Počet nalezených dokumentů: 954
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Measurements on KR-D-11B Optimized Subsonic Blade Cascade
Šimurda, David; Hála, Jindřich
2023 - anglický
This report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurements conducted on a subsonic compressor blade cascade. Klíčová slova: compressor blade cascade; experiment; subsonic flow; optimized profile Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Measurements on KR-D-11B Optimized Subsonic Blade Cascade

This report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurements conducted on a subsonic compressor blade cascade.

Šimurda, David; Hála, Jindřich
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

2TDK Railway, profile P18. Datings. Final Report.
Bosák, Pavel; Zupan Hajna, N.; Hercman, H.; Horáček, I.; Kdýr, Šimon; Kogovšek, B.
2023 - anglický
Samples for datings were taken in the railway construction (2TDK) near village of Divača, Classical Karst on October 12, 2021: (1) vertebrate bones in cave 2TDK – 002 at the profile P18, cave entrance appeared during the construction operations on cleaned karst surface in a wall of karst depression. Samples of mammal bones and gastropods were collected in situ on cave bottom, and (2) pieces of speleothems occurring in non in situ position on artificially planated surface near the cave opening were collected. U-series: no numerical date was obtained as geochemistry of sample indicate open system, probably due to recrystallization of sample in soil cover. Paleomagnetism: The transition of N- and R-polarized samples cannot be identified more precisely as U-series radiometric dating yielded no numerical results. The transition easily can represent Brunhes/Matuyama boundary (at 773 ka) as well as any of older such transitions (e. g., base of Jaramillo, base of Olduvai). In any case the speleothem grew in a closed cave space with roof, probably as flowstone (inclusion of red soils above the base) and later as baldachin on eroded allogenic fill of the paleocave. Vertebrate paleontology: bone remains of small and larger vertebrates represent subrecent to Holocene species. Sorex alpinus represents the species quite rare in fossil record, but recetly limited to variegated woodland habitats with high surface humidity. A chamois Rupicapra rupicapra represents a resident species present in Slovenia throughout all stages of a glacial cycle, recently restricted to mountain habitats. Klíčová slova: Divača Karst; unroofed cave; speleothem; U-Th dating; paleomagnetism; zoopaleontology Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
2TDK Railway, profile P18. Datings. Final Report.

Samples for datings were taken in the railway construction (2TDK) near village of Divača, Classical Karst on October 12, 2021: (1) vertebrate bones in cave 2TDK – 002 at the profile P18, cave entrance ...

Bosák, Pavel; Zupan Hajna, N.; Hercman, H.; Horáček, I.; Kdýr, Šimon; Kogovšek, B.
Geologický ústav, 2023

Optical and Pneumatic Measurements on TR-U-11 Cascade
Luxa, Martin; Hála, Jindřich; Šimurda, David
2023 - anglický
The report contains results and evaluation of conducted optical (interferometry and schlieren technique) and pneumatic measurements on the first variant of the new tip section, intended for turbine rotor blade. Klíčová slova: transonic flow; rotor turbine blade; tip section Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Optical and Pneumatic Measurements on TR-U-11 Cascade

The report contains results and evaluation of conducted optical (interferometry and schlieren technique) and pneumatic measurements on the first variant of the new tip section, intended for turbine ...

Luxa, Martin; Hála, Jindřich; Šimurda, David
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Kráľova Lehota. Paleomagnetic research. Report
Elbra, Tiiu; Schnabl, Petr; Aidona, E.; Kdýr, Šimon; Uçar, Hakan; Pruner, Petr; Benediková, L.
2023 - anglický
Klíčová slova: Archeological artefact; paleomagnetic dating; rock magnetism Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Kráľova Lehota. Paleomagnetic research. Report

Elbra, Tiiu; Schnabl, Petr; Aidona, E.; Kdýr, Šimon; Uçar, Hakan; Pruner, Petr; Benediková, L.
Geologický ústav, 2023

Implementation of a plasticity model with advanced kinematic hardening rule for additively manufactured materials
Marek, René; Parma, Slavomír; Gabriel, Dušan; Džugan, J.
2023 - anglický
This technical report summarizes particularly the modeling part of the project DP 04_01_NPO “Emission-free technologies for local energy sources replacement” including development of models to describe multi-material 3D printed structures. The work is done in cooperation between COMTES FHT, a.s., the Institute of Thermomechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i. and PROINNO, a.s. The goal of the project is the development of material models describing the behavior of multi-material components deposited by the direct deposition method (DED) under multiaxial cyclic loading.\nIn the report, a plasticity model suitable for materials prepared by the additive manufacturing method is compiled and used. The model uses Hill's plasticity condition, an advanced multi-component kinematic hardening rule, and an isotropic hardening rule. The associated flow rule is chosen and the implementation assumes the theory of small deformations. All constitutive relationships are presented and discussed for the selected model, and the model is thus fully and unambiguously formulated. The model is analytically integrated for a special case of loading and a special choice of parameters of the plasticity condition, namely transverse isotropy. A discretization scheme for numerical integration and procedures for FE implementation of the model are presented. For the FE implementation, a formulation in the displacement field is assumed, specifically the FE solver Abaqus and the implementation of the model using the UMAT interface are targeted. Several examples of the model's response to monotonic, uniaxial and biaxial cyclic loading trajectories are presented. \n Tato zpráva shrnuje postup prací na dílčím projektu DP 04_01_NPO “Emission-free technologies for local energy sources replacement” zahrnující vývoj modelů pro popis chování multi-materiálových 3D tištěných struktur řešený v konsorciu COMTES FHT, a.s., Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR, v.v.i. a PROINNO, a.s. Cílem projektu je vývoj materiálových modelů popisujících chování multi-materiálových komponent deponovaných metodou přímé depozice (DED) pří víceosém cyklickém zatěžování. \nVe zprávě je sestaven a použit model plasticity vhodný pro materiály připravené metodou aditivní výroby. Model využívá Hillovu podmínku plasticity, pokročilý vícesložkový model kinematického zpevnění a model isotropního zpevnění. Je zvolen asociovaný zákon tečení a implementace předpokládá teorii malých deformací. Pro zvolený model jsou uvedeny a diskutovány všechny konstitutivní vztahy a model je tak plně a jednoznačně formulován. Model je analyticky integrován pro speciální případ zatěžování a speciální volbu parametrů podmínky plasticity, konkrétně příčnou isotropii. Je prezentováno diskretizační schema pro numerickou integraci a procedury pro MKP implementaci modelu. U MKP implementace se předpokládá formulace v poli posunutí, konkrétně je pak cíleno na MKP řešič Abaqus a implementaci modelu pomocí rozhraní UMAT. Je prezentováno několik příkladů odezvy modelu na monotónní, jednoosé a víceosé cycklické zatěžovací trajektorie.\n Klíčová slova: plasticity; anisotropy; additive manufacturing Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Implementation of a plasticity model with advanced kinematic hardening rule for additively manufactured materials

