Number of found documents: 65
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Interactive effects of adaptation technology, based on no-till sowing into the mulch of cover crop residues, and nitrogen nutrition on photosynthetic performance of maize under drought stress
Opoku, Emmanuel; Holub, Petr; Findurová, Hana; Veselá, Barbora; Klem, Karel
2021 - English
The aim of this study was to evaluate the interactive effect of adaptation technology based on no-till sowing into cover crop mulch and nitrogen nutrition on photosynthetic performance of maize under short term drought stress induced by rain-out shelters. The experiment was established in two locations in the same climatic condition but differing in soil fertility. The negative effect of drought on CO2 assimilation rate was modulated by nitrogen nutrition. However, while nitrogen nutrition led to alleviating effect at the location with higher fertility, the opposite effect was found at the site with lower fertility. Adaptation technology had only a minor impact on photosynthetic response to drought, but it generally increased CO2 assimilation rate at the site with higher soil fertility and decreased at the site with lower soil fertility. We can conclude that adaptation technology, despite of assumptions, did not significantly change the resilience of maize to drought, and probably longer use of such technology is required to improve soil water retention and thus also balanced supply of water to plants. \nAt the same time, we did not find a negative impact of adaptation technology on photosynthesis which can be related to cooler soil during maize emergence and slower mineralization, although the use of adaptation technology seems to be more effective in soils with higher fertility. Keywords: climate change adaptation; cover crops; drought; nitrogen nutrition; photosynthetic rate Fulltext is available at external website.
Interactive effects of adaptation technology, based on no-till sowing into the mulch of cover crop residues, and nitrogen nutrition on photosynthetic performance of maize under drought stress

The aim of this study was to evaluate the interactive effect of adaptation technology based on no-till sowing into cover crop mulch and nitrogen nutrition on photosynthetic performance of maize under ...

Opoku, Emmanuel; Holub, Petr; Findurová, Hana; Veselá, Barbora; Klem, Karel
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2021

