Number of found documents: 821
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Are subsidies to business R&D effective? Regression discontinuity evidence from the TA CR ALFA programme
Bajgar, Matěj; Srholec, Martin
2023 - English
Governments subsidise business research and experimental development (R&D) to promote development of the economy, because externalities and information asymmetries inherent to the innovation process make private funding of these activities fall short of what is socially desirable. Nevertheless, how effective such subsidies are and whether they achieve their goals is an open question that needs to be studied empirically. This study leverages the state-of-the-art method of regression discontinuity (RD) that allows us to come very close to making causal inferences about the effects of subsidies, to find out whether the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic’s (TA CR) ALFA programme stimulated new business R&D inputs, outputs, and positive economic impacts that would not have happened otherwise. Keywords: government subsidies; innovations; economic development Fulltext is available at external website.
Are subsidies to business R&D effective? Regression discontinuity evidence from the TA CR ALFA programme

Governments subsidise business research and experimental development (R&D) to promote development of the economy, because externalities and information asymmetries inherent to the innovation process ...

Bajgar, Matěj; Srholec, Martin
Národohospodářský ústav, 2023

Rozdíly nákladnosti vysokoškolského výzkumu mezi vědními oblastmi: jak moc se liší od „KENů“ ve výuce?
Srholec, Martin
2023 - Czech
Na téma nízkých mezd v oblasti sociálních a humanitních věd bylo v poslední době hodně řečeno a napsáno. Akademici proti tomu už i demonstrovali v ulicích a začalo se dokonce mluvit o stávce. Ačkoliv řešení vypadá v nedohlednu, jeden pozitivní výsledek tomu nelze upřít. Začalo se totiž konečně mluvit o tom, jestli tzv. koeficienty ekonomické náročnosti (KEN), podle kterých již třicet let rozděluje MŠMT hlavní část dotace na vysokoškolskou výuku, nepotřebují aktualizovat. Cílem této studie je porovnat rozptyl těchto KENů s rozdíly v nákladnosti akademické činnosti, která má k vysokoškolské výuce nejblíže, což je bezesporu výzkum a vývoj (VaV). Nesnažíme se spočítat nové KENy – což by bylo žádoucí, ale není v rámci nám dostupných dat a zdrojů proveditelné – nýbrž alespoň rámcově zjistit, do jaké míry se současné KENy liší od proporcí pozorovaných ve VaV. Much has been said and written recently about low wages in the social sciences and humanities. Academics have demonstrated in the streets about it, and there has even been talk of a strike. Although a solution seems to be out of sight, one positive outcome cannot be denied. Discussion has finally begun on whether the so-called „koeficienty ekonomické náročnosti“ (KEN), on the base of which the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) distributes the main part of the subsidy for teaching in higher education over the past thirty years needs to be updated. This study compares the dispersion of KENs with the differences in costs of the academic activity closest to higher education teaching, which is undoubtedly research and development (R&D). We are not attempting to recalculate the KENs - which would be desirable, but is not feasible with the data and resources available to us - but at least to approximate the extent to which current KENs differ from the costs observed in R&D. Keywords: social sciences and humanities; R&D; wages Fulltext is available at external website.
Rozdíly nákladnosti vysokoškolského výzkumu mezi vědními oblastmi: jak moc se liší od „KENů“ ve výuce?

Na téma nízkých mezd v oblasti sociálních a humanitních věd bylo v poslední době hodně řečeno a napsáno. Akademici proti tomu už i demonstrovali v ulicích a začalo se dokonce mluvit o stávce. Ačkoliv ...

Srholec, Martin
Národohospodářský ústav, 2023

Sexual-orientation discrimination and biological attributions: experimental evidence from Russia
Baghumyan, Gayane
2023 - English
Understanding what drives discriminatory behavior is important in order to identify the best strategy to combat it. In this study, I exogenously manipulate participants’ beliefs about the origins of sexual orientation by providing evidence that supports biological causes of homosexuality. I employ money allocation tasks to measure discrimination. This allows me to causally identify the impact of information on discriminatory behavior. I first document the prevalence of discrimination against individuals with same-sex partners in Russia. On average, roughly 54% of participants exhibit discriminatory behavior against profiles with same-sex partners by allocating 16 percentage points less money to them. Further, the results suggest that exposure to evidence on the biological causes of homosexuality negatively affects discriminatory behavior. Participants in the treatment group allocate less money to profiles with same-sex partners, relative to participants in the baseline group. Potential rationales for this behavior could include the following: (i) the provision of information that contradicts existing beliefs might cause cognitive dissonance, triggering irritation and intensifying discriminatory tendencies, (ii) the information might foster beliefs that individuals in same-sex partnerships are fundamentally ’other’ - even at a biological level - thereby widening the perceived social gap between participants and these sexual minority groups and fostering discrimination further. Keywords: discrimination; information; sexual minorities Fulltext is available at external website.
Sexual-orientation discrimination and biological attributions: experimental evidence from Russia

