Number of found documents: 281
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Beneficial and toxic effects of REE in algae and plants
ASHRAF, Nermeen
2022 - English
Lanthanides mainly represented by REE are the most frequently occurring elements as compared to arsenic and lead. REE consist of a group of elements associated with each other in terms of common physical and chemical properties, with studies concerning phytoremediation and physiological effects of such elements on living biota, is important to be addressed as these elements are frequently being considered as emerging pollutants because of excessive mining and release into the environment. Very important is to study the toxic effects of lanthanum in microalgae under environmental conditions. Experimental trials are evaluating especially potential risks on growth and photosynthesis under nanomolar-dose, with promising decrease and acute toxicity. To this end, the two most promising La-binding protein is currently investigated in green microalgae (Desmodesmus quadricauda) with high affinities. Subcellular localization patterns of La have been also shown to predict possible expression sites and to understand the metabolic response of La in microalgae. We also identify accumulator plant species for LREE in contaminated mining areas for phytoremediation purposes, aim of this study was conducted in the Brazilian mining area for REE and as well as identifying the bioavailable content which can help in predicting the promising species. This field study was done for finding new accumulators which are involved in concentrating LREE in above-ground parts. Our study suggests toxic effects of La and identified preferentially good hyperaccumulator plant specie Christella dentata for phytomining of lanthanides. This could be used as a predictive bioaccumulator in phytoremediation and its further analysis can be a part of future studies for insight mechanisms using analytical techniques, involving the identification of La-binding proteins in Desmodesmus quadricauda. Lanthanides mainly represented by REE are the most frequently occurring elements as compared to arsenic and lead. REE consist of a group of elements associated with each other in terms of common physical and chemical properties, with studies concerning phytoremediation and physiological effects of such elements on living biota, is important to be addressed as these elements are frequently being considered as emerging pollutants because of excessive mining and release into the environment. Very important is to study the toxic effects of lanthanum in microalgae under environmental conditions. Experimental trials are evaluating especially potential risks on growth and photosynthesis under nanomolar-dose, with promising decrease and acute toxicity. To this end, the two most promising La-binding protein is currently investigated in green microalgae (Desmodesmus quadricauda) with high affinities. Subcellular localization patterns of La have been also shown to predict possible expression sites and to understand the metabolic response of La in microalgae. We also identify accumulator plant species for LREE in contaminated mining areas for phytoremediation purposes, aim of this study was conducted in the Brazilian mining area for REE and as well as identifying the bioavailable content which can help in predicting the promising species. This field study was done for finding new accumulators which are involved in concentrating LREE in above-ground parts. Our study suggests toxic effects of La and identified preferentially good hyperaccumulator plant specie Christella dentata for phytomining of lanthanides. This could be used as a predictive bioaccumulator in phytoremediation and its further analysis can be a part of future studies for insight mechanisms using analytical techniques, involving the identification of La-binding proteins in Desmodesmus quadricauda. Keywords: lanthanides; microalgae; growth; photosynthesis; La-binding protein; subcellular localization; phytoremediation; LREE; hyperaccumulator; Christella dentata Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Beneficial and toxic effects of REE in algae and plants

Lanthanides mainly represented by REE are the most frequently occurring elements as compared to arsenic and lead. REE consist of a group of elements associated with each other in terms of common ...

ASHRAF, Nermeen
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2022

Evolution and Phylogeny of Mesozoa
2022 - English
This thesis focuses on the phylogenetic position of Mesozoa (Orthonectida and Dicyemida) based on phylogenomics, and on dicyemid life-history traits revealed by molecular methods used in population genetics. The thesis is introduced by the review of biology of both groups, complemented by up to now development of views on their phylogenetic position and notes concerning the study of the population structure of marine invertebrates. The introduction is followed by a study focusing on the phylogenetic position of Mesozoa, a comparison of population structure between the cephalopod host and its dicyemid parasite, and a case study of dicyemid parasite infrapopulation. The thesis wraps up with a review on cephalopod parasites and a summary. Keywords: Mesozoa; Dicyemida; Orthonectida; Phylogenomics; Population genetics; Marine biology; Parasites Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Evolution and Phylogeny of Mesozoa

This thesis focuses on the phylogenetic position of Mesozoa (Orthonectida and Dicyemida) based on phylogenomics, and on dicyemid life-history traits revealed by molecular methods used in population ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2022

