Number of found documents: 252
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Southern Gothic in the works of Flannery O'Connor and Carson McCullers
Fantová, Monika; Bubíková, Šárka; Kleprlík, Michal
2017 - English
The main aim of this master thesis is to analyse the short stories of Flannery O‘Connor and Carson McCullers with the attention being paid to the gothic elements of violence, loneliness and freakishness. Since the authors were the most prominent writers of the American Southern literature, the general characterization of the American South and its socio-historical context are provided. The theoretical part deals with the Southern literature and its phenomenon of the twentieth century, the Southern Renaissance. The terms Southern Gothic and grotesque are also clarified. The analytical part discusses the short stories ―The Ballad of the Sad Café‖ and ―A Good Man Is Hard To Find.‖ Keywords: Flannery O'Connorová; Carson McCullersová; jižanská renesance; americký Jih; gotika; jižanská gotika; groteskno; násilí; osamocení; podivínství; Flannery O'Connor; Carson McCullers; The Southern Renaissance; The American South; Gothic; Southern Gothic; Grotesque; violence; loneliness; freakishness Available in the UPCE Library.
Southern Gothic in the works of Flannery O'Connor and Carson McCullers

The main aim of this master thesis is to analyse the short stories of Flannery O‘Connor and Carson McCullers with the attention being paid to the gothic elements of violence, loneliness and ...

Fantová, Monika; Bubíková, Šárka; Kleprlík, Michal
Univerzita Pardubice, 2017

Evaluation of conditions of life of inhabitants in the Middle East Region with focus on Bahrain
A.Rasool, Mahmood Husain Mohamed; Komárková, Jitka; Kopáčková, Hana
2017 - English
The aim of the thesis to is to evaluate conditions life of inhabitants and contribute for having a better view about living conditions in the Middle East (Arabian Peninsula) and explain the concept of quality of life and their measure. An attention is paid to the situation in Bahrain. Keywords: Quality of life; Middle East; Bahrain; standard of living; Human development index; Arabian Peninsula; Kvalita života; Střední východ; Bahrajn; životní úroveň; Index lidského rozvoje; Arabský poloostrov Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Evaluation of conditions of life of inhabitants in the Middle East Region with focus on Bahrain

The aim of the thesis to is to evaluate conditions life of inhabitants and contribute for having a better view about living conditions in the Middle East (Arabian Peninsula) and explain the concept of ...

A.Rasool, Mahmood Husain Mohamed; Komárková, Jitka; Kopáčková, Hana
Univerzita Pardubice, 2017

Teaching English to Very Young Learners
Hrdá, Michaela; Černá, Monika; Reimannová, Irena
2017 - English
This diploma thesis deals with teaching English to very young learners in the Czech republic. The theoretical part commences contextualization of very early English teaching, followed by characterization of very young learners', their language acquisition and development. Next section discusses advantages and potential drawbacks of very early English teaching, based on foreign as well as Czech researches. Subsequently, the author formulates underlining theoretical input relevant for very early English teaching, focused on didactic principles. The practical part consists of an empirical research, which with the help of structural observation and semi-structured interview, aims on finding out how and to what extent are the chosen principles for teaching English language to very young learners followed in the practice in chosen nurseries and basic schools. Keywords: ranná výuka anglického jazyka; předškolní děti; hypotéza kritického období osvojování jazyka; didaktické principy velmi rané výuky; tiché období; very early English teaching; very young learners; critical period hypothesis language acquisition; didactic principles of very early English teaching; silent period Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Teaching English to Very Young Learners

This diploma thesis deals with teaching English to very young learners in the Czech republic. The theoretical part commences contextualization of very early English teaching, followed by ...