Understanding what drives discriminatory behavior is important in order to identify the best strategy to combat it. In this study, I exogenously manipulate participants’ beliefs about the origins of ...

Baghumyan, Gayane
Národohospodářský ústav, 2023

Platy učitelů v roce 2022 a výhled: cesta z propasti a zase zpět
Münich, Daniel; Smolka, Vladimír
2023 - Czech
Výše relativních učitelských platů spoluurčuje atraktivitu učitelské profese a zajišťuje dostatečný zájem o profesi. Výběrovost profese, jak na straně vysokoškolské přípravy, tak během kariéry, spoluurčuje kvalitu vzdělávání. Tyto procesy se realizují dlouhodobě průběžnými příchody a odchody do a z profese a dalším vzděláváním. Proto lze dopady učitelských platů na zájem o profesi, kvalitu práce učitelů a vzdělávací výsledky země vysledovat až s dlouhodobým odstupem. The relative amounts of teachers‘ salaries helps to define the attractiveness of entering the teaching profession and can be a component in ensuring sufficient interest in the profession. Selectivity into teaching, both at entry and throughout the career, determines the quality of education. These processes are realised in the long term through continuous entries and exits from teaching, and ongoing training during the career. Therefore, the effects of teacher salaries on interest in entering the profession, the quality of teachers' work, and ultimately a country's educational outcomes can only be tracked over the long term. Keywords: teachers’ salaries; Czech Republic Fulltext is available at external website.
Platy učitelů v roce 2022 a výhled: cesta z propasti a zase zpět

Výše relativních učitelských platů spoluurčuje atraktivitu učitelské profese a zajišťuje dostatečný zájem o profesi. Výběrovost profese, jak na straně vysokoškolské přípravy, tak během kariéry, ...

Münich, Daniel; Smolka, Vladimír
Národohospodářský ústav, 2023

Máme příliš mnoho vysokoškoláků? Co lze vyčíst z celoživotních mzdových profilů
Hrendash, Taras; Jurajda, Štěpán; Münich, Daniel; Doleželová, P.; Mrázek, P.
2023 - Czech
Od počátku nového století došlo v ČR k dynamickému růstu VŠ vzdělané pracovní síly. V ČR k tomu nejdříve přispěl vznik a rozvoj soukromých vysokých škol na konci 90. let a posléze výrazné otevírání veřejných vysokých škol po roce 2005. Podíl VŠ vzdělaných ve věkové skupině 30–34 let se tak během tří dekád více než zdvojnásobil. Nemáme už v Česku z ekonomického pohledu příliš mnoho vysokoškolsky vzdělaných? Odpověď na otázku je důležitá pro rozhodování, do jaké míry by měl stát finančně či jinak podporovat další růst počtu VŠ studentů a absolventů a nakolik by měl občany k počátečnímu a celoživotnímu VŠ studiu motivovat. Odpověď je důležitá i do debaty o potřebě posílení dnes velmi nízké úrovně a rozsahu finanční podpory VŠ studentů. V předkládané studii vytváříme popisné statistiky o mzdách a platech zaměstnanců, které jsou užitečným podkladem pro diskusi o této důležité otázce. Srovnáváme vývoj úrovně mezd a platů vysokoškoláků pro kohorty narozené v letech 1960, 1970, 1980 a 1990. Tyto kohorty se výrazně liší co do zastoupení vysokoškolsky vzdělaných. Zároveň pro tyto kohorty sledujeme vývoj mzdového (platového) poměru mezi absolventy vysokých a středních škol (VŠ/SŠ), tj. procentního rozdílu průměrných, resp. mediánových mezd (platů) středoškolsky a vysokoškolsky vzdělaných zaměstnanců. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the Czech Republic has experienced dynamic growth in its university-educated workforce. This trend was initially driven by the foundation and growth of private universities in the Czech Republic in the late 1990s, followed from 2005 onwards by a substantial opening-up of public universities. The share of the population aged between 30 and 34 with higher education has more than doubled over the course of three decades. From an economic perspective, do we now have too many university graduates in the Czech Republic? The answer to this question is crucial when it comes to deciding the extent to which the state should – financially or otherwise – support future growth in the numbers of university students and graduates, and how much it should encourage citizens to pursue initial or lifelong university education. The answer is also an important factor in debates about the need to increase the currently low financial support available to university students. The study we present here provides descriptive statistics about employees’ wages and salaries, which serve as a useful basis for any discussion of this important question. We compare trends in university-educated employees’ wages and salaries for cohorts born in 1960, 1970, 1980 and 1990. The shares of university graduates in these cohorts differ substantially. Further, we observe trends in the earnings ratio for these cohorts between university- and secondary-educated employees, i.e., the percentage differences between the mean or median earnings of employees with higher education and those of employees with only secondary education. Keywords: university education; human capital; Czech Republic Fulltext is available at external website.
Máme příliš mnoho vysokoškoláků? Co lze vyčíst z celoživotních mzdových profilů

