Number of found documents: 935
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Antipredační chování ptáků
SYROVÁ, Michaela
2021 - Czech
This thesis is focused on the antipredation behaviour of birds, factors that influence differences in their behaviour, and it shows different approaches to study manners of behaviour. In general, all studies included in the thesis are related to antipredation behaviour of three bird species - Red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio), Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea) and Common raven (Corvus corax). The first study describes possibilities of using dummies of nest predator that are made from different materials. Further, the effect of priming for cognitive abilities of Red-backed shrikes is discussed. The second and the fourth studies show the problem of multiple predator conflict and alternative strategies in nest defence of Red-backed shrikes. The third study is focused on Arctic terns and their reaction to human disruption in two colonies with varying frequency of contact with people. Moreover, the study addresses the ability of Arctic terns to adapt to a new predator (human) in the high Arctic. Finally, the last study compares the reaction of Common ravens to conspecific and various heterospecific alarm calls. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Antipredační chování ptáků

This thesis is focused on the antipredation behaviour of birds, factors that influence differences in their behaviour, and it shows different approaches to study manners of behaviour. In general, all ...

SYROVÁ, Michaela
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Microbiomes in the context of insect communities
BROWN, Joel James
2021 - Czech
The aim of this thesis was to investigate the deterministic patterns of insect-associated microbiome community composition and to investigate the role of symbiotic bacteria in insect model systems. I have shown that life stage is a key factor influencing microbiome composition, in both holometabolous and hemimetabolous insects, in addition to host species identity and local environment. I was able to find these deterministic patterns by controlling for diet in field studies of microbiomes, which is a well-known influential factor of microbiome communities. My thesis emphasises the importance of investigating the taxonomic and functional diversity of insect microbiomes and including symbiotic microbes in community level studies. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the deterministic patterns of insect-associated microbiome community composition and to investigate the role of symbiotic bacteria in insect model systems. I have shown that life stage is a key factor influencing microbiome composition, in both holometabolous and hemimetabolous insects, in addition to host species identity and local environment. I was able to find these deterministic patterns by controlling for diet in field studies of microbiomes, which is a well-known influential factor of microbiome communities. My thesis emphasises the importance of investigating the taxonomic and functional diversity of insect microbiomes and including symbiotic microbes in community level studies. Keywords: Microbiome; symbiosis; insect; community; ecology; symbiont; bacteria; Drosophila; parasitoid; triatomine; climate change; Microbiome; symbiosis; insect; community; ecology; symbiont; bacteria; Drosophila; parasitoid; triatomine; climate change Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Microbiomes in the context of insect communities

The aim of this thesis was to investigate the deterministic patterns of insect-associated microbiome community composition and to investigate the role of symbiotic bacteria in insect model systems. I ...

