Number of found documents: 170
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Book of Abstracts and Programme
Beneš, Hynek; Starý, Zdeněk
2024 - English
The Book of Abstracts and Programme contains time order and the summaries of all the contributions to the international conference “Polymers for Sustainable Future 2024” was organized simultaneously as the 85th Prague Meeting on Macromolecules (PMM) and 11th Conference on Green Chemistry and Nanotechnologies in Polymeric Materials. The participants presented 84 lectures and 91 posters. Keywords: polymers; sustainable; green chemistry Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Book of Abstracts and Programme

The Book of Abstracts and Programme contains time order and the summaries of all the contributions to the international conference “Polymers for Sustainable Future 2024” was organized simultaneously ...

Beneš, Hynek; Starý, Zdeněk
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2024

14th International Bordetella Symposium
Šebo, Peter
2024 - English
We shall discuss the latest research achievements in the Bordatella/pertussis filed and how to tackle the challenge of current pertussis resurgence. We will assess what needs to be done to overcome the limitations of current acellular pertussis vaccines in order to curb the resurgence and transmission of whoopong cough. Keywords: bordetella; petrussis; vaccine Available in digital repository of the ASCR
14th International Bordetella Symposium

We shall discuss the latest research achievements in the Bordatella/pertussis filed and how to tackle the challenge of current pertussis resurgence. We will assess what needs to be done to overcome ...

Šebo, Peter
Mikrobiologický ústav, 2024

CECE 2023. 18th International Interdisciplinary Meeting on Bioanalysis
Foret, František; Lavická, Jana; Přikryl, Jan
2023 - English
This year the Proceedings included abstracts of 27 oral and 33 poster presentations. The attached conference proceedings, edited by highly cited scientists, documents the quality of the meeting. Similarly to the previous years the lectures were given by outstanding, highly cited, scientists. The list of speakers as well as more detailed information about the conference can be found on its permanent web at Keywords: bioanalysis; separation; biotechnology Fulltext is available at external website.
CECE 2023. 18th International Interdisciplinary Meeting on Bioanalysis

This year the Proceedings included abstracts of 27 oral and 33 poster presentations. The attached conference proceedings, edited by highly cited scientists, documents the quality of the meeting. ...

Foret, František; Lavická, Jana; Přikryl, Jan
Ústav analytické chemie, 2023

NIVB Meeting 2023
Hostomský, Zdeněk; Vácha, R.; Pichová, Iva; Šímová, Šárka
2023 - English
NIVB Meeting 2023 – the second meeting of the National Institute of Virology and Bacteriology (NIVB) in Kutná Hora on 2. 10. – 5. 10. 2023 will be again after one year an opportunity to meet the participating teams, discuss excellent science, establish collaborations, and present the progress of the project to the members of the International Scientific Advisory Board. Thanks to funding from the Czech Economic Recovery Plan, a number of important results have already been published in high impact journals. Several networking workshops have been organized and scientific collaborations have been established. The meeting in Kutná Hora is therefore a summary of all that has happened in the project over the past year. The main goal of the NIVB is to facilitate cooperation between 30 participating research teams from 8 Czech research institutions, and this goal is gradually being achieved. The NIVB acts as a common communication platform to discuss the desired cooperation of the NIVB research teams, especially those that have not had much contact so far due to their inter-institutional, interdisciplinary or inter-regional distance.\nWe thank all the participants who contributed to the meeting with 30 oral presentations and 67 posters. The NIVB 2022 meeting had the ambition to launch a new series of annual meetings dedicated to virology and bacteriology, and NIVB 2023 fulfils this ambition and continues to aim to inform the wider scientific community about new developments, trends and issues in these disciplines. Keywords: virology; bacteriology; National Institute of Virology and Bacteriology (NIVB); NIVB meeting Available in digital repository of the ASCR
NIVB Meeting 2023

NIVB Meeting 2023 – the second meeting of the National Institute of Virology and Bacteriology (NIVB) in Kutná Hora on 2. 10. – 5. 10. 2023 will be again after one year an opportunity to meet the ...

Hostomský, Zdeněk; Vácha, R.; Pichová, Iva; Šímová, Šárka
Ústav organické chemie a biochemie, 2023

5th International Percid Fish Symposium, Percis V 2022
Holubová, Michaela
2022 - English
The publication contains scientific abstracts from the international conference. Keywords: abstracts; conference; fish Available at various institutes of the ASCR
5th International Percid Fish Symposium, Percis V 2022

The publication contains scientific abstracts from the international conference.

Holubová, Michaela
Biologické centrum, 2022

4th CCP Phenogenomics Conference abstract book
Sedláček, Radislav
2022 - English
The fourth CCP Phenogenomics Conference was held as a hybrid meeting. The scientific committee selected the topic of rare diseases: experimental models & delivery of therapies as the main thematic focus of the 2022 Conference. The Conference provided again an excellent opportunity to support networking and interactions among the researchers, CCP staff, users and experts from the commercial sector. Keywords: phenogenomics; rare diseases; gene therapy; experimental models; delivery of therapies Available at various institutes of the ASCR
4th CCP Phenogenomics Conference abstract book

The fourth CCP Phenogenomics Conference was held as a hybrid meeting. The scientific committee selected the topic of rare diseases: experimental models & delivery of therapies as the main thematic ...