Effect of distinct soil horizon and vegetation on soil microbiome abundance, composition, and activity of Arctic permafrost
VARSADIYA, Milankumar
2022 - English
In the present work, I studied the abundance, composition, and activity of soil microbial communities involved in the decomposition of soil organic matter (OM) in different horizons and under distinct tundra vegetation of Arctic permafrost soils. Special emphasis was given to buried topsoil caused by cryoturbation processes. The enzyme activity and their stoichiometry were also analyzed to determine the limitation of microbial carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus. I also applied the metatranscriptomics approach to study the active microbial community in a complex view of all three domains of life (bacteria, archaea, Eukaryota). With this approach, we could better understand the potential role of microbial interactions (e.g., bacterial predation) in the carbon and nitrogen cycles of permafrost soils. Keywords: Microbes; Soil organic matter; Climate change; Arctic Permafrost; Tundra Vegetation Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Effect of distinct soil horizon and vegetation on soil microbiome abundance, composition, and activity of Arctic permafrost

In the present work, I studied the abundance, composition, and activity of soil microbial communities involved in the decomposition of soil organic matter (OM) in different horizons and under distinct ...

VARSADIYA, Milankumar
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2022

Study of Cancer Immunotherapy Mechanisms in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma and Pheochromocytoma Murine Models
UHER, Ondřej
2022 - English
This dissertation examines the study of intratumoral cancer immunotherapy using a combination of phagocytosis-stimulating ligands and Toll-like receptor ligands (TLR) in murine pancreatic adenocarcinoma and pheochromocytoma murine models. In this study, we show that intratumoral application of the phagocytosis-stimulating ligand Mannan-BAM and three TLR ligands, referred to as MBT therapy, efficiently suppresses tumor growth in more than 83% of mice bearing murine melanoma. However, in aggressive pancreatic adenocarcinoma and pheochromocytoma murine models, such a combination is inefficient and must be combined with an agonistic anti-CD40 antibody, referred to as MBTA therapy, to achieve complete eradication of the tumor. We show that complex intratumoral MBTA therapy can systemically increase the recruitment of innate immune cells followed by activation of adaptive immune cells not only in treated tumors but also in distal non-treated lesions, resulting in the reduction of tumor growth and prolonged survival of treated mice. Taken together, these findings highlight the effect of MBTA therapy and the potential to optimize this therapeutic approach for future use in clinical trials as a treatment for metastatic cancers. This dissertation examines the study of intratumoral cancer immunotherapy using a combination of phagocytosis-stimulating ligands and Toll-like receptor ligands (TLR) in murine pancreatic adenocarcinoma and pheochromocytoma murine models. In this study, we show that intratumoral application of the phagocytosis-stimulating ligand Mannan-BAM and three TLR ligands, referred to as MBT therapy, efficiently suppresses tumor growth in more than 83% of mice bearing murine melanoma. However, in aggressive pancreatic adenocarcinoma and pheochromocytoma murine models, such a combination is inefficient and must be combined with an agonistic anti-CD40 antibody, referred to as MBTA therapy, to achieve complete eradication of the tumor. We show that complex intratumoral MBTA therapy can systemically increase the recruitment of innate immune cells followed by activation of adaptive immune cells not only in treated tumors but also in distal non-treated lesions, resulting in the reduction of tumor growth and prolonged survival of treated mice. Taken together, these findings highlight the effect of MBTA therapy and the potential to optimize this therapeutic approach for future use in clinical trials as a treatment for metastatic cancers. Keywords: intratumoral; immunotherapy; cancer; pancreatic adenocarcinoma; pheochromocytoma Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Study of Cancer Immunotherapy Mechanisms in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma and Pheochromocytoma Murine Models

This dissertation examines the study of intratumoral cancer immunotherapy using a combination of phagocytosis-stimulating ligands and Toll-like receptor ligands (TLR) in murine pancreatic ...