BROWN, Joel James
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Společenská odpovědnost ve strategii podnikatelských subjektů
2021 - Czech
Společenská odpovědnost je běžnou součástí firemní praxe i etablovaným tématem vědeckého bádání. Ačkoliv se v České republice mnoho firem k CSR hlásí, současný trend strategického pojetí konceptu společenské odpovědnosti nebyl dostatečně probádán. Zahraniční studie opakovaně došly k závěru, že důsledné začlenění společenské odpovědnosti do podnikové strategie a strategické řízení všech dimenzí CSR posiluje firemním růst, přináší konkurenční výhody a přispívá k trvale udržitelnému rozvoji společnosti. Cílem práce je zjistit, zda i v České republice podnikatelské subjekty se strategickým pojetím CSR dosahují lepších hospodářských výsledků oproti těm, jejichž přístup ke společenské odpovědnosti je spíše intuitivní a nesystematický. Zároveň hledá odpověď na otázku, jestli při rozdílných firemních strategiích je žádoucí se zaměřit na odlišné CSR aktivity, které by firemní růst podpořily. Na souboru více jak 400 českých podniků, které se CSR věnují, bylo provedeno šetření dimenzí strategické CSR a základních hospodářských charakteristik. Data byla zpracována metodami shlukové analýzy, faktorové analýzy a multinomiální logistické regrese. Výsledky ukazují, že existuje vazba mezi vyspělejším, tedy strategickým pojetím CSR a dosažením ekonomické prosperity. Dále bylo zjištěno, že firmy s odlišnou firemní strategií by mely zvažovat bedlivě přínosy jednotlivých CSR aktivit. U všech tří strategií se ukázaly pozitivní efekty u činností zaměřených na zaměstnance a lokální komunitu, u strategie diferenciace byl zaznamenán přínos kultivace tržního prostředí a u strategie nejvyšší kvality ochrany lidských práv. Naopak při strategii nejnižší ceny neznamená dodatečná CSR aktivita ekonomickou výhodu. Závěry přispívají k objasnění vazeb mezi strategickou CSR a firemním růstem v českém podnikatelském prostředí a přináší konkrétní poznatky, které mohou být firmami implementovány, pokud chtějí posílit pozitivní efekty svých společensko-odpovědných aktivit. Corporate social responsibility is a common part of corporate practice and an established topic of scientific research. Although many companies in the Czech Republic support CSR, the current trend in the strategic concept of the concept of social responsibility has not been sufficiently researched. Foreign studies have repeatedly concluded that the consistent incorporation of corporate social responsibility into corporate strategy and the strategic management of all dimensions of CSR strengthens corporate growth, brings competitive advantages, and contributes to society's sustainable development. The thesis aims to find out whether even in the Czech Republic business entities with a strategic concept of CSR achieve better economic results compared to those whose approach to social responsibility is rather intuitive and unsystematic. At the same time, it seeks to answer the question of whether, with different corporate strategies, it is desirable to focus on different CSR activities that would support corporate growth. A survey of the dimensions of strategic CSR and basic economic characteristics was carried out on a set of more than 400 Czech companies engaged in CSR. Data were processed by methods of cluster analysis, factor analysis and multinomial logistic regression. The results show that there is a link between a more advanced, i.e. strategic concept of CSR and achieving economic prosperity. It was also found that companies with different corporate strategies should carefully consider the benefits of individual CSR activities. All three strategies showed positive effects in activities aimed at employees and the local community, the differentiation strategy showed the benefits of cultivating a market environment and the quality strategy of human rights protection. Conversely, with the price strategy, additional CSR activity does not mean an economic advantage. The conclusions contribute to clarifying the links between strategic CSR and corporate growth in the Czech business environment and provide specific insights that companies can implement if they want to strengthen the positive effects of their socially responsible activities. Keywords: strategická společenská odpovědnost podniků; hospodářský růst; strategie diferenciace; strategie nejvyšší kvality; strategie nejnižší ceny; strategic corporate social responsibility; economic growth; differentiation strategies; the quality strategy; the price strategy Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Společenská odpovědnost ve strategii podnikatelských subjektů

Společenská odpovědnost je běžnou součástí firemní praxe i etablovaným tématem vědeckého bádání. Ačkoliv se v České republice mnoho firem k CSR hlásí, současný trend strategického pojetí konceptu ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