Od počátku nového století došlo v ČR k dynamickému růstu VŠ vzdělané pracovní síly. V ČR k tomu nejdříve přispěl vznik a rozvoj soukromých vysokých škol na konci 90. let a posléze výrazné otevírání ...

Hrendash, Taras; Jurajda, Štěpán; Münich, Daniel; Doleželová, P.; Mrázek, P.
Národohospodářský ústav, 2023

Hostility, population sorting, and backwardness: quasi-experimental evidence from the Red Army after WWII
Ochsner, Christian
2023 - English
Does a short episode of conflict or exposure to hostile troops cause regional economic backwardness, and if so, why and how does it persist? I answer these questions by exploiting economic differences across the idiosyncratic and short-lived line of contact between the Red Army and the Western Allies in South Austria at the end of WWII. Spatial regression discontinuity estimates show that hostile presence of the Red Army for 74 days caused an immediate relative population decline of around 12%, amplified to 25% by today. Age-specific migration patterns and subsequent fertility differences explain the multiplying effects. Sector development and measures of local labor productivity in 2011 also lag behind in regions briefly seized by the Red Army, likely driven by skill-specific migration and hampered investment patterns after WWII. The findings provide novel insights into the long-run effects of wars and conflicts, and point to the isolated role of the Red Army’s hostile actions after WWII to understand the European economic East-West divide.\n Keywords: conflict; hostility; population shock Fulltext is available at external website.
Hostility, population sorting, and backwardness: quasi-experimental evidence from the Red Army after WWII

Does a short episode of conflict or exposure to hostile troops cause regional economic backwardness, and if so, why and how does it persist? I answer these questions by exploiting economic differences ...

Ochsner, Christian
Národohospodářský ústav, 2023

Disclosure discrimination: an experiment focusing on communication in the hiring process
Badalyan, S.; Korlyakova, Darya; Rehák, Rastislav
2023 - English
We focus on communication among hiring team members and document the existence of discrimination in the disclosure of information about candidates. In particular, we conduct an online experiment with a nationally representative sample of Czech individuals who act as human resource assistants and hiring managers in our online labor market. The main novel feature of our experiment is the monitoring of information flow between human resource assistants and hiring managers. We exogenously manipulate candidates’ names to explore the causal effects of their gender and nationality on information that assistants select for managers. Our findings reveal that assistants disclose more information about family and less information about work for female candidates relative to male candidates. An in-depth analysis of the disclosed information suggests that gender stereotypes play an important role in this disclosure discrimination. Furthermore, assistants disclose less information about foreigners overall. This effect appears to be driven by the less attention assistants are willing to devote to the CVs of foreigners, measured by the extra effort to learn more about the candidates. Keywords: information; disclosure; hiring Fulltext is available at external website.
Disclosure discrimination: an experiment focusing on communication in the hiring process

We focus on communication among hiring team members and document the existence of discrimination in the disclosure of information about candidates. In particular, we conduct an online experiment with ...

