable bone implants in solutions which simulate human blood environment. It explains use of Tafel ...

Galanová, Zuzana
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Modular Spatial Structure from Sheet Material: Lucca 2018
Novák, Jakub
The paper deals with the use of a flat medium for the creation of spatial modular structures. In the presented case history, structure made during Cartasia, The International Festival of Paper, Biennale of Contemporary Art, Lucca, Italy. I present the possibilities of use of carton industry products in an art project. Príspevok pojednáva o použití plošného média pre vytváranie priestorových modulárnych štruktúr. Na prezentovanej kazuistike, štruktúre realizovanej počas medzinárodného bienále papierového umenia Cartasia v talianskom meste Lucca, ukazujem možnosti využitia produktov kartonárskeho priemyslu v umeleckom projekte. Keywords: modulární struktura; bienále; Lucca; papír; karton; umění; modular structure; biennale; Lucca; paper; carton; art Available in a digital repository NRGL
Modular Spatial Structure from Sheet Material: Lucca 2018

The paper deals with the use of a flat medium for the creation of spatial modular structures. In the presented case history, structure made during Cartasia, The International Festival of Paper, ...

Novák, Jakub
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Transformations of the Plane: Study of Bionic Architectural Models of Anton Vranka
Novák, Jakub
Structural modelling techniques of architect and professor Anton Vranka influenced in a specific way several generations of students at the Faculty of Architecture STU in Bratislava. The phenomenon of so-called Vrankovina - problem, puzzles, or a proposal that thrives on geometry, uses the effect of optical illusions, or transforms any flat medium into a surprising spatial structure is still known among the students and graduates a few years after Vranka has retired. His unique approach creates links between Bauhaus theory of architecture, architectural bionic and biomimetic, fascinating directions in architectural theory from the 1960s through to 1980s. The aim of this paper is to capture knowledge stored in Vranka’s fragile paper models, and report on his motives and methods and theoretical works. They are thus added to a growing circle of works on folded architecture. The proposed systemization documents an astounding variety of forms, created when just a few creative processes. Categorization of the models will be used as a basic platform for transferring theoretical works in architectural building practice. Štruktívne modelovanie slovenského architekta a pedagóga Antona Vranku špecifickým spôsobom ovplyvnilo niekoľko generácií študentov pripravujúcich sa na Fakulte architektúry STU v Bratislave na povolanie architekta. Fenomén tzv. Vrankoviny, problému, hádanky, alebo návrhu, ktorý sa vyžíva v geometrii, využíva optický klam, alebo pretvára plošné médium na prekvapivú priestorovú štruktúra sa medzi študentmi a absolventmi traduje ešte dnes, niekoľko rokov po Vrankovom odchode na dôchodok. Jeho jedinečný prístup k teórii architektúry spája odkaz Bauhausu s prúdom architektonickej bioniky a biomimetiky, fascinujúcich smerov v architektonickej teórii 60. až 80. rokov 20. storočia. Cieľom tejto práce je zachytiť poznanie, uložené vo Vrankovych krehkých papierových modeloch, a podať správu o jeho motívoch a metódach. Zdokumentovaním východísk a teoretických prác sa tieto poznatky pridajú do rastúceho kruhu zdrojov pojednávajúcich o skladanej architektúre. Uvedená systemizácia používaných vyjadrovacích prvkov dokumentuje ohromujúcu pestrosť foriem vychádzajúcu z iba niekoľkých tvorivých prostriedkov. Z nej vychádzajúca kategorizácia výsledných modelov v rámci tohto výskumu poslúži ako báza pre skúmanie možností prenesenia teoretických prác do stavebnej praxe. Keywords: architectural bionics; folded architecture; origami; kirigami; stereotomic structures Available in a digital repository NRGL
Transformations of the Plane: Study of Bionic Architectural Models of Anton Vranka

Structural modelling techniques of architect and professor Anton Vranka influenced in a specific way several generations of students at the Faculty of Architecture STU in Bratislava. The phenomenon of ...

Novák, Jakub
Vysoké učení technické v Brně

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