The Ecology of the Little Owl in European Farmland
2021 - Czech
The little owl population in the most of Europe is rapidly declining mainly due to dramatic changes and transformation of the agricultural landscape, which resulted in the loss of suitable foraging habitats. Due to rapid population decline and range contraction, urgent conservation measures have to be implemented to save the population from extinction in certain areas. The thesis aims were to identify long-term population trend in selected regions, to uncover the habitat selection of breeding birds and to evaluate the effectiveness of individual management measures for the little owl conservation in the European farmland. The research on population status in Czech Republic and Slovakia revealed long-term population decline and marked distributional range contraction of the little owl, documenting its rapid local extinctions over the last two decades. On the contrary, results from Hortobagy National Park,representing the first large-area systematic survey in Hungary, indicate high population density and its widespread distribution. In particular, the study uncovers one of the highest population densities of this species from an agricultural landscape in Central Europe. Further detailed investigation of habitat selection at three different scales shows the link between certain habitat characteristics and species occurrence and supports the hypothesis of agriculture intensification being the main driver of the population decline of little owl in the Central Europe. Finally, the thesis provides evidence on the effect of different conservation management measures on little owl population in Denmark, where the species is close to extinction. Research findings indicate that food limitation during the breeding season may be the main reason for the declining numbers of little owls in Denmark. To prevent little owl extinction, evidence based conservation measures, such as provision of suitable foraging habitats with high availability and good accessibility of prey close to nests, are inevitable. The little owl population in the most of Europe is rapidly declining mainly due to dramatic changes and transformation of the agricultural landscape, which resulted in the loss of suitable foraging habitats. Due to rapid population decline and range contraction, urgent conservation measures have to be implemented to save the population from extinction in certain areas. The thesis aims were to identify long-term population trend in selected regions, to uncover the habitat selection of breeding birds and to evaluate the effectiveness of individual management measures for the little owl conservation in the European farmland. The research on population status in Czech Republic and Slovakia revealed long-term population decline and marked distributional range contraction of the little owl, documenting its rapid local extinctions over the last two decades. On the contrary, results from Hortobagy National Park,representing the first large-area systematic survey in Hungary, indicate high population density and its widespread distribution. In particular, the study uncovers one of the highest population densities of this species from an agricultural landscape in Central Europe. Further detailed investigation of habitat selection at three different scales shows the link between certain habitat characteristics and species occurrence and supports the hypothesis of agriculture intensification being the main driver of the population decline of little owl in the Central Europe. Finally, the thesis provides evidence on the effect of different conservation management measures on little owl population in Denmark, where the species is close to extinction. Research findings indicate that food limitation during the breeding season may be the main reason for the declining numbers of little owls in Denmark. To prevent little owl extinction, evidence based conservation measures, such as provision of suitable foraging habitats with high availability and good accessibility of prey close to nests, are inevitable. Keywords: farmland birds; population density; population trend; distribution; habitat associations; spatial behaviour; little owl; breeding places; conservation measures; farmland birds; population density; population trend; distribution; habitat associations; spatial behaviour; little owl; breeding places; conservation measures Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
The Ecology of the Little Owl in European Farmland

