Valley incision in the Nízké Tatry Mts. (Slovakia) estimated based on paleomagnetic and radiometric cave sediment datings
Kadlec, Jaroslav; Bella, P.; Čížková, Kristýna; Granger, D. E.; Hercman, H.; Holúbek, P.; Chadima, Martin; Orvošová, M.; Pruner, Petr; Schnabl, Petr; Šlechta, Stanislav
2013 - English
Up to eleven horizontal cave levels occur at different altitudes in Jánska, Demänovská and Mošnická karst valleys in the Nízke Tatry Mts. Most of the caves are filled with allochthonous sediments transported from the area formed mostly by granite. The cave levels were filled with fluvial sediments in dependence on the valleys incision caused by Neogene and Pleistocene uplift of the mountain range. The fluvial sediments are intercalated with, or capped, by flowstone layers in the caves. The paleomagnetic polarities measured both in clastic and chemogenic sediments indicate the age of deposition. Based on obtained polarity data we are able to distinguish cave sediments deposited during the Brunhes, Matuyama and Gauss chrons. The paleomagnetic interpretation was partly verified by U-series datings of flowstones preserved in the sedimentary sections. Except for the horizontal cave levels located in the karst valleys, additional large cave systems were found at extremely high altitudes in the Nízke Tatry Mts. 600–700 m above the lowest horizontal cave level.
caves; caves sediments; dating
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Valley incision in the Nízké Tatry Mts. (Slovakia) estimated based on paleomagnetic and radiometric cave sediment datings
Up to eleven horizontal cave levels occur at different altitudes in Jánska, Demänovská and Mošnická karst valleys in the Nízke Tatry Mts. Most of the caves are filled with allochthonous sediments ...
Jeskyně bradla Turold u Mikulova
Bosák, Pavel
2013 - Czech
karst; cave Na Turoldu; geological excursion
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Jeskyně bradla Turold u Mikulova
Field trip 1: Ultramafic volcanic rocks in the Osečná - Upper Ploučnice river region in North Bohemia
Paluska, A.; Veselý, P.; Rapprich, V.; Ulrych, Jaromír
2013 - English
volcanic rocks; excursion guide; North Bohemia
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Field trip 1: Ultramafic volcanic rocks in the Osečná - Upper Ploučnice river region in North Bohemia
Posvátná krajina
Cílek, Václav
2012 - Czech
landscape; numinous landscape; mental heritage; genius loci
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Posvátná krajina
Změny v chemickém složení povrchových vod na modelovém povodí Lesní potok v období jarního tání 2009
Navrátil, Tomáš; Dobešová, Irena; Rohovec, Jan; Buchtová, Jana
2011 - Czech
Předmětem práce bylo vyhodnocení změn chemismu povrchových vod v průběhu jarního tání v experimentálním povodí Lesní potok nacházejícím se v NPR Voděradské bučiny. Při jarním tání došlo k poklesu pH, což společně s vysokým odtokem výrazně ovlivnilo koncentrace řady prvků v povrchové vodě. Jako indikátor podílu vod hlubšího oběhu v odtoku posloužila koncentrace Si a 18O-H2O. Koncentrace hlavního aniontu povrchových vod Lesního potoka, SO42-, v průběhu jarního tání kolísala v závislosti na měnícím se podílu odtávajícího sněhu, půdní vody, srážkových a podzemních vod. Při zvýšené penetraci svrchních organických půdních horizontů vodou z tajícího sněhu a došlo ke zvýšení koncentrací DOC. Koncentrace DOC řídily export Fe tot. Koncentrace Al s DOC nekorelovaly, protože určujícím faktorem je v tomto případě hodnota pH odtékající vody. Koncentrace NO3- se v průběhu jarního zvýšeného odtoku výrazně snižovaly a na konci této episodické události už byly v důsledku rychlého vymývání půdních horizontů koncentrace NO3- minimální. Changes of surface water chemistry during the spring snowmelt were evaluated at the forested experimental catchment Lesni Potok found in National Reservation Area Voděradské bučiny. The pH value of surface waters decreased and together with high discharge it launched changes of solutes concentrations. As a good indicator of groundwater in the discharge were evaluated concentrations of Si and isotopic signature of 18O-H2O. The concentration of the main anion SO42- in waters of Lesni potok oscillated during the spring snowmelt in dependence of ratio between melting snow, soil solution, precipitation and groundwater. During the period of increased penetration of surface soil horizons with the water from melting snow causing the increase of DOC concentrations. Concentrations of DOC determined the export of total Fe. Concentrations of Al with DOC did not correlate because the driving factor on concentrations of Al at Lesni Potok is the surface water pH. Concentrations of NO3- were rapidly decreasing during the snowmelt and at the end of this episodic event NO3- concentrations were trivial due to the rapid flushing of soil horizons.