Metodika pro hodnocení vlivu subletálních dávek pesticidů na samotářské včely s využitím OMICS přístupu
Erban, T.; Shcherbachenko, E.; Šlachta, Martin; Cudlín, Pavel; Chalupníková, J.; Halešová, T.; Tomešová, D.; Václavíková, M.; Votavová, A.
2021 - Czech
Opylovači jsou v prostředí potenciálně vystaveni působení řadě pesticidů. Nejdůležitější\nskupina rizikových látek pochází z kategorie prostředků na ochranu rostlin (POR), které aplikují\nnejen zemědělci, ale i drobní zahrádkáři. Každý POR, počínaje účinnou látkou a konče jeho\nkonkrétní formulací, prochází velmi podrobným a přísným hodnocením, které v Evropské unii\n(EU) vychází z nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (ES) č. 1107/2009. Ačkoliv jsou při\nsprávném zacházení negativní vlivy POR na životní prostředí a necílové organismy\nminimalizovány, nemůžeme vyloučit možné skryté účinky subletálního charakteru. K identifikaci\nskrytých vedlejších účinků napomáhají moderní analytické přístupy, jako je aplikace\nvysokokapacitních metod. Předložená metodika je zaměřena na hodnocení vlivu subletálních\ndávek pesticidů na samotářské včely s využitím OMICs přístupu. Při hodnocení rizik pesticidů je\njako modelový druh opylovače dlouhodobě upřednostňována včela medonosná, zatímco\nsamotářské včely stojí v pozadí. Pro experimenty a hodnocení rizik je nutné si uvědomit zcela\nodlišný životní cyklus a životní strategie samotářských včel v porovnání s vysoce sociální včelou\nmedonosnou. Metodika obsahuje inovativní aspekty pro experimenty, jako je modifikovaný\nizolátor, příprava rostlin pro expozici, načasování experimentu, sledování distribuce aktivních látek\nči proteomická analýza samotářských včel pro identifikaci skrytých účinků sledované látky nebo\njejí formulace. V této metodice byla jako modelový druh vybrána samotářská včela zednice rezavá\n(Osmia bicornis). Metodika je však aplikovatelná i na jiné, zejména příbuzné druhy samotářských\nvčel. Metodika může najít využití v oblastech státní správy, v soukromých laboratořích i ve\nvýzkumné činnosti při hodnocení environmentálních rizik pesticidů na samotářské včely.\nMetodický postup může potvrdit nebo vyloučit environmentální rizika při registraci nových\npřípravků nebo reevaluaci stávajících přípravků. Tato metodika má proto potenciál pro využití při\ntestování nových látek určených na ochranu rostlin před jejich registrací. V příkladu provedení byl\ntestován vliv acetamipridu ve formulaci Careo tyčinek. Byla hodnocena distribuce acetamipridu\nv půdním substrátu a v rostlině. V rostlinných pletivech byl identifikován rizikový metabolit\nacetamipridu IM-2-1. Proteomická analýza však ukázala velmi malé nebezpečí acetamipridu pro\nO. bicornis. Tento výsledek je v souladu s tím, že acetamiprid byl EFSA vyhodnocen jako málo\nrizikový pro včely a má v EU registraci do 28. února 2033. Pollinators are potentially exposed to a number of pesticides in the environment. The\nmost important group of hazardous substances comes from the category of plant protection\nproducts (PPPs), which are applied not only by farmers but also by small gardeners. Each PPP\nincluding the active substance and formulation undergoes a very detailed and thorough evaluation,\nwhich is in the European Union (EU) based on Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European\nParliament and of the Council. Although the negative effects of PPPs on the environment and nontarget organisms are minimized with proper use, we cannot rule out possible hidden effects,\nespecially those of a sublethal nature. Modern analytical approaches, such as the application of\nhigh-throughput methods, help to identify hidden side effects. This methodology is focused on the\nevaluation of the effect of sublethal doses of pesticides on solitary bees employing the OMICs\napproach. In the risk assessment of pesticides, the honey bee has long been preferred as a model\nspecies of pollinator, while solitary bees stay in the background. The methodology contains\ninnovative aspects for experiments, such as a modified isolator, preparation of plants for exposure,\nthe timing of the experiment, monitoring of active substance distribution or proteomic analysis of\nsolitary bees to identify hidden effects of the test substance or its formulation. In this methodology,\nthe model of the solitary bee, red mason bee (Osmia bicornis), is considered. However, the\nmethodology is also applicable to other, especially related species of solitary bees. The\nmethodology can be used in areas of state administration, private laboratories and research\nactivities in the assessment of environmental risks of pesticides on solitary bees. The\nmethodological procedure can confirm or even eliminate environmental risks when registering new\nproducts or reevaluating existing products. This methodology therefore has the potential for use in\ntesting new substances intended for plant protection before their registration. In an exemplary\nembodiment, the effect of acetamiprid in a Careo sticks formulation was tested. The distribution of\nacetamiprid in the soil substrate and the plant was evaluated. The hazardous metabolite\nacetamiprid IM-2-1 was identified in plant tissues. However, proteomic analysis indicated a very\nlow risk of acetamiprid for O. bicornis. This result is in agreement with the fact that acetamiprid\nhas been assessed by EFSA to be a low risk for bees and is registered in the EU until 28 February\n2033. Keywords: osmia; omics; acetamiprid Fulltext is available at external website.
Metodika pro hodnocení vlivu subletálních dávek pesticidů na samotářské včely s využitím OMICS přístupu

Opylovači jsou v prostředí potenciálně vystaveni působení řadě pesticidů. Nejdůležitější\nskupina rizikových látek pochází z kategorie prostředků na ochranu rostlin (POR), které aplikují\nnejen ...

Erban, T.; Shcherbachenko, E.; Šlachta, Martin; Cudlín, Pavel; Chalupníková, J.; Halešová, T.; Tomešová, D.; Václavíková, M.; Votavová, A.
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2021

Modelling the onset of phenological phases of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Dížková, Petra; Bartošová, Lenka; Hájková, L.; Balek, Jan; Bláhová, Monika; Bohuslav, Jakub; Pohanková, Eva; Trnka, Miroslav; Žalud, Zdeněk
2021 - English
The onset of phenological phases of plant species is influenced mainly by air temperature. Each phenophase has its temperature limits (base temperature and temperature sum), which must be reached for each phase to occur. With knowledge of these limits, it is possible to predict the onset of phenological phases in localities where only meteorological data are available and also in future climate conditions. In this work, we used phenological ground-based data from 33 stations within the Czech Republic to calculate the most relevant meteorological predictors. PhenoClim software was used for phenological and meteorological data calibration and modelling. The smallest error that allows us to predict the term of the phenophases was found for the heading of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), as the best predictor was the maximum daily temperature and the statistical error was 3.6 days. Keywords: phenology; temperature; phenoclim; climate parameters Fulltext is available at external website.
Modelling the onset of phenological phases of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

The onset of phenological phases of plant species is influenced mainly by air temperature. Each phenophase has its temperature limits (base temperature and temperature sum), which must be reached for ...