Hrdá, Michaela; Černá, Monika; Reimannová, Irena
Univerzita Pardubice, 2017

Aims in ELT. A comparison study between Yemen and the Czech Republic.
Ibrahim, Khadija; Zitková, Helena; Reimannová, Irena
2017 - English
This diploma paper deals mainly with aims of English language teaching. The investigation primarily aims at determining and comparing the aims of ELT specified for the Secondary Education in both countries, Yemen and the Czech Republic. Therefore, it is an attempt to examine if these aims are clearly stated as well as to explore in which curricular document they are exactly stated. Furthermore, it tries to explore and points out the general aims represented in the key competencies. It is worth noting that, the comparison between both countries is to determine the similarities and the differences between them. Keywords: výukové cíle; kurikulární dokumenty; Jemen; Česká republika; komparativní studie; Bloomova taxonomie cílů; aims; ELT; curricular documents; Yemen; Czech Republic; comparative study; Bloom's revised taxonomy Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Aims in ELT. A comparison study between Yemen and the Czech Republic.

This diploma paper deals mainly with aims of English language teaching. The investigation primarily aims at determining and comparing the aims of ELT specified for the Secondary Education in both ...

Ibrahim, Khadija; Zitková, Helena; Reimannová, Irena
Univerzita Pardubice, 2017

Implementation of a high-level control system for a teaching aid aimed as a supporting tool when teaching state-space search method
Majerík, Filip; Škrabánek, Pavel; Šilar, Zdeněk
2017 - English
This master thesis is focused to the object detection in a real time using the OpenCV library. At first is described the basis of path-planning and path-planning algorithms. Next are described a basic techniques for an image processing and a basic principles for the image detection. Last is analysis of a problem and a software design with its implementation as teaching aid high-level control system software. Keywords: Počítačové vidění; umělá inteligence; plánovací algoritmy; plánování cesty; zpracování obrazu; Computer vision; artificial intelligence; path-plan algorithms; path-planning; image processing Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Implementation of a high-level control system for a teaching aid aimed as a supporting tool when teaching state-space search method

This master thesis is focused to the object detection in a real time using the OpenCV library. At first is described the basis of path-planning and path-planning algorithms. Next are described a basic ...

Majerík, Filip; Škrabánek, Pavel; Šilar, Zdeněk
Univerzita Pardubice, 2017

Effect of innovation and research activities on regional development
Anderson, Henry Junior; Svoboda, Ondřej; Maštálka, Martin
2017 - English
Innovation and research activity of the region is an important determinant of regional development. Innovation and research have been billed to play an active part in product development, process development and extensively regional economic development. The aim of this research thereof, is to identify the impact of innovation and research activities in NUTS 2 regions in the European Union for European Union policy making and knowledge of regions with better innovation performance on regional development. First research hypothesis constructed supposes that "there is a positive and significant relationship between R & D inputs and regional innovation. Second hypothesis constructed was also established that "there is a positive and direct impact between regional innovation and regional development". Linear regression was used to assess the measure of innovation, that is patent with regional development indicators- Real GDP per capita, employment rate and Disposable income. The entire 274 NUTS 2 regions were the sample assessed in this research with particular focus on regional policy structuring in the European Union. However, the regions were classified into Northern, Western, Eastern and Southern EU NUTS 2 regions. It was discovered Eastern EU NUTS 2 regions had relatively almost the same impact on Real GDP/capita as Northern and Western and Southern regions in 2007. However, although disposable income of Northern and Eastern EU NUTS 2 regions recorded experienced quite higher impact by patents in both 2007 and 2012, it could not be concluded to be better than Western and Southern regions due to unforeseen impact of non-monetary Research and Development processes in the regions. Employment rate rather, had almost no impact from patents for all classified regions in both 2007 and 2012. Keywords: innovation; patent; research and development; gross domestic product per capita; research and development expenditure; regional development Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Effect of innovation and research activities on regional development

Innovation and research activity of the region is an important determinant of regional development. Innovation and research have been billed to play an active part in product development, process ...

Anderson, Henry Junior; Svoboda, Ondřej; Maštálka, Martin
Univerzita Pardubice, 2017

Organizational Forms in ELT with Respect to Language Skills Development
Keene, Alena; Reimannová, Irena; Zitková, Helena
2017 - English
This thesis deals with the development of speaking skills as one of the aims and means of communicative competence development. Opportunities for speaking skills development are explored primarily in connection with the use of individual organizational forms, mainly group work and pair work. A strategy of collaborative action research was employed in order to increase the opportunities for speaking skills development in a particular ELT class. The thesis is divided into a practical part and a theoretical part accordingly. Keywords: speaking skills; communicative competence; speaking activities; pair work; group work; řečová dovednost mluvení; komunikační kompetence; aktivity pro rozvoj mluvení; práce ve dvojicích; skupinová práce Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Organizational Forms in ELT with Respect to Language Skills Development

This thesis deals with the development of speaking skills as one of the aims and means of communicative competence development. Opportunities for speaking skills development are explored primarily in ...