UHER, Ondřej
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2022

The relationships among functional traits of tardigrades (Tardigrada), their diet, and environmental conditions
TŮMOVÁ, Michala
2022 - English
In this thesis, I explore several ways how to use functional traits to study the tardigrade role in the soil food web. The goal of the thesis was to show that it is possible to study tardigrade ecology even without species identification. Trophic classification of tardigrades, as well as morphometric traits of each individual, were used as functional traits. First, I confirmed the existence of different trophic groups, testing the whole spectrum of potential diet in three tardigrade species from different trophic groups. I showed that tardigrades differed not only in the scope of ingested items but also in survival and fecundity under different types of diet. Secondly, I compared trophic group composition with species composition in natural tardigrade communities. The results showed that species, as well as trophic group composition, responded to the same environmental drivers. Trophic group composition enabled easier interpretation of the tardigrade role in the soil food web, while species composition illustrated also species-specific preferences that were not connected to their feeding habits such as preferences for different levels of soil moisture. Finally, I have used morphometric traits measured in each individual separately which allowed me for evaluation of inter-specific as well as intra-specific variation. As a result, buccal tube length was selected as a predictor of tardigrade feeding preferences among nematode, rotifer, and tardigrade prey. In summary, the thesis documented that functional traits provide a tool for the prediction of tardigrade feeding behaviour and detection of changes in the role of tardigrades along environmental gradients without the need of species identification. In this thesis, I explore several ways how to use functional traits to study the tardigrade role in the soil food web. The goal of the thesis was to show that it is possible to study tardigrade ecology even without species identification. Trophic classification of tardigrades, as well as morphometric traits of each individual, were used as functional traits. First, I confirmed the existence of different trophic groups, testing the whole spectrum of potential diet in three tardigrade species from different trophic groups. I showed that tardigrades differed not only in the scope of ingested items but also in survival and fecundity under different types of diet. Secondly, I compared trophic group composition with species composition in natural tardigrade communities. The results showed that species, as well as trophic group composition, responded to the same environmental drivers. Trophic group composition enabled easier interpretation of the tardigrade role in the soil food web, while species composition illustrated also species-specific preferences that were not connected to their feeding habits such as preferences for different levels of soil moisture. Finally, I have used morphometric traits measured in each individual separately which allowed me for evaluation of inter-specific as well as intra-specific variation. As a result, buccal tube length was selected as a predictor of tardigrade feeding preferences among nematode, rotifer, and tardigrade prey. In summary, the thesis documented that functional traits provide a tool for the prediction of tardigrade feeding behaviour and detection of changes in the role of tardigrades along environmental gradients without the need of species identification. Keywords: želvušky; mikrofauna; Tardigrada; funkční vlastnosti; trofické skupiny; půdní potravní sítě Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
The relationships among functional traits of tardigrades (Tardigrada), their diet, and environmental conditions

In this thesis, I explore several ways how to use functional traits to study the tardigrade role in the soil food web. The goal of the thesis was to show that it is possible to study tardigrade ...

TŮMOVÁ, Michala
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2022

Analýza slinných serpínů klíšťat Ixodes ricinus z hlediska strukturní biologie
2022 - English
Znalost podrobné struktury proteinů a jejich komplexů s jinými proteiny, jako jsou například serpiny, pomáhá pochopit jejích mechanismus účinku. Serpiny, jako velká skupina proteázových inhibitorů mají téměř identické složení sekundární struktury a představují dokonalý příklad jak se dá vysvětlit jejich inhibičním proces prostřednictvím detailních strukturních analýz mnoha zástupců skupiny. Univerzální proces inhibice serpinu je znám a také je známo, že serpiny jsou strukturálně téměř identické zatímco funkčně rozmanité. Proto má každý serpin některé vlastnosti jemu specifické a znalost detailních serpinových struktur může vysvětlit vysokou funkční diverzitu. Rentgenová krystalografie byla a je jedním z nejběžnějších nástrojů používaných pro strukturní analýzu serpinu. Tato práce popisuje strukturní informace serpinů klíšťat Ixodes ricinus. Serpiny tohoto druhu jsou zodpovědné hlavně za modulaci imunitní odpovědi hostitele prostřednictvím inhibice zúčastněných proteáz. Serpiny s proteázami tvoří kovalentní komplexy. Tento proces vede k "sebevražednému" mechanismu, který inaktivuje jak proteázu tak i serpin. Zde jsou uvedeny výsledky rentgenové strukturní analýzy čtyř serpinů I. ricinus pojmenovaných: Iripin-3, Iripin-5, Iripin-4 a Iripin-1. Všechny pomáhají klíšťatům různými způsoby zůstat přichyceny k hostiteli po dostatečnou dobu pro krmení tím, že inhibují proteázy zapojené do imunitních obranných reakcí hostitele na kousnutí klíštětem. The knowledge of the detailed structure of proteins and their complexes with other proteins, such as serpins, helps to understand the mechanism of action. Serpins, a large protein group of protease inhibitors that possess almost identical secondary-structural folds, represent the perfect example of expanding the knowledge of their inhibition process through detailed structural analyses. The universal process of serpin inhibition is known, but also is known that serpins are structurally similar whereas their functional diversity is significant. Therefore, each serpin will have some properties specific to its own and knowledge of the serpin structures can explain high functional diversity. X-ray crystallography was one of the most common tools used for serpin structural analysis. This thesis describes the structural information of serpins found in Ixodes ricinus ticks. Serpins of this species are mainly responsible for the modulation of the host immune response via inhibiting involved proteases. Serpins with proteases form covalent complexes. This process leads to a suicide mechanism that inactivates the protease as well as serpin. Here are presented results of the X-ray structural analysis of four I. ricinus serpins named Iripin-3, Iripin-5, Iripin-4, and Iripin-1. All of them help the tick in different ways to stay attached to the host for sufficient time for feeding by inhibiting the proteases involved in host immune defense responses to a tick bite. Keywords: klíště; serpin; rentgenová krystalografie; Ixodes ricinus; sliny klíšťat; strukturní konformace Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Analýza slinných serpínů klíšťat Ixodes ricinus z hlediska strukturní biologie