Dížková, Petra; Bartošová, Lenka; Hájková, L.; Balek, Jan; Bláhová, Monika; Bohuslav, Jakub; Pohanková, Eva; Trnka, Miroslav; Žalud, Zdeněk
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2021

Variation of glomalin content in the Czech soils and the relationships to the chemical soil characteristics and climatic regions
Polách, Vojtěch; Patra, Sneha; Klem, Karel
2021 - English
Glomalin is being investigated as a substance that improves soil quality, the resistance of soil aggregates and play a role in carbon sequestration. This study is the first nationwide survey of the glomalin content in the soil. Soil samples were collected from 181 locations in the Czech Republic to describe the variability of glomalin content in the soils of the Czech Republic and its dependence on soil chemical properties and climatic area. Sodium citrate buffer was used to extract easily extractable glomalin (EEG), and the glomalin concentration was determined spectrophotometrically. The soil glomalin content correlates most with the ratio of humic and fulvic acids. Moreover, the interrelation between glomalin content and climatic regions was also observed. The content of glomalin decreases from the warmest regions to the coldest. We also compared the glomalin content among different soil types groups and found out that the lowest glomalin content was found in Entic Podzols and Gleysols. On the contrary, the highest glomalin content was found in Vertisols, Phaeozems and Luvisols. Keywords: glomalin; humic and hulvic acids; climatic regions; soil types Fulltext is available at external website.
Variation of glomalin content in the Czech soils and the relationships to the chemical soil characteristics and climatic regions

Glomalin is being investigated as a substance that improves soil quality, the resistance of soil aggregates and play a role in carbon sequestration. This study is the first nationwide survey of the ...

Polách, Vojtěch; Patra, Sneha; Klem, Karel
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2021

Comparing of observed and simulated field crop production in HERMES2Go model at Hněvčeves locality
Bohuslav, Jakub; Kersebaum, Kurt Christian; Madaras, M.; Hlavinka, Petr; Trnka, Miroslav; Žalud, Zdeněk
2021 - English
The main objective of this study was calibration and testing of crop growth model \nHERMES2Go under long–term field experiment in Hněvčeves locality (coordinate 50°18´N, 15°43´E, \naltitude 265 m.a.s.l.). Observed data of yields and the other parameters like a weather data, soil \nparameters, management practice, phenology phases etc. monitored in last 38 years was used for model \ncalibration. Input parameters were available for 4 different fertilizer practices: i) control, ii) manure, iii) \nmineral fertilizer and iv) manure together with mineral fertilizer on each plot. Observed data are \navailable for yields of main and by–product and above ground biomass. The main grown crops were \nsugar beet, spring barley, winter wheat, silage maize, oat and alfalfa. Outputs of the model for main \nproduct are relatively accurate, but values of by–product requires additional calibration parameters \nsettings together with above–ground biomass. Keywords: hermes2go; long–term experiments; simulation; yield; field crops Fulltext is available at external website.
Comparing of observed and simulated field crop production in HERMES2Go model at Hněvčeves locality

The main objective of this study was calibration and testing of crop growth model \nHERMES2Go under long–term field experiment in Hněvčeves locality (coordinate 50°18´N, 15°43´E, \naltitude 265 ...

Bohuslav, Jakub; Kersebaum, Kurt Christian; Madaras, M.; Hlavinka, Petr; Trnka, Miroslav; Žalud, Zdeněk
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2021

