Number of found documents: 183
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Guide to the Post-conference excursion Sandstone Landscapes: Diversity, Ecology and Conservation
Mikuláš, Radek; Adamovič, Jiří; Cílek, Václav; Hendrych, J.; Líčenková, M.; Mertlík, J.; Mrkáček, Z.; Petříček, V.; Tomášek, O.; Šoltysová, L.; Vacková, D.; Herben, Tomáš; Kopřivová, L.
2002 - English
The Kokořínsko PLA, Bohemian Paradise PLA and Polická vrchovina Highland represent a high-diversity "sandstone phenomenon". Sandstones of the Bohemian Paradise can be considered as optimum for development of microrelief features influenced by saet erosion and case hardening. Keywords: sandstones; geology; botany Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Guide to the Post-conference excursion Sandstone Landscapes: Diversity, Ecology and Conservation

The Kokořínsko PLA, Bohemian Paradise PLA and Polická vrchovina Highland represent a high-diversity "sandstone phenomenon". Sandstones of the Bohemian Paradise can be considered as optimum for ...

Mikuláš, Radek; Adamovič, Jiří; Cílek, Václav; Hendrych, J.; Líčenková, M.; Mertlík, J.; Mrkáček, Z.; Petříček, V.; Tomášek, O.; Šoltysová, L.; Vacková, D.; Herben, Tomáš; Kopřivová, L.
Geologický ústav, 2002

Guide to the mid-conference excursion to the Bohemian Switzerland National Park
Härtel, H.; Cílek, Václav; Voříšková, L.; Vařilová, Zuzana; Trýzna, M.; Benda, P.
2002 - English
The International conference on Sandstone Landscapes dealt with interdisciplinary topics that included geology and geomorphology, vegetation and invasion species, cultural and environmental aspects. Keywords: sandstone landscapes; diversity; conservation Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Guide to the mid-conference excursion to the Bohemian Switzerland National Park

The International conference on Sandstone Landscapes dealt with interdisciplinary topics that included geology and geomorphology, vegetation and invasion species, cultural and environmental aspects.

Härtel, H.; Cílek, Václav; Voříšková, L.; Vařilová, Zuzana; Trýzna, M.; Benda, P.
Geologický ústav, 2002

Hloubětín - "Bažantnice" quarry
Bubík, M.; Kvaček, J.; Sviták, C.; Svobodová, Marcela
2001 - English
The Cretaceous sections in the Hloubětín locality demonstrats stepwise transgressive succession of facies from fluvial to estuarive and marine. The age of deposits is most probably middle Cenomanian. Keywords: Palynomorphs; foraminiters; cenomanian Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Hloubětín - "Bažantnice" quarry

The Cretaceous sections in the Hloubětín locality demonstrats stepwise transgressive succession of facies from fluvial to estuarive and marine. The age of deposits is most probably middle Cenomanian.

Bubík, M.; Kvaček, J.; Sviták, C.; Svobodová, Marcela
Geologický ústav, 2001

Blanice Graben. Field Trip 1A
Martínek, K.; Drábková, J.; Mikuláš, Radek; Šimůnek, Z.; Zajíc, Jaroslav
2001 - English
Lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic, and paleontological (fauna, flora, spores, ichnofossils) data of the Blanice Graben are summarized. The tectonic and kinematic model of the basin is done. Five important localities are described. Keywords: Permo-Carboniferous; Blanice Graben; Czech Republic Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Blanice Graben. Field Trip 1A

Lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic, and paleontological (fauna, flora, spores, ichnofossils) data of the Blanice Graben are summarized. The tectonic and kinematic model of the basin is done. Five ...

Martínek, K.; Drábková, J.; Mikuláš, Radek; Šimůnek, Z.; Zajíc, Jaroslav
Geologický ústav, 2001

Paleomagnetic analysis of two cores from caves in the Trieste region, Italy. Final Report
Bosák, Pavel; Pruner, Petr
2001 - English
Two cores of cave sediments (Pocala Cave, Borgo Grotte Gigante) contain short reverse polarized magnetozone interpreted as Blake event. Keywords: paleomagnetic analysis; Trieste region; Italy Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Paleomagnetic analysis of two cores from caves in the Trieste region, Italy. Final Report

Two cores of cave sediments (Pocala Cave, Borgo Grotte Gigante) contain short reverse polarized magnetozone interpreted as Blake event.

Bosák, Pavel; Pruner, Petr
Geologický ústav, 2001

Report on research in the San Salvador Island, Bahamas
Bosák, Pavel; Hladil, Jindřich; Slavík, Ladislav; Melka, Karel; Venhodová, Daniela; Chadima, Martin; Hercman, H.; Nowicki, T.
2001 - English
Contact of two cycles at shallow carbonate platform shows traces of karstification, formation of soils and important changes of geochemistry (U, Th, K, Fe) and magnetic susceptibility. Keywords: Carbonate platform; Cycle boundary; Bahamas Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Report on research in the San Salvador Island, Bahamas

Contact of two cycles at shallow carbonate platform shows traces of karstification, formation of soils and important changes of geochemistry (U, Th, K, Fe) and magnetic susceptibility.

