Rhyme in 16th-Century Hungarian Historical Songs: A Pilot Study
Maróthy, S.; Seláf, L.; Plecháč, Petr
2021 - English
This article presents a computer-based stichometric analysis of 26 Hungarian historical songs from the 16th century. We explore the validity of comments made by Albert Szenci Molnár in 1607 about the poor quality and simplicity of stanza structures in the poetry of previous generations. The study shows how rhyming changed in this poetic genre between 1539 and 1598. In this respect, it is the first work to explore these changes through a quantitative analysis. We find that during the examined period, there was a marked decline in the frequency of rhymes based on the repetition of the same word. At the same time, the tendency to maintain a rhyme across multiple stanzas did not change significantly.
versification; stylometry; rhyme; Hungarian poetry
Available in digital repository of the ASCR
Rhyme in 16th-Century Hungarian Historical Songs: A Pilot Study
This article presents a computer-based stichometric analysis of 26 Hungarian historical songs from the 16th century. We explore the validity of comments made by Albert Szenci Molnár in 1607 about the ...
Assessing the reliability of stress as a feature of authorship attribution in syllabic and accentual syllabic verse
Plecháč, Petr; Birnbaum, D. J.
2019 - English
This work builds on a recent study by one of the authors, which shows that statistics about versification may be used as a feature in the process of authorship attribution. One such statistic is what we have called the stress profile of a poem, a vector consisting of frequencies of stressed syllables at particular metrical positions. Our initial hypothesis was that because syllabic versification (SV) regulates by definition the number of syllables in a line but not the distribution of stresses, it allows authors to individualize their rhythmical style much more than accentual syllabic versification (ASV), where the distribution of stresses is primarily determined by meter. For that reason, we expected the stress profile to be a more reliable indicator of authorship in Spanish SV than in Czech or German ASV. This hypothesis, however, was not supported by our analysis. For most of our samples, German ASV had lower accuracy than Spanish, which we had predicted, but, contrary to our expectations, the accuracy for Czech ASV and Spanish SV were more or less the same. This result led us to hypothesize further that the traditional labels SV and ASV were misleading and we sought to measure the tonic entropy of our data. In this case, Spanish SV, as expected, was found to be the least tonically regular, while there was a significant difference between the two ASV systems: the values for Czech were even closer to Spanish than to the low-scoring German system. This explains why our initial grouping of Czech and German together into a single ASV category was insufficiently nuanced.
versification; authorship attribution; poetry
Fulltext is available at external website.
Assessing the reliability of stress as a feature of authorship attribution in syllabic and accentual syllabic verse
This work builds on a recent study by one of the authors, which shows that statistics about versification may be used as a feature in the process of authorship attribution. One such statistic is what ...
The Reflection of Literary Activities in Digital Space
Hartmanová, Pavla; Czwordon-Lis, P.
2018 - English
The Czech Literary Bibliography comprises a set of bibliographical records which reflect cultural journalism and specialist texts on Czech literature. The aim of the contribution is the introduction to a new project of the Institute of Czech Literature: The Czech Literary Internet. The project has extended our sources to excerpt platforms, web pages and electronic magazines whose content is not easily searchable through classic search engines. It turns out that this resource illustrates the professional debate on literary events and development and,\nin particular, brings new information on culture in regions and popular literature.
Czech literary bibliography; Czech literary internet; databases; Webarchiv; archiving; Polish literary bibliography; literary blogs
Fulltext is available at external website.
The Reflection of Literary Activities in Digital Space
The Czech Literary Bibliography comprises a set of bibliographical records which reflect cultural journalism and specialist texts on Czech literature. The aim of the contribution is the introduction ...
Czech Literary Bibliography
Malínek, Vojtěch
2016 - English
Presentation of the history and services of Czech Literary Bibliography research Infrastructure.
bibliography; databases
Fulltext is available at external website.
Czech Literary Bibliography
Presentation of the history and services of Czech Literary Bibliography research Infrastructure.