Vertikální profil koncentrace a toku aerosolových částic nad ornou půdou
Zapletal, Miloš; Hovorka, J.; Hladík, J.; Juráň, Stanislav
2019 - Czech
V současné době představuje imisní zátěž území a obyvatelstva pevnými/kapalnými nebo směsnými částicemi o velikosti 1 nm – 100 μm suspendovanými v atmosféře, neboli PM, jeden z největších problémů nejen v České republice, ale prakticky v celé Evropě. Vysoké koncentrace PM jsou spojeny s velkým množstvím zdravotních problémů. Mezi ně patří respirační poruchy a zvýšené riziko rakoviny plic a kůže (WHO, 2006). V ČR je dlouhodobá expozice PM důležitým faktorem zodpovědným za snížení kvality života obyvatel. Mezi nejzávažnější účinky, pokud jde o celkovou zdravotní zátěž, patří významné snížení průměrné délky života (WHO, 2006). Dopravní a průmyslové činnosti jsou obecně považovány za hlavní zdroj částic PM10. Existující informace o chemickém složení, velikostním rozložení, podílu sekundárních částic a depozičním toku částic na různé typy povrchů jsou doposud neúplné. Měření koncentrace aerosolu bylo provedeno v mnoha městech na úrovni ulic nebo pro hodnocení osobní expozice (Kaur et al., 2005, Longley et al., 2004). Byla provedena eddy kovariační měření emisního toku částic nad velkými městskými aglomeracemi (Dorsey et al., 2002, Järvi et al., 2009, Martin et al., 2009, Deventer et al., 2013). Přímé měření emisního toku částic eddy kovariační metodou poskytlo informaci o vzestupném proudění vzduchu a vertikální výměně částic nad některými městskými aglomeracemi (např. Manchesterem, Londýnem, Helsinkami). Popis měření toku částic eddy kovariační metodou z letadla je uveden v práci Buzoriuse et al. (2006). Méně informací existuje o emisním toku částic nad různými druhy zdrojů v různých výškách např. nad ornou půdou, povrchových uhelným dolem nebo lokálními topeništi. At present, the immission load of the territory and population by solid / liquid or mixed particles with the size of 1 nm - 100 μm suspended in the atmosphere, or PM, is one of the biggest problems not only in the Czech Republic but practically throughout Europe. High PM concentrations are associated with a large number of health problems. These include respiratory disorders and an increased risk of lung and skin cancer (WHO, 2006). In the Czech Republic, long-term exposure to PM is an important factor responsible for reducing the quality of life of the population. Among the most serious effects in terms of overall health burden is a significant reduction in life expectancy (WHO, 2006). Transport and industrial activities are generally considered to be the main source of PM10 particles. Existing information on the chemical composition, size distribution, secondary particle fraction and deposition flux of particles on different types of surfaces is still incomplete. Aerosol concentration measurements have been performed in many cities at street level or for personal exposure assessment (Kaur et al., 2005, Longley et al., 2004). Eddy covariance measurements of particulate emission flux over large urban agglomerations were performed (Dorsey et al., 2002, Järvi et al., 2009, Martin et al., 2009, Deventer et al., 2013). Direct measurement of the emission flux of the eddy particles by the covariation method provided information on the upward air flow and vertical particle exchange over some urban agglomerations (eg Manchester, London, Helsinki). A description of the measurement of the eddy particle flow by the covariance method from an aircraft is given in Buzorius et al. (2006). Less information exists on the emission flux of particles above different types of sources at different heights, eg above arable land, opencast coal mine or local fireplaces. Keywords: Particulate Matter; PM concentration; Eddy Covariance Fulltext is available at external website.
Vertikální profil koncentrace a toku aerosolových částic nad ornou půdou

V současné době představuje imisní zátěž území a obyvatelstva pevnými/kapalnými nebo směsnými částicemi o velikosti 1 nm – 100 μm suspendovanými v atmosféře, neboli PM, jeden z největších problémů ...

Zapletal, Miloš; Hovorka, J.; Hladík, J.; Juráň, Stanislav
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2019

Assessment of the Estimates of Sun-induced Fluorescence in large masses of Vegetation
Rodriguez-Moreno, Fernando; Zemek, František; Pikl, Miroslav
2019 - English
The remote estimation of the sun-induced fluorescence has been successful in fields in which, in addition to the measurements for the verification, there is also a detailed characterization\nof the atmosphere, besides being an optimal environment, flat surface without interferences. Revealing the fluorescence is a process of precision because the minimum error tolerated forces each element of the chain to fulfill its function exactly and consistently. The detailed monitoring of a flight line is not feasible, hence the uncertainty in this process and the reason for the series of publications with the new estimation of fluorescence. Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Assessment of the Estimates of Sun-induced Fluorescence in large masses of Vegetation

The remote estimation of the sun-induced fluorescence has been successful in fields in which, in addition to the measurements for the verification, there is also a detailed characterization\nof the ...