Sedláček, Radislav
Ústav molekulární genetiky, 2022

NIVB Meeting 2022
Šímová, Šárka
2022 - English
The first annual meeting of the National Institute of Virology and Bacteriology (NIVB) in Kutná Hora on 30.11.–2.12. is an opportunity for participating teams to meet, discuss excellent science, establish collaborations, and introduce the project to the members of our newly established International Science Advisory Board. The primary objective of NIVB is to mediate the cooperation among the 28 participating research teams from 8 Czech research institutions: Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Institute of Molecular Genetic, and Biological Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Charles University in Prague, Masaryk University in Brno, the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, and Palacký University in Olomouc. We are delighted that it was possible to arrange the meeting of all the participating research groups, which reflects the scientific breadth of NIVB. The research interests of the participating groups can be broadly assigned into the programs of (1) Pathogen-host interactions, (2) Immunity against viruses and bacteria, and (3) Treatments for viral and bacterial infections. We thank all participants for contributing 28 presentations and 65 posters to the meeting. This conference is a pioneering endeavor, the first meeting that will bridge the virology and bacteriology communities from the Czech Republic. While the research interests of all the participating groups are focused on virology and bacteriology, the contributing laboratories are very diverse in the research methodologies they employ. Therefore, the meeting has the potential to enable the establishment of new scientific collaborations among the participating teams, which is the main objective of NIVB.\nNIVB Meeting 2022 has the ambition to launch a new series of annual meetings on virology and bacteriology and aims at informing wider scientific community about new development, trends and issues in these scientific fields. Keywords: virology; bacteriology; National Institute of Virology and Bacteriology (NIVB); NIVB meeting Available in digital repository of the ASCR
NIVB Meeting 2022

The first annual meeting of the National Institute of Virology and Bacteriology (NIVB) in Kutná Hora on 30.11.–2.12. is an opportunity for participating teams to meet, discuss excellent science, ...

Šímová, Šárka
Ústav organické chemie a biochemie, 2022

Quo Vaditis Agriculture, Forestry and Society under Global Change? From understanding past and present Earth´s processes to adaptations for the future
Šprtová, Miroslava; Bartošová, Lenka; Acosta, Manuel; Klem, Karel; Leventon, Julia; Červený, Jan
2022 - English
International conference „Quo vaditis agriculture, forestry and society under Global Change? From understanding past and present Earth’s processes to adaptations for the future“, whose scientific sponsor is the European Center of Excellence CzechGlobe, should prove that science has an irreplaceable role in addressing mitigation and adaptation to climate change, in meeting international commitments to climate change and tasks of the EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change. Keywords: agriculture; forestry; climate changes; proceedings of conferences Available at various institutes of the ASCR
Quo Vaditis Agriculture, Forestry and Society under Global Change? From understanding past and present Earth´s processes to adaptations for the future

International conference „Quo vaditis agriculture, forestry and society under Global Change? From understanding past and present Earth’s processes to adaptations for the future“, whose scientific ...

Šprtová, Miroslava; Bartošová, Lenka; Acosta, Manuel; Klem, Karel; Leventon, Julia; Červený, Jan
Ústav výzkumu globální změny , 2022

XII. Czech - Slovak Conference Polymers 2022. Book of Abstracts
Chytil, Petr
2022 - English
The book of abstracts contains summaries of all contributions to the 12th Czech-Slovak Conference POLYMERS 2022, organized by the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the CAS in Třešť, October 3-6, 2022. There were 33 lectures and 14 posters presented at the conference. Keywords: macromolecular chemistry; polymer materials; polymer characterization Available at various institutes of the ASCR
XII. Czech - Slovak Conference Polymers 2022. Book of Abstracts

The book of abstracts contains summaries of all contributions to the 12th Czech-Slovak Conference POLYMERS 2022, organized by the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the CAS in Třešť, October ...

Chytil, Petr
Ústav makromolekulární chemie, 2022

Proceedings of APCE-CECE-ITP-IUPAC 2022
Foret, František; Lavická, Jana; Chung, D. S.; Drobníková, Iveta; Přikryl, Jan; Lee, H.
2022 - English
The joint International Interdisciplinary Conference of Chemical Analysis, APCE-CECE-ITP-IUPAC 2022, comprising the 18th Asia Pacific International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Analyses, the 17th International Interdisciplinary Meeting on Bioanalysis, the 28th International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid Phase-Separation Techniques, and IUPAC Special Symposia by Division of Chemistry and the Environment, provided full texts of 108 oral and 54 poster presentations. The attached conference proceedings, edited by highly cited scientists, document the quality of the meeting. Similarly to previous years, the lectures were given by distinguished scientists. The list of speakers as well as more detailed information about the conference can be found on its permanent web at or in the proceedings published in Separations ( Keywords: interdisciplinary meeting; analytical chemistry; separation sciences; microfluidics; environmental analyses Fulltext is available at external website.
Proceedings of APCE-CECE-ITP-IUPAC 2022

The joint International Interdisciplinary Conference of Chemical Analysis, APCE-CECE-ITP-IUPAC 2022, comprising the 18th Asia Pacific International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Analyses, ...

Foret, František; Lavická, Jana; Chung, D. S.; Drobníková, Iveta; Přikryl, Jan; Lee, H.
Ústav analytické chemie, 2022

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