The little owl population in the most of Europe is rapidly declining mainly due to dramatic changes and transformation of the agricultural landscape, which resulted in the loss of suitable foraging ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Pravomoci a oprávnění zpovědníka
2021 - Czech
Odpuštění hříchů a smíření s Bohem je plodem Kristova vykupitelského díla. Zpovědník uděluje rozhřešení v osobě a mocí samotného Krista, to znamená, že přivlastňuje účinky Kristovy vykupitelské oběti jednotlivým věřícím. Zpovědník proto musí být nositelem svátostného kněžství v biskupském nebo kněžském stupni a pro jeho službu je také nezbytné pověření církví k udílení svátosti smíření. Zpovědník je oprávněn prominout nápravný test latae sententiae, který dosud nebyl úředně prohlášen. Tato pravomoc náleží biskupům z titulu přijatého svěcení a kanovníku penitenciáři či kaplanovi na základě jejich úřadu. Každý kněz je oprávněn prominout nápravný trest v naléhavém případě. Jedná se o situaci, ve které je pro penitenta tvrdé setrvat v těžkém hříchu až do doby, než příslušný představený promine trest. Mezi pravomoci zpovědníka náleží také oprávnění udělit dispenz od tajných manželských překážek pocházejících z církevního práva a také od iregularit či překážek k výkonu moci ze svěcení. Pravomoci zpovědníka se plně řídí zásadou salus animarum suprema lex, což odpovídá poslání zpovědníka, kterým je odpouštět hříchy v osobě Krista (in persona Christi) a tím uskutečňovat Kristovo dílo vykoupení v jednotlivých věřících. The forgiveness of sins and reconciliation with God are fruits of Christ?s work of redemption. The confessor gives absolution in the person and power of Christ Himself, which means appropriating the effects of Christ?s redemptive sacrifice to individual faithful. That?s why the confessor must be bearer of sacramental priesthood in priestly or bishop?s degree, and the authorization by the Church to administer the sacrament of reconciliation is also necessary for his service. The confessor is authorized to pardon a latae sententiae reformatory punishment not yet officially declared. This power belongs to bishops by virtue of the holy orders received, and to canon penitentiary or chaplain by virtue of their office. Any priest is entitled to pardon a reformatory punishment in emergency, i.e. in a situation where it is hard for the penitent to remain in the state of grave sin until the competent superior pardons the punishment. The confessor?s powers also include the authorization to grant dispensation from secret impediments to marriage resulting from canon law, as well as from irregularities or impediments to exercise power of the holy orders. The confessor?s powers are based on the salus animarum suprema lex principle, which corresponds to the confessor?s mission of forgiving sins in the person of Christ (in persona Christi), thus accomplishing Christ?s work of redemption in individual faithful. Keywords: kanonické právo; svátost smíření; zpovědník; pověření zpovídat; odpuštění hříchů; prominutí trestů; dispenz; manželské překážky; iregularity; canon law; sacrament of reconciliation; confessor; authorization to hear confessions; forgiveness of sins; pardon of punishments; dispensation; impediments to marriage; irregularities Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Pravomoci a oprávnění zpovědníka

Odpuštění hříchů a smíření s Bohem je plodem Kristova vykupitelského díla. Zpovědník uděluje rozhřešení v osobě a mocí samotného Krista, to znamená, že přivlastňuje účinky Kristovy vykupitelské oběti ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Ecological and biogeographical drivers of Afrotropical Lepidoptera biodiversity
DELABYE, Sylvain Joseph Jean
2021 - Czech
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Ecological and biogeographical drivers of Afrotropical Lepidoptera biodiversity

DELABYE, Sylvain Joseph Jean
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

What happens to ear morphology on the way underground? A case study on the family Spalacidae.
2021 - Czech
This PhD thesis is concerned with the effect of specialization to the subterranean environment on ear morphology in the rodent family Spalacidae. The outer, middle and inner ear morphology in four species with a different proportion of subterranean activity was described and analyzed. The Chinese bamboo-rat (Rhizomys sinensis) was identified as fossorial regarding its ear morphology. The strictly subterranean Gansu zokor (Eospalax cansus) possess a highly specialized subterranean ear morphology with a suggested acoustic fovea. Meanwhile, the less subterranean African root-rat (Tachyoryctes splendens) shares traits with both strictly subterranean and epigeic rodents. The aboveground characteristics are even more prominent in the fossorial giant root-rat (T. macrocephalus). Taken together, the results confirm that the ear morphology of spalacids mirrors their degree of fossoriality. This PhD thesis is concerned with the effect of specialization to the subterranean environment on ear morphology in the rodent family Spalacidae. The outer, middle and inner ear morphology in four species with a different proportion of subterranean activity was described and analyzed. The Chinese bamboo-rat (Rhizomys sinensis) was identified as fossorial regarding its ear morphology. The strictly subterranean Gansu zokor (Eospalax cansus) possess a highly specialized subterranean ear morphology with a suggested acoustic fovea. Meanwhile, the less subterranean African root-rat (Tachyoryctes splendens) shares traits with both strictly subterranean and epigeic rodents. The aboveground characteristics are even more prominent in the fossorial giant root-rat (T. macrocephalus). Taken together, the results confirm that the ear morphology of spalacids mirrors their degree of fossoriality. Keywords: Ear morphology; middle ear; inner ear; subterranean; fossorial; Spalacidae; muroid mole rats; Chinese bamboo rat; Rhizomys sinensis; Gansu zokor; Eospalax cansus; African roo-rat; Giant root-rat; Tachyoryctes splendens; Tachyoryctes macrocephalus; Ear morphology; middle ear; inner ear; subterranean; fossorial; Spalacidae; muroid mole rats; Chinese bamboo rat; Rhizomys sinensis; Gansu zokor; Eospalax cansus; African roo-rat; Giant root-rat; Tachyoryctes splendens; Tachyoryctes macrocephalus Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
What happens to ear morphology on the way underground? A case study on the family Spalacidae.