Czech Literary Bibliography
Malínek, Vojtěch
2016 - English
Poster presenting The Czech Literary Bibliography Research Infrastructure, its ordinary services and resources and main research activities.
Bibliography; Czech literature; Databases
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Czech Literary Bibliography
Poster presenting The Czech Literary Bibliography Research Infrastructure, its ordinary services and resources and main research activities.
Central Europe in Narrative Mode (History and Narration)
Trávníček, Jiří
2015 - English
Central Europe; narrative mode; history
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Central Europe in Narrative Mode (History and Narration)
The chariot of Thespis
Hrbata, Zdeněk
2014 - English
The analysis of the Gautier´s famous novel Captain Fracasse is governed by principles of historical poetics, i. e. by taking into account the presence of generic and discursive models or their elements distributed in the novel´s structure (like roman comique, theatricality, novel od adventure, journey topos).
Gautier, Théophile; adventure; journey; description
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
The chariot of Thespis
The analysis of the Gautier´s famous novel Captain Fracasse is governed by principles of historical poetics, i. e. by taking into account the presence of generic and discursive models or their ...
Experientiality: does it divide or link description and narration?
Jedličková, Alice
2014 - English
The paper revisits the – in the scholarly discourse for various reasons time and again rejected – differentiation between description and narration arguing in its favour, hoping to illuminate its usefulness in the analyses of both literary narratives and those produced by other media, as well as to pave the way for papers focusing on ekphrasis and its aspects such as temporality, perspectivization and intermedia functions.
description; narration; experientiality; intermediality
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Experientiality: does it divide or link description and narration?
The paper revisits the – in the scholarly discourse for various reasons time and again rejected – differentiation between description and narration arguing in its favour, hoping to illuminate its ...
Popis a jeho subjekt: očima pozorovatele
Fedrová, Stanislava
2014 - English
Kategorie pozorovatele jakožto klíčového zprostředkovatele vnějšího světa (či obrazu vnějšího světa) vyvstává z konfrontace verbální a vizuální deskriptivity. Studie se tak soustředí právě na úlohu pozorovatele a funkce jeho vnímání ve výstavbě deskripce. Je třeba nastolit otázky postupů přebírání perspektivy postavy do diskurzu vypravěče či implicitního pozorovatele. Musíme přitom rozlišovat mezi modem pozorovatele, zdůrazňujícím percepční rovinu, a interpreta, tj. takového vnímání okolního světa, které vědomě využívá např. piktoriálních modelů a kulturních/vizuálních konceptů a připravuje tak evokaci či vizualizaci čtenáře. Studie zkoumá tradičně chápanou "objektivitu" neinterpretující postavy a představuje škálu pozorovatelských perspektiv v popisu a rovněž v ekfrázi jako specifickém popisném typu. The category of beholder as key mediator of the surrounding world (or its image) in an artwork results from confrontation of verbal and visual descriptivity. The paper focuses on the role of beholder and the influence of processes of her perception on the descriptive structure. It seems inevitable to inquire into the ways and devices of transforming the perspective of a character into narratorial discourse or into that of an implied beholder. Concurrently, it is necessary to differentiate between the mode of beholder where emphasize is on perception, and the mode of interpreter, i. e. such apprehension of the world, which employs e. g. pictorial models and cultural/visual concepts intently in order to induce evocation or visualization in readers. The paper examines the assumed “objectivity” or noninterpretative character of description by displaying a variety of observer’s perspectives in description and also in ekphrasis as a specific type of description.
intermediality; literary description; ekphrasis; visual studies
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Popis a jeho subjekt: očima pozorovatele
Kategorie pozorovatele jakožto klíčového zprostředkovatele vnějšího světa (či obrazu vnějšího světa) vyvstává z konfrontace verbální a vizuální deskriptivity. Studie se tak soustředí právě na úlohu ...
Introduction. On description
Jedličková, Alice
2014 - English
Preface to a book On description.
description; narratology; literary theory
Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Introduction. On description
Preface to a book On description.
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