hydrology; monitoring; flooding; small catchments; watersheds; mass fluxes
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Změny v chemickém složení povrchových vod na modelovém povodí Lesní potok v období jarního tání 2009
Předmětem práce bylo vyhodnocení změn chemismu povrchových vod v průběhu jarního tání v experimentálním povodí Lesní potok nacházejícím se v NPR Voděradské bučiny. Při jarním tání došlo k poklesu pH, ...
Mineral composition of agricultural soils developed on loess
Žigová, Anna; Šťastný, Martin
2011 - English
The study is focused on the comparison of mineral composition of different soil types formed on loess. The soil types were classified according to the World reference base for soil resources. Samples were collected from individual soil horizons. Basic soil properties such as the particle-size distribution, pH values, CaCO3 contents, base saturation, cation exchange capacity, soil organic carbon and nitrogen were analysed using routine pedological methods. Mineral composition was evaluated on the basis of XRD analyses of the fraction < 0.001 mm. Semiquantitative mineral composition was calculated from the areas of basal peaks. The studied soils were found to be dominated by quartz, kaolinite and illite. Semiquantitative analyses of mineral composition of the Greyic Phaeozem, Haplic Chernozem and Haplic Luvisol revealed differences in the association and proportion of individual minerals.
loess; mineralogy; Haplic Chernozem; Haplic Luvisol; Greyic Phaeozem
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Mineral composition of agricultural soils developed on loess
The study is focused on the comparison of mineral composition of different soil types formed on loess. The soil types were classified according to the World reference base for soil resources. Samples ...
Using the dye tracer for visualization of preferential flow in macro- and micro-scale
Kodešová, R.; Němeček, K.; Kodeš, V.; Žigová, Anna
2011 - English
Study is focused on the visualization of the preferential flow in different soil types and their horizons using the dye tracer experiment. The field ponding dye infiltration experiments were performed in two soil types: Haplic Luvisol and Haplic Cambisol. In addition, the thin soil section were made and micromoprphological images were used to study soil aggregate structure and dye distribution in microscale. Images of the dye patterns (taken in macro- and micro-scales) documented very different nature of the preferential flow in different soil types and also within the soil profiles.
soil structure; preferential flow; dye tracer experiment; micromorphological images
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Using the dye tracer for visualization of preferential flow in macro- and micro-scale
Study is focused on the visualization of the preferential flow in different soil types and their horizons using the dye tracer experiment. The field ponding dye infiltration experiments were performed ...
Sklizeň vody
Cílek, Václav
2010 - Czech
water; water ingathering; global change
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Sklizeň vody
Exkurzní průvodce - terénní exkurze 6. 10. 2010 - Za nejmladšími čedičovými sopkami Českého středohoří
Cajz, Vladimír
2010 - Czech
volcanos; basalts; České středohoří Mts.
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Exkurzní průvodce - terénní exkurze 6. 10. 2010 - Za nejmladšími čedičovými sopkami Českého středohoří
Půdy městské části Praha 6
Žigová, Anna; Šťastný, Martin; Krejčová, J.
2009 - Czech
anthropogenic load; mineral composition of clay fraction; micromorphological analysis; pedogenesis; soil organic matter
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Půdy městské části Praha 6
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