Rodriguez-Moreno, Fernando; Zemek, František; Pikl, Miroslav
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2019

A 5 year´s source apportionment study of black carbon from biomass burning and fossil fuel combustion at a rural background site
Mbengue, Saliou; Šerfözö, Norbert; Schwarz, Jaroslav; Zíková, Naděžda; Holubová, Adéla; Holoubek, Ivan
2019 - English
The impacts of Black Carbon (BC) on adverse public health and Earth’s climate system have been recognized and evidenced in recent decades. Most of the studies on BC were conducted in urban/traffic areas. There are relatively few studies using real-time measurements of BC at rural background areas, especially in Central Europe. This study is a 5-year characterization of BC from biomass burning (BCbb) and fossil fuel combustion (BCff) at the National Atmospheric Observatory Košetice (49°35ʹ N, 15°05ʹ E), in central Czech Republic. The measurements of BC in PM10 were performed at 4 m above the ground with a multiple wavelength aethalometer (AE31, Magee Scientific). Paralell measurement of trace gases (NO2, NOx and SO2), biomass burning tracers (levoglucosan and mannosan) and meteorological parameters (temperature, wind speed and direction) were also performed at the station. Keywords: black carbon; biomass; fossil fuels Available in a digital repository NRGL
A 5 year´s source apportionment study of black carbon from biomass burning and fossil fuel combustion at a rural background site

The impacts of Black Carbon (BC) on adverse public health and Earth’s climate system have been recognized and evidenced in recent decades. Most of the studies on BC were conducted in urban/traffic ...

Mbengue, Saliou; Šerfözö, Norbert; Schwarz, Jaroslav; Zíková, Naděžda; Holubová, Adéla; Holoubek, Ivan
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2019

Source apportionment of equivalent black carbon (ebc) at a regional blackground site in central europe
Mbengue, Saliou; Šerfözö, Norbert; Schwarz, Jaroslav; Zíková, Naděžda; Holubová, Adéla; Holoubek, I.
2019 - English
This study focuses on a 5-year measurement of equivalent Black carbon (EBC) at a regional background site in Central Europe. The aim is to identify the potential sources of EBC, especially fossil fuel (ff) and biomass burning (bb). Measurements of EBC in PM10 were performed from September 2012 to December 2017 at NAOK (National Atmospheric Observatory Košetice, 49°35ʹ N, 15°05ʹ E), central Czech Republic, with a 7-wavelength aethalometer (AE31, Magee Scientific). The aethalometer model, based on the wavelength dependence of light absorption (Angstrom coefficient), has been used to estimate EBCbb (EBC from biomass burning) and EBCff (EBC from traffic). The influence of local and distant sources has been investigated using the Conditional Probability Function (CPF) and Backward Trajectories Cluster Analysis (BTCA).\nClear seasonal, diurnal and weekly variations of EBC were observed at the NAOK that could be related to the sources fluctuations and transport characteristic. The higher concentrations of EBC were measured during winter (1.00 ±0.87 μg m-3) in comparison with summer (0.44 ±0.29 μg m-3).\n Keywords: equivalent black carbon; source apportionment; biomass burning; fossil fuel Available in a digital repository NRGL
Source apportionment of equivalent black carbon (ebc) at a regional blackground site in central europe

This study focuses on a 5-year measurement of equivalent Black carbon (EBC) at a regional background site in Central Europe. The aim is to identify the potential sources of EBC, especially fossil fuel ...

Mbengue, Saliou; Šerfözö, Norbert; Schwarz, Jaroslav; Zíková, Naděžda; Holubová, Adéla; Holoubek, I.
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2019

New particle formation measurement down to 1.2 nm at noak
Holubová, Adéla; Zíková, Naděžda; Ždímal, Vladimír
2019 - English
Atmospheric aerosols influence Earth’s climatic system and human health. Role of aerosols in climatic system still includes uncertainties strongly influencing model simulations (Zhao et al. \n2018). One of the uncertainties is caused by secondary aerosol formation and their consequent growth. Nucleation of aerosol particles is a process determined by presence of aerosol precursors in atmosphere and by ambient atmospheric conditions (Dada et al. 2017). \nSince new particle formation (NPF) events have been observed in many types of environment (Kulmala et al. 2004), we have focused on NPF events at background station in the Czech Republic, representative for central European region. In this study we investigate NPF process of aerosol clusters from 1.2 nm in size.\n Keywords: particle formation; particle measurement; Atmospheric boundary layer; NAOK Available in a digital repository NRGL
New particle formation measurement down to 1.2 nm at noak

Atmospheric aerosols influence Earth’s climatic system and human health. Role of aerosols in climatic system still includes uncertainties strongly influencing model simulations (Zhao et al. \n2018). ...

Holubová, Adéla; Zíková, Naděžda; Ždímal, Vladimír
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2019

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