Znalost podrobné struktury proteinů a jejich komplexů s jinými proteiny, jako jsou například serpiny, pomáhá pochopit jejích mechanismus účinku. Serpiny, jako velká skupina proteázových inhibitorů ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2022

Human impact as reflected in the pollen record, with a focus on the Middle Ages
2022 - English
Pylová analýza je integrální součástí rekonstrukce vegetačních změn založených na fosilním sedimentárním záznamu. Tato práce představuje téma vývoje vegetace v prostoru střední Evropy ovlivněných kombinací klimatických změn, přirozeného šíření rostlinných druhů a lidského vlivu. Období pozdního glaciálu a většiny Holocénu (~15.6-3.2 ka BP) bylo zaznamenáno v sedimentech přírodní lokality prostoru bývalého Komořanského jezera. Navíc, tři středověké vesnice na výškovém gradientu území České republiky posloužily k rekonstrukci lidského vlivu na vegataci během vrcholného středověku. Multidisciplinární výzkum zahrnující pylovou analýzu, analýzu rostlinných makrozbytků, rozsivkovou analýzu a paleozoologický záznam s kombinací archeologických nálezů sloužil ke stopování počátků formace současné české kulturní krajiny. Pollen analysis is an integral part of past vegetation reconstructions based on fossil sedimentary records. This thesis introduces the topics of past vegetation development in the area of Central Europe affected by a combination of climatic events, natural plant dispersal processes, and human impact. A natural site of the former lake Komořany was investigated to address the early periods covering the Late Glacial and majority of the Holocene (~15.6-3.2 ka BP). Moreover, three distinct medieval village sites covering an altitudinal gradient of the Czech territory served for reconstruction of the increased human impact on landscape and vegetation, especially during the High Medieval Period. A multidisciplinary approach including pollen, plant macrofossil, diatom, and palaeozoological record in combination with archaeological finds was employed to track the origins and formation of the cultural landscape, focusing on the medieval transformation. Keywords: pylová analýza; lidský vliv; vývoj vegetace; klima; centrální Evropa; středověk Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Human impact as reflected in the pollen record, with a focus on the Middle Ages

Pylová analýza je integrální součástí rekonstrukce vegetačních změn založených na fosilním sedimentárním záznamu. Tato práce představuje téma vývoje vegetace v prostoru střední Evropy ovlivněných ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2022