This PhD thesis is concerned with the effect of specialization to the subterranean environment on ear morphology in the rodent family Spalacidae. The outer, middle and inner ear morphology in four ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Konrád Fischer. Život a dílo borovanského probošta
2021 - Czech
Disertační práce je věnována osobě a dílu borovanského probošta Konráda Fischera (1631-1701). Na základě studia dochovaných pramenů v českých i zahraničních archivech je v první části nejprve rekonstruován Fischerův život, který se odehrával během bouřlivých let třicetileté války a v časech poválečného vývoje. Pozornost je zaměřena na Fischerovo mládí, vzdělání, vstup do řádu řeholních kanovníků sv. Augustina v Klosterneuburgu a působení v borovanském klášteře, kde byl v roce 1677 zvolen proboštem. Druhá část práce je věnována kodikologickému rozboru a obsahové analýze Fischerova díla o historii borovanského kláštera, které sepsal na konci života a jehož originál je v současnosti deponován v třeboňském oddělení Státního oblastního archivu v Třeboni. Poslední část práce zahrnuje kritickou edici tohoto díla, doplněnou o jmenné a zeměpisné a místní rejstříky. The thesis is dedicated to the person and work of the Borovan provost Conrad Fischer (1631-1701). Based on study of the preserved sources in Czech and foreign archives is in the first part primarily reconstructed the life of Fischer, which took place during the turbulent years of the Thirty Years' War and in the times of the post-war development. The attention is focused on youth of Fischer, education, entry into the order of Augustinian Canons in Klosterneuburg and work in the Borovan Monastery, where he was elected provost in the year 1677. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to codicological analysis and content analysis of the work about history of the Borovan Monastery by Fischer, which he wrote at the end of his life and which original is in the present deposited in Trebon department of the State Regional Archives Trebon. The last part of the thesis includes the critical edition of this work, complemented by nominal and geographical and local registers. Keywords: Konrád Fischer; Borovany; biografie; kláštery; probošti; církevní řády; Conrad Fischer; Borovany; biography; monasteries; provosts; religious orders Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Konrád Fischer. Život a dílo borovanského probošta

Disertační práce je věnována osobě a dílu borovanského probošta Konráda Fischera (1631-1701). Na základě studia dochovaných pramenů v českých i zahraničních archivech je v první části nejprve ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2021

Vliv vybranných stimulačních látek na zdravotní stav, růst a konverzi živin u telat v období mléčné výživy
2020 - Czech
Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Vliv vybranných stimulačních látek na zdravotní stav, růst a konverzi živin u telat v období mléčné výživy