Badalyan, S.; Korlyakova, Darya; Rehák, Rastislav
Národohospodářský ústav, 2023

Racial discrimination and lost innovation: evidence from US inventors, 1895–1925
Coluccia, D. M.; Dossi, G.; Ottinger, Sebastian
2023 - English
How can racial discrimination harm innovation? We study this question using data on US inventors linked to population censuses in 1895-1925. Our novel identification strategy leverages plausibly exogenous variation in the timing of lynchings and the name of the victims. We find an immediate and persistent decrease in patents granted to inventors who share their names with the victims of lynchings, but only when victims are Black. We hypothesize that lynchings accentuate the racial content of the victim’s name to patent examiners, who do not observe inventor race from patent applications. We interpret these findings as evidence of discrimination by patent examiners and provide evidence against alternative mechanisms. Keywords: discrimination; innovation; lynchings Fulltext is available at external website.
Racial discrimination and lost innovation: evidence from US inventors, 1895–1925

How can racial discrimination harm innovation? We study this question using data on US inventors linked to population censuses in 1895-1925. Our novel identification strategy leverages plausibly ...

Coluccia, D. M.; Dossi, G.; Ottinger, Sebastian
Národohospodářský ústav, 2023

(Ne)zvyšování sociálních dávek v letech 2012–2023: přehled
Janský, Petr; Kolář, Daniel
2023 - Czech
V tomto přehledu mapujeme vývoj dávek sociálního charakteru v posledních deseti letech ve srovnání s vývojem inflace, průměrných mezd a starobních důchodů. Pokud má být zachována reálná kupní síla dávek, měl by jejich růst odpovídat alespoň inflaci. Pokud má úroveň sociálního zajištění držet krok s dlouhodobým ekonomickým vývojem, měla by se úroveň dávek zvyšovat zhruba tempem růstu mezd v ekonomice a objem výdajů na dávky zhruba tempem růstu HDP. In this overview, we map trends in the value of social benefits over the past ten years and compare them to trends in inflation, average salaries and old age pensions. If the real purchase power of benefits is to remain stable, they should be raised at least at the same rate as inflation. If we want social benefits to continue to provide the same level of financial security, keeping pace with economic developments in the long term, then their value should rise at approximately the same rate as the average salary, and spending on benefits should increase at approximately the same rate as GDP. Keywords: social benefits; real purchase power; inflation Fulltext is available at external website.
(Ne)zvyšování sociálních dávek v letech 2012–2023: přehled

V tomto přehledu mapujeme vývoj dávek sociálního charakteru v posledních deseti letech ve srovnání s vývojem inflace, průměrných mezd a starobních důchodů. Pokud má být zachována reálná kupní síla ...

Janský, Petr; Kolář, Daniel
Národohospodářský ústav, 2023

Quantitative easing in the euro area: implications for income and wealth inequality
Stojanović, Dušan
2023 - English
This study examines how and to what extent quantitative easing of the ECB affects household income and wealth inequality in the euro area. Previous theoretical models have investigated the dynamics of inequality measures through differential access of households to financial/capital market (the portfolio rebalancing channel), neglecting the labor market differential (the earnings heterogeneity channel). Although the portfolio rebalancing channel may provide insight into wealth inequality and non-labor income inequality, this is not the case with labor (and thus total) income inequality. To be in line with the empirical evidence on labor income inequality, this study also considers segmented labor market on the basis of capital-skill complementarity in production and asymmetric real wage rigidities. When only financial market segmentation is considered, the quantitative results indicate a drop in total income inequality that is diminished over time, while wealth inequality experiences a rise that gradually becomes weaker. The introduction of the segmented labor market significantly mitigates the observed drop in total income inequality, while a rise in wealth inequality is largely amplified. Given the possible broadening of the ECB’s mandate towards distributional issues in the future, the analysis of segmented labor and financial markets can be more beneficial to the ECB as it provides a clearer picture of the inequality effects. Keywords: quantitative easing; capital-skill complementarity; asymmetric real wage rigidity Fulltext is available at external website.
Quantitative easing in the euro area: implications for income and wealth inequality

This study examines how and to what extent quantitative easing of the ECB affects household income and wealth inequality in the euro area. Previous theoretical models have investigated the dynamics of ...

Stojanović, Dušan
Národohospodářský ústav, 2023

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