Bioinformatická a funkční charakterizace taxonomicky omezených genů
2022 - English
Evolutionary dynamics, generating novel phenotypic traits, embody an essential route to either lineage-specific adaptations or to the creation of endless forms in organisms. Understanding the evolution of such ultimate novelties requires the study of the origin and the role of the functional units in generating unique traits, which represent the taxon-specific genes (TRGs). Myxozoa, the endoparasitic cnidarians, have become a suitable model for the study of evolutionary innovations, with their example of single-celled novelty: polar capsules. This uniquelly evolved structure within the spore stage represents a lineage-specific analogy of cnidarian stinging cells (nematocyst). In Cnidaria, nematocysts contain several uniquely emerged genes, rendering the assembly of this complex structure. The prominent fraction represents minicollagens, extremely shortened structural peptides forming the wall and tubule during the nematocyst development. Unlike in Cnidaria, the role of TRGs such as minicollagens in myxozoan development is unknown. The thesis describes the evolution and functional characterization of minicollagens in Myxozoa. Using the bioinformatics and molecular approaches, we explored the diversity and genomic organization and comprehensively characterized minicollagen gene expressions during myxospore development and localization of minicollagens in the polar capsule. Keywords: Myxozoa; taxonomically-restricted genes; minicollagens; development; polar capsule Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Bioinformatická a funkční charakterizace taxonomicky omezených genů

Evolutionary dynamics, generating novel phenotypic traits, embody an essential route to either lineage-specific adaptations or to the creation of endless forms in organisms. Understanding the ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2022

Effect of soil C:N:P stoichiometry on plant-microbe-soil interactions
2022 - English
The effect of C:N:P stoichiometry on plant-microbe-soil interactions was studied using glasshouse experiments to maintain constant environmental conditions and manipulate plant and soil characteristics. Plants with different economic strategies were studied on soils with different C:N:P stoichiometry due to C enrichment. This allowed for various plant-soil interactions, which were used to study the strongest links between plants, microbes, and soil. Subsequently, the role of C addition in the plant-exudates-microbe-soil interactions was evaluated, including the correlation of foliar isotopic C and N composition with plant biomass and soil N availability. Finally, plant- soil communication was altered by fertilizing plant leaves without changing soil conditions. In this way, we were able to determine the role of plant C:N stoichiometry in the priming effect of the rhizosphere and detritusphere. Keywords: rhizosphere; primming effect; detritusphere; root exudates; DOC Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Effect of soil C:N:P stoichiometry on plant-microbe-soil interactions

The effect of C:N:P stoichiometry on plant-microbe-soil interactions was studied using glasshouse experiments to maintain constant environmental conditions and manipulate plant and soil ...

Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2022

Čerstvost a trvanlivost rybích produktů
HAO, Ruoyi
2022 - English
Ryby hrají důležitou roli v lidské stravě a zdraví jako zdroj lehce stravitelných a vysoce výživných živočišných bílkovin a vysoce hodnotných n-3 polynenasycených mastných kyselin (n-3 PUFA). Při vysoké vlhkosti, nízkém množství pojivových tkání a neutrální hodnotě pH však rybí svalovina podléhá zkáze více než jiné potravní svaly. Čerstvost ryb závisí na fyzikálních, chemických, biochemických a mikrobiologických změnách během pitvy, což je rozhodující pro kvalitu ryb. Zhoršení rybí svaloviny obecně závisí na třech mechanismech: enzymatické autolýze, oxidaci lipidů nebo proteinů a mikrobiálním růstu. Zhoršování kvality ryb je komplexní proces ovlivněný nutričním profilem svalů, mikroorganismy, podmínkami skladování. V současné době je v ČR vyvinut systém chovu omega-3 kaprů, umožňující zvýšení zdravých n-3 PUFA ve svalovině kapra obecného. Přínos tohoto kapra na lidské zdraví byl prokázán. Znalosti o potenciálním zásahu inovativního kultivačního systému do struktury živin, procesu kažení a čerstvosti kaprů však zatím nejsou k dispozici. V současné době se ryby uchovávané v chladu mění v oblíbené krmivo pro ryby s podporou dostupných chladicích řetězců a propagací konceptů zdravé konzumace čerstvých potravin. Nicméně kvalita ryb se během chlazeného skladování stále výrazně zhoršuje, což vede ke zkrácení čerstvosti a trvanlivosti. Tento proces řídí rychlý růst a metabolismus mikroorganismů přirozeně přítomných nebo z kontaminace. Nedávné studie však komplexně nezkoumaly roli mikroorganismů při snižování čerstvosti chlazených skladovaných ryb. Kromě toho, poháněné "zeleným konzumem", jsou oblíbené potraviny s malým množstvím syntetických přísad, ale více přírodními přísadami, které propagují esenciální oleje (EOs), které v posledních letech přitahují velkou pozornost ke konzervaci ryb. Konzervační účinky těchto EO na ryby jsou však rozporuplné. Jak tedy vytvořit dobrou konzervační strategii pro použití konzervačních metod založených na EO pro manipulaci s mikrobiálním znehodnocením a zachování čerstvosti ryb uchovávaných v chladu. Tato práce je věnována vyplnění těchto mezer ve znalostech. 1) Patentovaný systém chovu zjistil mírné zvýšení stability při skladování a trvanlivosti kapra prostřednictvím zkoumání rozdílů v potenciálních živinách, posmrtné čerstvosti a trvanlivosti mezi tradičně pěstovaným kaprem obecným a kaprem omega-3. 2) Byly odhaleny vztahy mezi typickými indikátory čerstvosti a několika dominantními mikroorganismy kažení a manipulace se zkaženými mikroorganismy konzervační metodou založenou na EOs u ryb skladovaných v chladu. 3) Senzoricky přijatelný antibakteriální povlak na bázi EOs byl vyvinut pro konzervaci rybích filetů skladovaných v chladu. 4) Byly stanoveny inteligentní strategie pro udržení čerstvosti a vlastností rybího gelového krmiva pomocí fenolických sloučenin a ošetření ultrazvukem zvýšením zesíťování proteinů. Fish plays an important role in the human diet and health as a source of easily digestible and highly nutritious animal protein and high value n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA). However, with high moisture, low amount of connective tissues, and neutral pH value, fish muscle is more perishable than other food muscles. Fish freshness depends on physical, chemical, biochemical, and microbiological changes during the post-mortem, which is crucial to fish quality. Generally, fish muscle deterioration depends on three mechanisms: enzymatic autolysis, lipid or protein oxidation, and microbial growth. The deterioration of fish quality is a complex process affected by the nutrient profile of muscles, microorganisms, storage conditions. Nowadays, a farming culture system of omega-3 carp, enabling the increase of healthy n-3 PUFA in common carp muscle, was developed in the Czech Republic. The benefits of this carp on human health have been proven. However, the knowledge of the potential intervention by the innovative culture system on the nutrients pattern, spoilage process, and freshness of carp is not available yet. Nowadays, chill-stored fish is turning into popular fish food with the encouragement of available cold-chains and promoting healthy consumption concepts of fresh food. Nevertheless, fish quality still deteriorates severely during chilled storage, leading to freshness and shelf-life reduction. The rapid growth and metabolism of microorganisms naturally present or from contamination drive this process. However, recent studies did not comprehensively investigate the microorganisms' role in the freshness reduction of chilled stored fish. Moreover, driven by 'green consumerism', foods with few synthetic additives but more natural ingredients are popular, promoting essential oils (EOs) attracting much attention for fish preservation in recent years. However, the preserving effects of these EOs on fish are inconsistent. Thus, how to establish a good preservation strategy for using EOs-based preservation methods to manipulate microbial spoilage and maintain the freshness of chill-stored fish. This thesis is devoted to filling these knowledge gaps. 1) The patented farming system was found a slight increase in storage stability and shelf-life of carp via the investigation on the differences in the potential nutrients, post-mortem freshness, and shelf life between traditionally cultured common carp and omega-3 carp. 2) The relationships among typical freshness indicators and several dominant spoilage microorganisms and the manipulation of spoilage microorganisms by EOs-based preserving method in chill-stored fish were exposed. 3) A sensory acceptable EOs-based antibacterial coating was developed for the preservation of chill stored fish fillets. 4) Intelligent strategies for maintaining fish gel food freshness and properties via phenolic compounds and ultrasound treatment by enhancing protein cross-linking were established. Keywords: Zhoršení rybí svaloviny; Kvalita skladování; Esenciální oleje; Mikrobiální kažení; Indikátory čerstvosti Available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia.
Čerstvost a trvanlivost rybích produktů

Ryby hrají důležitou roli v lidské stravě a zdraví jako zdroj lehce stravitelných a vysoce výživných živočišných bílkovin a vysoce hodnotných n-3 polynenasycených mastných kyselin (n-3 PUFA). Při ...

HAO, Ruoyi
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2022

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