This technical report summarizes particularly the modeling part of the project DP 04_01_NPO “Emission-free technologies for local energy sources replacement” including development of models to ...

Marek, René; Parma, Slavomír; Gabriel, Dušan; Džugan, J.
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Aerodynamic Measurements on Subsonic Compressor Blade Cascades KR-D-7 and KR-D-8
Šimurda, David; Hála, Jindřich; Luxa, Martin; Radnic, Tomáš
2023 - anglický
This report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurements conducted on two variant subsonic compressor blade cascades with MCA profile (KR-D-7) and DCA profile (KR-D-8) at transonic flow regimes. Klíčová slova: compressor blade cascade; experiment; transonic flow; subsonic flow; MCA profile; DCA profile Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Aerodynamic Measurements on Subsonic Compressor Blade Cascades KR-D-7 and KR-D-8

This report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurements conducted on two variant subsonic compressor blade cascades with MCA profile (KR-D-7) and DCA profile (KR-D-8) at transonic flow ...

Šimurda, David; Hála, Jindřich; Luxa, Martin; Radnic, Tomáš
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Aerodynamic Measurements on Transonic Compressor Blade Cascades KR-D-9 and KR-D-10
Šimurda, David; Hála, Jindřich; Luxa, Martin
2023 - anglický
This report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurements conducted on two variant transonic compressor blade cascades with MCA profile (KR-D-10) and DCA profile (KR-D-9) at transonic flow regimes. Klíčová slova: compressor blade cascade; experiment; transonic flow; MCA profile; DCA profile Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Aerodynamic Measurements on Transonic Compressor Blade Cascades KR-D-9 and KR-D-10

This report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurements conducted on two variant transonic compressor blade cascades with MCA profile (KR-D-10) and DCA profile (KR-D-9) at transonic ...

Šimurda, David; Hála, Jindřich; Luxa, Martin
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

Jánovce. Paleomagnetic research. Report
Elbra, Tiiu; Kdýr, Šimon; Uçar, Hakan; Pruner, Petr; Schnabl, Petr
2023 - anglický
Klíčová slova: Jánovce archeological site; Paleomagnetism; Rock magnetism Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Jánovce. Paleomagnetic research. Report

Elbra, Tiiu; Kdýr, Šimon; Uçar, Hakan; Pruner, Petr; Schnabl, Petr
Geologický ústav, 2023

Characterization of five mosaic mortar beds from Austria produced by A. Neuhauser/Tiroler Glasmalerei and J. Pfefferle
Bauerová, Pavla; Frankeová, Dita; Slížková, Zuzana
2023 - anglický
The report contains the results of material analyses of five mortar beds of mosaics produced by the Austrian studios Neuhauser/Tiroler Glasmalerei and Josef Pfefferle. The analysed samples come from mosaics made at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and located in various places in Tyrol. The mortars were analysed by SEM-EDS and thermal analysis. The results showed that, in addition to traditional materials such as marble dust, they also contain atypical or innovative components such as waste ceramic and glass shards or early Portland cement. Klíčová slova: SEM-EDS analysis; historic mortar; mosaic; thermal analysis Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Characterization of five mosaic mortar beds from Austria produced by A. Neuhauser/Tiroler Glasmalerei and J. Pfefferle

The report contains the results of material analyses of five mortar beds of mosaics produced by the Austrian studios Neuhauser/Tiroler Glasmalerei and Josef Pfefferle. The analysed samples come from ...

Bauerová, Pavla; Frankeová, Dita; Slížková, Zuzana
Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, 2023

Measurements on Turbine Cascade KOBRA
Luxa, Martin; Hála, Jindřich; Šimurda, David
2023 - anglický
The report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurement on a blade cascade representing the section imitating the conical stream line in the last rotor row of a gas trubine under considerable off-design condition. The research report contains detailed specifications of the measured model, overview of the results of the optical measurements (interferometry, schlieren method in Toepler configuration) and pneumatic measurements (traversing with five hole conical probe downstream the cascade). Klíčová slova: turbine cascade; turbine off-design condition; tarnsonic flow Plné texty jsou dostupné na jednotlivých ústavech Akademie věd ČR.
Measurements on Turbine Cascade KOBRA

The report contains results and evaluation of aerodynamic measurement on a blade cascade representing the section imitating the conical stream line in the last rotor row of a gas trubine under ...

Luxa, Martin; Hála, Jindřich; Šimurda, David
Ústav termomechaniky, 2023

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