Keene, Alena; Reimannová, Irena; Zitková, Helena
Univerzita Pardubice, 2017

YouTube in Learning English as a Foreign Language: Learners' Stories
Peterová, Nikola; Reimannová, Irena; Zitková, Helena
2017 - English
This diploma thesis deals with online social media called YouTube and its role in secondary school students life. The thesis is divided into two main parts. The aim of the theoretical part is to introduce key aspects of the thesis, such as lifelong learning, interest as a source of motivation and YouTube as a modern medium used in informal learning of English language. Practical part deals with multiple-case study of secondary school students and their relationship to YouTube as a learning material. Keywords: YouTube; celoživotní vzdělávání; informální vzdělávání; zájem; YouTube; lifelong learning; informal learning; interest Available in digital repository of UPCE.
YouTube in Learning English as a Foreign Language: Learners' Stories

This diploma thesis deals with online social media called YouTube and its role in secondary school students life. The thesis is divided into two main parts. The aim of the theoretical part is to ...

Peterová, Nikola; Reimannová, Irena; Zitková, Helena
Univerzita Pardubice, 2017

Sustainable Development of EU Countries
Saforo, Samuel Kwame; Komárková, Jitka; Maštálka, Martin
2017 - English
With the 21st-century globalization, worldwide dangers to humankind coming from hundreds of years of expansionist, self-absorbed utilization practice are progressively perceived by the global community. Global warming, pollution, poverty, and other forms of biological and ecological problems becomes a modern issue, influencing international bodies and governments to create methods of sustainable living and keep up conventional human presence conditions in the world. The thesis is devoted to comparison of sustainability indicators of four selected European countries, Sweden, Estonia, The Czech Republic and Poland, to uncover depict methods for sustainability fulfillment at the national level. By comparing these four counties with Eurostat's ten sustainable indicators sets, the thesis reveals the irregularities and barriers to sustainability. Ramifications of poor adherence to EU sustainability development rules and proposals for consistence change are examined in the last segments of the thesis. Keywords: udržitelnost; indikátory udržitelnosti; globální oteplování; chudoba; znečištění; životní prostředí; sustainability; sustainability indicators; global warming; poverty; pollution; environmental Available in the UPCE Library.
Sustainable Development of EU Countries

With the 21st-century globalization, worldwide dangers to humankind coming from hundreds of years of expansionist, self-absorbed utilization practice are progressively perceived by the global ...

Saforo, Samuel Kwame; Komárková, Jitka; Maštálka, Martin
Univerzita Pardubice, 2017

Teacher's Use of English and Mother Tongue when Solving Discipline Problems
Podaná, Eliška; Zitková, Helena; Reimannová, Irena
2017 - English
This master thesis deals with the teacher's use of the English language and mother tongue when solving discipline problems. It is divided into the theoretical and practical part. The main aim of the theoretical part is to introduce the essential concepts such as mother tongue, second language, discipline, uncooperative behaviour of learners, types of misbehaviour and strategies for dealing with misbehaviour. The practical part concentrates on a multiple-case study which was carried out at one selected basic school and three teachers of the English language were involved in the study. Keywords: komunikativní kompetence; mateřský jazyk; druhý jazyk; disciplína; nevhodné chování; spolupracující a nespolupracující chování; intervenční strategie; communicative competence; mother tongue; second language; discipline; misbehaviour; cooperative and uncooperative behaviour; intervention strategies Available in digital repository of UPCE.
Teacher's Use of English and Mother Tongue when Solving Discipline Problems

This master thesis deals with the teacher's use of the English language and mother tongue when solving discipline problems. It is divided into the theoretical and practical part. The main aim of the ...

Podaná, Eliška; Zitková, Helena; Reimannová, Irena
Univerzita Pardubice, 2017

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