Bosák, Pavel; Hladil, Jindřich; Slavík, Ladislav; Melka, Karel; Venhodová, Daniela; Chadima, Martin; Hercman, H.; Nowicki, T.
Geologický ústav, 2001

An Environmental Impact of Pyritic Bauxite from the Dajti Mine, Albania
Novák, Jiří Karel; Minařík, Luděk; Peza, Luftulla Hasan; Melka, Karel
2000 - English
The accelerated chemical weathering of bauxite due to acid atmospheric deposition and breakdown of pyrite was simulated using short-termed laboratory acid leaching at 20 o C. Pyrite-bearing gibbsite-boehmitic bauxite giving rise to a number of questions concerning ecology was tested along with oxic boehmitic bauxite from the Dajti mine and that from Mali Korites (Mali Thate Mts., SE Albania). The leachte of pyrite-bearing and sulphate-producing bauxite is enriched in the following risk elements: Cd, Be, Zn, Ni, Co, and much less Cr, Cu, As, and Pb. Toxic soluble hydroxy-alumina ions may be also released into the aquatic environment, because of high concentration in output leachate (563 mg/l). In contrast, the leachates of oxic boehmitic bauxites commonly contain much lower concentrations of toxic elements with exception of Cu (Dajti mine) and Be (new occurence of Mali Korites). Keywords: acid leaching; acidification; karst bauxite Available at various institutes of the ASCR
An Environmental Impact of Pyritic Bauxite from the Dajti Mine, Albania

The accelerated chemical weathering of bauxite due to acid atmospheric deposition and breakdown of pyrite was simulated using short-termed laboratory acid leaching at 20 o C. Pyrite-bearing ...

Novák, Jiří Karel; Minařík, Luděk; Peza, Luftulla Hasan; Melka, Karel
Geologický ústav, 2000

Bohemian Field Conference. Excursion Guidebook
Cílek, Václav; Hlaváč, Jaroslav; Ložek, Vojen; Valečka, J.; Žák, K.
2000 - English
The excursion guidebook provides the basic information about Holocene sites, their sediments and paleoenvironmental significance. Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Bohemian Field Conference. Excursion Guidebook

The excursion guidebook provides the basic information about Holocene sites, their sediments and paleoenvironmental significance.

Cílek, Václav; Hlaváč, Jaroslav; Ložek, Vojen; Valečka, J.; Žák, K.
Geologický ústav, 2000

Recent allophane coatings from the karst and pseudokarst caves
Melka, Karel; Cílek, Václav
2000 - English
Allophane is not often present in karst caves. As example of its occurence the Aragonite Cave near Ochtiná (Slovakia) can be set out. It was found there in an asbolane profile forming white earthy intercalations or is present in asbolane Mn ochre positions as the admixture. Allophane often occurs as coatings on the walls of abandoned ore mines. It can be also found in pseudokarst ice caves of the Podyjí National Park (the Ledové sluje Caves) in Moravia. The local aggregates form microcascades and flowstone-like structures in which allophane layers alternate with dark brown Al-Fe phosphates, sometimes with BaSo4 enriched laminate. Allophanes of these two localities were recognised by means of laboratory methods, especially electron microprobe analysis, X-ray powder diffraction and thermal analysis. Keywords: allophane; Podyjí National Park; Ochtiná Aragonite Cave Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Recent allophane coatings from the karst and pseudokarst caves

Allophane is not often present in karst caves. As example of its occurence the Aragonite Cave near Ochtiná (Slovakia) can be set out. It was found there in an asbolane profile forming white earthy ...

Melka, Karel; Cílek, Václav
Geologický ústav, 2000

Gamma spectrometric and magnetosusceptibility logs from the Frasnian platform limestones (Moravia): indications of their large correlation potential
Hladil, Jindřich; Pruner, Petr; Elwood, B. B.; Jansa, L. F.
2000 - English
The study develops two geophysical and interpretation concepts related to the reciprocal lowstand clastic and highstand carbonate sedimentation on Middle to Late Devonian carbonate platforms. The gamma spectrometric and magnetosusceptibility measurements document the lowstand episodes and major phases in dispersal of terrigenous weathering products. Six Frasnian cycles were tested for their global correlation capacity and environmental/paleoclimatic significance. Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Gamma spectrometric and magnetosusceptibility logs from the Frasnian platform limestones (Moravia): indications of their large correlation potential

The study develops two geophysical and interpretation concepts related to the reciprocal lowstand clastic and highstand carbonate sedimentation on Middle to Late Devonian carbonate platforms. The ...

Hladil, Jindřich; Pruner, Petr; Elwood, B. B.; Jansa, L. F.
Geologický ústav, 2000

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