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2020

From resource variation to habitat loss: how changing environment shapes the plant-pollinator interactions
2020 - Czech
Annotation: Akter, A. and Klecka, J. 2020. Interactive effects of temperature, water, and nitrogen availability on the growth, floral traits, and pollination of white mustard, Sinapis alba. This was an experimental approach where Sinapis alba (white mustard), an economically beneficial crop was grown under different environmental conditions. Here, we assess how different growing conditions affected the growth of S. alba and the impact of different climate changing drivers on pollination and seed production. Akter, A., Biella, P., Klecka, J. 2017. Effects of small-scale clustering of flowers on pollinator foraging behaviour and flower visitation rate. PLoS ONE 12(11): e0187976. In this part of research, we experimentally changed the spatial structure of flower in small patches and assessed the impact on the foraging behaviour of pollinators, particularly, A. mellifera. Akter, A., Biella, P., Klecka, J. 2020. Introduction of new floral resources into plant-pollinator communities: impact on flower visitation mediated by species traits. This field-based experiment showed the impact of experimentally introduced floral resources in a plant community and how the response of the pollinator communities towards the new resources were mediated by the floral traits. Biella, P., Akter, A., Pajares, A.J.M., Federici, G., Galimberti, A., Jersáková, J., Labra, M., Mangili, F., Tommasi N. and Mangili, L. 2020. Pollination strategies of a plant in an unstable habitat: the case of the narrow-endemic toadflax Linaria tonzigii (Plantaginaceae). In this field-based research we assessed the pollination and reproduction strategies of an endemic plant, Linaria tonzigii, and the relation between the genetic variation and distribution. Akter, A., Biella, P., Batáry, P., Klecka, J. 2020. Changing pollinator communities along a disturbance gradient in the Sundarbans mangrove forest: a case study on Acanthus ilicifolius and Avicennia officinalis. Global Ecology and Conservation 24: e01282. This study was carried out in the Sundarbans mangrove forest, where we assessed the impact of human disturbances and forest loss on the plant-pollinator communities. Annotation: Akter, A. and Klecka, J. 2020. Interactive effects of temperature, water, and nitrogen availability on the growth, floral traits, and pollination of white mustard, Sinapis alba. This was an experimental approach where Sinapis alba (white mustard), an economically beneficial crop was grown under different environmental conditions. Here, we assess how different growing conditions affected the growth of S. alba and the impact of different climate changing drivers on pollination and seed production. Akter, A., Biella, P., Klecka, J. 2017. Effects of small-scale clustering of flowers on pollinator foraging behaviour and flower visitation rate. PLoS ONE 12(11): e0187976. In this part of research, we experimentally changed the spatial structure of flower in small patches and assessed the impact on the foraging behaviour of pollinators, particularly, A. mellifera. Akter, A., Biella, P., Klecka, J. 2020. Introduction of new floral resources into plant-pollinator communities: impact on flower visitation mediated by species traits. This field-based experiment showed the impact of experimentally introduced floral resources in a plant community and how the response of the pollinator communities towards the new resources were mediated by the floral traits. Biella, P., Akter, A., Pajares, A.J.M., Federici, G., Galimberti, A., Jersáková, J., Labra, M., Mangili, F., Tommasi N. and Mangili, L. 2020. Pollination strategies of a plant in an unstable habitat: the case of the narrow-endemic toadflax Linaria tonzigii (Plantaginaceae). In this field-based research we assessed the pollination and reproduction strategies of an endemic plant, Linaria tonzigii, and the relation between the genetic variation and distribution. Akter, A., Biella, P., Batáry, P., Klecka, J. 2020. Changing pollinator communities along a disturbance gradient in the Sundarbans mangrove forest: a case study on Acanthus ilicifolius and Avicennia officinalis. Global Ecology and Conservation 24: e01282. This study was carried out in the Sundarbans mangrove forest, where we assessed the impact of human disturbances and forest loss on the plant-pollinator communities. Keywords: Plant-pollinator interactions; climate change; environmental impact; pollination; foraging behaviour; functional traits; plant reproductive strategies; resource variation; alien plant; plant reproduction; human disturbances; bees; tropical ecology; floral resources; plant-pollinator diversity; conservation.; Plant-pollinator interactions; climate change; environmental impact; pollination; foraging behaviour; functional traits; plant reproductive strategies; resource variation; alien plant; plant reproduction; human disturbances; bees; tropical ecology; floral resources; plant-pollinator diversity; conservation. Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
From resource variation to habitat loss: how changing environment shapes the plant-pollinator interactions

Annotation: Akter, A. and Klecka, J. 2020. Interactive effects of temperature, water, and nitrogen availability on the growth, floral traits, and pollination of white mustard, Sinapis alba. This ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2020

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